The 100: Will they survive? (Sketchyequine x randomname98766789)

Jan 30, 2017
United States
Clarke Griffin squinted as the sun stung her eyes for the first time in her life. She was the last one out of the pod, but she couldn't help but grin. She didn't think she had ever seen this many colors in one place. The other teens diverted around her as she stood stagnant at e base of the ladder. Clarke couldn't seem to find the will to move her legs as she was awestruck. As the other teens piled out, she felt one bump her on he shoulder, jolting her out of her dazed state. With a quick glance, Clarke noticed the brunette male who had passed on beyond her to discover their new home.

"Home.." She mumbled to herself at an almost inaudible volume.

"This is home." She repeated to herself.

For a moment, Clarke was able to ignore the corpse still in the pod. She as able to ignore her criminal record and the slew of secrets floating around in her mind. And suddenly...she just wanted to run.

Her legs took off in the familiar pattern of a sprint as she barreled past the rest of her peers. A bright smile made itself at home on Clarke's plush lips. In her entire life, she had never felt as free as she did in that very moment. The trees and shrubs flew past her as she ht her max speeds, and a jolt of excitement shook her body every time he hands would brush on the veiny surface of the lush leaves. As she continued to run, Clarke burst into a fit of laughter. Stereotypical of a young child experiencing a new joy for the first time.

"Wow." Clarke whispered to herself as she finally came a halt under a canopy of trees. The other teens were far behind her. The corpse. The pod. All momentarily forgotten. Right now it was just Clarke, a bunch of plants, and silence.

The woman plopped down to her hunches among the vegetation and took a deep breath. The air was clean and fulfilling as it traveled through her sinus- much unlike the musty, recycled air that Clarke was used to. Maybe his wasn't so bad of a sentence after all.

That is... if they were able to survive the radiation they had grown up learning about.
Although almost every teenager exited the dropship in a sprint, Finn Collins took it slow. Curiously, he stepped outside the open, metal doors and caught his first glimpse of the ground. All thoughts escaped his mind while taking in this grassy, green wonderland. Earth was exactly how it was mentally pictured – an endless landscape recalled from time in Earth Skills class, small, colorful flowers sprouting from the dirt, and a blue sky full of life. As Finn’s boots crunched leaves during his first two steps, the dark-haired male realized that this was what freedom felt like. Crisp air, sunlight, and vegetation – the beauty was immense.

Finn Collins was a criminal – everyone on the dropship was a criminal. His crime, however, was insignificant compared to violent crimes committed by others. Thanks to an inept mother and father, Finn typically fended for himself on the Ark. A mistake of being caught after stealing food and water sent Finn into the Sky Box where he awaited review. It appeared his review was never happening as he was chosen as one of the hundred delinquents sent to Earth. Though he was skeptical, experiencing the world firsthand negated preoccupations and ill feelings towards the objective. This was his home, now.

Although instinct told Finn he should analyze the situation logically, his sensation-seeking center reigned victorious in this battle. Instead of searching for food, water, and supplies, Finn wanted to explore this new location. According to Chancellor Jaha during the descent, they landed on Mount Weather. The task was simple: stay there until the adults landed. Little did anyone know that nothing was this simple. Swiping one of the maps and rolling it up, placing it in the back pocket of his jeans, Finn trudged forwards towards his peers and began exploring the area, overwhelmed at all the plant life around.

Twists and turns all looked the same with trees and grass. Yet, each tree appeared uniquely different than the last. For at least five minutes, Finn followed a nonexistent trail, keeping in mind how far away from the dropship he wandered. However, there were at least two or three juveniles littered all throughout the forest at this point. Getting lost in this general area seemed improbable. Before long, he decided to take a break and sit down to enjoy this new life of his. As chance would have it, someone had found the same area as Finn and taken a seat as well.

Clarke Griffin – he knew exactly who she was (probably the most disliked person the ground now save for Wells Jaha). Taking the tree beside Clarke’s, Finn slid down against the trunk and released a soft sigh.

“So… is this everything you dreamed of?” He questioned, deciding to spark a little conversation between himself and a potential new friend.
Clarke couldn't help but feel a tinge of annoyance simply at the presence of another human being in her general area at this point. Why try? Everyone on this planet hated her simply because her mom was on the council. She had grown up privileged, and everyone they had sent back to earth either already knew that, or they would hear about it from the whispers of their peers. She had already accepted that she would not be very popular in this new world, but she had admittedly hoped her torment would hold out just a little longer.

