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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tanner and Calder were both on time. Tanner greeted his boyfriend with a peck to the cheek as he worked, careful to stand on the side that didn't hold the desk lamp for extra light. "You look gorgeous." He pressed another kiss before taking his own and Calder's costumes behind the screen to try them on. Both came out and stood in front of the mirror, clothes fitting pretty much perfectly to their forms. "Where do you want us?"

Lunch was nice and he was even able to get some work done. Tomias's presence was a distraction, thought not too much of one which was nice, too. He found himself thinking that he could truly get used to having a friend again, and possibly more, and that thought warmed Nikkos in a way that he hadn't felt since he'd been with Youjin. It was lovely, really, and the administrator realized that he wasn't ready to give that up even if some things made him a little uncomfortable.

He made his "appointment" with Relic, moving into the room without knocking. Nikkos went straight for the costumes and if he had no semblence of self control, he'd have squealed. It was perfect-both were. Exactly what he'd pictured, and then some. "You, Mister DaoLin, do excellent work. Do you need me to try it on?"
Relic only smiled lightly at Tanner's presence. It was nothing against him. He was just engulfed in his work. He truly did want to go into fashion of somesort. Start up his own little shop of clothes. He would adore that far too much. He was putting together the last touches on a few accessories he had been working on when he heard the question. He turned to look at the two before he looked over Tanner's outfit. Almost perfect. "Stool please." He said and then looked over at Nikkos when he entered. Standing up from his chair, he nodded and pointed to the little screen thing. "Please." While he may feel slightly stressed and was more into his work than anything else at the moment, he still had manners.

Walking over to Tanner with a little pin cushion on his wrist, holding numerous pins upon it, his eyes looked over the clothes for a while before he went to work. Tugging and pulling the garments here and there, making his boyfriend hold out his arms for a bit and then he eventually had everything form fitted properly. He took a step back, a forefinger to his lips as he looked over the man, telling him to do a turn on the stool before he asked, "Can you move in it fine? Nothing's too tight or anything ... Tell me before it's sewn, please." He said and then once he got his answer, he smiled, leaning up to kiss his boyfriend's lip then smacking his rump playfully. "Next." He called, turning to Calder and waiting silently for the blonde to step on teh stool​
Tanner and Nikkos both agreed that whatever adjustments that Relic had made were good and allowed them to move freely and the like. And that they loved how their costumes turned out. And while Nikkos was especially excited to see Tomias in his costume, or to hear what he thought of it at least, the administrator attempted to keep such things to himself. Not that it mattered-he knew Relic could read his thoughts if he so chose to and Nikkos could only hope that the man was too enthralled in adjustments and such to pay much attention to what anyone else was thinking other than costumes.

Calder was a different story. He was picky and the fact that he had to morphe made it rather difficult. He morphed his tail, and realized that the hole that Relic had left for it was too high. The shirt sleeves were much too long, too...until he realized that he'd pulled Rune's shirt off the hanger. With a groan to his own stupidity, the blond changed quickly into the proper shirt, whose length was two inches too long. He felt horrible that Relic would have to do more work because of him. "I'm sorry," he apologized as he dropped the morph of the tail. "If I can do something to make it easier, let me know..."
Relic was all too happy with Nikkos in his costume. he looked dashing, and he had brought the pants that he was going to wear too. He looked so nice as a pirate. He was happy. He knew that Tomias would eventually come in to try on his lovely attire that Relic made for him, and he was just patiently waiting. In the meantime, he had Calder to deal with. He did not mind the tweaks and comments the blonde made. He wanted the costume to be perfect enough for him that he would want to wear more than just once. He did poke him once, playfully, in the rump with his last comment. He then made sure everything else was fine. Adjusting the tail hole, he was happy once the other was happy.

"Tomias, get in here you lazy asshole." He said, knowing that the man was hovering outside for a while.

Tomias groaned and he stepped out of the shadows, rather through the door was more like it. He pouted and then walked over to the last costume, staring at it with a brow arched in question. "Since when do I go tranny?"

"Since you were a bitch and interrupted my blow job. Go get changed." Relic said, annoyance apparent upon his form as he stared at the man, glaring at the man. His right hand moved to his hip and he tapped impatiently upon his hip while he waited for hte man to do as told.

