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Fx Any Plot and Character Repository(Updated 7/26/24)



Jul 11, 2018
Hi, Hello, How are 'ya? I'm Bone_King, or Bone if you prefer. been RPing for near a decade by this point, and am a bit a perv and looking to try out this way of organizing plots and characters, see what I can reel in. So here is some stuff to keep in mind:
  • Length: I default to about 1-3 paragraphs and hope that you can match. Longer can cause me to take much longer to respond, and shorter, depending on content, can kind of just bore me, but willing to try. I'm not too much a snob, I think, but just noticed I had more fun, and stayed in, around this way.
  • Medium: Blue moon, PMs. Not interested in discord, sorry!
  • Grammar: Keep it readable English, and I'm good. I will try to do the same, but mistakes happen for everyone.
  • Frequencey: Life happens. I'm a student and currently employed so I should know. Would Like at least once every few days, but willing to go about two weeks with no word. Then, I drop it, or feel free to drop me. Obviously willing to work things out if that pesky thing RL shows up with enough warning though.
  • Ratio: Ideally it'd 50:50, but given my nethers have a habit of grabbing the steering wheel, it can dive to 60:40 in smut's favor. And the fact the plots are pretty porny in my head doesn't help.
  • A Key piece-ANTI-NTR: TL;DR of the impending rant: The the vic gets at least a fighting chance to bring his/her lover back. Okay, rant time. Now for those not in the know, NTR stands for Netorare, or Girlfriend stealing. Basically some asshole steals the girlfriend, makes them their personal cumdump. Now I'm a fan of corruption, mind break and general fucked up shit, but one thing gets my damn craw. In these roleplays, the guy does....NOTHING! Absolutely, fucking NOTHING! it is a rare day in hell they even throw a punch! It drives me absolutely batty! I wouldn't mind so much if actual effort was made! But not with these babies! Here, while a bad end is entirely possible, there is at least a fighting chance for a happy ending. Okay, I'm done.
  • Light vs Dark: I would say Gray. While these will have dark moments, there will be Light too. I like my Sweet and Sour~.
  • Image Issues? Try opening the link incognito window.
  • On My Characters: They are for my use, though are open if you want to use them. I would prefer you use your own, however.
  • A matter of Taste:
    • Faves(in no particular order):-My special ver. of NTR(which I hope you saw)
      -Vanilla(A little romance is nice, be it yuri or straight)
      -Forbidden locals(Schools, offices, trains, etc.)
      -Corruption(twisting a good girl bad)
      -Mind Break(to aid the above)
      -Groping(Touching sentive spots is fun~)
      -Exhibitionism(Showing offa nude female in public can be quite exciting no?)
      -Latex-y outfits(Leotards, Swimsuits, Superhero outfits, etc.)
      -Dub/Non-con(A villain isn't going to ask)
      -Generally lighter and darker kinky stuff)
      Don't you dare
      -Snuff/gore(In other stuff? sure, depending)
      -Bathroom Stuff(If it goes into the toilet, it stays there)
      -fisting(Putting a whole hand in there? no thanks)
      -Hard vore(see snuff/gore. so long as they survive, can be convinced to do soft vore)
      -loli/shota(Teens? yes please. Kids? fuck off)
      -petplay/pony/really hard BDSM/etc(not my cup of tea.)
      -feet(Just why?)
      -straight up NTR(At least put up fight!)
      -Amputee/Amputation(falls under gore for me.)
      -Gags(limits what I can do.)
      -Anthro(Straight up furry levels. Fine with just some animal traits like paws, ears and/or tail)
      -Generally really out there, gross and bloody stuff​
Well, that's all, Hope to see you take something up!
Plot-End of a Heroine:A tale of a heroine close to hanging up her cape for good, so she settle in fully with her beau and on medical grounds. However, The super villain she faces down manages to finally to entrap her, and use her for their own ends. Now Comes the civy's part. Will they step up to the plate and save their lover, or will they Fall to the might of the villain?

My Characters-
Name: Atlanta "Argonaut" Aarons
Villain Name-Gorgon
Age: 26
Power-As a hero, she posses Super Human Strength, Agility and Near Invulnerability, and superior intelligence, affinity for greek syyle weapons. Weakness is that she has multiple spots that are like achilies Heel and The fact she has the blood of gorgons in her veins as well, making her vulnerable to curses.


(Has various weapons seemingly poking out of her)
Hero- Kind, Honorable, A lover of battle, proud, A bit horny but sappy romantic, Protective, bit of a big sis type, quite the pervert in bed thanks to dulled sense of touch as a side effect of her invulnerability.
Villain- A heartless, predatory woman who loves to create blood and havoc for all those around her, quite salacious, and fully open pervert.
Kinks: Masochist, Groping, Large insertions, Name calling, Being made to submit, rough, ahego, Latex, BDSM, etc.
Origin: Atlanta grew up fairly normally, the though the red headed beauty was always gifted. She was tougher and stronger than others, and was always ahead of class, and just felt a bit lonely. This was until a trip to a museuem with a warriors through the ages exhibit was attacked by a villain. She felt her deep buried instinct of the various legendary heroic ancestors, Achillies, Heracles, and Odysseus, and Jason. That was the day Argo was born.

Name: Phoebe "Paragon" Pren
Age: 27
Power- Super strength, Speed and flight with moderate energy projection capabilities. Contamination absorbing and de-mutantization material can drain her powers.


(Blue hair and domino mask)

Hero- The young woman is the ideal heroine, selfless, A big heart, Caring, Brave, Willful, easy to fluster out of her costume, a hero geek, Sappy romantic, very reliant on her hero identity for a sense of purpose
Villain- A Ruthless, Selfish, nihilistic, A bit of a charmer, loathes heroes, has bit of her old self in there.
Kinks: Groping, Sadomasohist, switch, Blindfolds, Roleplay, Latex, costumes, Outdoors,etc.
Origin: Phoebe was always the type who wanted to be a hero. she is the one who would constantly pull dangerous stunts to unlock her powers, only to come to the realization she had none to unlock, and her physical frailty meant she was unlikely able to train herself in any skill that she could refine to a extraordinary degree or any talent with creating gadgets or power armor. She drifted through life after that, no great goal in mind. That was, until one day on her way to work after dropping out of college, she got into an accident. Whatever was in the truck that collided with her, it leaked into her totaled old jolapy and changed her. granted her the ability to change into a new form, one that can be a hero. And thus, Paragon was born.

Name: Kimberly "Gallant Knight" Grant
Age: 27
Power-Power Armor that grants super strength, flight, energy protection and durability and numerous gadgets and software suites. Control scheme is a nuearal uplink net that can give her quite the shock and a cooling issue she never quite solve left her with a limited time, the longest nude, inside the armor.

(Silver hair, bags under her eyes)


Hero-Workaholic, Extremely driven, Caring, can be a bit grumpy, skilled in the boardroom(even if she hates being there), Love of tinkering, Brave, clever, Pretty selfless, has some mad scientist tendencies, Has a slight complex about her chest size, pretty pervy.
Villain-Full on mad scientist without an ounce of concious or humanity in regards to anyone else, proud of her expanded chest, still retains her old skills, mega-perv., has some embers of her old self still rattling in her.
Kinks: Electricity, Heat play, wax, ice play, masochist, toys, latex, etc.
Origin: Born without Powers and a knack to work with machinery, she was starting to get to work on a suit she could use, the branching off tech becoming the foundation for her multi-million company, Grant Technologies. Eventually the Knight Mk.I was form as her initial suit, and under the guise of her name Gallant Knight, has taken to the world to protect it, much like the image of the knights of old.

Name: Dianna "Doctor Occult" Oak
Power: A master of various mystical arts. Weakness is that its the only source of power she has.


(Butterfly mask on.)

Hero-Motherly, Sarcastic, Loves to study and teach, Inquisitive, A lover of the romantic, a tease, inexprienced in the bedroom
Villain- A secretive, very perverted , and amoral sorceress who is always in the pursuit of greater power.
Kinks: Ritualistic, Ropes, Groping, Cow girl, Large insertions, Switch, Bitch breaking, Shibari, outdoors, etc.
Origin: Born a normal, directionless girl with an inquisitive mind. She dove into all sorts of subjects, magic and occult in particular holding her interests. Then, in college, she was caught up in a convience store hold up, where her latent talent for magic awakened, and she unleashed it on the would-be robber. That was the night where Dianna would eventually become a Professor of the Occult and a well respected one at that. And it was the Night the magic heroine Dr. Occult was born.

Name: Amanda ____ nee. Bright
Age: 25

Personality: Supportive, kind, Goes with the flow, Very loving, A bit of a worrywart, has a suprisingly strong will, pervy.
Kinks: Groping, outdoors, Slightly sadistic, A kind dom, Latex, costumes, roleplay, etc.
History: A young woman who was a office drone for an insurance company. She had a normal life until, one night when taking a shortcut through an alley there was an attempted mugging of her. She would've probably ended up in the hospital, if not for the hero. A chance encounter as a civilian led to friendship, then love. A nice wedding later, they were quite the married couple.

Name:Aiden Shaw
Age: 26


Personality: Supportive, hard worker, Very loving, goes with the flow, Worry's over his wife, surprisingly willful when it counts, a romantic, pervy.
Kinks:Groping, Rough, a nice Dom, outdoors, Costumes, roleplay, ropes, etc.
History: A young man who was working through the office ranks until they were caught up in a hold-up. Luckily he was saved by a heroine. Who happened to be a co-worker when in her civilian identity. Cue an office romance and marriage.
BFFF: A tale of two childhood friends, one not that strong and kind of wimpy, but is one of those people who can calm and act as a pretty good anchor emotionally speaking. The other is more physically capable(Sportsy type, Tom Boy, Delinquent or Disciplinary Head), and they are even new lovers. However, a Bully and blackmailer has harassing the former, with the latter getting in the way. Though he has plans that may come to fruition, or rot on the vine is up to the anchor.

My Characters
The Best Friend
Name: Catrina Kirk
5 (1).jpg
Catrina Kirk Alt2 Alt3 Alt4
Personality: Competitive, big sisterly, very Athletic, not extremely book smart, Very protective, Insecure about her condition and Femininity, bit of a perv.
Kinks: Uniforms, Sex games, getting groped, Ahego, Vaginal, Oral, Anal, Exhbitionist, Rough, gentle, iceplay, sweat, Hair pulling, Latex, Sub, Masochist, Climax denial etc.
History: A young woman that has been the star of the school's athletic teams, whether it be Gymnastics, Basketball, Swimming, karate or Track and Field. This earned the young woman quite the reputation and was fairly well liked. It is always a mystery why she hung out with The wimpy kid so much. Said Wimp wasn't at the bottom, but no where near the top, and seemed pretty unlike her. Little did they know of the bond they share, her trust whenever her Neural Shock Syndrome acted up, them making sure she got out the otherside the same. And a few secret hobbies and active romantic and sexual relationship.

