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Fx M or F Looking for interesting times.


May 21, 2019

Hello there, I am a man of 31 years and have been rping for 17 years. I got my start in the chat rooms of yahoo. I mainly did very fluffy and happy rps that mainly was fantasy or a fandom. I soon started to do fantasy, I started to become jaded with the fluff and turned to the darker side of human nature when I rped. Well, That is enough about me. I do not like to tell much about my self to people.

What I offer
1. I can reply several times a day.
2. I am always open to ideas.
3. I will always answer pms when they arrive in my inbox.
4. I rp in the third person or the first person PoV.
5. I will always respect my partner and expect the same in return.
6. I will always communicate with my partner when we rp. If I have a question expect a pm.
7. I only play original characters, I will never play cannon characters.
8. I play as male/female/Futa.
9. I will not do any 1-liners rps.

What I expect
1. Respect, This is common sense, If you are not respectful then I will ignore you.
2. Have a plot in mind when you pm me.
3. Communicate! This is common sense as well!
4. Do not try to push some thing on my no list. I do not have many so don't push it.
5. I always give a second chance but will not give any more then that.
6. You must be able to do at least 2 paragraphs at the minimum. If you try to rp with me while doing 1liners then I will ignore you.

Bathroom play
Killing off my characters with out permission.

Bold with * means i am interest in it. Anything with * is what I am really craving.
Horror *
Dark Fantasy ***
Dark Modern ***




Plot/Writing Samples.
I wont bore you with how it happened but what happened when it did. It came fast and hard, out of left field, literally. I was walking through the left field of my grandfather's wheat field. It slammed so hard into me and I thought it was going to break me in two. Then there was a searing pain in the nape of my neck. Gods! It felt so horrible and then the thing pulled back and it felt like it was pulling my flesh with it. But then it bit down again after getting a gasp of breath to fill its lungs. After about four minutes the pain had stopped.

I remember twitching and shaking as I mouthed begs and pleased to be released. When it did release me, I tried to move but couldn't. Then there was cold and blackness but I could still hear. I heard heavy foot steps moving away from me and it was mumbling some thing under its breath. Then it was full darkness, tt felt like I was sinking into the deepest part of the ocean. It was like that for the longest of time. I woke. . . . I don't know how long between me being plunged into the sea of darkness and seeing the light when I awoke. But I knew I was not in that sweet smelling field of wheat.

I slowly sat up in a very plush bed in what looked like to be a room in an ancient stone cottage or a castle. But I was in the middle of Kansas, just outside of Topeka and I know that we didn't have any castles or ancient English cottages. When I look around I see several beautiful and very old looking antique looking furniture. What caught my eye the most was the giant oak English desk that you would find in a layer's office. I just shake my head and swing my feet out from under the blankets and over the edge of the bed. I blinked as I was staring down at my bare legs. It took for a few moments for me to register the fact that my lags were bare. Then I slowly slid a hand between my legs hoping to who ever that was above that I had my panties still on.

But my hopes were dashed like waves upon the rocky shores of Ireland. I felt the bald smoothness that was my mons. I whimpered a bit before squeezing my breasts and whimpered even more realizing that my bra was missing as well. I looked down at the clothing that I was still in, it was a mans shirt but it was from the early 17 or 1800s. I blinked a bit before sliding out of bed. I was a bit unsteady on my feet at first and when I tried to walk, I just ended up on my face. I sat back up and shivered strongly when my bald pussy touched the cold stone floor.

I quickly got up back on my unsteady feet then rushed over to the dresser. I flung open the first drawer to find nothing but more of these ghastly shirts. I checked the rest of the drawers and it was more of the antique clothing. I cursed under my breath before walking over to the closet and flung the doors open. My jaw hit the ground when I seen nothing but antique dresses from the same era “Gods no! I am not wearing that” I stomped my way to the door which caused my apple sized breasts to bounce with each stomp “I want out of this hell hole! And where is my fucken cloths! They were expensive” I growled out to my self and grabbed the handle.

I screamed in pain and arched as energy rushed through my body like a thousand volts of electricity for a moment or two. I released the handle and fell back twitching in pain as the electrical residue worked its way through the muscles in my body. After about twenty minutes, I was able to move again. My body aching like hell and my head throbbing in pain. I sit up on the cold floor once more and reached up to touch my head. I yelped in pain and looked at my fingers “Damn it, I cut my head open” I sighed a bit as I slowly got back to my feet. I looked around the quarters once more then shook my head which was a bad idea. I grabbed a hold of the foot board of the bed as I grabbed my head “Ouchie!” I whined out then made my way to the bathroom to clean up the wound.