With a grumble and a tongue poking out, he disappeared behind the screen before he came back out with the frilly dress upon his form. Lovely shades of purple. Dark, plum purple, a nice lilac color, and some cream color which was a few accents and then the frills that were under the plum skirt. Lilac corset hugged to his feminine figure. While he was not as feminine in figure as the twins, he definitely was not a manly man. He actually looked quite nice in it.

Relic perked up, grinning... no ... beaming. It was so lovely to get someone else in a dress. "On the stool." he commanded and then walked over to the stool when he obeyed him. He began to add a few things here and there, hemming the purple skirt a bit more to see more frills. He fitted the corset and dress perfectly to his form and then walked around him for a bit. "I think I have some nice boots for you to wear too." He stated, tapping his forefinger against his chin and then turned to Calder. "To your liking?"​
Nikkos stood in the background and watched with a bemused look. Tomias did look good in a skirt, even if he wasn't the absolute happiest about it. Ah well. That which does not kill you can only make you stronger, or some such nonsense. Wearing a skirt would not kill him. Soon, though, the administrator couldn't keep his mouth shut and he stepped forward. "Please make sure to instruct him, since he seems to listen to you, that boxers were not part of my concept sketch and therefore aren't a part of his costume?" The brunette smirked at the other through the mirror.

Calder yelped at being stuck, but suppose that he'd deserved it. He was being high maintenance. But once the adjustments were made, he was perfectly happy. The blond morphed his tail just to make sure the hole was in the right place and nodded happily, using the tail to stroke over Relic's arm as he purred playfully. Laughing as Tanner smacked him upside the head, Calder just dropped the transformations and nodded that yes, everything was perfect and moved to change back into his normal clothes.

As he came out from behind the screen, he moved back over to Relic, offering him a small peck to the cheek. "I must make you something. What would you like? I bake and cook so pick your poison."
Relic glanced to Tomias, realizing the boxers now and he nodded a bit. "Panties too. I have some cute ones that will match ... Never before worn." He stated and then turned to Nikkos, smiling all the more. "You'll look lovely together." He stated and then smiled with teh kiss the Calder gave him on the cheek. "Chocolate covered strawberries." He stated, sticking his tongue out at the man playfully and bumping their hips before he turned back to Tomias. "You may get changed."

"THANK GOD!" He said, hopping off of the stool and then disappearing behind the screen. He pulled off the dress, being sure to not pull off any of the pins or anything. He may not ... prefer being in a dress, but he knew the effort put forth and well, maybe afterward, Relic could use it for himself. He put the dress back onto the hanger then returned to where he found it. He pulled on his attire and stepped out, stretching his arms above his head with a groan. "I better get a kiss for wearing that," he stated, sticking his tongue out playfully. He chuckled and patted the top of Nikkos' head. 'Kidding ... Mostly."

Relic rolled his eyes. "Don't be an ass. You'll scare him away again." He stated and then walked over to Tanner, sliding his hand into his back pocket, pulling him against his form and he kissed his cheek gently. "Seriously, Mister Alexander, if he's a jerk that you cannot stand, tell either Rune or me and we'll turn him around for you." He stated, giggling lightly. "Just so you don't have to get your hands dirty."​
Tanner stepped forward as he was tugged, arms wrapping around Relic's small frame. He nosed at his boyfriend's jaw as he spoke, enjoying the simple closeness of the moment. He perked up at the mention of Nikkos not getting his hands dirty. "Can I burn him again?" he asked with a tad too much enthusiasm. He was not making it a secret that Tomias wasn't well liked on his end.

Calder nodded-that was easy enough. "Dark, milk, white, or assorted?" Strawberries were easy enough to find and he would make a shopping trip especially for Relic's dessert. The blond was getting ready to leave, too. He felt guilty for leaving Rune alone, though he wasn't sure why. Rune was a big boy, right? He could fend for himself. Still, they'd spent a lot of time together since the twins' arrival at Atlantis and Calder had become accustomed to that.

Nikkos shrugged. "Or I can fire him." His face nor his tone gave away any hint as to whether he'd actually do such a thing or not, and the administrator was careful to keep his mind blank about the subject. He knew that Tomias had stated that he wouldn't invade his privacy like that, but it was hard to know if he would for something like this. And if he did...well that would just ruin Nikkos's fun. "Thank you very much, Mister DaoLin. I'm sure Mister Arcule will be glad to deliver my costume before the event." Nikkos left the room to return to his own. A nice night with his book sounded lovely right then.
Relic patted Tanner's stomach. He was so cute with his dislike for Tomias. He and Rune could bond over the things that they wanted to do to the man. He smiled lightly and looked over at Calder. "Milk and white chocolate are best, thank you." He stated and then hugged his boyfriend closer to his form before he blinked a few times. Fire him? Was he really like that? he did not really think that he was, but he could be wrong he supposed. SHaking his head of the thought, he nodded warmly to Nikkos. "Tomorrow, after classes, I'll be sure your costumes are done before anyone elses." He stated and then hugged his boyfriend with a giggle.