Name: Kodi Lake
Age: 16

Personality: By the Book, A bit aloof, extremely protective, Has buttons that easily fluster her, Decent in book smarts, Cares dearly for those close to her, Suprisingly Sappy romantic and Perverted, Self-concious regarding her condition and her lack of feminity.
Kinks: Groping, public areas, very masochistic, DP, BDSM, Blindfolds, Oral, vaginal, anal, boob job, bukakke, Ahego, etc.
History: Kodi has always been the goody-two-shoes and a keeper of order, though not to the degree of being a tyrant. It was only natural she ended up on the disciplinary committee when it was time for high school. Still, they were always rather tender around their Lover, who was always caring and understanding of her. The two have also been rather frisky since the relationship started, in spite of her nueral shock syndrome.

Name:Alexis Rodi
Alexis Rodi
Personality: Short fused, always up for a fight, A slacker, Has tendency to rebel against authority, prickly, Is suprisingly tender hearted, A bit bugged by her lack of femninity, Loathes her condition, Pervy
Kinks: Groping, rough, masochist(not that she'd ever admit it), "Dom"(Sub), Fights for dominance, Outdoors, public areas, etc.
History: The young woman has always been a ball of trouble. Rebelling hard against her nueral shock and an uneasy home life has led to her acting out against the authority and the world to a degree. Still, she has a calming presence that anchors her and gets her to play nice. As lovers, she even slowly being reformed after a period away from her childhood friend. Though, she is still quite rowdy and a trouble maker.

Name: Tori Gale
Tori Gale 1 2 3
Personality: Very much like big sister, Slightly slacker, rather active, Average booksmarts, Self concious about her conscious and especially her lack of feminity, pretty pervy
Kinks:Groping, Doggy style, Rough, Ahego, Public areas, BDSM, Sub, masochist, Hair pulling, etc.
History: Tori was never like most girls. She was bever afraid of a creepy crawly, and willing to rough house and get dirty. She strangely took to a rather bookish kid, and in time they would spend quite the bit of time together, her protecting him from bullies, him protecting when her nueral shock acted up. And this blossomed into quite the steamy romance.

The Wimp
Name: Katey Moore
Personality: Very shy, rather frilly girly, supportive, Bookish, wimpy on the surface, Has a hidden steely will, Sappy romntic, suprisingly pervy.
Kinks: Dom, sadist, ribbons, pubkic areas , Groping, BDSM, toys rough and gentle, oral, anal, vaginal, etc.
History: Katey was always the bottom of the totem pole. The girl always seemed to have a target on her back since day one, and was easily cowed by it. still while she would bend, she would never break, seemingly thanks to the protection of her childhood friend, who would become her girlfriend. She in turn always was supportive, and made sure she would come out of her episodes in one piece and much like she had been before.

Name: Corey Vale
Personality:Geeky, Shy, Very intelligent, Sappy romantic, pretty wimpy, Perverted, Has buried Iron will
Kinks: Groping, Dom, public areas, Rough, Sadist, BDSM, vaginal, oral, anal, etc.
History: Corey was the scrawny geek that got hit with a great number of bullying. He was the type to bend, rather than break, however. He was protected by the girl who he would make a girlfriend and loved dearly.

Special Notes:
Nueral Shock Disorder- A (hopefully) made up nuerological disorder where a prolonged exposure to major touch stimuli or a sudden intense spike of said stimuli can overload her brain, putting her in a state similar to a stupor and hypnosis, where its rather easy to insert traits into her subconcious to bleed out and alter who she is.
Teacher-Student Relations: In a countryside private school, and rather rigerous and prestigious too. In the school a rumor has spread of a "naked ghost" that wanders around campus. In truth it is a girl who has been on the mend from a stress induced meltdown, having found a way to relax. When her favorite finds out and an affair starts up, can they keep up the secret?

My Characters
Name:Bianca Carter
Bianca Carter 1
Personality: Anxious, Extremely book smart, kind, Naive, Closeted Pervert, Views her intelligence as a curse, socially awkward, has dark fantasies.
Kinks:Rough, oral, vaginal, anal, Groping, exhibitionist, humiliation, Ahego, BDSM, Masochist, Submissive, Blackmail, corruption, Bimbofication, Roleplay, etc.
History: The young woman was the child of a family known for overachieving and faced pressure from her family to do likewise. For a time she was able to keep up with said expectation, fear lighting a nice fire under her ass to do so in the private schools her family sent her to. However, she finally suffered a grade slip, which caused a mental health meltdown that just exacerbated the tumbling grades. It was during an attempt to use excersize to manage her stress that a missing clothes incident, which she was forced to walk back to her dorm nude that her method of relief was discovered. And by uncanny ability to avoid clean photo shots being taken and keeping her distance from people, the rumor of a naked ghost girl was born.
Name: Miranda Ross
Age: 24
Miranda Ross 2
Personality: Caring, Understanding, Strict but Fair in the classroom, Rather laidback outside of it, A Romantic and Pervert, very protective of her students and girlfriend.
Kinks: Groping, Motherly Dom, Sadist, Exhibitionist/Risky Places, BDSM, Toys, Roleplay, etc.
History: A young woman who excelled in the academic world and was able to get a a job involving teaching and studying psychology. For a few years, she was able to work with little issue, though made some enemies in the old guard, which eventually got her the boot. She was able to secure a job teaching at a private academy for high school age girls. And she has taken to the girls quite a bit.

Name: Jason Benson
Age: 29
Personality: Pretty unflappable, Brilliant Historian, Caring for his students, Generally laid back, protective of students, A romantic and pervert, protective of his students.
Kinks: Rough, Exhibitonist/risky places, BDSM, Dom, Sadist, Blind folds, Roleplays, etc.
History: The guy was once a rather renowned young historian. He breezed through academia and was often one to go out and into the field on numerous digs. However he was given the boot due to a few small scadals inflamed by those who came to hate him due to office politics. Still he was able to go to the academy for work instead.
Idolatrous Scandal : A relationship that would give any journalist a field day. A number one idol(or rocker), engaged in a relationship with a punk(or girly) girl type. A sleezy journalist working for a tabloid happens across it, but is willing to stay quiet, for a price. Now will the target be saved and avoid a career ender, or a rather nasty fate await them?

My Characters
Name: Layla "Lacey Bright" Brooks
Age: 19-25
Personality: To the public she is a happy go lucky, energetic, Loves to sing and perform, a bit of an airhead, and A party animal. Out of the spotlight, while she loves to sing and dance and she is pretty cheerful, She is much more reserved and intelligent, plus while she acts bashful and inexprienced in romance and not wanting anything to do with actual sex, is quite the sappy romantic and pervert.
Kinks: Switch, Sadomasochism, Exhibitonist/Risky Places, toys, Groping, Latex,blindfolds, Large insertions, etc.
History: A Shy girl growing up with a talent for music, she often kept mostly to herself and her few friends. She was content to be a face in the crowd, if that. However, her girlfriend signed her up to one of those talent TV show, trying to help her get some confidence. She won and quickly rose to stardom. Though due to the nature of how she was marketed, the true nature of her relationship with her girlfriend secret thanks to how the record label marketed her.

Name:Courtney "Creepy Killer" Kresnick
Personality: On stage, she is a a short fused, rebellious, Aggressive punk who doesn't need anyone and will butt heads with the suits any chance she gets. In reality, while definetly retty coarse and rough around the edges, she is much more tender, compassionate and while a bit of a hot head, willing to compromise with management and is quite gentle. She is also quite the romantic and a pervert in bed.
Kinks: Vag, oral, anal, switch, sadomasochist, Groping, Latex, Large insertions, etc.
History: Born in a rough neighborhood and and to a rather explosive home, she didn't have an easy time growing up. While she did get in some fights and expiremented, she was never one to fall into the pits that claim most from her neck of the woods. However, her primary outlet was music, and one night playing for a hole in the wall bar, she got scouted, and quicklypicked up and rose to the top of the charts. And during this time she would come to meet and fall in love with her #1 fan. Though thanks to marketing and disapproval of parents, they keep it under wraps.

Name: Tammy Tenison
Personality: Sweet, Very supportive, A romantic, Good with acting and networking, Can be manipulated when panicked, a pervert, very girly
Kinks:Switch, Sadomasochist, Latex, Sensual, Groping, Vaginal, oral, anal, toys, Large insertions, blackmail, corruption, etc
History: The child of a rather prominent family in the world of business, and was raised in a manner similar to what you would expect. During a meeting to invest in the company, a top rocker was used to demonstrate why they should They became fast friends and soon were in a secret relationship, despite her parent's objections.

Name: Jamie Jackson
Personality: Rough and tumble, Caring, good at acting, brash, Quite the romantic, pervy, Rather protective, can be manipulated if right buttons are pushed.
Kinks: Switch, Sadmasochist, Exhibitionist, latex, Sensual, groping, vaginal, oral, anal, rough, toys, blackmail, corruption, etc
History: A girl who was always a rather rowdy one, and found her punk self tied to one shy girl, often being the protector and encourage her. Shortly after graduating high school, She saw that she was still rather withdrawn. So she signed up her friend behind her back, and said friend won. So the burgeoning romance had to go under wraps, but she's always helping out.
The Military Love: A soldier once was reluctantly dragged to a brothel, and was set up to pop their cherry with a hooker, though through a crack in the veneer, They are able to connect, fall in love, get married. However, Her past is far from done with her. When they move back thanks her husband being restationed, her old pimp comes hunting. With help from a guy in the husband's unit. Will she be pulled back into a repeat of her past or break free?
(Can make scifi, fantasy, and for halloween a dark fantasy ver.)