"The books painted a very realistic picture." She spoke simply before glancing over her shoulder at the young man beside her. The same brunette that had bumped her at the bottom of the ramp. Handsome. Probably almost old enough to go on trial- just like her. However, he had not committed a crime that she knew anything about. Must have been something simple like using more than his share. Most likely a survivable sentence given he was a minor when caught. Hardly a criminal who should have been sentenced to possible death by radiation on mars. She also knew that he was one of the ones who had removed his belt during their drop. A fun-seeker, probably. While he had been the first to unbuckle, Clarke could not find it in herself to blame him for the deaths of the other two boys. Even with her warning, how could he have known he would get other people killed? It was forgivable.

"I just wish the company were a little better."

Clarke stood up then, brushing the dirt and debris off of her rump as she walked toward a clearing in the trees. As she looked out, her irises climbed up the steep, rocky slope miles away. A mountain. She had never seen anything more than a photograph in a textbook, yet now she was here. The lush plants climbed up the hillside like wanting fingers. So close to the top, but just not long enough to reach it. In that moment, Clarke related with those plants. They would never be able to see things from the top of the world. Clarke wouldn't either. This radiation would likely kill them, and if it did then everyone back home would be dead before the new year. There was only one way they could win this war: surviving.




That's when Clarke's heart sunk. "Survival." She muttered as she stared at that mountain top. "The only means of survival are in that mountain." She spoke up now so that the young man behind her would be able to hear her. "We were supposed to land there. We landed in the wrong fucking place. Our supplies are up there." She pointed to the mountaintop and looked over her shoulder at the man. "We have to tell the others. We have to move. Now. Before we all die of dehydration." She demanded before she trudged past the practical stranger - feet nearly stomping in the damp soil.

Clarke had always been a feisty one. She was stubborn at every opportunity, but her morals always guided her to do what was best for everyone. What was best for everyone now? Supplies. Without them, they would all die before they even knew how long it would take for the radiation to kill them. He hot head was also what had landed her in the Sky Box. A hot head that had been passed down to her from a father that had been floated. Floated for trying to warn everyone on the Ark of their impending doom. However, even with that hot head and stubborn temper, Clarke was a beautiful woman and nearly eighteen. Her trial would have been held in a few short weeks and she would have been floated just like her father for fighting the system. Being on earth was her only chance to live past 18 anyway, so she had to try.

"You coming, pretty boy, or are you going to let me do all the work her?" She called back as she came to a halt and looked at the dark-haired man. She had a feeling Bellamy would not be extraordinarily understanding. Hell, he might not even listen what-so-ever. Clarke was going to need all the backup she could get. Her only hope was that this man didn't hate her enough to side against her anyway.
Quite possibly the only person on the ground that did not hate Clarke Griffin was right beside her. Everyone else blamed Clarke for their arrests since her mother was a Council member. Undoubtedly, Wells had been given shit more than Clarke thus far, but that did not change much. Even when they first landed, he heard whispers about Clarke – things like snarky remarks about her being entitled. It was sickening. Though nobody ever accused Finn of being humble or non-egotistical, he was truly a kind man with a big heart. Punishing the daughter because of a parent’s role was unfair. Plus, Abigail Griffin was not the mastermind of the evil authority on the Ark. Yes, laws were strict but that was none of her doing. In summary, Finn found no logic in blaming Clarke. Therefore, he did not blame the girl. Instead, he hoped to befriend her. It appeared things were starting rocky considering her attitude towards him. Undoubtedly, it was because of his actions, releasing himself from his seat and floating in the air before landing. All things considered, Finn was lucky to be alive since the other two young men who followed his path were killed. Did Finn feel guilt about it? Of course, he did – but there was no guarantee nobody would have tried it if he remained seated.

Listening closely to the blonde mention something about needing supplies and being dropped on the wrong mountain, Finn pulled out the trusted map. Sure enough, it appeared that they were at the incorrect location. Now, map reading skills were not Finn’s forte. However, he understood enough and learned enough to deduct a possible location. If nothing else, he knew they were separated from Mount Weather by a radiation-soaked forest. Therefore, an alternate route around the dangerous, deadly woodlands would be plotted. Before the girl stepped too far away from him, Finn quickly jogged until he reached her side. Did Finn think the others would jump up to help search for Mount Weather? Not really. Nobody appeared to worry or preoccupy themselves with anything when Finn walked by. What could one expect, though? Everyone here (except for the guard, Bellamy Blake) were teenagers that did not care about the rules or expectations or responsibilities. They were merely ecstatic to be on Earth and they wanted to celebrate. Not that there was anything wrong with it, but Finn was mature enough to realize how dire the situation was if they did not find the proper supplies.