Tomias' jaw dropped. HE WOULD FIRE HIM!? He gasped, following after him and ignoring the others in the room. "Y... You're joking right?! You would miss me too much! And you know that I would just stalk you even more." He stated, well, he whined really. He definitely whined.​
He pouted, nuzzling against Relic's neck. "But he was an ass..." The blond pressed a kiss to the twin's neck, nipping the skin there gently. "And it was fun..." Tanner had to admit the pleasure he got from knowing he caused Tomias pain, but that was only because he'd been a douche bag by interrupting them for the third time. But he dropped the subject for the time being and stepped away from Relic enough to tug him out of the sewing room. "Come eat with me. And then I'll come back and help you finish."

Calder nodded, leaving the room before the other two. He made a mental note of what the twin wanted and began planning pretty things to do with the strawberries as he made his way up to the dorms, looking for Rune. Dinner sounded nice about now, and he always enjoyed having Rune there for company. Calder checked the twins' dorm first.

"Didn't I warn you of what might happen if you whined?" he asked, clearly amused with the reaction that he got. Nikkos entered his room, leaving the door open behind him. There was no point in closing it-Tomias would follow him no matter what. "And stalking is illegal in Utah." Not that it mattered much. A jail cell was no match for either of them with their ability to work objects with their minds. The brunette reached up into a cabinet and produced a bottle of wine and two glasses. He offered a questioning look to Tomias.
Relic chuckled softly and nuzzled against his neck with a warm smile to his lips. "How about you keep me company?" He suggested, knowing how much of a control freak he was. He did not want to snap at Tanner or anything. He wanted to e sure that he just had company. He liked the idea of him being with him while he worked, loneliness was never fun, but helping ... was not needed. "So, what shall we eat?" he asked, his arms wrapped aroudn the other's waist and he hugged him to his form happily. He would have to be sure he did not snap at Tanner. No need to get him angry because Relic had issues when it came to his fabric.

Relic was currently sitting in his and Relic's dorm. His feet upon the desk in front of him, a simple notebook on his lap with a pen in his hand. His ice blue eyes stayed to the pages in front of him, lips wordlessly moving to what was written upon the page. He had been content with no one in the room. Relic was off doing whatever it was he did. Calder and Tanner had to go get fitted. So, it left him alone in teh room and he did not mind it all too much. He was very independent. He did not much need anyone in order for him to be happy. He was happy with his silence for the moment.​
"How about... Tacos?" It had been a while since he'd had Mexican food and it was one of Tanner's favorites, too. There should be plenty of stuff in the kitchen to whip something up, or else they could go out and get away from costumes and people. It had been a while since they'd been out on their own, excluding their "adventure" to the fabric store. Tanner was anxious to take Relic out on another date. But first things first: the blond lead his boyfriend to the kitchen to attempt to find something to fix.

Calder knocked on the twins' door and poked his head in without waiting for an answer. He saw that Rune was in the middle of something and so he just smiled in greeting rather than stepping into the room. "I'm going to get something to eat. Wanna come? Want me to bring something back?" Okay, so maybe Rune's thoughts of a house wife weren't too far off. But he couldn't help it and nor did he want to-the actions came naturally to Calder and he enjoyed taking care of people-lately, Rune.
Halloween could not have come fast enough. Relic did not even sleep a wink the night before. He literally sat in bed bouncing up and down and at midnight, he changed into his cute little nurse â?? naughty nurse â?? outfit and he had to resist the urge to wake up everyone to tell them Happy Halloween. Instead, he went about organizing their equipment for the band. He and Rune had sat down and told which songs they wanted to play, happy to be able to play once more. Yes, even Rune was happy. As long as they were not back into the lime light, they would be happy. Hopefully everyone would just think they were some Garage band that Archer â?? or Tomias â?? scooped up and sent on stage because they sounded nice. Hopefully.

