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Magic Gameshow Character Profiles


Dec 6, 2016
Welcome contestants! :p
Time to create your characters! Remember, the only requirements are that they are
  • Female
  • 18-26 years old
  • Virgin
  • Non-consensual (to begin)

When creating your character fill out this template:

Picture: (Optional. Include a physical description if no picture)
Description: (Personality, background, views on sex, relationship with other contestants, etc.)
  • Strength:
  • Coordination:
  • Orgasm Resistance:
  • Seduction:

When creating your character, you have 20 points to allocate across the four stats. (You don't have to use all 20 points if you are trying to match her personality best, but you cannot have more than 20 points total.)
For reference:

Strength - 0 is being able to do 5 push ups before breaking a sweat/10 is running two miles every morning
Coordination - 0 is a ditzy clutz/10 took gymnastics as a kid
Orgasm Resistance - 0 is cumming after five thrusts/10 is having a hard time cumming at all
Seduction - 0 is never even thought of how to pleasure a dick/10 is doing blow job practice in the mirror at night
Name: Aurora
Age: At least 10,000
Picture: NSFW
Description: She is the image of pure sex. Her body is perfection beyond all reason, and she never could cover it up. She is the most chaotic sex goddess and has no qualms using her endless power to meddle in the sex lives of mortals. It was a combination of boredom and outrage at the lack of sex being had that prompted her to pull four ignorant college-aged mortal girls into her realm to compete in a game where maintaining your purity is the goal, but ultimately impossible nonetheless.
Stats: N/A
Name: Mabel
Age: 22

Description: Unruly chestnut hairs that seems she woke up 5 minutes ago, bored eyes that accuses you for your very existence, and dressing with loose and comfortable clothes, Mabel is the kind of girl that say <<Leave me be and... can you please go hang yourself somewhere else. ...please?>> She is bored of her life, having spent most of her years closed in her room, constantly plugged on her computer trying to get a sort of goal in a life that appeared so dull and tasteless to her. Hissing at every living being that dared to approach her, She kept her virginity intact, wondering if she could just buy a dildo online and experience it all on her own...

Strength - 1
Coordination - 2
Orgasm Resistance - 6
Seduction - 0

Name: Brigid Farraqs
Age: 21

Physical description: Tall redhead, who has not only dresses badly, but never really got on with showing off herself or keeping a "modern" body image. So, until recently she had acne, greasy hair, and almost surely wore old clothes - sometimes unkept. With long rasta hair.

More Description: nerd, butch ... She would just call herself normal, if a little bit too studious. She learned architectural engineering, and was around builders all her life. They consider her one of the boys... At least where her dad is the boss and her big brother the main handyman.

Strength: 6
Coordination: 4
Orgasm Resistance: 9
Seduction: 1
Name: Bella
Age: 20
Description: 5'4" 110 lbs, long dark hair contrasted by pale skin and green eyes. She's saved herself for the right guy and hasn't even ever kissed anyone.
Spends most days looking after her little siblings, though, if our characters know each other, she makes time to see her friends as well. Enjoys dancing and singing and generally being lighthearted.

Strength- 4
Coordination- 8
Orgasm resistance- 4
Seduction- 4
Name: Megumi Noda
Age: 20

Description: You all know this story, right? A little girl falls in love with the boy next door. She's too young for passion, but she can still love with all her heart.
The girl's family moves from Hokaido to America. the heartbroken children swear a solemn oath to seek each other out on the girl's 21st birthday so they can be together.
The girl's name is Megumi, though i went by Mimi back then. The boy's name is Hiiro. I've saved everything for the day I can go see him, and give him my first kiss.
That day is in 27 days. We've made arrangements to meet over email. i've even ordered the planet ticket.
Do you think I'm horribly dull? A Disney princess with no personality, pining away for prince charming? I'm not, you know. I'm a geek, an otaku, a gamer. To earn the money for this trip, I've become a professional cosplay model. In 15 days, I'll complete a bachelors degree in creative writing with a minor in graphics media. I hope to attend a program in Tokyo for game designers.

  • Strength: 4
  • Coordination: 4
  • Orgasm Resistance: 6
  • Seduction: 6
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