I went to look at my self in the mirror but just ended up staring at it blankly. My mind was wracked at what was missing in the picture that I was currently looking at. It took about three minutes for my brain to clear and slap me in the face with the answer. I shrieked at the top of my lungs when I realized that my reflection was missing. I rushed back to the door completely forgetting about the shocking revelation that I had not more then thirty minutes earlier. I grabbed the handle once more and got third shock of my young life. I thrashed around while holding the handle and it looked like I was badly dancing. I finally released the handle before falling to the floor once more. I don't remember what or who picked me up off the floor as I fought to stay awake.

The battle was hard to win so I just gave up and let the darkness take me over as I hoped that this nightmare was just that . . .a nightmare. It was a few days, I think but I woke to the sounds of two people talking. They both were speaking old french or some thing. I only know a few words of french and a bit of old English. I groaned a bit as I fought to sit up but my muscles were weak. I looked at the two and blinked a bit seeing a decently looking man and a stunning woman. I didn't really care for the looks of the man but the woman. She was so beautiful, Tall, a soft caramel skin and flawlessly smooth. She had long straight black hair the cascaded down around her face and over her medium sized breasts. She had a well toned body with wide hips that went down long legs.

The look in her stunning hazel eyes terrified me. Like she was looking at a wounded kitten or prey. I tried to move away but my body was still very numb and would not listen to my commands. I just shrank my self into the bed as I kept my eyes on her but dared not to lock gazes with her unless I wanted to be devoured. I flinched when she spoke. “She is a scared pussy cat” The woman's words stung like a thousand daggers in my heart and in my mind. It was true! I was terrified and I am letting the world know it. “The idiot Lillianna should of never turned the little bitch. She can't even withstand the weakest of turn undead spells” What the ugly little toad of a man said caused my stomach to turn.

I knew what a turn undead spell was since I did play skryim for thirteen hundred hours. Though, Thinking back on it. I know I should have made my self get out and do more sports like I used to before getting skyrim but I just get so engrossed into the stories and mods. . .My thoughts were quickly jarred back to reality when the woman spoke again “You can't expect a blond woman of this age to have much brains.” I screamed in pain as the woman grabbed me by my hair and pulled me to a kneeling position. “After all, Collage girls just tend to think with there pussies and use there mouths to get good grades” At this generalization, I stared defiantly at her because I have never used sex to get grades nor was I a loose slut.

The woman stared at me with those dangerous hazel eyes “Oh, She still has some spunk behind those beautiful green eyes.” I gasped loudly when the woman released me. I fell to the bed and then backed up till I hit the headboard “Lillianna may have made a good choice in her. Though she has yet to have her first meal since being turned, So it is expected that she is weak as a new born kitten” I blinked a bit and shook my head quickly “No, I. . .I wont drink some ones blood” I whispered out hoarsely. The two people just stared at me with evil eyes and there minds were slowly cranking away with plots.
The sky burst open and thunder started to quickly go off through out the area above an old steel mill. The clouds started to swirl around the old mill, The thunder became louder and quickly before fireballs started to rain down around the mill. It continued on till a huge fireball started to come down from the sky. It got closer and closer to the mill as some of the fire broke away and extinguish. After about three minutes, The fireball slammed in to the mill and completely leveled it.

The Police, Firefighters, And the Emt's arrived on scene with in twenty minutes of the explosion. The police started to carefully tape off the area when the firefighters started to work to put out the fires. When they started to pull the debris out of the way, They called over the police when they found what looked like a large pulsating egg but it was made up of what looked like molten magma. “What the hell?” A cop looked down at the egg “Have you tried cooling off?” The fire chief nods softly “Yeah, For about ten minutes with five different hoses.” He rubbed his head “Never seen anything like this.” He sighed a bit.

The cop grabbed a piece of re-bar then slowly walked up to the egg. He poked it a bit then blinked a bit when it gave a bit but the metal bar did not melt. “I don't think it is stone.” He dropped it and took off a glove before tossing it on the egg. He blinked again when the glove did not ignite “Well, It doesn't seem hot.” He reached down carefully and grabbed the glove. He looked it over then slipped it on “It is wet, Though I think it is from the water and not the egg.” He reached down and touched the bumpy eggshell. He furrowed his brow then tried to move the egg. He looked at every one in the area. He took off his glove then touched the egg ever so lightly “Oh wow, It is like a lizards egg. It feels like the learthy eggshell they have” He put the glove back on then looked up at the sky as he started to hear helicopters.