Either way, ten came alone and everyone was forced to wake up. He prodded everyone and made sure that they woke up and gave him the attention he wanted. The day went by fast. Relic told everyone to try on their outfits once more, double-checking that his new stitches were fine, and once they were, he ran back to his room. Getting some panties and the boots for Tomias and then leaving them and the dress with Nikkos, knowing he would get his elder brother to wear the proper items.

An hour before the dance and Tomias was in Nikkosâ?? room, whining. He put on the panties and the whole attire that Relic made for him, but he still was not happy. â??Why am I in womenâ??s undergarments AND a dress?â? He asked and grumbled as he walked into the living area of Nikkosâ?? room. His arms folded over his corset-clad torso, eyes narrowed as he brooded and pouted. â??These â??boyshortâ?? panties are riding up my ass.â? He grumbled and cursed beneath his breath a few times, mumbling about how his outfit was not what he had wanted. He could not protest. Relic would kick his ass and well, Nikkos had picked it out.​
They both had trouble waking up, though Calder more so than Tanner. It wasn't their fault that they liked to sleep! But Tanner made a good point that it was ten o'clock and that if they slept any longer they'd wonder where the day had gone. He hugged Relic to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek before moving to shower and brush his teeth in addition to the rest of his morning rituals. Calder simply shuffled through to the bathroom, ignoring anything and anyone until he was properly showered and dressed.

Nikkos looked over, and he couldn't help but be amused. Really, Tomias was a big child. It was endearing...sometimes. The administrator let him finish whining a he came out of the bathroom, dressed in the costume Relic had made for him, along with a skin tight pair of black leather pants. He acted as if he'd always worn them as he attended to Tomias's concerns. "You're in them because I'm asking you to be for the night. I'll understand if you don't want to be but..." The brunette gave a sad puppy eyed look-just because he'd chosen to be alone for the past six or eight months didn't mean he'd forgotten how to play this game.

He tossed a new, closed razor at the other man. "Go shave."
Tomias perked up instantly when the other came out from the bathroom. HIs eyes widening and his jaw dropped. Well, that definitely made things well worth his while. His emerald eyes traveled along the other's form, only half listening to what he was talking about. It was not until the razor was in his hand did he know what the other wanted. "Really?" He grumbled a few times, walking past the other toward the bathroom. "I don't know how Relic does this shit." He moved into the bathroom and began to lather up his legs, being sure to not get the costume wet or soapy.

After a good ten minutes, the man's legs and armpits - figuring Nikkos wanted those shaved as well - were clean of hair and he made his way out of the bathroom. Doing a little 'sexy' strut as he walked in. Hiking up the side of his skirt before he said a happy, "Ta-daa" and then to the boots it was. He pulled them on, the things going up to his knees, causing a few grumbles from the man. "Why did I shave my legs if they were just going to be covered?" He asked and turned to the man in leather with a simple "Oh yea..." passing his lips before he poked his tongue out. "I better get a dance from you."

Relic giggled happily and really was a terror for the rest of the day. bouncing about and acting pretty close to nuts. HE was so happy. Halloween was his favorite. All the other holidays did not mean much to him. Sure, they were fun most of the time, but Halloween was gorgeous. Where a man cna dress up as a woman without strange stairs. Or at least without people being too disgusted. Anyway. He pulled on his white strappy shoes and then adjusted the thigh-high stockings on his long legs. Brushing down the mini skirt and being sure that the rest of the dress was good. The top of it started at his neck, covered his chest and down his arms, coming to points at the center of his hands, and then his belly button, and the ring which had a red cross dangling from it.

Rune ... was not happy. No. That was being kind. He was pissed. He wore it, but he was pissed. Tight, hot pink cheetah print pants with rips over the thighs, a simple black studded belt and then a hot pink with black trimming vest formed to his torso perfectly with a black fishnet top beneath that. The thing that he hated? The ears and tail that were forcibly attached to the pants he had on and then threatened for the ears to stay on his head. The male was currently brooding in the corner. His arms crossed over his lower torso as he hissed beneath his breath, cursing his brother's very existence for the time being.​
Content that his instructions had been carried out, Nikkos settled down onto the sofa, one leg draped over the other, to wait. He definitely appreciated the view of Tomias emerging from the bathroom, and even more so once the man was in the boots. Nikkos stared for a minute, then rose to cross the room to the other. "First you want a kiss for dressing up, and now a dance. Gotta choose." He knew it was cruel to say such a thing, but he didn't mean it...even if Tomias didn't know that. He didn't have to know that, so far as Nikkos was concerned.