My Characters
Name:Natalia ___ nee. Smith
Natalia ____nee. Smith 1234
-When a prostitute she puts up a front of a a bubbly, happy go-lucky, party girl, though under it was a deeply cybical woman who gave little care for others and used drugs and sex to numb the despair and pain from her past and current situation. She has very little loyalty beyond whoever can get her next fixed of either delivered to her. Still there is a small part that hopes to be saved, and some scraps of love, kindness and hope.
-When a housewife she is a near total opposite. Very optimistic and takes to her new life with gusto, and tries to be the epitome of a good housewife. A hard worker, and talented cook. She is extremely loyal and loving to her spouse. She also still has a major libido, though mostly under control these days. Still, she has a few quirks from her former life, and major fear of drugs, even being skittish around something as mild as alcohol. And there is the worry of which side of her is the "real one".
Kinks: Groping, lactation, Masochist, Rough sex, Gentle Sex, Large Insertions, Vag, oral, anal, Naked Apron, etc.
History: Growing up to a drug addicted home, things were rigged against her from the start for Natalia. However, she managed to become quite self-reliant and might've gotten out relatively okay. Then her parents left her behind when dodging debt. She ended up on the streets and scavenged until her pimp found and broke her in short order. So, she was a prostitute and was hooked on drugs and sex. Then, her future spouse saved her when she was supposed to pop their cherry.

Name: Adria Croft
Personality: Brash, protective, slightly rebellious, a keen tactician, A big sister type, Romantic, pervy
Kinks: Groping, Rough, toys, vaginal, oral, anal, toys, necking, Dom, Sadist, etc.
History: Born in a rough neighborhood, she fought her way through the years to stay alive and get through years. Wanting a way out, she joined the military and while she chafed under their chain of command and discipline, did rather well. Most of all, she is grateful that through a night after basic, she got to meet the woman who would become her wife.

Name: Lance Brooks
Personality:Brash, Head-Strong, Very skilled tactician, rough around the edges but has a good heart, suprisingly romantic, a perv.
Kinks: Groping, Rough, Latex, exhibitionist, Necking, vaginal, oral, anal, Necking, Outdoors, Dom, Sadist, etc.
History: The young man was born into Brooksvale, better known as Bloody Brooks. He had aligned plenty of gangs and bathed in blood. Then came a major riot, which he was one of the few survivors of said riot. Having a wake up call from the exprience and joined the army. and would come to meet the love of his life.
Cleaning Up an Act: A bit of a change from the usual mind breaking/corruption of a school girl story. There are two girls, outcasts. One having luck that loved to put her in sexually embarrassing situations, another who rejected Populars, and end up together. Alas, the (un)lucky girl wanted to try and protect her lover and herself, and figured getting into the in-crowd would do it. While she got in, she was isolated from her friend and to try and keep it, goes into a downward spiral, ending up a drug-addled, nymphomaniac prostitute on the street. The two soon meet up with one who rejected the social ladder saving her from being beat on from some asses looking for kicks. She saved her old flame from them, and there is love still there. Still, can she save our now thoroughly ran through muck lover from herself, or is the lewd girl doomed to sink uncontrollably into depravity, and lose the last shreds of who she once was?

My Characters
Lewd Luck Girl
Name: Naomi Shima
Past 1
Past-Naive, Book smart, easily embarrassed, a romantic, supportive, reckless, closeted megaperv.
Future- Nymphomaniac, Cynical, Often drug addled, Still has some shreds of her old self, Wants to change
Kinks: Groping, Vaginal, oral, anal, Large insertions, semi-public locations, Rough, Drugs, BDSM, Masochist, Corruption, etc.
History: A Transfer Student who moved from Japan and had hoped to turn over a new leaf. However she was followed by her lewd luck, and the bullying that always happened around it. Then the Outcast came to her defense and befriended then came to love her. During their rather passionate relationship, she was able to witness what little bullying they got and decided to help them as they help her. She decided to get into populars to try and help them from the inside. What happened instead was she had to break up with them and decended into sex, drugs and partying, ending with her on the street as a burnt out prostitute and junkie. And when one, night, at the end of her rope getting beaten up by some punks, her old flame came back as a cop, and rescued her.

Name: Cory Vale
Past- Loner, rough around the edges, directionless, holds those close dear, a romantic, perv., Doesn't like rocking the boat too much.
Future- Will go rock the boat, driven, willful to the point of stubborn, very protective, more social, still a romantic and perv.
Kinks:Groping, Rough, public/semi-public/exhibtionist, Vaginal, Oral, Anal, Dom, Sadist, Creampie, Deep throat, etc.
History: A man born with intimidating crimson eyes, and led to him getting picked on quite frequently until high school, when he won a few fights and he was able to get the bullies to back off for the most part. Then one day, he saved His girlfriend from one of her lewd-luck incidents, and ha a rather passionate, and happy relationship. Then lost her in her attempt to help him. Gaining a new direction, he became a cop, and worked his way into a detective position. And then, when forced to walk the beat, he found her again.

Name: Dakota Carson
Past- Very laid back, Loner, a bit of a tomboy/big sis type, directionless, Doesn't tend get too involve in others' lives ,a romantic, a perv.
Future-A much more driven, determined and interventionistic individual, Still a tomboy and has romantic and pervert.
Kinks: Groping, Toys, Sadist, BDSM, Necking, Vaginal, Oral, Anal, Public/Semi-public/exhibitionist, etc.
History: Born with a condition that caused her hair to grey early, and earned plenty of mockery, though she managed to get them to back off in the end.She would soon enough find and help a girl she took under her wing, and came to love. For a time, while she didn't have much of a plan for the future, she was pretty happy with how things were. Then her girlfriend made a failed infiltration to protect her and was lost to the world of drugs, partying and so on. From this, she gained a desire to help and protect others from the same fate, and maybe, just maybe, the faint hope to save her old flame. And she would get the chance when forced to walk the beat, saving her from some thugs.

Special Notes
Lewd Luck: A mix of supreme clutz and repressed nymphomania. Think something like Mikan from Danganronpa 2 on how it ends up.
Love and War: In the world of Scalia, a prophecy for a great war is destined to place. The light is to be guided by a champion, A great heroine shall guide the forces of light into battle. Of course, the forces of darkness are commanded by an overlord. The two however, turn out to be lovers, both from the same village. The pair having a secret relationship. However, the overlord would be created by a failed witch trial and execution, setting the prophecy into motion. Will the war play out in full, or can the old flame they had counter the fated course?

My Characters
Name: Media Amathas
Past-Devout, rather meek, Kind, Very Loving, Love of reading, Longs to know her heritage, easily cowed, passionate
Future-Much more jaded and cold, braver, disenchanted with the faith, more willful, still has some of her old self
Kinks: Descrating altars, Outdoors, Large insertions, switch, sadomasochist, waxplay, Blindfolds, Leather, Groping, etc.
History: Born the bastard daughter of a courtesan and some john, likely merchant or minor noble, and was soon dumped upon an orphanges doorstep. She was raised by the church affiliated organization, and ended up becoming quite devout and on track to becoming a priestess. Then she was sent to heal the poor outcast of the village, and fell head-over heels for her, and secret romance bloomed. However, when her lover was caught using dark, if harmless, magic led to both their relationship being unveiled and she was forced to throw the first torch on the pyre, and she was soon unofficially black balled from the more priestly branch, and went into the Military branch, the Templar Militant, and rose quickly through the ranks, trying to bury her grief and broken heart. She even became propped up as the hero. And then she encountered the overlord.

Name:Morgan Murn
Past-Shy, very bookish, meek,slightly jaded, still a bit hopeful, Sweet, very much a romantic and pervert.
Future- A very jaded, vicious woman who is ruthless on the battlefield, very vengeful, very kind to her fellow monsters, some ieces from long ago still in there
Kinks:Ritualistic, Outdoors, Sensual, Leather, Groping, switch, sadomsochist, Large insertions, etc.
History: Morgan was born as wicht, child of a mortal and demonic entity, and was very reluctantly taken care of by the village. She survived on odd jobs given to her by those in the village, and had few people approaching true kindness. And then, when struck with Malos Plague, she was saved by a maiden(priestess in training) and from her rescue, became fast friends and quickly smitten. She even dove into dark magic to help heal her frail body, so there was more of a chance that she may have a future with her. But what little good will she had was burnt away in the witch trial and flames. That night Morgan the outcast died, And the Overlord was born, rampaging and quickly conquering much of the continent. But all overlords are opposed by a hero.
Forbidden Courtship: A tale of love between a Knight and Elven girl(Unicorn, Tavern Wench, Witch ,Princess or Priestess are also available.) who love each other deeply despite the taboos in place to keep them a part. When a local lord begins making moves on the girl, threatening all sorts of hell if she doesn't obey. Will the knight be able to defend their lady's honor, or will the Lord's power be too much to make a scratch on the cage?

My Characters
Name:Alasia Rosevale
Age: 165, elf equivalent of around 15 to 17
(hair a mix leaf green and bark brown. Has clothes made of plants)
Personality: Curious, Lover of nature, A keen huntress, slight to moderate naivety when it comes to humans, Very much a romantic, closeted pervert, Is both fearful and aroused by the possibility of "darkening".
Kinks:Groping, vaginal, anal, oral, outdoors, Gentle,rough, Large insertions, hair pulling, Ahego, corruption, chains, etc.
History: Born in one of the many elven communes, hidden deep in the forests of the world. In the commune she became a renowned huntress, though she was a slight bit the pariah for her, in their opinion, was far too interested in humanity and her sexuality, even at the risk of becoming a dark elf if she had sex with another who was not soul mated. When she was caught trading with humans of a nearby village for erotica and other books, she was cast out and was left on her own for quite some time, but was relatively happy. Then, when she was acosted by bandits. And that was when she was saved by her knight in shining armor.

Name: Maria Riggins

Personality: Very sweet, knows hospitality, decent people reader, a dreamer, bit of a bleeding heart, Easily pressured, very supportive, sappy romantic and closted pervert
Kinks: Groping, vaginal, oral, anal, Rough, Gentle, Public/semi-public, bent over something, ropes, leather, masochist, etc.
History: Born to a long line of owners to a fairly popular tavern in a trade town near the castle of a local lord. Starting with dishes and mugs as a smal child, she ended up as the bar wench. She did well in her position thanks to her charm and generous curves, though that had its own problem in some patrons. And during one one incident with some higher class customers, A visiting knight saved ad stole her heart.

Name: Graila Faine
Age: 90, looks barely in her 20's at the oldest

Personality:Inquisitive, cool exterior but very passionate, studious, Extremely loyal and protective, Not too open with her romantic side, puts up a front on sexual side despite being a virgin
Kinks: ritualistic, masochist, vaginal, anal, oral, rough, gentle, ropes, chains, wax play, outdoors, submissive, struggle for dominance, etc.
History: Graila was always the outcast. First a sickly thing that barely clung to life, then as a wandering black witch, once she discovered what would become her grimoire. Se drifted from village to village, town to town, working as a fortune teller, charm seller, potions, so on and so forth. Most of the time, when found she fled from the hostile towns and villages. She was cut off however, and after a kangaroo court, magic highly distrusted but never outright banned, was sent burn at the stake. Only saved from the injustice by a patrolling Knight.