Walking beside Clarke, Finn kept an open eye. “So, I’m not the best at reading maps. You can give it a look yourself to double check.” The male offered the map towards Clarke’s direction and even offered her a smile – as sweet and charming as possible. Though he sensed a sort of hostility or distrust towards him so far, Finn felt eager to change the perception. So, unlike Clarke hinted at earlier, he would do whatever he could to help. “I think it looks like there’s a forest with radiation between us and what should be Mount Weather. I guess the fall to Earth knocked us off the path. I have no clue how long it will take us to hike it but I assume it’ll take more than a day to get there and back for the supplies. We should probably take supplies and plan to spend the night somewhere in the woods.” Of course, Finn was not certain about any of this. The male’s skills lie within tracking, not reading maps or devising plans. He hoped Clarke could help fill in gaps he left out. “I’m not sure how many will help. Most everyone is doing their own thing.” Finn mused, continuing the conversation. For whatever reason, being around Clarke made Finn relax. There was something about her presence that felt soothing. It was not something he could place, but exploring what it felt like to be around Clarke was high on his priority list.
Clarke listened to the man carefully as he spoke to her of maps and location. Maybe he wasnt as dense as she had thought. He seemed reasonably studied and level headed, two traits that she could definitely admire. The blonde cocked her eyebrow as the map was held out to her. "Thank you." She offered with a simplistic glance. Even on a second look, he was still handsome. Clarke kept walking as she looked at the map. The results were exactly a she had expected.There were miles between them and their desired destination. Any way Clarke looked at it, they were going to have to walk there. er eyes scanned the simple map meticulously as she tried to pick up on the best path, but no matter what she reached the same conclusion.

"We cant get there without walking through the forest. Its not going to be the easiest of walks either." She sighed as they approached the rest of he surviving 98. Everyone was obviously busy rediscovering freedom. Clarke couldn't blame them seeing as she had had her moment of freedom as well, but now was time for business. Her eyes darted between the faces until she found Bellamy. He seemed to already be establishing some sort of leadership over the masses.

"Bellamy!" She called and jogged up to him. "We need supplies and we aren't going to find them here. We were supposed to be dropped on a different mountain. We need to go get food." Clarke urged him, but it was obvious in the guard's face that he wasn't having it. "Please, Bellamy, we wont survive without them." She added, desperate to convince him.

Bellamy wasn't going to have it. "Sure, Princess. We need supplies. Why dont you and knuckle-head over here go get them?" With that he turned away and escorted a young lady back to the drop ship with him. Obviously intent on screwing her.

Clarke sighed and grabbed a backpack full of odds and ends that had already been unloaded from the drop ship. She pulled the straps over her shoulders and then grabbed a second bag, holding it out to Finn. "You are coming with me, arent you? I could really use your help." She admitted as she looked up at him with her doe eyes.
“Of course, I will.” Finn responded immediately. “Before we leave, let me at least try to recruit as well.”

Jogging towards the center of camp, Finn called for everyone’s attention. Everyone quieted down and most people looked towards the dark-haired male with smug, uncaring glances.

“You should listen to Clarke. The Ark dropped us down here without any supplies. If we’re going to survive, we need Mount Weather. Myself and Clarke cannot carry everything alone. Besides, we’ll all have to move eventually to use Mount Weather as a shelter. You’ll have to come with us eventually. We will need all the help we can get. We don’t survive without one another.”

Though the male made excellent points, everyone either jeered or laughed. The few people who did not respond gave Finn the most hope, but not a single soul was volunteering.

“Save it, dude. You and the Princess are on your own for this one.” One of the boys, John Murphy, added with a snicker.

It made Finn’s blood boil over, especially when he listened to backhanded comments about Clarke. Though he did not know her on a personal level, listening to these people insult Clarke did not sit well with him. Fighting a losing battle, Finn begrudgingly jumped off a tree stump and sauntered back towards Clarke. Just like before, everyone went back to their own thing without even offering any assistance to the pair. Once he returned beside Clarke, he shot her an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry. I don’t think anything we do or say will convince the others.” It was disappointing and infuriating, but it was reality nonetheless. So, with that in mind, Finn quickly gathered a backpack for himself along with a pocket knife for Clarke and for himself. It did not offer much in protection but it was the best item of choice.

As they started walking, Finn waited until she had a chance to explain the plan so he was not interrupting her. Once Clarke had said all she wanted, he decided to take the conversation in a more sociable manner.

“So… I’m Finn, by the way. I know that you’re Clarke Griffin. Everyone knows you, obviously. By the way, I’ve seen some of the art you’ve created in the art room. You’re really talented.”

Nothing wrong with a compliment, right? Finn wanted to show Clarke that he was an ally and friend.
Clarke watched her surroundings as they passed. It would be important for them to find their way back when they were finished with this journey. The trail was the most beautiful thing Clarke had ever seen. Those greens and browns far surpassed anything she had ever seen in the photographs growing up. The scenery was amazing to the eye, and Clarke truly wished she could paint it and show it to everyone on the Ark. No one deserved to live a life without experiencing this kind of beauty. Perhaps the conditions on the Ark are what made Clarke to grateful. Of there the prettiest site was looking down at earth. Everything else was shades of grey. They had grown up in an essentially monochromatic world. It was only now that they could truly see, and only 100 criminals were able to see it even now.

