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Millionaires, step on up!

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Feb 18, 2009
Alright, basically the idea is this. There's a black market organization that only millionaires know about because they're the only ones that can afford it. They contact the organization and request a form that's sent to them. The form contains questions about certain criteria they're looking for in a girl. Eye color, hair color, height, weight, personality, demeanor, nationality, etc. The organization then goes out and looks for a girl that matches that criteria perfectly and takes her to give her to the millionaire with the corresponding form.

This is a rough idea and someone told me it would work better as a group roleplay. I think it would as well. If you're interested, first tell me if you want to play a millionaire, a girl, or someone that works for the organization. The people that work for the agency will be in charge of capturing the girls so you need to be creative and adaptable in that sense. PM me if interested or reply to this thread. ^_^
Name: Katrina
Code Name: Moon Lily
Master: TBD
Position: TBD but ATM slave girl
History: Katrina was the average collage student till one night when she was hanging out with some girls friends she passed out and woke up in a strange place. Now she is slave girl trained and ready to be sold when the time comes. She is very shy but is willing to please and obey.
If resumès still being accepted for girl-catchers, let me officially throw my hat in the ring. ^^
Wonderful! You can either make a profile here or PM me it ^_^
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