Name: Aria Adrast
Age: 16

Personality:Sweet, Devout, Meek, Hopeless romantic, Closeted pervert, Motherly, Fears her ability, Ashamed of her heritage
Kinks: Groping, milking, Rough, vaginal, oral, anal, Holy site desecration, breeding, Leather, ropes, etc.
History: Aria was born a bastard child between courtesan and some john, and was thrown away upon a temple sponsored orphanage's front steps. She was not the first, or the last of those like that, and while a sore spot, she had mostly come to accept it. Then, the mark appeared. A tangled mark of of the Echidna and Sacred Maiden, the ability to birth monsters or heroes. She was made an outcast among the Temple, which she was training to become a priestess in. Then, when a Knight chapter came for blessings, she met a knight who accepted her, and thus saved her from loneliness.

Name: Ragna Falkor
Age: 300, looks about 16-19

Personality: Honorable, Loves hunting, protective, Combative, Passionate, surprisingly wise, Tries to hide her romantic tendcies, A perv.
Kinks:Sexual Fighting, struggle for dominance, Grabbing her horns/wings/tail, vaginal, oral, anal, switch, sadomasochist, etc.
History: A Dragon who lived in the mountains in of the kingdom, and was made protector of a region that received little in the way of protection until recently. This, for generation upon generation, the dragon protected the land in exchange for a portion of the game and cattle and whatever treasure turns up. Though, even a dragon can run into trouble. In her case, a crazed dragon Hunter bent on killing her. However, a Knight, in a great twist of irony, protected the sanctioned Dragon.

Name: Sylvaina Lunaris
Sylvaina(Has a snow white unicorn body from waist down
Personality: Very Naive, Gentle, meek, Loves nature, Sappy romantic, deep in the closet about her sexuality, Is fearful and aroused by possibly becoming a bicorn.
Kinks: Outdoors, Groping, Being ridden, vaginal, humiliation, Sub, risk of impreg, Sensual, cuddling, corruption, etc.
History: Born deep in the forests of the Kingdom, The young woman would have an unusual amount of contact with humas for a unicorn. This led her to soon being the target of poachers out for her horn and blood, powerful magical and healing regents. However, her death was averted by the timely arrival of a knight saved her.

Name: Calia von Reese
Age: 17
Appearance: Calia von Reese Alt4
Personality: Calia is a kind young woman, though perhaps not the best to lead the country. She is kind and very empathetic to pretty much everyone, to the point of being a bit of a bleeding heart. She is also a lover of the arts, often being the patron of a promising one in the kingdom. Also quite the romantic, and a very sappy one at that, wishing to be able to oficially come out as being in a relationship with her knightly love and enjoys things quite unbecoming of a princess with them. She relies on others to be her mental and emotional strength, her physical frailty extending to her will and ease of being manipulated otherwise.
Kinks: Rough, groping, Shibari, blindfolds, Whips, Masochist, Large insertions, Ahego, vaginal, oral, anal, DP, etc.
History: The youngest daughter of the Reese royal line, Calia was always frail and sickly, and is nominally out of the power games in court, though managed to be fairly popular with the commoners and artists. She was relatively safe thanks to her popularity, often being the one who was needed to help calm them, though equally frequently bedridden due to poor health. On a rare trip out, she ended up kidnapped and held hostage briefly before the knight that would come to be her secret lover rescued her.

Name: Lancia Castern
Personality: Willful, honorable, Noble spirit if not conduct, a bit short fused at times, Protective, Romantic, perv.
Kinks:Groping, Fingering, Toys, outdoors, Dom, sadist, sensual, leather, etc.
History:Born in poverty and soon orphaned and had to go the way of the highway woman, and was sure she was going to die as one, especially as she became relatively infamous. However, an attempt on a noble, by some miracle, led to her being taken in. She was soon made a knight and proved quite the heroic, suprisingly enough. And would find her love in the most surprising of places.

Name: Artorian Pendragon
Personality: Kind, Extremely Loyal, Romantic, Pervy, Willful, Honorable, Willful.
Kinks: Groping, outdoors, Rough, creampie, outdoors, leather, etc.
History: Born a simple peasant the young man went into the army as a way to get out of his poverty ridden village. He served dutifully as a good soldier, but not someone up for any kind of promotion. Then, the battle of Galleon happened, where he single-handedly held the line against cultists and beast-breed until relief arrived. Thus he earned Knighthood for such a feat. And it wasn't long until he found his love.
In space, there are plenty of wars brewing, some more savage than others. And the near human Galgene, blessed with the ability to "tense up" their muscles, upping their density to the point where it resembles rocks, boosted by the booster suits and gadgets built off of it. However, their females rarely make it very high in the warrior society of their people, due to the "reaction" whenever a silvery shock of hair or one of the red, slightly indented spots, causes them to lose all strength and go into heat. Though one did. A solo commando unit, who got shot down onto Planet Earth. And ended up with one of the natives, Will she find her place on the "backwater"? And will she be able to protect it without ending up a slave as her people's females are famous for?
My characters
Name: Trellia Ga'al
Age: Galgene equivalent of 20
(hair much longer reaching about her ass, silver hair at base of her skull)
Personality: Dedicated, Rather stoic, Soft hearted, courageous, good actor, Bit secretive, closeted pervert, surprising romantic.
Kinks: Groping, her buttons being pressed, sub, masochist, Electric, miliking, drugs, tentacles, latex, rough, sensual, etc.
History: Born in Galgene space, she was pressed into military service and found herself in their spec ops divison, undertaking numerous operations in enemy, given their race's proclivities, nearly everyone else, and became quite the hero to her people. But even heroes can fail. She was caught sabtoging a shipyard against a raider faction in spce and as she was fleeing, was shot down. She was lucky to land on solid ground, near civilization.
Star Knights: The Invicta Crusade- The more things change, the more they stay the same. Humanity started to reach out, using a combination of Hyperlanes and Worm Holes. While Humanity found no other intelligent Race, they knew peace, cooperation and prosperity, Advancement never before seen with nano-technology, genetic manipulation, FTL on even smaller, personal ships, it was a gilded Age. But with all Gilded Ages, the corruption that would be its end was fostered. The core grew wealthier and more demanding upon the outlying sectors, the divide grew with the rage before war broke out and all manner of terror was unleashed on the galaxy. Finally, a weapon lost to the age was shot intro the heart of the galaxy, releasing a gravity wave that shattered the network, leaving humanity thrown millennia back technologically. Further wars raged on earth, political factions blaming one another and causing further deteration before the former high admiral stood up, having enough and with the support of the worlds of Sol, put them down. From there something between Nobility and meritocracy was born, each noble and their house having to prove capable to lead and having the will to not fall into the temptations that rulership brings. Eventually, The Humanity of Sol breached their system to find they were no alone. Other colonies that were lost, thought dead, were still around, many with its people changed, human no more. A second great war, The Banner Crusades, broke out between the powers, eventually stabilizing into 4(-12) great star kingdoms, where The ruler of the Terran Imperium had an idea, an alliance between them so that peace might return. Thus, The Galactic Grand Council was born, protected by various brotherhoods of Star Knights, Pilots of giant humanoid machines of war, and the first of them, their journey in fighting a threat from beyond. And with them, the final fate of humanity. If the threat doesn't turn them into minions of its own.
Saga of the Dawn Seekers- The world of Regaia was a relatively peaceful one, with prosperous kingdoms, and few wars. There were issues, but in the end, things were going well. However, peace never lasts forever. A great Demon Lord rose and rallied the long opressed monsters, and unleashed hell upon the people. It looked to be the end of the world, replaced by one of the Lord's design. But it was not the end, as by his acts created the very heroes that would slay him. That is, if the general's love of corruption doesn't get them.
My Characters
The war was brutal. Many lives were lost in the battles against the Demon and monster army which had leveled many human kingdoms, even the greatest of Empires fell to their fury. But A Hero rose and with their companion led a daring attack upon the dungeon that the Demon Queen resided in. In an epic battle, the Queen was slain, the world was saved. However, the Queen wasn't quite as dead first believed. She managed to barely cling to life and stumble away from the ruins, and ended up in some woods(or shifted into a park in the modern world) and are found by the one who would restore her faith in humans. And possibly defend them.

My Characters
Demon Queen
Name:Lilith Nixa
Personality: The woman is definitely a demon queen, for good reason. Rather charismatic, she is the type to inspire loyalty and will do what she can to keep it. The woman also knows how to do tactics and strategy, mostly offensively but knows her way around defense. She is also one to hold a grudge and has one hell of a fury when set off. She does have a good heart, capable of compassion, love and bravery. But that fiery heart and life lends it to a vengeful and ruthless streak.
Kinks: Groping, rough, Vaginal, Oral, Anal, Sadomasochist, Leather, Blindfolds, etc.
History: The young woman once lived in an isolated with her people, the Shadowkin. A simple maiden that, when Humanity led a crusade into her people's lands, and when she managed to survive the raid on her village, and she began rallying the monster races, forging a force to create her own empire, and wipe out plenty of other human nations. Then a band of heroes rose up, and through an ardous journey slew the Demon Queen. However, something unexpected happened. She survived.
Sexual Genetic Disorders are a recently discovered phenomena and to many, something that has leapt straight out of a porno. Conditions that require sex with a certain kink involved to viably treat any of the potentially lethal symptoms of the disease. This tale follows group of girls as-
-Hospital: they undergo treatment. Learning more about their disorder, hoping to get to a cure or at least a point that they can go into the outside world with the disorder in a normal condition. In the meantime, the girls have found themselves in intimate relations with doctors and nurses that go beyond accepted Doctor-Patient Relationships. Though, there are those who tried to take advantage of the condition of the patients and were tossed out, now looking for revenge...
-School: As one of the first time expirements to see if the victims can engage in the outside world on a functional basis. At a rather prestigious and large private academy. The girls were nearly sent back to the hospital when the teachers assigned to help them with their conditions were found to be abusing their power, but the girls were ultimately able to stay, under the care of their boyfriends. However, those teachers aren't done yet...
My Characters
The Girls(school version)
Name: Bianca Levi
Disorder: Masochistic Nueral degeneration-A condition affecting the nerve system, shutting down all but the most vital connections, and even those eventually, unless a strong stimulus is introduced, typically pain and pleasure lasting the longest, periodically.
Personality: The young woman is the A type personality that easily got to Student Council President which she currently holds. She is academically gifted, Second only to Naomi and charismatic, has an ease with public speaking and very Athletic, having spent time on most of the clubs. She is also quite hard headed and protective.In truth, though, it is a front for most of this. In truth, she is quite meek and has a hard time standing u for herself, needing to see others in a bad situation before even considering speaking up, and is deeply terrified of condition claiming her fully as it had when she was young. The soft hearted and spoken woman dearly loves her boyfriend, and the fact she is under his care in school.
Kinks: BDSM, atex, masochist, groping, riding crops, whips Submissive, breathplay, vaginal, oral, anal, large dicks,creampie, ahego, humiliation, hair pulling, sensual, vanilla, exhibitionist, uniforms(school, swimsuit, basketball, leotard, martial arts gi, gym uniform) etc.
History: Born apparently paraplegic, Bianca always was trapped by her own body, and hated every second of it. It was almost like a relief that her condition was properly diagnosed in her pubescent years. Spending a long few years in the research hospital to get a full idea of what she had, as Sexual Disorders were and still are a very recent phenomena. Still free from her prison of a body and allowed to normal school, quickly rising to the top of the student body. When the Paras took advantage, she initially kept her mouth shut like a good girl, until she saw the other girls from the hospital undergoing similar treatment. Then the spine came and she pressed charges and the lawsuit. Now, she's just happy to be in the loving care of her boyfriend.

