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Amazing thoughts of Luna


Jan 9, 2009
I realized that after nineteen years I've still got walls; walls that are now beaten and weathered but none the less still there. You can carefully evade your way through them if you're nice enough. If you haven't hurt me they're easy to pass. But the minute you see me you can see how feeble I am. I'm nice but vulnerable to anyone inside, and when anyone hurts me inside they get thrown out and the walls get bigger. Walls constructed with indifference, sarcasm, and spite.

I wonder if this is normal.
Re: Luna ver 3.0

Luna said:
If you haven't hurt me they're easy to pass. But the minute you see me you can see how feeble I am. I'm nice but vulnerable to anyone inside, and when anyone hurts me inside they get thrown out and the walls get bigger.
I seem to get special privileges.
Re: Luna ver 3.0

Thats because I had a crush on you when we first met. :lol:
Re: Luna ver 3.0

Hmm..just because I like guys like you. I had a crush on Narpy before too.

As you can see, its gone now. But I still respect your opinions and even though you do get past my walls I stay distant.
Re: Luna ver 3.0

Actually, this brings me to my next self evaluation.

I always seem to look for guys who are just plain rebels, but I have had plenty of nice guys spill their guts to me and I turn my head away. Most actually annoy me...probably because I know they're into me. So maybe I like to work for a relationship instead of them liking me right off the bat? I've had plenty of relationships that started out with one of us hating the other. I never dated the guy that liked me for no particular reason..
Re: Luna ver 3.0

I had a crush on Trygon back on darker for about a week. Then he disappeared.

As for the walls:

Yes, perfectly normal. They probably won't go away either, ever. Walls can be rather delicate, believe it or not. Where one falls, another will rise. A constant change to one's inner maze.
Re: Luna ver 3.0

No problem. It was the mystery that got me-- or maybe it was the ego. He was the first to call me pretty on Darker, I think.
Re: Luna ver 3.0

I still think it was the badassness, and the fact that he respected me(at first before I turned into a stupid attention whoring brat).
Re: Luna ver 3.0

Nah. I had a crush on him because Ducky didn't like him at the time : D

And some other reasons that need not be put here : )
Re: Luna ver 3.0

I agree to ya Luna, Their are walls around everyone some weak and feebale, Some Strong and unbreakable. But none the less I agree.

And I agree to bunny, Where one falls another will rise...Always changing.
Re: Luna ver 3.0

Okay, so Iâ??ve decided to get this out of the way when I have the chance to.

My internet life:

Its very active. Iâ??m on everyday if Iâ??m lucky. But I try not to overdo it. Because of the recent changes in my life, Iâ??ve had more than enough time to be here. However, I force myself to do something productive in my free time so that I wonâ??t be on all day. Iâ??m not someone whoâ??s obsessed with this side of my life, however, I do take it seriously sometimes if I make friends. Or acquaintances, whatever the case may be. Iâ??m a girl that has codes and morals. I forgive people because Iâ??d like people to forgive me. Basically, Iâ??m a do unto others as you want done to you sort of person. At first this particular code was shaky, but now its adamant, and I find it easy not to break most of the time.

I could preach to you about how I wonâ??t do this or that, but for some reason people find it irritating, perhaps because they have done things I refuse to do. People never want to see inside themselves, because something ugly is always lurking there. Even in me. Iâ??m not perfect, never claimed to be, never will be. I still have inner demons, those that I may never be able to correct. But I keep them restrained as best as I can.

Blue moon was pretty good when I first joined. Small but quiet. Nice. It seems that the bigger communities have more chaos and disorder to them. Like Gaia. I was liked for the first monthâ?¦as I recall. But then things went downhill when the scapegoats left. I was called out on being an attention whore. I guess I was, but I was also accustomed to posting at least one or two topics a day. I didnâ??t think much about it, and thatâ??s usually my problem. I donâ??t think about what people would say for this or that, but perhaps it was just because I was never the type to aim or please once I reached eighteen.

