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Fx Male Story-Driven Fandom Search


Jun 1, 2018
Hello and welcome to my search thread! Here you'll find a relatively short list of specific fandoms and pairings that I'm seeking as well as the occasional plot that I may have for particular fandoms and pairings, or even the rare original plot.

I have over 20 years of writing and roleplaying experience, though I have not been writing as often in recent years and may be a little rusty. I write in third person descriptive format (multi-para to novella), and while I love attention to detail, character introspection and development, and a slower pace overall, I find pages worth of text and purple prose a little daunting, so there's no pressure to write extensive replies or match length. I'm a slow writer, posting multiple times a week at most, so I'm not looking for anything rapid-fire.

I will write with both men and women and play against both male and female characters, but for anything romance or smut related I'm strictly looking for FxM. I'm also prepared to write in a few side characters of either gender as necessary, but doubling isn't something I can reliably commit to and have had poor experiences with.

I don't have any plots for most of these pairings as yet; this is first and foremost an interest check since I realise most of these pairings are niche or too self-indulgent to attract much interest, but some tropes I really enjoy are Beauty and the Beast, Stockholm syndrome, enemies to lovers, forbidden love, power struggles and slow burns. I would love to discuss plot ideas with potential partners to create something that we will both find enjoyment in.

I'd like to stress that I'm looking for something story driven. Smut is of course very much welcome, but I'm not really interested in a plot built entirely around sex or kinks, or altering or portraying a character to suit those kinks (unrealistic proportions, for example). I'm pretty vanilla, however I do enjoy bad ends (to a degree), dark themes and just realism in general, but they aren't necessary. I also enjoy putting characters that otherwise don't get along (enemies, hero x villain, etc.) or are complete opposites in unlikely situations.

Listed below are just a few fandoms and pairings that I am seeking at the moment, but I will add to them as and when I think of new ones that I'd be interested in roleplaying.

If you don't see a character you'd like to write as in this list, feel free to ask and I may consider it. It might even be a character or a pairing that I'd enjoy but forgot to add.

I'm also open to crossovers. If you see a fandom that you think would crossover well with another (Metroid and Mass Effect, for example, or Monster Hunter World with its precedent of bringing characters from other fandoms into its world), I'd love to hear any and all ideas.


• Samus x Adam
• Samus x Rundas
• Samus x OC (M)

Metroid x Metal Gear
• Samus x Solid Snake

Escape From New York/L.A. (+ crossovers)
• OC (F) x Snake
• Crossover Canon (F) x Snake

Legend of Zelda
• Zelda x Ganondorf

Potential plot: In the Hero's absence, Zelda attempts to negotiate a marriage of convenience in order to grant Ganondorf the kingdom and possibly the Triforce piece he covets without surrendering her authority entirely and to avoid more senseless destruction and bloodshed. Ideally slow burn, with the relationship starting out as antagonistic before blossoming into romance. Lots of drama, political intrigue, and potential for redemption.

I'd also love to see Zelda thrive in the Gerudo Desert, sort of inspired by Game of Thrones' early Daenerys. Perhaps she's married off to Ganondorf by her father to maintain relations, or we can go the classic kidnap route.

Cyberpunk 2077
• V (F) x Viktor
• V (F) x Dum Dum
• V (F) x Takemura
• V (F) x River
• V (F) x Johnny
• V (F) x OC (M)

Baldur's Gate 3
• Tav (Seldarine drow) x Halsin

Dragon Age: Inquisition
• Inquisitor Trevelyan (F) x Cullen
• Mage (F) x Templar (M) (Circle tower. A Templar and his ward. Maybe even Amell x Cullen long before the Blight.)

Mass Effect
• Shepard (F) x Thane
• Shepard (F) x Kaidan
• Shepard (F) x OC (M)

Other Fandoms (tentantive)

Leaving these here for future use but I'm not actively looking for any of the below.

V Rising
• Vampire x Vampire
• Vampire (F) x Hunter (M)
• Human (F) x Vampire (M)

• Temari x Shikamaru
• Canon/OC (F) x Shikaku

Been a while since I watched it and I don't think I even got as far as Shippuden, but I have a sudden craving for this pairing. Might try to watch it all again, but at the very least I'll be reading up on events.

One Piece
• Canon x Canon

Live-action adaptation only, as I unfortunately don't have the time or attention span for the anime. I've just started watching the series; I'm still figuring out the character dynamics and what pairings might work, so I'm open to suggestions.

Sleepy Hollow
• Katrina x Hessian
• Mary x Hessian
• OC (F) x OC Headless Horseman/Dullahan (M)

Also open to plots more generally inspired by the legend itself or Celtic folkore as opposed to a canon setting and characters, with an original headless horseman/dullahan.

Monster Hunter World/Stories
• Hunter (F) x The Huntsman
• Hunter (F) x Field Team Leader
• Hunter x Hunter

Also interested in reasonable crossovers, new or existing, e.g. with the Witcher.

The Witcher
• Yennefer x Geralt

Netflix series based. I haven't read the books and I've only played a couple of hours worth of The Witcher 3 years ago so most of my knowledge comes from the show. Also interested in potential crossovers with other medieval fantasy fandoms; Game of Thrones, Dragon Age, etc.

Marvel Cinematic Universe
• Wanda Maximoff x Stephen Strange
• Scarlet Witch x Sinister Strange

• Kagome x Sesshomaru
• Sango x Miroku
• Kagome x Inuyasha
• Kikyo x Inuyasha

Stranger Things
• Nancy x Billy
• Nancy x Eddie
• Chrissy x Eddie

Also interested in a potential crossover with other 80s fantasy and horror films, like Nightmare on Elm Street, Beetlejuice, The Lost Boys, etc. Or even a more light-hearted plot like that of the Breakfast Club. All characters will be at least 18 or older (season 4 onwards).
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