Name:Naomi Nari
Disorder: bimboitis- A Neurological disorder that affects the brain, that is both a gift and a curse. The brain has heightened brain actiity and generally leads to genius level activity. However, it escalates to the point of danger of frying the brain, typically signified by increasingly nasty headaches and migraines. However, by having a "creampie" in either vagina or anal cavity, or ingesting semen can promote a process too slow it down, and cuses signals to go out altering the body, on completion resembling a bimbo mentally and physically. process can be reversed by simply keeing the victim from either sexual encounters, or cum. reset to Genius restores hymen.
(Heavy duty Tan)
Genius- As a Genius, the young woman is the top contender for a top contender for the top performer in academia. A bookworm, she often holds up in the library as opposed to hanging out in more sociable areas. She is incredibly shy and keeps mostly to herself, never feeling comfortable in groups unless she knows them well enough. Still, she is very friendly and quite compassionate, doing her best to help her friends, usually breaking advanced concepts down. Is absolutely loyal to her boyfriend, and about the only one who knows how freaky the shy one can get in bed. Insecure about her modest curves compared to her other half. Hates her bimbo side with a burning passion, and tries to hide her symptoms.
Bimbo- If one half is typical nerd, the other is the typical party girl. She hates class and her book smarts could be compared to a brick, possibly in the brick's favor. On the other hand, she knows how to work the crowd and individual people as easy as she can breathe, making conversion back difficult, as she is quite open about her love of sex, and confidence in her body and charm to get it. Hates the genius side with a burning passion, tries to convince others to let her stay as is.
Kinks: Bimbofication, rough, masochist, submissive, drugs, groping, vaginal, oral, anal, defloration, gangbangs, public, sensual, bukkake, creampie, vanilla, exhibitionist, etc.
History: From early on, Naomi was known to be gifted, quickly picking up how to walk and talk, though only a near indistinguishable differnce in initial skill, and it continued from there. However, she was always plagued by headaches and migraines, that got progressively worse and worse. It wasn't long after puberty she was diagnosed properly. Years of testing out and seeing how to properly treat and ID it. She was excited to finally get out into the world when it was to be tried to let them back into normal society. However, para's assigned turned out to be willing to take advantage. It was lucky Bi found out and started to get things going, with Naomi herself ending up helping the lawyers come up with ideas to pursue occasionally. And happily spending more time with her boyfriend.

Name: Lilith Faust
Disorder: Succubus Syndrome-A pervasive disorder that affects the boody, making it act like the name sake. Inability to wear conventional clothes for long periods of time, can only gain nutrients from sexual fluids, and the more sex she has, the darker she can get, though it periodically reverses. If starved of sex too long, she goes into a demon like beserk state. Personality changes theorized more of a result of her upbringing conflicting with nature of disorder, rather than the disorder itself. periodic hymen regeneration.
(Looks a lot less respectable in her demon state and has a bunch of mystic looking writing on her body when in said state, applied via henna or marker due to no tattoo gun)
Innocent- The girl is the epitome of the Innocent Temptress. She is easily flustered by symptoms of her condition, refusing to call anything but a euphamism if not sucking directly from a cock and will try to stayed decently clothed for as long as she can. She tries to keep up her faith from the days of childhood with the nuns, she harbors doubts over it. She is an artistic soul, involved in lots of art clubs and classes, where she met her love. Still, prudish she may be, the romantic girl is still a perv at heart.
Demon- Acts like the human version version of a succubus, and all that entails.
Kinks: Ritualistic, desecrating sacred places, oral(its how she eats), vaginal, Anal(beads, buttplug or dildo only), BDSM, Rough, Groping, Roleplay, cosplay, public places, etc.
History: Lilith has a story sthat so screams demon, if it weren't for a DNA test she would be thought of as proof of at least hell. Left on the doorstep of a cloister as a baby, with a note just saying her name in chilling writing. She was never able to keep her clothes on and barely ate her food, and could barely keep her her food in. Still her attitude as she grew older improved. Then puberty happened and ended up with the other girls. And like the other girls was let into the school, and felt it a fresh start, even finding love there. The teachers/para's constant of having her in her demon demon state far more active than usual. Now free from the Teacher she intends to enjoy her school life with her lover.

Name: Elizabeth Roames
Age: 17
Disorder: Lusty Cow- Breasts constantly produces milk and needs frequent milking to keep it under control and able to lead a functional life. If she goes too long without milking, grows cow horns and tail. Milking gets her very
Personality: Elizabeth is the epitome of spoiled sweet. Pretty naive about most lower class struggles, and can be a bit insensitive about it, but not maliciously so and can be very apologetic when made aware. She extremely kind and very, very generous. She is a hard worker and loves learning what most considered everyday mundane. Is not very street smart, but knows high society very well and will use it to socially butcher any rotten brat that comes after anyone close to her. Quite a perv. with her boyfriend.
Kinks: Milking, Boobjob, groping, rough, masochist, submissive, oral, vaginal, anal, Bukkake, creampie, exhibitionist, taken from behind, cow girl dress up, etc.
History: Heiress of a massive dairy company, Elizabeth was raised in luxury, but had decent enough parents to keep her from being corrupted by said wealth by actually parenting when they could, and made sure nanny or teacher was not afraid of her when they couldn't. She had a pretty normal life for a girl likwe her until puberty hit. Things were going fine, but her chest kept growing, to the point it was getting impossible to walk. then she started growing horns and a tail. She ended up in the hospital for a time and then the school, where she fell in love. When the abuse was concluded, her family became the ones to make absolutely sure enough cash was there to pay for the legal needs to see this through.

Name: Kimberly Klein
Disorder: Hentai Victim Disease- Body produces special pheramones that causes her to subconciously seek out comprimising situations, and others to desire her, intensity building up longer she goes without. periodic hymen regeneration.
(hair reaches small of back)
Personality: This girl is perfect mind break bait. She is sweet and a hard worker, not giving up easily. She is a bit of a klutz, feeding into her disorder, though she tries fight it. She can be quite the sappy romantic with her boyfriend and equally perverted when she thinks its safe to let go of her easily flustered innocent side. While she is trying to work on it, she is pretty gullible.
Kinks: Masochist, submissive, humiliation, groping, public, (psuedo)-Rape, Whips, DP, toys, vaginal, oral anal, ahego, boobjob,etc.
History: Kimberly always seemed to have a Target painted on her back. While in a loving,if odd, family, she constantly found herself clumsily stumbling into and incident or getting pushed into one. Things only got worse when puberty started. She rapidly developed a body straight from a porno. She started getting hit by sexual assaults with unnerving frequency, even by her own family eventually. A check-up thanks to an investigation of a near rape led to her condition's reveal. She found companionship with the girls, and in time, love with someone who who could resist her pheromones all but in the highest concentrations. Her role was her account of what happened was a fully coherent account to add to Bianca's and Liz's.