Now, I kind of feel like I have to suck up and flirt to get friends. Iâ??m not an interesting person because Iâ??ve never felt the need to be fake. Iâ??m not the type of person to do things like that because Iâ??m a shy person. It used to be cute, now its just annoying. So then I begin to notice that a bunch of people are wellâ?¦theyâ??re not speaking to me. Random Fact About You has been my greatest accomplishment post wise, but I realized I made barely any conversation there. I feel ignored most of the time, because certain people only respond to others, and usually Iâ??m not the one someone speaks to. I could talk about someone dying in my family and no one would even notice.

So does this bother me? Not in particular. Its annoying. Its annoying seeing that none of my regular posters give me a thought. Its annoying getting on everyday and being ignored. Iâ??ve even tried posting and quoting others and still I get nothing.

Its not like I donâ??t know whats going on. A lot of people talk bad about me, including those who claimed they were my friends. Iâ??m sick of one particular person who smiles in my face like heâ??s done nothing wrong.

My thing is, if youâ??ve never even attempted to talk to me, how would you know Iâ??m a terrible person to begin with? Just because someone else tells you so? Just because you saw me in PVP where everyone is fucking childish? Its not like Iâ??m the best arguer in the world, HOWEVER, I have no desire what so ever to even argue back with those who insult my intelligence based on what I give for arguments.

I do make sense, but those who oppose me cover their ears and scream insults at me to make them look good. Anyone can say someone makes no sense. I think the worst thing that keeps me from putting up a decent argument is the lack of a computer. I donâ??t have the luxury of being on one everyday, but my passion for roleplaying keeps me on the PSP.

I will never lower myself as someone thatâ??s only good for entertainment. I refuse to fight back on a constant battle based on attacks upon intelligence, maturity, or wit. In my opinion, people who do that repeat themselves all the time, and the battle would quickly turn into â??ur stupid! no u! no u!â?? and it will be a never ending battle of stupidity. I realize how many people are insecure that they need to establish dominance over others who are considered they bottom feeders of Blue moon, but Iâ??m not the type of person that needs recognition because I know that Iâ??m not what so many others think I am. Iâ??m someone whoâ??s in love with video games and anime, and has a big heart that excepts everyone. And when those people I have accepted turn on me, I get upset and hurt.

Internet or not.

I feel like Iâ??m being treated like dirt. Iâ??ve never felt that way about any site before. Someone can scream at me that I deserve to be treated like this, but what have I done? Not in the past, not in PVP but personally? What have I done to you that you feel the need to shun me outside of PVP? Or talk about me in chat where I canâ??t see you? Why is it that you have to be a certain kind of person in order to gain friends here? Why is it that its so easy to turn on eachother?

I consider posters to be real people. I treat them with respect until theyâ??ve done something that makes me want to make a comment thatâ??s not so nice. Because Iâ??m usually right. And what happens? They bring up that past, call me stupid, immature.

If I asked everyone who hates me why they do, then they would simply all give me the same reason. If you canâ??t write more than one paragraph of something ORIGINAL and not from someone elses opinion of me, you just hate me to hate me. That, in my opinion, is the stupidest thing for someone to do. You could miss out on a good friend or even a soulmate for listening to other peoples opinion. And if you got friends that will judge you based on who you associate yourself with, then those are not real friends.

Iâ??m not asking to be treated like a princess. I just want to be treated like a human being, and obviously thatâ??s not going to happen any time soon.

Iâ??ve tried not to name anyone. I donâ??t want to. However, you all know who you are, and you know what you did. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Re: Luna ver 3.0

I do make sense, but those who oppose me cover their ears and scream insults at me to make them look good.
It's very easy to say 'It's not me, it's them!'.

