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Fx Female Craving Masculine Women


May 4, 2019
So I'm really, really into masculine women. Both in real life and in role-play... Anyway, I'd love to find some people up for playing a butch/stud/masc of center woman. I'm game for one-shots, short-term and long-term role-plays. I generally play as a sub or switch. My characters can be either soft butch or fem. I'm mostly looking for shorter replies, so about a paragraph or two.

Here's my F-List.

A few ideas:

High School Butch x Newly Out Shy Girl
Friends with Benifits
Butch Kidnapper x Victim(s)
Butch Teacher x Student
Butch Doctor x Patient with Chronic Illnesses
Professional Soccer Player x Wife

Feel free to suggest something else. I prefer modern realistic situations though.
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