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Silverblood Interest Check


Jun 10, 2012
Out Of This World
Blood Tells All

Norta is divided into two factions. It's determined at birth, and can never, ever be changed. Because it's determined by the color of your blood. Those with red blood are doomed to a common life. Menial labors and craft trades at best. At worst, you're consrcipted into the army if you're not apprenticed at eighteen. Thos granted silverblood are higher class. Even the commoners among the silverblood are still merchants, businessmen, officers, shop owners, politicians, land barons, artists, and intellectuals. The Silvers are in power because their special blood gives them a power. A scary, terrible power.

The World

Norta is a country border to the north by Lakeland and to the Southwest by Piedmont. It also shares borders with Prarie, Tiraxes, and the Sea. Archeon, the permanent resident of the royal family and all noble silvers, sits on the Capital River. A blockade to the north prevents seepage of toxic runoff and river pollution from reaching the capital city. The residence of the royal family here is called Whitefire Palace.

Summerton is farther north along the river, where the water is clean, but not as clean as in Archeon. The Grand Garden is a Silver marketplace surrounded by diamondglass walls. The summer home of the royal family resides here, The Hall of The Sun. It is here that Queenstrial, a competition for the hand of the Prince is held.

Feats of First Friday are an event that pits Silvers against Silvers. IT is not a death match, and instead a show of power to the Reds. It is mandatory for all Reds to spectate, and enthusiastic reponses to the show are rewarded with food or extra electricity rations ('lec papers).
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