He and every one climbed out of the crater “Wonder who these guys are?” He said out loud as the fire chief looked at the helicopter “Looks like the feds.” The older man that had gray hair. The cop sighed a bit before he left the taped off the area to talk to the feds but they just walked past him. The men in black were heavily armed with automatic weapons. The helicopter had a 20mm Vulcan cannon on the nose. It had two M134 mini-guns on each side, The cop blinked a bit and looked back to the egg. His eyes went wide when he seen the men gingerly rolled the egg onto a cloth stretcher. They carefully picked up the egg before moving to the helicopter.

They loaded it up carefully in the back of it. They looked around a bit before one spoke but it was in a unknown language. The helicopter started up again as the men in black got to there guns before starting to spool up the mini-guns but did not fire it. It still scared the shit out of everyone, The fire chief fell over as he had a heart attack. The people in the helicopter laughed a bit before it took off into the night. The helicopter flew for several hours before landing in a secluded area in the Canadian forest. They carefully slipped from the back of the helicopter, They carefully picked up the egg before moving it to a C130 “Careful you idiots! You do not want to wake the fucken angel! You know how they are testy when awoken before they are suppose to be.” A tall bulky blonde woman yelled at the men.

A few small mousy women in lab coats pulled open what looked like a pottery kiln. The men walked over to the kiln before lowering the egg down into it. They tossed the handles into the kiln before the women pushed the top over and it dropped down into its place. Smoke started to come from the kiln as the egg was warmed back to the perfect temperature that it was needed to be. The people looked at the kiln as the fire burned off the stretcher. Once the kiln was settled and the readings were perfect. They threw some straps over it and bound it down. They then got into there seats while the blonde woman walk to the cockpit to tell them to get going.

The plane rumbled alive as the pilot turned on the engines. The short Asian woman looked out the windows to make sure the plane was starting perfectly. She smiled at her baby before calling down to the taxi to take her from the parking spot. She moved a bit when the large truck latched on to the front landing gear. The truck turned the plane before pulling it out towards the long runway. The pilot purred a bit as she looked around “Is the cargo locked down?” The blonde nods as she dropped into the empty co-pilot's seat, Her huge tits bouncing a bit in her tight jacket. “They are watching over it. We also added shocks to it so it wont move a lot while you land” The little asian woman nods “thank you Missy” She smiled at her friend before looking back outside when she got the green light. She waited a bit when the truck detached then pulled away.

She grabbed the knobs and slowly started to push them forward as the engines roared louder as they got the fuel they loved. Once at take off speed, She grabbed the stick again and watched as things flew past them for about a minutes. She pulled hard back as she groaned, Her feet on the edge of the dash as she pulled the stick back. “Be good for momma!” She groaned out through clenched teeth. She groaned and fell into her seat when they were air born “Another good take off!” She giggled happily as she got the plane to flight height. She looked around a bit as she flipped switches and turned knobs before she turned on the autopilot. “It will be ten hours before we arrive in Ireland. Make sure your boys there are ready.” She nods softly. Missy nods softly “They are, Already called them ahead of time. Thanks again Lucy” She got up and walked over to the small asian woman. She leaned in and kissed Lucy softly before she left to go back into the cargo bay.

She checked everything up before sitting down next to her second in command. She talked to him for a bit then got up. She walked back to the cockpit and sat back down next to her little lover. She would soon fall asleep after about ten minutes of staring at clouds. She groaned awake when they hit some turbulence. “Sorry Missy” Lucy said before turning the plane to the left to get out of the storm. Missy looked at Lucy “How long was I out?” Lucy looked at her then back to her interments “Four hours. We are over the Atlantic ocean right now. We were just entering a storm but we will make it outside of it in a bit.” She reset the autopilot then sat back “So, Are you sure the egg will hatch? We collected so many and non hatched so far” She looked back at the sky.

Missy sat back and thought on her question “I think this one is going to. . .It doesn't have a collar like the others had. And this one is red. Only the fallen are red.” She thinks on it a bit more “But I am not truly sure. We will know in time” She looked at her little lover, Lucy “How are you doing babe? Need anything from the galley?” Lucy nods softly “Yeah, Can you get me some coffee and some thing to eat. I love you long time” She grinned at her stupid joke which elected a groan from Missy.

“You are bad at jokes” She sighed and shook her head a bit. She got up and took a step over to her lover. She kissed her deeply just before the plane was shaken by an explosion in the cargo bay “Go find out what the hell that was!” Lucy screamed at Missy. She quickly turned off the autopilot and started to take them down from fifty-two thousand feet to five thousand feet. Missy ran to the back and stopped in pure terror when she seen the angel was standing in the center of the bay. It had one of the men by his throat “You woken me before it was time” The tall red headed woman growled and crushed the man's throat. She threw the corpse out the hole in the side of the plane.

