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Fae Magick (Open to whom ever)

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Being so inexperienced, she pointed out with one finger. Slowly, it inched to touch at the breast, pushing the nipple like it was a button. Despite how funny it looked to have a naive girl poking at the boob, her finger was like silk to the skin and ran lightly over the nipple, each touch soft and gentle.
He simply smirked at her words. "This is not what the humans call a 'ruffie,' this is much smaller." His hand reached out, sliding it between two of her fingers for her to hold, keep if she wanted. "No, this is a very, very powerful Aphrodisiac, something that I myself made after a lot of work and research. There are no side effects, and it works in about 10 minutes, lasting until the person can get the pleasure they need." He smirked, downing his drink as he watched to see her reaction.
Kira bit her bottom lip lightly. Sure, the touch was gentle and inexperienced, but Kira had always had a rather sensitive pair of boobs. On a few occasions, some of her more skilled lovers had brought her to orgasm solely from playing with said boobs.
"S-should mine have been bigger?" She asked, looking down at her pair. They were "barely-there" A-cups. Grasshoppers didn't have breasts, so she hadn't thought they had been a necessary part of the whole girl equation when she first envisioned her humanoid body.
"No, not at all. Big boobs doesn't mean everything. Frankly, I love your petite look. If you had big knockers, you wouldn't have the same adorable, irresistible charm you do now." Kira replied, smiling.

"You're beautiful just the way you are." she added, cupping the girls corny as it was.
"Th-thanks... Y-You can do anything to me, since you're teaching me..." She blushed at the hand on her cheek. Kira may not have been the smoothest with words, but her forward and blunt personality had Maelyn pretty much eating out of the palm of her hand.
"In that case, just relax and let me take care of everything." Kira replied, stepping forward and gently kissing the nervous insect, her large breasts pressing against the fabric of Maelyns dress.
"Y-Yes Kira..." She blushed as the woman got closer and pressed her lips to hers. She knew this was a kiss, shared in intimate moments. But she was still new to the act itself, and her inexperience was showing.
"Mhmm...and you're gona just give me this thing to put in our drinks? Or is that a service I get from you being my bartender?" She questioned, looking the pill over. She blinked her eyes and they turned to a neon red as she examined the pill closer. She got more detail on the ingredients and materials used to make the pill, and with another blink her eyes went 'normal'. "Interesting little pill. This thing can be a dangerously high dosage for certain races that come in." She informed, holding the pill out to offer it back to Alex. "I can show you around before you get to work if need be." She added on.
"Either serve, sell, or give, whatever I feel like." He shrugged. "You can have that one, if you wish. I think it would be a perfect dosage for you. And there is no such thing as too big of a dose or overdose. It just will make it work faster or slower." He heard her offer about being shown around, and he shook his head. "No, I'm sure I will find my way around here soon enough. Thank you, however."
She then flipped the pill up into the air and caught it in her hand, putting it into a pocket that opened up on the side of her dress then closed over. "Why thank ya. So, if you want you can start up now, or just hand about. Either way," She said than smacked the counter, a piece of the counter fading away, "Just walk right through there." She said, the opening only visible to Alex. "Now, if you don't mind, I need to head out and greet a few more guests. If you need me, I will most likely be here at the bar or at the entrance." She said with a smirk and walked to the door.
A graceful, unassuming figure ghosted through the night not too far from the club. There was a brief scream, smothered by a well placed hand, and a moment later a body dropped silently to the ground. The would be mugger had received more than he had bargained for when Sean allowed himself to be followed through the night. Moonlight caught a pair of blood glistened fangs as he smiled and departed the scene without a trace. The night was still young and he wished to learn as much as he could of this new city, a rare sight he had not yet visited in his long lifetime. As he strolled through the sparsely populated street he caught on to something which immediately grabbed his attention. The long sleeved shirt he had left unbuttoned over a dark red tee caught in the wind as he slipped soundlessly through a side street, moving towards some preternatural source of being he had sensed. Ahead there was a club of some sort, the words 'Fae Magick' proclaimed above the doors. 'How charming.' he thought, wondering if it was simply a mortal play on words, though he knew something, at least, was within that was not so. Legs garbed in black jeans glided him up the steps, a smile adorning his face as he reached for the door and pushed it open to step inside.
He saw that part of the counter disappeared as she invited him to start up word, but he ignored it. He simply launched himself up, flipping over the counter and landing perfectly on the other side after his hair brushed the countertop from the flip. He watched her walk away, cursing his luck. He was hoping she would have taken the pill, but maybe another time. He picked up one of the nearby bottles and started playing with it, throwing up and spinning, catching and doing tosses back and forth.
She smirked as he leaped over the counter, the faded area reappearing to his sight now that he stood behind it. She made her way to the entrance and stood there in preparation for the new guest. When he opened the door, she was standing as if waiting for him to come by. "Welcome to Fae Magick, the club for all forms of beings. Come in, come in. It is an honor to have yet another patron to my club." She said with a smirk, holding her hands to welcome the new being in. "Need any drinks, the bar is right over there, want some dancer they are all over on the stands and some table, we also offer escort services in the back area. I do hope you enjoy your stay." She said with a nod.
A pair of emerald chips quickly surveyed the club, though their attention was centered upon the delightful woman which greeted him. Already he felt something different about her, those age old senses creeping out about her and the other patrons. There was another vampire as well, certainly the reason he had felt this place to begin with, and other species, humans included. It seemed to Sean that her words were certainly true. "Thank you, quite much, but the honor is mine ma cherie." he replied, freely exposing the tips of those pearly white fangs as he smiled. In the blink of a human eye he had gracefully stepped up to her, though remaining a comfortable distance away, and boldly took one of her hands so that he could bow his head over it and brush the back of her hand with his lips. "'Tis but a favor Lady Luck had granted me that I would meet such a beauty on this night."
Faeren smirked at the vampire's flirting of her, and knew it was the simple magic of her beauty, but didn't mind it none the less. Not matter what she did, the Fae Aura around her would always attract beings to her, male or female. It was also hard to tell if a Fae was male or female, though their spirits did have a gender to them, it was one of three 'gender's in fact, but their physical form was normally known as a lie, as they could normally change it to what ever they wished. She nodded back to him, "Please, come in, have a drink, enjoy your stay. We are open from 'Dusk Till Dawn', and longer." She said, using a pun on a human movie she had seen a long while back.​
Romantic[Dream] said:
"Y-Yes Kira..." She blushed as the woman got closer and pressed her lips to hers. She knew this was a kiss, shared in intimate moments. But she was still new to the act itself, and her inexperience was showing.
Kira withdrew after a bit, smiling.

