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Fx Female Admittedly Very Specific Plot Ideas

Jun 30, 2019
Here, There, and Everywhere
Hey BMR!

So, I have some ideas I would love. Hope you like one too! Tend to be picky: have a couple great writing partners, and not a lot of time, so I'll say yes to what I LOVE. :)

I only put the plots here that have me playing a Female Lead. If you want to see the plots I have where I will play a combination of Females and Males, or where I am the Narrator / GM who would play all types opposite yours, visit: My More Generic Thread

My F-List!
When reading it, you can say that:
Fave's are just that! Not needed, but really really really liked. :)
Yes's are things I pretty much will always bring in when we both want to.
Maybe's are those things that I can do when it happens to be something another person loves, but I won't look for it.
No's are precisely what they say. Don't try: I'll just assume you didn't read what I like!

I love to write. You'll get post lengths from me that might make you scream for mercy. Will try and keep it under control!

I write always in Third Person.

Will generally only do PMs here on BMR. talked into Threads, but I have no idea what that would take. :)

I am a cis-male if that bothers or influences you when thinking about any of this.

Will play Male, Female or Futa. I love writing all kinds of characters! I really enjoy being the narrator / GM for a story, letting your character be the star and wander through a world.

But, I usually only write opposite females. Sorry, it is just what I like!

Oh, and please don't post here. PM me if you want to do one of the plots below! Putting anything here just clogs it all up. :)

Plots I'd Love and pretty much always will:

- Casual Use Roommate: Super love the idea of playing a small group of dominant characters (3?) who adopt a new roommate as a submissive that is sort of their pet. Not looking for actual puppy/pony play, sorry! More just a common-use girl who they all feel totally cool having sex with around the house, sharing her, etc. We can talk about how this all came about, but the end result would be a situation where your character could be sitting in front of the TV browsing a magazine, and one of my characters could come in, smile, exchange a few friendly words, push her down to sit on YC's mouth, and then move on with a friendly wave. Totally willing to do slice of life, complications, and much story as you like or as little. But, the common use sex element thread in there. (not right away, perhaps...might have to grow!) Would love to do a set of 3 roommates seducing one of yours into a fun lesbian tryst with a domme element! This would be more sweet / fun / learning sort of dominance though! Fair warning, my characters aren't going to start off with whips and chains. They'll be getting into this too over time!

(maybe more to come one day!)
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