He straightened a few seams out, fluffed a couple of ruffles and pecked a quick kiss to Tomias's cheek. It was amazing at how quickly he fell into a semi-routine of doting on the other man, and even more so that he was beginning to enjoy it. Nikkos didn't even ask if the man was ready and instead simply took his hand and lead him out the door. Contact was stopped as they got into the main parts of the school to keep gossip down, but the administrator didn't think that Tomias would be stupid enough to run.

Tanner dressed quickly, though he was sure not to wrinkle anything, and that each piece was on straight. He knew that Relic would adjust whatever needed it, but getting things perfect was the funnest part of getting dressed. He slipped on his white boots and waited for Calder to be ready before they both made their way to the twins' dorm, entering without knocking as had become the norm between the four of them.

Calder, whose outfit pretty much matched Rune's was fairly comfortable in it. He had morphed out a tail and ears to match the colors in the pants, though held off on any facial morphs for the time being. And he was glad that he had when he entered the room and saw the older twin brooding in a corner. The blond moved over to him and carefully pecked a kiss to his cheek. He thought that Rune looked gorgeous and told him so. When it failed to gain any change in mood, he added: "You could be wearing Tomias's costume?"
Tomias stared at him, his eyes narrowed for a while before he shrugged. "Then I'll choose a dance." He stated, and truly meant it too. If he had to choose between a dance or a kiss, he'd choose the former. He smiled with the kiss to his cheek though, smiling warmly and he walked out of the room happily with the other. He definitely was his obedient little puppy. He stopped in the hallway, glancing around and he then shrugged, turning and making his way to where the man was going. A groan soon moved to his lips as he looked down at the outfit before turning to the gorgeous male beside him. "You never tell me I'm pretty anymore." He said, giving a few, obviously fake, tears and sniffles as he looked down at the man. A pout to his lips and he soon had a smile tugging at those same lips, chuckling lightly.

Relic beamed when Tanner entered the room, soon circling around the male and tugging on a few things to be sure they were where they were supposed to be and then soon was in front of him once more. He grinned, his arms lifting to wrap around his neck and he pulled the male closer with a chuckle. "Mm... Doctor... it hurts when you're away." he whispered before connecting his lips to the other's and he pressed his hips to the blonde's as well. He definitely was proud of his work. He adored how the outfit came out and the revealed chest was all the better. Oh, he got chills just looking at his work, especially on his boyfriend's body.

Rune remained still, his eyes only opening when Calder came near. A brow rose in question, his ice blue eyes traveling along the other's form before back to his eyes. "You can turn into a cat?" He asked, blinking a few times before he shook his head from the thoughts. His hand took a hold of Calder's - the action becoming routine by now - and then glanced to the couple making out. "Come on, Relic. We have to be there a bit early to set up." He stated while he began to make his way out of dorm, figuring that the two would follow.​
"You never dress up," Nikkos countered, playing the game more than willingly. He couldn't even remember playing such games with Youjin or Gemini and he was endeared by the thought of it. His thoughts strayed a little as they walked, too. Youjin had been about sex-when they could have it, how they could have it, how often they could have it, why they couldn't have it... No romance or friendship. Just sex. Gemini had been about healing and staying way from sex. Still no friendship. Nikkos was enjoying building a friendship with Tomias.

They entered the dance, and Nikkos was glad that many students weren't there yet. He hated making an entrance. He was quickly recruited to help set up the decorations that had yet to make it to the ceiling, and by the time he was done students were slowly streaming in and Nikkos felt that it could be a very long night. As the number of students grew, the administrator found that he wasn't comfortable. He was used to being in the school with this many people, but rarely were they convened in one place at the same time. The brunette sought out Tomias, and gave a sigh of relief when calm took over his fraying nerves. He let his fingers brush against the other man's, letting him know that he was close just in case Tomias hadn't noticed but other than that, Nikkos kept a small amount of distance between them. He didn't noticed Youjin staring daggers at him.

"Mmm. I guess I'll have to never leave then, now won't I?" Tanner smiled and nuzzled at Relic's neck as he was hugged, pulling his boyfriend's body tightly to his own. His hand splayed on the patch of bare skin that was revealed on the twin's back, while his free hand was used to flip Calder off as he made gagging noises behind them. "Don't be jealous."