All of her thoughts had almost made her miss what the man was saying. She looked up at him just as he finished pronouncing his name. Finn. A name that rolled off the tongue with ease. Clarke liked that name. A handsome name to match a handsome face. Not to mention it seemed as though Clarke was alone in all this besides Finn. He barely knew her and yet he still chose her as his ally. That was admirable.

"Hello, Finn." She spoke simply before listening on to hear him compliment her art. The woman couldn't suppress her smile after that.

"The art room used to be my favorite place on the Ark. while I was there, I never had to impress anyone. I could just create anything I wanted to create. Luckily when I got locked up my mom had me brought some graphite from the art room whenever I needed more. The walls of my room were covered in my drawings. Everything from waterfalls to a larger than life labia." She smirked a little at the irony and looked back up at Finn for a split second. "Whoever gets saddled with that cell next will have plenty to look at." She added, half heartedly.

Clarke carefully stepped over a fallen log, her fingertips brushing over the petals of a tall, purple flower. The flower felt so soft and delicate, yet it was one of the most beautiful things on their path. The trail was rough from years of no bipedal use. After all... it'd been a hundred years since any humans had walked this land. There was dense undergrowth and decaying logs everywhere the eye could see, but no animals. No sign of human life. Perhaps the radiation was still too strong to support life. Perhaps they would all be dead soon anyway, so this trek was pointless. However, Clarke felt fine. She was optimistic, even. They hadn't been killed instantly and there was no sign of anyone being poisoned. Maybe, just maybe, the earth was survivable.

"What got you put away, Finn? I don't know your face or your name, and I'm pretty sure I would remember them if I had, meaning it was not a horrific crime. Rations perhaps?" She asked him calmly, her eyes carefully tracking her every step to avoid falling and hurting herself by misstepping. A broken ankle was the last thing she needed right now.

That's when she realized she was almost flirting with the man. Damnit, Clarke. Keep it together. You can't get distracted by the first good looking guy you come across. You need to live so that everyone else on the Ark can live.
“You’re good at this game.” Finn teased. “Yes, I was caught stealing rations. I don’t want to bore you with my sob story, but my father passed when I was young and my mother was a deadbeat. It left me fending for myself most of the time. She’d use our food and water rations to facilitate her drug habit. I was tired of it, hadn’t eaten for days, so I sneaked into the kitchen to steal just one ration pack. I thought everyone had left for the day, but I was wrong. If anything, though, I ate so much better in lockup than I did when I was free.”

It was ironic, Finn thought. It had always been ironic that his quality of life was much better when he was locked up. Leaving it at that, Finn turned his attention back towards Clarke. Though his life had been miserable, he tried to make the best of it. Instead of moping around all day and feeling sorry for himself, he tried not to dwell on anything. For that exact reason, he skimmed over his shitty home life with Clarke because he did not like talking about it but there was no hiding it since it played a major role in his arrest.

“How about yourself, Clarke? It might not be any of my business and if you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine. But what does the daughter of a council member do to get locked up?”

If she opposed divulging that information, Finn would not have pushed. The male merely wanted to learn more about Clarke. So far, it appeared that not only was she beautiful on the outside, but she was beautiful on the inside as well. The way she took this leadership role was admirable. She was not only worrying about her own needs. She shouldered the needs of every single juvenile here on Earth. It was something that she need not carry alone. Therefore, Finn decided he would stick by her side for as long as he was needed or as long as she would have him. Perhaps some flirtation was in the future as well but the last thing Finn wanted was to turn her off. So, keeping that in mind, he decided to just throw something subtle in there for a compliment and to serve as a flirtation mechanism.

“I can’t seem to think of anything you could have done – maybe you were arrested for being too pretty, but other than that, I’m stumped.”

The compliment was not an attempt to sneak into her pants like some guys would have tried. It was a genuine compliment. After all, did a girl exist that did not enjoy being called pretty? Besides, she kind of started the whole flirting thing. Luckily for her, she chose the guy that was not like most. Finn would not want to just use her for a night and dispose of her. Finn was the kind of guy always in it for the “long haul”. Of course, he might have been thinking too far ahead but in a world where he would be around nobody but criminals, finding a girl that was genuinely kind and sweet might have been a stretch. It appeared he was lucky as he found Clarke almost immediately and he was drawn to her. Could anyone really blame the guy for these feelings? If nothing else, he hoped to at least become good friends with Clarke because what was the point of being here if she hated every second, being surrounded by people that despised her? With Finn, she would never have to feel that way.
Clarke nodded calmly at the male's response. "You get good at the game over time." She commented as the kept walking. Neither one of them had even stumbled, and that was a bit of a surprise. Where they had grown up there was always flat hallways and floors. There were never any obstacles. Yet, here there were. Both Clarke and Finn had been walking like they had grown up here on this journey so far. Interesting how easily the mind and body could adapt. Clarke could only hope it was enough to keep them alive.