"That would be my first ever kiss with an insect person like yourself." Kira said, lightly licking her lips, savoring the new taste.
"Um... First... ever..." She blushed intensely. Maelyn pursed hr lips, a weird tingling still there from the sensation of her first kiss. "I wasn't... Bad? Right?"
As old as he was, though far from being one of the Ancients, Sean was quite strong, which had been initially helped by the fact that his creator was, at the time Sean was reborn, twice the age Sean currently was and had made barely a handful of vampires before him. Fae magic, and most magic in the world, was not new to him and he chuckled softly. Magic or no his actions were but a part of himself, and while her aura obviously gifted her beauty Sean could have truly cared less if she had been any gender in particular. He had used to wonder if his attraction to beauty itself was a result of becoming a vampire, but he supposed that there was a hint of it in his former life as well. The reference was not lost on him, though to Sean it conjured up memories of the terrible disservice Hollywood had done to his race. "I certainly shall. Until another time." he replied simply and inclined his head to her before parting and turning his attention to the bar, glad to not have to act quite so human like as he walked with that preternatural grace of his kind.
"No, not at all. You weren't bad in the least for your first time, and you'll only get better." Kira replied, smiling as she rested her hands gently on Maelyns shoulders. Of course, teaching a naive young grasshopper about sex wasn't her actual job, but what the hey, she wasn't charging her and they both seemed to be liking it.
"Thank you..." She smiled softly and put her hands on the lady's hips. Maelyn moved in closer and planted her lips on Kira's softly, for a second kiss, wanting to get better immediately.
Kira was a bit surprised by the forward move, but didn't mind in the least. Maelyns eagerness to get better was just another thing Kira found appealing about her. Normally, she spend time with more experienced people in intimate regards, but Maelyns cute, adorable naivety appealed more to her than any amount of sexual experienced would.
"So uh..." Maelyn was blushing again as she started undoing the green ribbons that held her dress to her body, until it all slid off her body easily, leaving her in just her green legging and armbands. She bit her lower lip as she presented her petite body to Kira. "You really like this?"
"I sure do. You're a very sexy girl." Kira replied, taking a step back to get a good view of the girl in front of her.

Smiling, she took a seat on the cushioned area, that was sorta of like a bed, obviously meant for intimate encounters.

"Come join me." she said with a smile, patting a spot next to her.
"Alright." She nodded and almost hopped over. Maelyn was starting to fill with energy now for whatever reason. The girl sat next to her very experienced partner, nervous, but willing.
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