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  1. Xanaphia

    Ascension to the Heavens|Descent into Hell(Corsair and Xana)

    24 years prior A celebration, they had all decided, for old time’s sake. To mark Clara Olgasdottir’s second trip to Faefaeora. Drinking and dancing and love making. The same sort they had when it was time to make the Tribute. A sacrifice that was no longer necessary, because of Clara...
  2. KayLove

    She Sells Seashells... Sometimes {Updated~05/13}

    Hello there! Let's get the sand out from between your toes and head into the waters~ If you're reading this, then thanks, first of all. Secondly, I just wanted to make a place where I can list things that I'm interested in Rping. So here we go. I'll try and keep this updated. ~~~ Who am...
  3. Zprimal

    Mx Female Zprimal's Long term Corruption Plots

    Greetings, this is my search thread for long-term RPs! Disclaimer: When PMing me, make sure you mention something about "long-term" in the message to differentiate it from the messages I get from my short-term thread Additionally, be sure to state more than your inclination to RP; state a...
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