When Finn asked how. Large got put away, she winced. It was a painful memory and not one she would so easily forget. The young woman's eyes flicked down to the watch on her wrist opposite of the bracelet they had all been assigned to wear. She had only been able to keep it because her mom had stepped in before the guards had sedated her for transport to the drop ship. It was the only thing Clarke had left of her father, and it was her most precious belonging. Her father had been floated just moments after gifting the accessory to his daughter. One last loving gesture.

"I got locked up for the same reason my father was floated: the truth." She sighed and halted for a moment just to look at Finn. This was news best delivered while making eye contact. "I knew something that I wasn't supposed to know. So did my father. I got put away and he got floated because we wanted to tell everyone on the Ark. The council didn't want everyone to know."

Clarke looked down at the top of her boots and shook her head. This memory was painful, but the reality of what was happening to the ark was something everyone should know. If she didn't believe that, she never would have been locked up, and her time in the sky box had definitely not made her change her mind. Quite the opposite. Now, down on earth, it was her job to save everyone on the ark. It the 100 who had been dropped didn't survive, everyone on the Ark would suffocate in a matter of months. These kids and Clarke had to survive for the sake of the human race. It was their only hope.

"The Ark is dying, Finn. My father found a problem in Mechanical. There isn't enough oxygen on the ship to support everyone. Soon, very soon, if not already, people are going to start showing symptoms of oxygen deprivation. Those symptoms are only going to get worse until everyone is killed. There's no way to fix it. That's why they dropped us on earth. If we don't survive here everyone we know is going to suffocate."
Holy shit. That answer was not something that Finn had expected. What reason did she have to lie? Besides, Clarke did not appear like the type of girl to make something so horrid up. Therefore, he believed every word from her lips. Hearing that it got her father killed as well, the male frowned and felt a great deal of sympathy for her. While his relationship with his parents had never been desirable, the male could sense how close Clarke must have been with her father. It pained him to think that such a pure, gentle soul had been through so much. Other than that, it was shocking to hear that the Ark was dying. Nobody had mentioned it until now. Why would they keep that a secret? If more people knew, couldn’t more people work towards a solution. Possibly, yes, but it would cause mass panic as well so Finn could somewhat understand the desire for silence. Yet, not at the price that was paid by Clarke or Clarke’s father.

There were a few people still on the Ark that Finn cared deeply about. They might not have been blood relatives but they served the same purpose that family did. Once everything was pieced together in his mind, he looked towards the metal wristband locked on his right wrist and realized why it was there. “So… these wristbands… they read our vitals and transmit to the Ark, right? Once they see that we’re alive and that Earth is safe so they can land?” Finn questioned, able to realize the Ark’s plan.

At first, the male had been pissed. How could the Ark send them onto the ground? It was likely a death sentence because they had no idea that Earth was livable. Though he still did not agree with just forcing the delinquents to a possibly deadly planet, he could understand why they needed to take drastic measures. “Damn, okay. That’s important. By the way, I am really sorry for what happened to you… to your father. I bet he is proud of you for taking on a leadership role like this. Just know that I’ll be here for you as well. I like to think that we could be friends here. Nobody should have to bear anything alone.”

After making this suggestion, Finn offered her another smile. After that, he looked forward again and started walking with Clarke. His eyes were trained forwards and focused on the terrain. “I know there are some animals somewhere.” He proposed. “I’m good at tracking and I see a few tracks right around us. I’m not sure what kind of animals but something’s been through here not long ago.” Finn added because he was once wary that all animal life might even be dead, not just humans.
"What happened to my father and I is not your fault, Finn. There's no need for you to apologize. You couldn't have done anything if you tried."

Clarke reached out and laid a hand on her companion's shoulder. She was sure that it did not offer much comfort to the man, but it was all she could do. Clark knew the gravity of the words She had just spoken. Finn now knew that everyone he had ever loved was in grave danger. His family, friends, girlfriend (if he had one) would all be dead in a few months if they couldn't survive on earth. How was he supposed to take that? Clarke knew how it had felt when her father had told her, and it had come from someone she loved and respected. Finn was getting this news from a young girl he barely knew. It was enough to make anyone recoil into a shell. Clarke only hoped she could keep him focused on this mission.