Name: Amalthea Anastas
Disorder: Medusa Disorder- A disorder that each round of sex gradually changes the victim into that of a gorgon, though is required to allow the snake like parasites she was born with from letting the venoum into the victim's blood stream. weaker tha the original, as time away from the gaze can "thaw" a petrification, and a special medical bath brings them back to human. Personality changes as a result of the disorder are known to be minor, more related to mental trauma of turning into a monster from myth. reset to human restores hymen.
Human- The girl is quite like the rather religous, if pagan, type. She tends to pray to the gods quite a bit, and gives offerings of the non-bloody type. She takes great joy in singing, whether hymms to the gods of her ancestors or the more secular of the modern age. She still has few hang ups regarding the cult, and extremely shy and meek, probably having the most trouble standing up for herself to just about anyone. She is actually pretty good at emotional support for everyone. Loves her boyfriend just about as much as the gods. Ironically deathly fearful of snakes.
Gorgon- A wicked, cold girl who is calculating and spiteful of many, the gods in particular. near zero humanity left in her beyond her love of sex. Overall she resembles the creature of greek mythos. Does her best to resist the bath. Loves snakes
Kinks: Outdoors, Desecrating sacred things, Biting, sadomasochist humiliation, vaginal, oral, anal, bukkake, (Psuedo)-Rape, etc.
History: Born to a cult that worshiped a rather warped version of the greek pantheon. After an attempted assassination of an important religious figure, luckily botching it. Then there was a raid on their compound, and she was recovered from the "dungeon" and due to already partially shifted, she was taken to he hospital, where she was diagnosed. In addition to her condition, she was treated for her more mental scars. They nearly reopened with the teachers, but the other girls and her boyfriend kept her sane. Her Attendance helped in red flagging the teachers.
Its 2065 and The world saved from one end has started falling to another. The overpopulation problem was solved by the Grand Cities(Mega Cities but nicer) which in the united states made up of Capital, Central, West Coast and Gulf Coast. As for Energy and the resulting from a new and surprisingly clean to break down biological substance: Caphronium. Things were looking up humanity for once. Then the Calamity hit. First, many Caphronium plants went into critical meltdown and released the second blow-
-(kinda) Zombie Apocolypse: The plague known as Nymphomanic Transformation Disease,or "Super Slut Plague" as nicknamed by the non-medically inclined survivors. Initial Stage of the disease seemed no more than a mild fever, uptick in libido and tendency towards revealing clothing and little of it. Then through either frequent sex or those in a full contagious stage, the body starts to turn. Skin becomes heavily sun tanned, iris' turn purple, sexual features, and musculature for male victims, swell to near absurd degrees and causes apparent nuerological degeneration, with rumors of a hivemind, though either way are seeking sex like no tomorrow. This tale follows a group of survivors trying to survive in the Grand City's lust filled, hallway running ruins. Though, a cure might be in the works.
-Post Apocolypse Superhero: Maiden Syndrome. A strange disease that for females, after an initial period of weakness and a fever, marked also by increased libido, something that flies in face of known science happens. They gain powers, like superpowers, out of any media you could imagine. Larger Civilization has collapsed but thanks to these girls, smaller, town like settlements in Th Grand City. However, larger civilization fell for a reason. Males can degenerate into monsters out of porn, and The "heroines" can easily be corrupted into villainesses, something not known to a group of protectors putting themselves on the line for their Town.
The world of Mythica is simultaneously a wonderous and dangerous world. Monsters haunt the wilderness and lost places roam monsters, and there is the usual conflict between the nations of man. However, as the monsters have grown stronger, enough that the Gods who had been relatively silent have taken action. They gifted Humanity sacred arms, kept by Sword Maidens within their souls and only able to be wielded by heroes deemed worthy of the weapon. The sacred city, Crossan, has become the base of operations for said heroes. There is a problem, however. The maidens who are supposed to remain purely devoted to the gods have fallen in love with the heroes they simply meant to work with. The consumation lost the maidens their divine protection against corruption against the monsters, and Monsters that are corrupted Maidens are a terrifying sight to behold.
In the small, secluded city of Hollow Hills, PA. there is more afoot than the usual human made drama and daily life. The heavily wooded area has a portal to another world. The world Fae, a land perpetually in a psuedo-medieval/renaissanceperiod, with what we believe simple folk tales, fairy tales and so on were in fact historical in Fae. In relatively recent times The races have been pushed out of their home realm by the mysterious "Decons" and most of the inhabitants through either glamour or just nature being similar enough to humans to blend in the city, but there are some that no matter what have an effect. The Princesses, Females of immense beauty and charisma, generally excellent leaders and have some white magic, plus greatly empower a prince. However, they can only have one love and heartbreak can cause severe corruption. Princes are Strong and fast, pretty much super human at baseline and able to fight at superhuman level when empowered by a princess, and become something like a king from myth, and are either born or converted from a human a princess falls for but have the weaknesses of incredible sex drive and head strong. Then, there are the wicked. Black witches and monsters, with all the power to match. Either born or converted from a heartbroken princess falling to corruption. Now in a new land and barely settled by the fae left everything for the taking.
Darklan is no stranger to Horror. Werewolves, Vampires, Zombies and more wander the dark twisted wilderness, the civilized races took refuge in heavily fortified settlements, and heavily guarded fields. The dark and gloomy world does harbor bastions of warmth in life in these settlements. This is something the Lich King, the god of the monster and responsible for the state of the world. It has renewed its offensive, seeking to beat down the civilized races, or kill them. But in one of the settlements the Lich's forces, a group of people would revive an old bane and fear of the Lich. The Hellsingers, An order of Monster slayers of power equal to the Lich King.
Silica is dying. The world has been developed into a giant, multi-layered city planet, one that is in ruins. Oxygen recyclers are letting pollutants enter the air more and more, Generators failing more and more often, the infrastructure in general falling apasrt and knowledge to properly repair any of it, or most of the advanced tech, long ago dubbed "lost tech.". The order of the world is held together by the Mega-Corps., and only the upper levels. Everyone knows the world is coming apart, and do what they do to survive and/or keep the world together. Scavangers from from an up and coming settlement find a codex that will show them the way to restart the world. And in the path of one of the most powerful Mega-Corps.
The site of the campground in Washington state has been damned before a single white settler set foot on the land. Cursed when a mother lost her daughter to hunters from a supposedly allied tribe. It wasn't long before tribes started to avoid the area. The White Man and those that followed them. Unlike the tribes, they were either too thick headed or rather brave to try to set up on there. Two towns, a mine camp, orphange, asylum and finally a manor were all raised in the area, all fell to tragedy. All gave birth to monsters that contribute to the legends around the place. And now, the place serves as a summer camp infamous for teens, councilors and older campers having a ton of sex and a bit of booze and drugs on occasion. And the monsters are all too happy to add the naive kids to their numbers.
Port Regal, RI is the Hero Capital of the United States. The Place also is Home to The Guard, the premiere team in the United States. They have their fair share of friends and enemies. They have an archnemisis if they have been in the job long enough. Of course, there are lovers. Those that have fallen for the heroes, reardless of the mask, and the heroes for them. Though, while precautions are in place, villains can find out. And they can inflict all kinds of horrors on both.
The war between the Sacra and Nihil go back eons. The two go back as far as the universe, Sacra fighting for light and virtue, the Nihil Darkness and sin. back and forth planets fell to the one, the other, both at differnt points, or just flat out destroyed. Though, better than just outright annihilated like others, broken by the tug of war. Earth is the latest battlefield for these two. And the Sacra decided to use a group of japanese school girls, under the guise of their local legend of magical girls. Of course, the Nihil will gladly twist them into their own monsters, or spawners of their own. Though, the guys that are the lovers of the girl can cause things to seriously go off the rails...
When the Janic organism was found, the future looked to be at hand. The key to unlimited energy, elimination genetic and incurable ails, pretty much any human problem, arriving on a meteor crashing down in the Southwestern US. Then a mysterious organization showed and overthrew much of the world order, their soldiers humanoid and they are more monstrous the higher the rank they are. In bastion city, the last refuge, They found a new way to fight. Using JOs in combination with nano-assembly tech and new alloys, they created an all female super-soldier squad that seemed out of the Saturday morning cartoon show. The Amazon Rangers, supported by their lovers are the last line of defense. And unknowingly, the lovers are the only thing standing between the girls and a permanent fall to the darkside.
The world has changed When biology as we knew it was thrown right out the window. The revelation monsters exist. They are far more humanoid than one would expect. There were issues at the start of course, riots and some small wars, among other things that sprung up over the years. But things have smoothed over, and the races of monsters and men have come together in harmony. And more than one inter-species couple has formed. But the black market is always looking for the next good to sell to the unsavory and wealthy. And female monsters are looking like the latest prize.
(Fantasy version also available, taking place in a sort medieval fantasy metroplis)
Tales of a Pair: On the continent of Scalia, there are two countries locked in a semi-hot war. One is the Empire of Absol, A totalitarian Empire that crushes any opponent they can, And the resilient Freelands, A collection of kingdoms and Merc. Bands. In this, a pair of adventurers live. One, a legendary warrioress who was once an Absolian slave Warrior. Another is a rookie adventurer that, though very green, has great potential. And the two may change the stalemate.
The Veteran
Name: Kandra "The Demon" Kain
Age: 26
Appearance: Kandra Kain
Personality: As with any top dog, she is an eccentric. While she is pretty serious in teaching, training and of course fighting. However, she is a rather lax and informal, and quite rowdy, especially at a tavern. The young woman is even quite an incorrigible flirt if started, though is mostly how she copes with her past. While she is defiant, The young woman has a very subservient, nymphomaniac side, imprinted by her former master. Only genuinely attracted to more effiminate types.
Skills: Can use her giant blade with ease, Hand to hand combat, Agility, Endurance, Can use her sword as a shield.
Kinks: DP, Oral, Vanilla, Forced, BDSM, Boob Job, Sadomasochist, Switch(overall), Breath play, etc.
History: Kandra was a street rat in Absol for the majority of her life. When her mystically gifted strength was discovered, She was easy pickings for the slavers. Proved good enough in bed and in the battlefield to prove a favorite toy. Though, on a battlefield, an act of kindness broke her free. And she quickly gained quite the prestige.
(based on New World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness fanline Princess: The Hopeful, with a bit of mix and match between the versions, plus some stuff might be pulled from other parts of the world. the free pdfs can be found here:Princess: The Hopeful)
Trenton City was at first a simple trade post along the Black Rush river, one of the many tributaries into the might old Miss that divides the country. Thanks to the positioning, the once trade outpost that gradually expanded into a frontier town, one with a quarry to help fuel their economy though nothing quite matched the boost the industrial revolution gave them. As Pittsburg dealt in metal and Detroit in cars, Trenton found its own niche: construction material, vechiles and tools. They took pride that when America was building up, something from Trenton had a hand in it. Like many factory areas, NAFTA was the first blow, the real estate crisis became the second. The city entered a downward spiral that poured gas on already growing tensions between the poor, middle and upper class and corruption in the city government. This made Trenton a fertile breeding ground for The Taint, with Three Cults (BlackRush Country Club, Trenton City Restoration Foundation, The Worker's Reps) work to keep and drive the taint further from the shadows, keeping anyone from figuring anything out about them as the drew the darkness closer, until the unthinkable happened. A collection of local outsiders managed to breach their hold on city hall. Not by much, but enoughto destroy their plans. And then Princesses started showing up, spurred by a rumor that somewhere in the city laid an artifact, one that could strike and at least deal a major blow to the very heart of the darkness. Of course, a big reason the darkness bothered turning the three organizations into cults was to recover something it itself lost in the Fall to deal the finishing blow to the Light.
The Pandora Heights building, on the outside it looks like your typical slightly run down, very cheap rent sketchy high rise apartment building on the edge of the slums area. Another victim of urban decay. However, something is off about the building. Stairs that can miss a single stair to entire flight or have extra, hallways and floors than should be there. Not to mention that some of the residents aren't exactly human. There is a reason the security fence is geared for keeping things inside after all. There are plenty of dangers, but there are wonders here as well in the shifting halls and apartments. And if no one else, the Superintendent is one who tries to broker peace between the human and not so human residents, and is fully capable of keeping the peace in the building. The Landlord and his creations, not so much. And now with love starting to rise between the not-so-human residents and some new residents who have no idea what they signed up for.
Since the very foundation of The Empire of Japan, there have been demons plaguing The Archipelago. And since the founding, the Emperor and later, The Diet, the goverment has seen the clear threat that is posed by by said Demons. However, there are shrines in the country that trained their Priests and Shrine Maidens in special forms of talisman crafting, martial arts and Holy Cleansing arts and rites. They are rather conservative in that, while a life is allowed to be maintained outside the Shrine, helps develop cover for investigations, They are expected to adhere to the rather conservative set of standards, except for perhaps dress and thanks to the powers that are drawn upon which left the young women the ones to head unto the breach while guys made sure nothing got out , Including doing arranged marriages. However a promising batch have made connections of the romantic kind, especially after finding ancient texts. Now, will they fall into the corruption of the otherworldly demons, as is taught happens when they break custom? Or do they have the best shot against the beasts that are far more dangerous than even yokai?
In the modern age, Many of the old warrior ways have died out. The Knight, The Hopilite, The Roman Soldier, Samurai and finally shinobi. These stealth based warriors were invaluable to the Shogun and daimiyo. They were useful in dealing with many an enemy, both mortal and...yokai. The Shinobi were often the ones charged with handling the malevolent entities, Yokai. Over time, modernization whittled away the number of clans and some of the old ways. eventually, the only Clan left that still practiced, if in secret was the Kina Clan. The last Shinobi clan, charged with being the ones who face off against [those who would prey upon humanity and their enablers. And a group of young Shinobi, the heir to the clan and those she directly works with, are about to be right in a crucial moment.
In the modern age we live in a world of science, of logic, of reason. There are no monsters, magic, True Global conspiracies, or anything that comes from fairy tale, fantasy, scifi or cheesy tabloid cover. Everything has a reasonable explanation, right? Not quite. Even with all the progress, humans fear the dark for a good reason. There is something out there. Multiple somethings. Aliens, Monsters, Malicious secret societies and many more. Of course, the world has not been reduced to a total and utter hellhole, so there must be something keeping the darkness at bay. Something that let civilization survive and thrive. World Secret Keeper Society has been that something, the line in the sand. Keeping the existance of monsters and alien visitors under wraps, regulating the introduction of paranormal tech into society, and beating back hostiles. Of course, with those who try to help, there are those who try to hurt, The New World Order, backed by invader types and those who remember "the good old days" they seek to conquer and corrupt the world. The two, locked in an endless shadow war is about to come to its end, one way or another.
Once, there was a threat of a great and terrible demon lord. The demon lord was defeated, sealed and had been left sealed for eons. Enough so That there was no way the lord could be revived. But his power remains. And the monsters that can sense it, wanted for themselves. Of course, there is security in place. The blade that slew the demon, becoming the key for the seal is wielded by a knight captain. The lock, a seal on the body of a priestess descending from a member of the hero's party. With pure hearts the seal is unbreakable. corrupt them, thoough and it becomes doable. but each has a lover, so is there hope?
The world is under threat by Monsters from the abyssal beyond. However all is not lost. There are the Mystic Knights, girls who have harnessed the arcane energies to shift their forms into something that can even the playing field. However, a pair are in trouble. One gets cursed into a futanari that can leak out her mana, needed to maintain her Knight form and protect her from the corruption. And the frailer has been found as a potential nexus of the dark magic the monsters need. Will their love for eachother see them through this darkness? Or will they fall?
The seeds were sown by the confession of a popular guy to a girl a grade under him. The girl ended up turning him down, especially after she started to get bullied for it by upperclassmen girls. It only got worse after, and she ended up becoming a shut-in and going into a major downward spiral. The fertilizer and growth happened when the school nurse came and slowly helped her out of the darkness, and love and passion soon bloomed. The two going on dates, spending the night at the nurse's apartment and even enjoying eachother at the school or other places, primarily a bed in the infirmary. Of course, a weed that is the gym teacher soon comes to threaten their little haven.
My Characters
Name: Kami Bruneswick
Age: 25
Kami Bruneswick
Personality: Big sisterly, caring, scary smart, Supportive, Romantic, perv, has a sweet tooth, etc.
Kinks: Groping, switch with a midly dom side, scissoring, Ahego, toys, etc.
History: Kami was a gifted student in med. School and was soon doing residence, where she found herself at odds with how things are done regarding payment, and just could not let go. Eventually fed up and unable to get a private practice off the ground, she ended up as a nurse at an all girls school open to the public. The young woman was happy to help even if only with first aid and minor injuries and illness. Then, then she got asked to help with the case of a particular student in a depressive spiral. She was able to help her out of it, bonding with the girl in the meantime. It wasn't long before she fell in love with her, and love bloomed.
Name: Camilla Monroe
Camilla Monroe
Personality: Shy, Kind, can be determined when properly motivate, gets a bit reckless, Sappy romantic, closted perv., etc.
Kinks: Groping, Switch mildly sub leaning, toys, Scissoring, ahego, toys, etc.
History: Camilla had an average life growing up and even through a good portion of her academic career, maybe getting a little more down that normal and finding the odd girl arousing. Then the confession came and the shit hit the fan for her. It got so bad that the young woman was unable to go to school and trapped in a spiral of depression. One woman, the school nurse, saved her though. And it wasn't long before a rescue romance, of a sort bloomed.
The two are your standard married, if poor couple. They only have done the legal part, and live together in a cheap apartment saving up money and waiting for the right moment to get all the bell and whistles for a nice ceremony and ring and the like. There is hiccup they have to deal with thoigh: The fact that the husband and wife are also very much student and teacher respectively. They carry on secretly but happily, waiting for the day he graduates so they can finally come out of hiding about it. Of course, such a secret could be very big trouble for the couple if it comes out ahead of the appropriate time. And the teacher in particular will do whatever she can to keep it secret.
My Characters
The Teacher Wife
Name: Miranda Gren
Age: 27
Miranda Gren Alt 3
Personality: In the classroom she is stern, fair and talented in teaching, Off the clock far looser who while still taking education seriously is rather laid back about most things in life, still is a bit of a romantic and perv.. Can be rather protective, to the point of not being able to think straight.
Kinks: Lingerie, Groping, Rough, Bent over, classroom, Switch with a heavy lean to sub, masochist, etc.
History: A gifted young woman who was gifted in academia, both as a student and eventually, as a Teacher. She was on a good trajectory for her career, though nothing to remakable until she met a particular student. One who she started to get feelings for her and her for him. Then there was the multiple confessions. Eventually, she caved and the two ended up married in secret.
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New plots:
In a private Academy, once all girls but recently made co-ed, while the rules about relationships stay in place, love has found a way to bloom for two young women. Well a young woman and a futa. At least one is the heiress to an major and old zaibatsu, with an arranged marriage she has been planning to evade by eloping with her lover, and plans to save for that marriage of love. Until the incident where she finds out her lover is a futa with a badly controlled libido. The plus side is the Non-con-esque sexual side of the relationship, much as she won't ever willing admit, further compliments the pair. Though it also leave the girl vulnerable to breaking from a bully the pair of wallflowers suffer under when he finds out after the secret futa starts being more assertive elsewhere.