Too bad you're wrong.
Re: Luna ver 3.0

Okay, so I'm doing a little bit better. Nothing really has changed except I cleared up a few things with the certain someone and I have people to talk to now. Of course, they were new and all and didn't seem to belong to that particular group, but even so people are beginning to notice me just because I have a more positive appearance just by social interaction alone. I'm also feeling better because I've developed some more real life relationships and even though I'm leaving my friends I can say I'll be coming back because I'm positive pensecola will suck donkey balls and I won't last for more then half a year.

Anyway, I just hope that I'll start making more friends and people will continue to see me as a nice person.
Re: Luna ver 3.0

I woke up from a nice dream that involved me and some guy I barely know. He asked me out, and we cuddled and held hands. That was it, but I miss that feeling, I miss having someone love me and telling me its okay and comforting me. I do go out and meet people. However these people don't know the meaning of taking it slow, and thats why I'd rather date someone far away. I don't want sex. I just want security and someone to be there. I'm sick of being alone. -shrug-
Re: Luna ver 3.0

I have begun to realize how insecure I am. I may not be acting up, but I do want attention. I want attention because I feel alone. I feel alone because no one understands me. I can talk to as many people I want online, outside, on the phone...but at the end of the day I feel alone, inferior and useless. It used to just be alone, but after all the rejection I've been through this year online and off, I feel like I'm nothing but a waste of space to everyone around me. I am the only one who thinks I'm nice.
Re: Luna ver 3.0

It kind of hurts to pat yourself on the back when no one else does. Even though I have friends, I'm nothing special. No one goes out of their way to try and include me in their lives. I have to force my way in. If I'm nothing special, does that mean people will continue to walk all over me until I change myself? Do I have to drink, smoke or bleach my skin to get people to look my way? Must I be a whore so guys can give me the time of day? No one loves who I am now, so why would it be different later?
Re: Luna ver 3.0

I suppose all of my questions can be answered with typical callous internet remarks. Go out and meet new people, go out and make yourself more interesting. But after so much rejection I have no moral left. I can't take it anymore and because of that I am secretly sulking and wallowing in my held in emotions. If I ever talked to anyone about this they wouldn't listen. They would simply avoid me. So I am writing in this desserted journal on a site where I am ignored for the most part.
Re: Luna ver 3.0

I kind of find it funny that 2 out of 3 people that posted here find me annoying. Its kind of sad. It kind of makes me feel like they talk to me when they're bored. I'm just someone they gossip to, but when it comes to my feelings they show little to no interested. Brushing it off with a 'shit happens' attitude. Sometimes I feel the urge to talk about my past so they can show a little sympathy for once. But I choose to remain silent. I wouldn't want to end up like a girl I once knew.
Re: Luna ver 3.0

Im one of the 3 that care ^^ I will listen and do what I can to comfort you...After all I would attempt to call you with a living battary if I didn't care^^ After all you gave me your number and I utilize it to talk to you ^^ But im always here to listen of course this is to make you feel better and the truth...I listen to a lot of ranting more ranting makes no difference just means I can help all the more.^^
I've come back after a few weeks and for some reason everything seems so...problematic.

Just the OOC part of these forums. I looked at Show Yourselves today and I didn't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for some people. It wasn't the pictures, it was the text, the was massive amounts of fail compressed into one page, and it went on like that for the few pages I read.

It was kind of the same way in Random Fact About You. I killed the thread when I posted, but eh. I had to say something. I don't care if people don't find my dickery entertaining, it just made me sick.

I'm wondering if the experience in my life that I'm going through is making everything so clear. The shit storm that I've been struggling through may have lifted the veil that clouded my view of some people. At first I thought it was cute, but then I realized that they're not doing this once in a while, but ALL THE TIME.

One day, I'm just going to name everybody instead of being polite, because I'm running out of damns to give about being polite.

I love some of the users here though. So thats why I remain, lurking in the shadows. I don't need to sign on to read things. Sometimes I won't just because I'm too lazy.

Once I'm done with the ordeal I'm going through, I'll consider posting it. But I'm not interested in telling anyone about my life right now, so all that you'll get is whats on my mind when I decide to make another journal entry.
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