At the mention of Animals, Clarke mind was torn away from the Ark. she had seen pictures of the animals that had once lived, and they were beautiful. It would be like a dream come true to see one on earth. Clarke was thankful for Finn's skills. The ones that Clarke lacked, Finn seemed able to pick up the slack on. He was a fracker and a much more light hearted soul than Clarke was. If she had been accompanied by another hardass like Bellamy, this trip would be much more miserable. Bickering never got anything solved, yet with two bullheaded people like Clarke and Bellamy it was unavoidable. Neither of them would budge on their opinions. Especially not if the other had suggested it.

"We won't get much further before dark." Clarke finally spoke. "We might as well start looking for a good place to call it a night. Soft dirt and a lack of unknown animal prints would be ideal for me." She smiled and glanced up at Finn. "Especially since you don't seem to know if they're the type of animals that might eat us or not."

It was a jest, no doubt, but looking up at Finn to utter those words had distracted Clarke just long enough for her boot to get caught. The blonde stumbled, and her other foot came down hard in order to stop her from falling. When it stomped down, the ground beneath her echoed of metal with a compartment underneath. That was a sound they had heard a handful of times on the Ark, and it was not unfamiliar to them. Clarke looked down at what had caught her boot and her eyes widened. It was a handle. The woman looked up at Finn with her mouth hanging partway open in shock. She was standing right on top of an old structure that had been built over a hundred years ago.

"If this is what I think it is... I found our home for the night." Clarke smiled.
Holy shit.

Honestly, Finn barely heard a word Clarke said regarding finding a place for the night and avoiding animal tracks. Why? It was not because he did not listen to the blonde. Instead, when Clarke smiled at him, it felt like Finn was going to black out. Never before had he seen a smile so beautiful, so pure. In that moment, he felt a burning desire to bring about that expression on Clarke’s lips every day. Not only did he want to see her smile, but he wanted to be the cause of her smile. The male was finally pulled out of his haze when the girl tripped over something.

Even though she would have caught herself without his help, Finn reacted without thinking. Both arms reached towards Clarke: one hand laced with hers and the other arm wrapped around her shoulders. For three seconds, their bodies were incredibly close. Once Finn realized that she was fine on her own, he blushed slightly and pulled away, muttering a quick apology. Real smooth, Finn. Real smooth. After regaining his wits, Finn dusted off his jeans and looked at the protrusion from the ground. When Clarke pulled on the handle, this indentation proved to be unnatural. It looked like some underground bunker.

“I remember learning about these things. People would build underground bunkers built to withstand the nuclear war. I don’t think they functioned well, though – at least, according to what we’re taught.”

Even though the Ark had told their people that not a single soul was still living on the ground, Finn was cautious. Although nobody could have survived a hundred years inside the bunker, it was not impossible for someone’s grandchild to be alive a hundred years later. Call it paranoia or whatever, but Finn was not in the business of taking chances on this.

“I know this is stupid but let me go first and just make sure its safe, okay?”

It was not exactly a negotiation, though. Finn liked the idea of protecting Clarke. There was no doubt that the blonde could handle herself but it never hurt to have someone looking out for you, did it? So, Finn unsheathed his knife and dropped into the bunker from the ladder. He took a couple minutes to do a sweep of the bunker and found it was empty. Calling for Clarke, Finn continued glancing around the entire place, getting a feel for what they had.

“Judging by the prisitine look of everything, I don’t think anyone made it here.” Finn commented as he saw a pantry full of nonperishables and canned food that had not been touched. It was still stocked full It was full of supplies they could use: a bed, a couch, lights, clothes, bottled water and other amenities that would have made life bearable in the bunker. As he started searching through drawers, a smile crept on his lips. “Clarke, you might want to take a look at this.” Inside the drawer was a complete set of art tools: paintbrush, pencils, colored pencils – everything one could imagine.
Clarke rolled her eyes as the male insisted on going first. She had never had anyone who wanted to protect her quite like this before, she had just learned that life was tough and she had to fend for herself. That was the way it was. Finn, however, was putting on a protective act, and Clarke couldn't figure out why he cared so much. Perhaps it was because no one ever protected him. Having a drug addict for a mom could do that. Maybe Finn just wanted to give others the things that he had never had. The thought made a ping of guilt resonate through Clarke's heart. Here she was, all high and mighty with her stubborn attitude right after he had caught her and volunteered to drop down into the hole in the ground first. Clarke could still feel the ghosts of his large hands wrapped around her to keep her from falling. Much against her better judgement, Clarke wanted to feel those arms again. They were strong and sturdy. He would not have let her fall, and it made Clarke's heart skip a beat.

She ignored him at first as she glanced around the bunker. There were so many supplies here, and not one of them had been touched. Clarke and Finn had just stumbled upon a gold mine, and they were no where near mount wether. Clarke saw some candles on a shelf and smiled when she found matches close by as well. She struck a match on the strip and lit the wicks of a few candles strewn across the room. The fire cast a soft light over every surface. It was almost romantic. By way of the candle light, Clarke climbed half way back up the ladder and pulled down the door, locking it from the inside so that they would be safe at the odd chance anything wandered this way.