(Femboy instead of Futa avail.)
In the world of Avent, a relative peace has finally come over the land. Once merely just a land of man, dungeons sprang from the ground, 14 in total based on the 7 heavenly virtues and 7 deadly sins, and unleashed monsters upon the world, putting humanity at risk of extinction or driving them back to survival mode. Yet heroes rose up, and drove the monsters back. And in those dungeons, they discovered wonderous things: resources like mithril, Magic stones, various wonderous artifacts and the secrets to actually use said magic. These discoveries and the blurry introduction of some non-human races to the scene led to a kickstart to the recovery of humanity. Fast forward millennia upon millennia, new nations, kingdoms and empires from what has been found in various levels of the different dungeons. The conquered dungeons would fall only to rise again elsewhere and need containment. There is one Dungeon though that has never been conquered erect and proud was the Dungeon of Lust, nicknamed Lilith Dungeon after the City that surrounds it. The dungeon and monsters proving apt corrupting and nuetralizing many who wander into the fields surrounding it or the dungeon itself. And in come a group of adventurers who have the potential to reach the depths and claim the Dungeon's motherload from its Master's hands. Or cause the City to fall. Again. But that is thje risk one takes living in a dungeon delving city.

(Can bring in more details if needed)
In the year 3040, humanity has made most of the earth...unwelcome to their kind. From the classic charred and polluted wastes to even deceptively verdant zxones. Instead, Humanity has packed itself into a few mega-cities, one of them is Asmodeous City, A city covered in lust and corruption, The city being in a constant tug of war between Mega-Corps, Criminal Organizations of various types, and The parts of the city government that still has something of its act together. This is not getting into the various smaller crime lords, gangs, solo actors and Mutant monstrosities making life hell in the city with constant raping and pillaging. So, a woman higher up in the social ladder, Has decided she has had enough. Using her resources and pull, created a vigilante Group that has become semi-sanctioned vigilante Group, The Urban Knights. The all female, or least very feminine, group is made up of various teas, one elite team is Squad 17, nicknamed the Thebian Band as each member was dating another one of their number, if not engaged/married. While discouraged officially is allowed to keep morale up and as many skilled hands to deal with the unending tide as possible. Time will tell if this call will ead to victory or the knights becoming a cautionary tale.

(can provide more details on request.)
New Plots:
In the semi-distant future, after a steep population decline, Humanity started creating artificial humans to help deal with the issue. One of the result were Biological Dolls, or Bio-Dolls in polite company, or Slave-Girls as the more commonly used term. All women with hentai like body proportions, A crotch tattoo that looks like the heart and strings type. They also have hard wired need to sexually please their master or mistress, with the personality of "Yes Master~<3"so no laws need to be put in play to protect them, They are free to be sold, rented out, used however one pleases. Except, that isn't entirely true. They are indeed biologically wired to need someone to devote themselves to, Vulnerability to a special aphrodisal Drugs, and Sex playing a heavy-duty role in how they form and process romantic relationship, but they are not a living sex to in totality. Like any human they can develop their own sense of self, personality and identity that isn't just devoted to being a toy for their master. This is why the corps involved in their creation often employ heavy conditioning from the point they can even kind of think to make them like the pitch proposed. Like all things though, that conditioning can fail, either in the test tube or out in life. And before the sex can re-warp them, they logically want to escape to be free. This is the case for one where one young doll aged up to a young adult managed to break from the test tube and cable she was trapped in, and finding another in their teen years, grabbed her and ran, soon finding the Partner Path, an underground Railroad organization that tries to get these Dolls to territory either Corp or Govt owned that had some level of protection for them, that tried to get them to safety. Raid by corpo security on the transport cut them off mid-route, and blind panicked fleeing took them Right to YCs' place. Whether father and Son, older and younger brother, Mother Daughter, Older and younger sister, they gave the two dolls sanctuary, and from there, with some forged documentation, Love would bloom either in one family or two close ones.