She turned and looked at Missy as she stretched huge red wings before walking towards the tall blonde woman. She stopped and looked at the hole in the plane. She clenched her fist before stomping over to the hole then jumped out. She groaned a bit as she fell for a few minutes then took off into the air. She would head off towards some where in Europe. Missy, While being in a bit of shock. She turned and walked back into the cockpit and sat down. Then spoke plainly “S. . .She hatched and slaughtered every one in back. She then took off” She rubbed her face.

Lucy blinked a bit and looked at her lover then looked back to the area in front of the plane “Buckle up, We may have to crash when we get over land. Alright?” She watched as Missy nods then grabbed the belts and locked them together in the hub. Lucy reached over and gently rubbed her arm softly “It is going to be alright, Missy” She sighed softly. The two flew to Ireland and gave there reports to there employer who was pissed but understood that it happens.
~ =denotes remembering some thing.[/FONT]

The night was cool and everything was calm, Well, Almost calm a small bosmer woman screamed as she was running from a small burial mound. She was being chased by several drauger as they chased her from the mound. They growled at her before they turned and walked back into the mound but the bosmer kept running while screaming. She was truly terrified as it was her first time seeing a drauger. She squealed loudly when she tripped over a stone as she was rushing through the forest just out side of riften.

She tumbled head over heals several times before slamming into a small but stout tree. She screamed again for a different reason because the impact had dislocated her shoulder very painfully. She rolled down the hill for a few more times then slid to a stop. She curled up as she sobbed in pain. Her body was heavily scratched and bruised from the tumble she took and hitting things on the way down. She laid there knowing she was going to be in a lot of pain for a while due to having to use the last of her healing potions back in the burrow.

She slowly got to her feet and stumbled around before heading off into a random direction. She didn't know where the hell she was and she didn't really care. She just wanted to find a town so she could get a healing potion. She whimpered as she walked and kept her eyes on the ground in case some other rock pops out to trip her. She grumbled as her parent's warning started to creep back into her mind ~Ayami, The world is a dangerous place. It is no place for a girl of your age!~ She growled at that then snorted “I am a hundred and one. I am perfectly fine being out by my self!” She growled out to her self. She kept walking in several random directions unsure of where she was.

Game of thrones
The storm raged as time passed, The wind whipping the snow and rain over the landscape. Not much was moving in the storm, nothing can move with out being swamped by the weather. Nothing could survive in this storm, except one is trying. A small woman was trudging through the snow as fast as she could. She could not move all that well since the snow was about mid-thigh at the shallowest and would cover her if she fell in a deep spot.

She stopped and looked back at where she was coming from “No, They are still coming” She whispered to her self when she seen the movement of the a small horde of white walkers. She quickly turned back to the direction where she was going. She shivered a bit as she quickly picked her pace back up. It was a good hour before she arrived at one of the abandoned crow castles. She looked over the blockage before finding that there was a hole along the large boulder that blocked the door to the elevator. She climbed onto it carefully. She tossed her bag down into the hole then squirmed her tiny body through it.

She was glad that she was so small right now. She knew that the white walkers would not be able to follow her at all. She groaned as she fell on her small bony ass. She whimpered loudly before she got up. She rubbed her rump before looking around. She could not see anything at all since it was pitch black. She groped around in the darkness till she found her pack. She felt around inside till she found a small torch, she went back into her pack before coming back out with a flint and her knife. She carefully struck the two together till she got a spark to take on her torch. She tossed the flint and knife back in her pack. She tossed her bag on her back then grabbed the torch.

She got up and rushed down the hall to the elevator. She skidded to a halt with in the elevator, she kicked the leaver to cause it to slam shut and start on its way up. She fell to her knees as she tried to calm down and catch her breath. She sighed a bit before she got up and walked out when the elevator came to a stop. She looked around a bit before heading down the left hand hall. She slowly walked around as she looked for the kitchen, it would take a good hour till she found it. She carefully searched through everything for any kind of food. She sighed softly finding nothing but frozen bones and a few mummified rats.

She shook her head then headed to one of the smaller outer rooms of the keep. She checked through several till she found one that was the most intact. She walked over to a small pile of logs that was next to the fireplace, she checked the wood over a bit and was happy to see that it was not all that rotten. She grabbed a few and tossed them in the fireplace. She would carefully start the fire by using some of the bear fat she had in her bag for cooking.

She huddled close to the fire and sighed softly “Has been ten days since I left my village. And now here I am. In a decrepit castle huddling from the cold. I hope the south is better then here” She mumbled softly. She got up and walked around the room before she grabbed the blankets off the bed then brought them close to the fire place. She went to other rooms to gather the wood and blankets to bring back to her room. She cuddled up in the blankets when the wind started to blow harder “Wonder how long the storm will go on” She mumbled to her self.
More to come soon
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