Calder rolled his eyes at his roommate and instead turned his attention to Rune at the question. He settled into holding the other man's hand easily, falling into step as they left the room. "I...can morphe into anything or anyone. Outwardly, anyway. And as long as it's not an inanimate object." To prove his point, the blond lengthened the ears slightly and morphed a long-ish muzzle, pulling his appearance to that of his dog that his family had as a child. That morphe fell into a rabbit, and then Tanner's face before it returned to his own with cat ears. "Does it freak you out? I can forego the nose and whiskers..."
Tomias happily helped with the rest of the decorations, not really thinking much about abandoning Nikkos. He was a big boy. A big boy who liked his space anyway, so there was nothing to worry about. He watched the many students filing in, a few staring at him or commenting which just got him to flip them off or threaten their grades. He was currently conversing with the guy that was heading the music. Asking if the equipment was there for the boys' band and then for when the DJ would take over when the male brushed his fingers against his. He smiled, despite himself, and then eventually nodded and batted the man away to tell him to set up the things. He then turned to look at Nikkos, smiling as he did so. Chuckling softly, he looked aroudn the area before he sighed softly. "You know, I've never actually been at a dance before. Clubs, sure, but a school function one, nope." He admitted, just finding idle conversation for them.

Relic chuckled lightly, ignoring the two that left the room before he sighed softly. Kissing Tanner's lips once more, he pulled away and linked their hands together. "We'll pick up later." He whispered and nipping his bottom lip softly before he led the way out of the room and followed behind the two little cats, quite enjoying Calder's purely since the appendages were attached. His eyes traveled along the other and he grinned all the more. He definitely enjoyed his costumes. Sure, he adored his and TAnner's more than theirs, but he was selfish in that respect.

Rune watched him, a brow arched in question and he shrugged his shoulders. "It's fine. I've encountered worse." He admitted and then headed to where the dance was. Looking around, he eventually glanced to the stage where the drum was that said "Heavenly Demons". He chuckled and then glanced behind him to Relic, smiling all the more. He did not say anything, but the other knew just what they were thinking and the twins wore identical smiles as they looked around.​
"Did they even have school functions when you were in school?" Nikkos teased with a little smile. Yes, he was definitely enjoying Tomias's company more and more as time went on. The administrator had been a little intimidated at first, as he always was when someone new took an unexpected interest in him, but the man in front of him had gone above and beyond to ease into the friendship and being sure not to push the boundaries he'd set up in the beginning. Even now, when Nikkos himself was breaking his own rules, Tomias was careful not to overstep too far. It was that control that helped him to feel safe.

They chatted idly for a little while, Nikkos thoroughly enjoying himself while sipping the obviously spiked drinks. The administrator jumped when he felt a hand at his ass, though, and he quickly moved up against Tomias, consciously looking for protection from whomever was behind him. When Nikkos heard the familiar laugh, he turned his head. The brunette's eyes were wide, not really sure what he should be feeling at that moment. Youjin had barely talked to him since their breakup and Nikkos had no idea why he would chose to molest him now. "Y-Youjin. Can I help you?"

The dance was in full swing, really, by the time they got there. Oh, there was no music of course, but there was much mingling and noise amongst the student body and administration alike. Tanner was in his glory, really. He loved parties and mingling and tonight was something special because it meant that he got to show Relic off. It was nothing sexual, but simply egotistical. There were many students who lusted after his boyfriend and Tanner had been looking for a chance to rub in their faces that they didn't stand a chance. He pressed a kiss to the twin's cheek as they entered. "Want something to drink before you set up?"

Calder shrugged and finished his morph. There were a few gasps of awe as some saw him but in general the blond ignored it. He did, however, catch Rune's smile which brought his own smile to his lips. "I like your smile." He spoke softly, knowing that the other wasn't much for public displays of anything other than violence, and squeezed his hand before slipping away to get his own drink. "Want?"
Tomias chuckled softly. "They barely had school." he admitted, shrugging his shoulders and he then continued to chit chat about this and that, randomly telling the other a story about one of the kids he had gone to school with and how he wound up getting the plague and how nasty that had been. He was enjoying himself thoroughly. Nikkos was fabulous company and he was glad for the other to start opening up, teasing him. Hey, Tomias was there to tease when others felt the need. He never minded. He never took anything to heart, that was why. He just let it slide off him and not care. Call him a Mamma's boy, and he'll agree with you. call him a pansy, and you'll only be half right. There was always a retort for him when he was insulted.