Finally, Clarke turned back to Finn and strode over to where he was standing. "What is it?" She asked before looking down to find a small collection of art supplies. A grin broke out on her face as she reached in to grab a box of graphite pencils and a small, leather bound book. Clarke flipped quickly through the pages only to find that the book was completely empty. It would be up to her to bring life to those pages.

"Well I'll be damned..." Clarke whispered before breaking out into a grin.

The blonde woman sauntered over to the bed where she lowered her haunches onto the mattress and stared at the first empty page. Clarke hadn't had actual paper since she had been locked up. She had taken to drawing on the walls and floors, but there was nothing better that the sweet texture of drawing paper. Without much hesitation she got started sketching out the outline of the purple flower she had seen before in the forest. The smooth curves and unique textures came back to life on the page while Clarke worked. It was the first thing she could think of that she knew for sure she wanted to remember.

It was only a few minutes before the sketch was complete. Clarke gazed down at the paper with a grin plastered on her plush lips. "Finn... I don't think you know how much I missed paper." She admitted as she looked up at him. Clarke wanted nothing more than to throw her arms around his broad shoulders and to thank him a million times... but she wouldn't. Sure, he had fought her before, but they had never really made physical contact before that. People didn't just hug strangers. It wasn't the way it was down.

As Clarke thought of their lack of physical closeness, she realized the reality of this bunker: there was only one bed. The thought itself was enough to put Clarke a bit on edge. She had never shared a bed with a man before. Especially not with a man that she, admittedly, was starting to feel significantly attracted to.
It did not matter how beautiful the Earth looked. It did not matter how gorgeous the flowers were. It did not matter how peaceful the sunset appeared. This entire day, nothing was more attractive than watching the reaction on Clarke’s face when she discovered the art supplies. While the young man was no art savant, it appeared there were multiple canvases and types of paper or pads to use for drawing and painting. Something that Finn enjoyed in life was seeing people he cared about reacting to a stimuli they were passionate about. For example, when he would provide gifts for birthdays or holidays, just seeing the reaction on people’s faces brought him joy.

Call it cliché, but it was true – Finn just enjoyed making others happy, even strangers. While he did not consider Clarke a complete stranger anymore, he understood how they had not known each other very well yet. That could change, though – it had to change. Regardless, Finn just felt himself become warm and happy when Clarke reacted the way she did. It was magnificent in every sense of the word. He would give anything to have a picture of that moment because of how pure it was.

Standing near the doorway, Finn silently admired Clarke as she sketched something. While trying to make it unobvious that he was watching, Finn kept himself busy by slowly searching through other drawers and items in the bunker. Once Clarke finished drawing, he turned attention towards her and offered a smile. “Do you mind if I see what you sketched?” Finn questioned, genuinely interested in seeing Clarke’s creation. Though he never took a major interest in art, he could still appreciate the beauty and talent in Clarke’s drawings and sketches. Hell, it made him jealous when he thought about it. Finn had never been so talented at something in his life.

Slowly, the dark-haired man sauntered towards the bed and tentatively sat onto the edge. The logical nature in Finn told him to offer Clarke the bed and take the couch for himself. Yet, at the same time, Finn wanted to share it with her. From this angle, he could clearly see the sketch of a flower and it brought a smile to his face. “Wow. I know I told you this already and this isn’t news to me… but… you’re so good at drawing. I really like that sketch.”

Taking a minute or two, Finn just sat and waited before making his next move. Glancing towards the beautiful blonde, Finn decided to sneak his idea towards her. “So, when we get some sleep, I was thinking we could both use the bed. I mean, it’s big and it doesn’t have to mean anything. I know some people don’t like that, though. If you prefer we don’t share it, you can take the bed and I’ll use a chair in here. But, like I said, sharing is caring, right? Plus, it’ll be much warmer if we sleep in the bed together.”

Finn hoped this was the right way to approach the issue. While he clearly made his stance, he did not push it onto Clarke. It was not something a man that tried to get into her pants would have said. He was clearly respecting of her boundaries but would not let that overshadow him at least suggesting it. Plus, he slipped some flirtation as well since it appeared to go over nicely earlier. Regardless, if Clarke opposed his idea, Finn would not fight her. If she accepted the idea, well, who knew where the night would lead?
Clarke nodded as she listened to the male's proposition concerning sleeping arrangements. It had, honestly, been something he found herself thinking about as well. They had been sleeping on the rock hard beds in their cells for long enough to appreciate the value of a soft mattress. This mattress was incredibly soft. Not to mention larger than any bed Clarke had ever had on the Ark. Who was she to deny Finn this luxury just because she was a woman and he was a man? After all, gender rolls were overrated. The man didn't always have to take the couch.

