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  1. P

    Fx Any Macabre desires (fandoms, original characters) - craving Dead by Daylight!

    The basics: Brevity is wit. I'm a professional technical writer, and the most important thing I've learned is not to waste the reader's time. My posts tend to be one to three paragraphs of a few sentences each, not because I have nothing to say, but because I can say it succinctly. Obviously...
  2. Tinkerer Nadia

    Fx F or NB The Cursed Castletown (dark fantasy sex rp)

    *bshhhrrrkkkkkkkkkkkk!* Hey girls and boys that play girls! What’s up? It’s me, that one person that makes a thread like, every three months. Joking aside, it’s me, nadia again. Let’s start with the rules zone, cause I want to hear from people that are ok with my preferred set of rules: 1...
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