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Fx Female My Moderately Extreme Request


Jan 9, 2019
Hello, everyone! :) I'm Danielle, and I'm looking for any sort of hardcore BDSM style scenario that involves my character being taken and thoroughly degraded and treated as subhuman by my partner's character. This does not imply, however, that I have subhuman standards. I would love to find someone who is willing to really spend their time on the mental aspect of dominating my character as well as physically putting her in her place. I don't have hard limits on the amount which I'd like to see written. Especially in dialogue, quick back and forth doesn't necessarily lend itself well to drawn out paragraphs. But I'd more or less like something to go off of in each post.

My kinks tend to be pretty broad (and can be consulted on my f-list: F-list - Warning) but the biggest ones I would love to experience here are non-con and slavery. Especially being broken and slowly turned into a more readily obedient slave. We could spend as much time as you'd like working on the specifics of how YC came to own MC, or are about to. I'm also leaving precise roles and such here a bit vague to better tailor things to both of our tastes, but I do have a couple of basic pitches for different settings.

Fantasy/Medieval: I could be a helpless young village girl or a pampered princess who is conquered by/falls into the clutches of a powerful noblewoman, demon, or sorceress.

Sci Fi: I'm a fugitive or a colonist who's captured by an enemy or bounty hunter and pulled onto their ship where there's no hope of escape, and there are all manor of advanced technologies with which to abuse me. YC could be an alien of some sort, or another human.

Modern: I'm taken captive by some sort of wealthy megalomaniac with nearly unlimited funds and trapped in their dungeon facility where they can use me at will.

Alternate Modern: Largely the same, but slavery would be legal, so I could be used in public and such. A different sort of helplessness which also appeals to my kinks.

Anyway, I hope you see something you like, and thanks for sticking with me this far! In any case, I hope you have a lovely day/whenever! šŸ˜˜
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