Though, when Nikkos was suddenly shielding against someone, the brunette instantly was on the edge. He looked around before spotting the cause, and a brow arched in question. This was Youjin? oh ... He had seen him around the halls every now and again. He blinked a few times before he sighed softly. And just when the night was going well. He put on a warm, if not slightly fake, smile and held out his hand. "Ah. It's finally nice to meet the infamous Youjin. I'm Tomias Arcule. How do you do?" He questioned, his left hand all the while gently resting upon Nikkos' arm, letting him know he was not going anywhere any time soon.

Relic stopped and turned to look at Tanner, ignoring the looks that they had been getting. Not like he was closed about his relationship with the blonde. Though, he was definitely ego-boosted by the looks of jealousy from those aroudn them. He definitely adored those type of looks. He thought for a moment before leaning up and kissing Tanner's lips gently. "A water will do, please ... Anythin with alcohol burns the chords." He stated with a wink, pinching his lover's rump before he kissed him once more, claiming him if you will. Hey, he could be paranoid that others wanted to take his lover from him, and well, that was just to show that he was taken.

Rune glanced over at the punch before he shook his head. "No. I'm fine, thank you." He stated, his arms folding over his lower torso and he soon was glaring at the others that were obviously gawking at him. He bared his teeth, growling at them and he grumbled a few times. He was going to kill Relic. At least he was not in a dress though. Then again, a dress would be interesting to try and see who could tell him from Relic. When they were together, and Rune did not have that death look, they were interchangable in apperances - body jewelry aside.​
He felt like a little kid having to hide from the Big Bad Wolf. Nikkos hated feeling like this but couldn't help how Youjin made him feel. The man smiled at them. "Why Nikkos! We haven't talked in ages darling!" He reached out for the administrator's hand. "You must come dance with me!"

Nikkos jumped away from his ex, asserting himself into Tomias's side firmly. "No. No I don't think I will."

Still, Youjin persisted in attempting to get a hold of Nikkos's arm, even as the brunette cowered all the more, whimpering softly, only loud enough for Tomias to notice. "Awwww come on Nikkos! We used to have so much fun dancinggg!!!" His voice was high pitched and whiny, like that of a spoilt child.

"Oh but I would help soothe them..." Tanner smirked at Relic, returning the kiss with a little show of it. "Water. You got it." The blond nearly pranced off to get their drinks, smiling at those who were staring at him. Tanner really didn't care who was jealous of him and who simply wanted a subject for their nightly masturbation session. He got two cups of water, testing both to be sure that there was no alcohol in them before bringing one back over to Relic and returning his arm around the twin's waist.

Calder nodded and went off to get himself something (alcoholic) to drink and mingle with friends he'd been neglecting. It was the nice thing about Rune-he didn't mind being by himself or that Calder abandoned him for an hour or so to do his own thing. The blond found himself thinking that he could perhaps get used to that type of relationship.
Tomias growled softly and he took in a deep breath to calm himself a bit. His eyes narrowed at the man that was still presisting on trying to get Nikkos to go with him. He instantly stepped between the two, taking a hold of Nikkos' arm and returning it back to the brunette's side, a single hand resting on the pirate's hip. "Listen ... He's not interested." he hissed, his eyes narrowing dangerously at the man in front of him. He definitely was not happy. He so badly wanted to just smash the other's head in, but he knew he could not. That would risk his job here and well, be a bad influence for the other students. So, he needed to keep his cool a bit more.

Rune had wandered over to the trio with their issues, staring at the man that was creating the big fuss and the six foot five raven-haired male rolled his eyes. The male looked down at this Youjin fellow and examined him a bit before his hand wrapped aroudn the back of his neck, gripping him with easily enough strength to snap the man's neck, with just a twist of his wrist. "They can't get their hands dirty with your blood, but I have no restraints ... Especially in this fucking costume. So, are you going to go peacefully, or does my foot have to be shoved up your worthless ass for you to get the picture that he's over you?" He hissed, his voice, tone, demeanor, look -- everything told anyone within viewing distance that he was not joking around.