(can include more than 1-2 pairs)

In the world of Soulsta, Man walks among creatures both mundane and fantastic, some with neutral relations, some are outright hostile. All are ruled by Gods that hold domain over various races and aspects of life. One such Goddess, Luxuna whose domains are lust and passion, has been one of the more malignant gods, seeking to expand the power of her domain and happily uses her most ardent followers, mortal and monster, to do it, the devastation of the raping pillaging to civilization be damned. Of course heroes rise to the occasion to defeat the monsters and demon lords that were unleashed. Still, that didn't mean Luxuna was out of options, and created a sort of new race. Or a curse. The Lustborn, ritualistically created with the aid of monsters and/or cults these women often, with their natural affinity to sexual acts and lewd thoughts and the like, they shed their humanity and become powerful and feared warlords and solo-monsters. Yet, as Luxuna's sister, the goddess of Chasitity and Love Romanca, found love could help act as a counter-weight. And so, when a seeming bastard daughter was left on the doorstep of a temple to The Chaste Goddess, One more of the Lustborn would be made into a potential time bomb. Always feeling out of place among her peers, She was at least respected for her strong divine magics, and with such potency and drive into healing and helping others, it was a matter of time before the, to those who knew her habit of sneaking off to "pray" or caught her with contraband literature's resistance, rumored saint candidate. would meet an adventurer, an aspiring hero well on their way. Thus the girl who's relationships were heavily intertwined with sex and the crotch tattoo-like birthmark out of another world's hentai and the adventurer she fell hard for would end in a passionate romance, at times adventurering together or meeting up at the village. And the rising Saint becoming the focus of rather unsavory forces...those who simply sexually want her to those who know and wants to awaken the darkness within she fears so much.

In the world of Avent, a relative peace has finally come over the land. Once merely just a land of man, dungeons sprang from the ground, 14 in total based on the 7 heavenly virtues and 7 deadly sins, and unleashed monsters upon the world, putting humanity at risk of extinction or driving them back to survival mode. Yet heroes rose up, and drove the monsters back. And in those dungeons, they discovered wonderous things: resources like mithril, Magic stones, various wonderous artifacts and the secrets to actually use said magic. These discoveries and the blurry introduction of some non-human races to the scene led to a kickstart to the recovery of humanity. Fast forward millennia upon millennia, new nations, kingdoms and empires from what has been found in various levels of the different dungeons. The conquered dungeons would fall only to rise again elsewhere and need containment. There is one Dungeon though that has never been conquered erect and proud was the Dungeon of Lust, nicknamed Lilith Dungeon after the City that surrounds it. The dungeon and monsters proving apt corrupting and nuetralizing many who wander into the fields surrounding it or the dungeon itself. And in come a group of adventurers who have the potential to reach the depths and claim the Dungeon's motherload from its Master's hands. Or cause the City to fall. Again. But that is thje risk one takes living in a dungeon delving city.

Human: Only race fully native to Avent, or at least non-dungeon or fieldified surface. Ad a whole average and flexible. While no innate corrupted form, they can easily be made into a monster.

Dungeonborne: Catch all term for monsters that for reason or another had a more humanoid mindset. Abilities vary depending on what they were supposed to be. Skills also vary, with a werewolf Dungeonborne tracking. All though have a sense for the dungeon and it trying to push them to be more like their kind that are ferally lost to their urges. After all by the will of the dungeon, or its master, The Love they embrace is a lie, Lust is the only Truth. No united culture, besides perhaps trying to be seen as equals to the others. Corruption or "true maturation" results them becoming monsters, and they are perhaps the hardest to bring back from the dark.

Lightwood Elves/ Smoothstone Dark Elves: Elves generally are native to the original zones for the Pride, Wrath and of course, Lust Dungeons with High, Wood and of course, Lightwood Elves. A blend of the High Elf culture and Wood Elf bond with nature, Women voluptuous and tempting in body with the men rather effeminate. Tracking experts with sharp senses, they are romantics enough that they "soul mate" or have a true meta-physical bond with one and only one individual. If the elf has sex with anyone else causes "Darkening" Or the slow change into a Dark Elf of The Smooth Stone House. With keen eyes and sensitive Ears, plus a build that favors speed and dexterity, Elves often follow the paths for Rangers or Rogues, with the occasional magically inclined becoming druids, and the rare finesse focused warrior or Paladin. Secretly a dungeonborne race with only the absolute eldest and the occasional elf actually formed in the dungeons making it all the way out to the surface and out the fields who know that the Dark Elves are pretty much the exact same species with said Dark Elves too busy in hedonistic pursuits to explain 9 out of 10 times, the Elves have a very healthy libido with kinks often hidden but the Lighwood tend to like exhibitionism in the sense of sex outdoors, animalistic fucking and some BDSM using more natural elements(rope, leather, cloth,etc.) while Dark Elves are more into humuliation and total BDSM nuts with "artificial" materials(Latex, Metal, etc.).

Trueborn Witches/ Hags: A Dungeonborne Race unable to hide their origins but their rather human appearance and the fact they are a font of magical and Dungeon knowledge they have intrinsically. They even often take on apprentices, if for no other reason then a member of this race can disguise themselves as one member of said apprentices, often making a cove or joining one with said apprentices and other Trueborn. In this coven or those close to it, they find a "favorite student", their term for lover, and do their best to make their time together as wonderful as they can though more often than not outliving them and needing to find a new partner after mourning. However if the relationship is broken before that and virginity has been given, and the bond by relationship and ritual, usually by Non-con sex or similar that they find pleasure in, their magical ability and connection to ambient arcane energy leaving them in a state similar to Starvation, dehydration, sleep deprevation, or withdrawal to be uncharitable. Understandably desperate to restore their reserves and connection, will lead to one of two results: either the ritual of a first time is recreated successfully, or a ritual half-baked and unqiue to each one but ends the same: Hagification or in lust dungeon born witch case, "going wicked". Gaining an inhuman skin color, commonly bright green but blues, red purples and whites have occurred, and some inhuman trait from animals and/or plants. Class and traits wise the Trueborn are a race geared to magic with high mana reserves, intelligence to use them and special sense attuned to the arcane, often sorceresses or wizards, sometimes more scholarly styled druids or Priestesses of Manata the Goddess of Magic and Knowledge and interestingly they can serve as the "patron" of a warlock either as a Trueborn or Hag, though the former is far more beneficial in deal making, and finally a rare few dare to take their talents down the martial path. Sexually they like ritualistically do it, and will use potions for lewd end, though with Trueborn keeping it sane and relatively safe while the Hag less so, but open for kinky stuff in general and try to be the dom, the result and true amount of doms among Trueborn being much fewer than the near 100% they claim, with the last curious bit because of a persistent rumor that it doesn't "count" against their need for virginity with their magic, a fascination with anal.

Wicht: Felbloods, Hellspawn, Demons(which to be fair they can become), Hellion and more can be lobbed as insults and slurs to these people made from the dungeon and marginally more welcome than the random Dungeonborne and more organized. Native exclusively to the sin Dungeon, they appear mostly human, save for demonic looking horns of some sort and a birthmark on their face, neck and/or shoulder(s) that looked like a demonic runes, these people and their obvious demonic connection, especially to those who lurk on the lower floors of the dungeon. Forced into a nomadic life, akin to Romani, and are generally an insular group. though if a true bond is struck make some of the most loyal comrades and lovers. Hardier than most, they serve excellently as warriors and their forced position racially does lend nicely to Roguish trades, with an unfortunate subcurrent of those seeking a demon contract to become a warlock if they don't have Fel magic that comes naturally to some of their kind. Sexually they more into BDSM-style generally, and perhaps some wax play. When corrupted by pleasure into a humanity they cling desperately too, they often corrupt into some manner of demon. Area around horns is an extra erogenous zone compared to others.

Heavensent/ The Fallen: Believed to be descended the Heavens to aid the worthy on a mission from the Grand Pantheon to aid mortal-kind against Monsters, the first and eldest knowing that isn't exactly the truth but happy to take advantage of it to escape the dungeonborne species stigma, while the younger ones actually believe it. Native to all the virtue dungeons plus pride and lust, with both regarded with suspicion by their peers from the virtue dungeon regions. The winged humanoids that have at least feathers mixed in their hair in addition to the flight capable ones on their back, with a white, gold and blue color scheme, the fallen have a black, gray and red. Their intergral link to their faith often leads them to become Paladins or Priests/Priestesses, with a small selection of other classes, though Warlocks are only counted among the fallen. Sexually they try to present as vanilla as possible, and even any romances struck up more so by the will of the gods "even if [They've] grown quite fond of [their partner]", but in truth they get quite kinky with religous themes, sex on altars and BDSM-laced "Cleansing" and so on. An extra erogenous tone is the base and "spine" of the wings"

Damsels: Almost a living treasure out of the dungeons, known to bring fortune and peril. Resembling Humans generally though other dungeonborne races are known to pop up, with the only way to differentiate between them and actual members of the respective species and Damsels are the three shackles they initially wear, one for each wrist and one around their neck, each with broken chains. A unique ability that makes it difficult to even tell if they were a maiden in the first place: when they find the hero of their fairytale romance, the shackles disentergrate and instinctively release a one time spell that alters reality, inserting them into the world as if they were always there, whether they be a daughter of a noble family, An Elven villager, A fair maiden, and far more. They also use this one time ability to try and establish a close connection to their lover, their "Hero" due to rescue nature is how it starts, Whether it be a simple damsel in distress to lover to A childhood friend with a crush or a incestuous sibling, or whatever they have the opportunity and best chance linking up to their hero, wiping their own memory to fit the new role in the process. Class wise, given how their nature, support types are the most common though notable frontline types like warriors do pop up time to time. Common culture for Damels really only amounts to an over-sized support nertwork helping eachother find heroes and avoid those who would have ill use for those that can seemingly attract rare artifacts and strong monster, not to mention provide powerful boons or martial skill. Sexually the only common thing is they try to match up to their "Hero's" tastes and have a love for intensity, no matter how much they deny it before going ahego. Beware as basically being potent monster bait is not the only danger they possess to humanity, for if they are sexually taken by another with no hope of rescue and give into the pleasure a Boss level monster, wether mini-boss all the way to floor and possibly dungeon master if rumors of a change of the guard down there are true, will be born.

(Can bring in more details if needed)
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