"You can sleep in the bed with me. I see no problem with that." Clarke gave a shrug and looked over at the man.

She made eye contact only briefly before she looked back down at the paper in front of her. The petals looked so much softer in person than they did on paper. Clarke wondered if anything would ever be as beautiful as flowers and plants.They were so pure and perfect simply by being imperfect. Everything on the Ark had been hard and perfectly formed by molds and human hands. It all looked the same, and it was so boring for Clarke to look at. Perhaps it was the artist in her that made her hate the Ark so much. Perhaps it was that same artist in her mind that was suppressing her fear of earth and replacing it with fascination. She wanted to see everything this planet had to offer- experience it all for herself. That was the only way she could be satisfied.

Clarke then looked back to her companion. Her blue eyes flitted carefully over his features as they sat side by side. She had always thought Finn was good looking, but every time she saw him her interest grew a little more. He had such a unique face. I twas a combination of hard angles and soft curves. Each shape combined flawlessly with it's neighbor. It was then that Clarke realized Finn was just as much an art piece as any of the vegetation on this planet. The same organic curves made him up as everything else.

"Can I draw you?" The little blonde asked before shifting on her haunches next to the man. She faced him now, her long legs folded before her as she slouched over the paper well before she had an answer. He couldn't really stop her even if he did know. And at least this way maybe it would seem a little less creepy that she was drawing him even after just meeting him a few hours prior.

The charcoal stained Clarke's fingers a deep grey as she guided the tool around the page and smudged the lines in the paper for the sake of blending. She worked very diligently to get everything right. Te entire process left them sitting there silently for an hour with Clarke just squinting up at Finn every few seconds to take in yet another detail. If he died tomorrow, Clarke wanted this portrait of him to be good enough that she could remember exactly what he looked like when she was her mom's age. If Clarke survived earth, she would always remember Finn. He was her first friend on the ground and the only one who had volunteered to help her. He was a special man. He deserved a special drawing. Clarke thought she could provide that.
When Clarke agreed to sharing the bed, Finn wasted no time. The male crawled beside of Clarke and plopped down onto the mattress after kicking off his shoes. Of course, the bed in his prison cell was incomparable to this mattress. Even after the aging, it was quite comfortable. Furthermore, Finn could not even recall a bed in his pre-arrest days that felt this comfortable. Perhaps the company played a huge role into his relaxed state, but it felt true nonetheless. His eyes had closed, not in an attempt to sleep, but to simply rest and live for that moment.

The silence was broken by Clarke who had an interesting idea. The proposition alone made him smile. She wanted to draw him? “Of course. I don’t mind that at all.” Finn responded truthfully. Deciding to be a good model for her, he attempted to stay still in whatever pose Clarke would have liked him to hold. It might have been difficult, but he found it easy to pass time. Since Clarke was busy drawing and sketching him, Finn stole many, many glances at the blonde. She was the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen. This did wonders for him, because his eyes were basically glued on her.

If she would have questioned him about staring, he would have just simply countered with holding the pose. While it was partly true, she was easy on the eyes. It was something Finn wanted to see every day for the rest of his life, honestly. He did hope this friendship they had formed was indeed long-lasting. At first, he was upset that nobody else volunteered to join them. Now? He was somewhat happy because it meant Clarke was all to himself. Obviously, he had no right or anything to want her for himself since they were not even in a relationship, but for some reason, the thought of Clarke drawing someone else caused jealousy.

After it ended, Finn crawled towards Clarke again. This time, when he sprawled out against the mattress, their bodies were close. In fact, their legs were touching and this was not an accident. Finn was testing the waters, so to say. He wanted to get a feel for how Clarke might react to something like this. The male wanted to make his move on Clarke, but not in the traditional sense. Did Finn like the idea of making love to Clarke? Of course.

However, that was not his primary goal. Instead, Finn was quite the romantic even though not a single person could have ever pictured it. As much as he was picturing Clarke naked as she drew him, he was also picturing cheesy, romantic shit like taking her on a date or cuddling with her tonight. He thought about how soft her lips felt against his and how beautiful her eyes were. In essence, he had just as many, or maybe more, fantasies about Clarke and becoming romantic with her than just having sex with her.

Finn was not the type of man that wanted a one-night stand as crazy as it sounded. It might sound cliché but he was truly not like most guys. “Clarke, that looks incredible. I knew you were an amazing artist, but this…wow.” His surprise and excitement was genuine. It almost felt like he was looking in the mirror. “I don’t know how you do it, but you must be the best artist that has ever existed. Wow.” Finn added, a true, genuine, charming smile on his face as he turned, looking into Clarke’s eyes.
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