Relic smiled warmly, taking the water and he kissed Tanner happily before sipping the drink. "Thank you." he said happily, beginning to rock back and forth on the heels of his shoes while he absently chattered away with the blonde beside him. He saw his brother and he knew that there may end up being some sort of problem, if that Youjin fellow did not back down, but until the first fist was thrown, he would stay where he was.​
Nikkos watched what was going on in between glancing around to be sure no one was watching. He was glad that they didn't seem to be the center of attention...yet. If Youjin didn't back down, he was sure that they would be and Nikkos wasn't quite sure how he would handle that. As it was, he was self concious enough that Rune had to step in, even if he was grateful at the same time.

"I'm just trying to have a good time!" Youjin protested. "It's a party is it not?" The Elemental didn't make a move, but instead summoned his element to help. He couldn't help laughing when a rain cloud formed over Rune's head, thundering and lightening and threatening to drench him.

Nikkos could see where it was going and he very quietly let Tomias know that he was leaving the room. He didn't want to watch this anymore, and he didn't have the strength to even if he did want to. He slipped out, making a quick escape to his office, only because it was closer than his living quarters.

Tanner noticed the bit of commotion across the room and his eyes widened a little when the cloud formed. The blond tugged at Relic's arm. "Uhh. I think you're about to be needed." He pointed over to Rune, knowing no further explanation was needed.

Calder, too, had noticed and was quick to hustle over to the older twin, hand coming to rest on his arm gently. "Rune. Come on. You're due up in a minute." He realized he had no idea how to defuse the situation but could only try. The blond looked about frantically, hoping to find Relic and get him over here in a hurry.
Tomias blinked a few times and glanced over to Nikkos, seeing him leave and he looked back to Rune, knowing that the man's little rain cloud and elements would really do nothing to stop Rune. he chewed his bottom lip, a bit relieved when Calder came. He bounded after his little pirate, swerving through people and rushing toward his office. He stopped at hte door, giving a little warning knock before he poked his head into the room, a sympthetic gaze to his features. "Do you want me in or out?" He asked, not too sure which the other would prefer right now. "Relic will ... tame Rune.' he added in hopes of reassuring the other.

Rune tightened his grip around the other's neck, already leaving a bruise upon the man's flesh. "You think a cloud will save you?" He asked, his other hand easily taking his arm and bending it back behind him and in the same motion, he literally smashed the other's face into the nearby wall. "Pathetic." he hissed, ignoring the blonde near him and just not caring at the moment. He did not like this ... Youjin guy. He apparently did something to Mister Alexander and he just gave him the willies - like he would be raped by him or something. He did not like him. He was a scumbag, and he easily got that vibe, so why not just save the rest of the world from him?

Relic gasped, seeing Rune ram his head into the wal he squeaked. Quickly, the ravenette moved through the people, heading to where calder was attempting to simmer Rune down. He smiled weakly at Calder, knowing the other wanted to be the one to help, but there were some things only twins could do - this was definitely one of them. He walked over to Rune, resting on hand on his stomach while the other rested between his shoulderblades, beginning to soothe the other with soft words and whispers.

The elder twin growled, snapping the wrist of the man he held before he let him go with a deep breath to also calm himself down a little. He turned to look at Relic, narrowing his eyes a bit. "I hate your power." he mumbled before he took in another few deep breaths. The elder of the two eventually calmed down, returnign to his default of just being annoyed. He wrapped his arms tightly around his torso, gripping his form and he counted to 'ten' in his head before his eyes slipped closed and he settled himself a bit more. "He deserved it though."

"Yes yes... He did." relic stated, patting his brother's chest before he glanced over at the bleeding elemental. "Do you need an escort out?"​
He knew that Tomias would eventually follow him and Nikkos was prepared for the knock to his office door to announce the other man's arrival. The brunette looked up, knowing that only Tomias would knock and then come in, and the sound of the door opening comforted him a little. "In" was whispered. Nikkos was still too spooked to speak and he sat at his desk, elbows on the top with his head resting in his palms. The administrator took several deep breaths to calm himself, hating what he was feeling in that moment.

Calder went wide eyed as Rune acted upon Youjin. He wanted to help-not because he felt like he had to be the one to, but because he didn't want trouble for the other man. The blond was relieved when Relic showed up and worked his magic on his twin. He couldn't help, though, moving behind Rune, hands on the man's shoulder blades. "Just let me know if you need me, okay?" He wanted to give the other time if he needed it, and so the morphe backed away after pressing a kiss to wherever it was his lips reached on Rune when they were both staring straight ahead.
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