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The Original Sin (rskde & HeyThereLittleBear)


Aug 2, 2015
In transit
Adam holds his rifle tightly to his chest as he walks, the sleek black M4A1 with a 4x ACOG scope on the top rail was a bit smaller than the old standard rifles of war, but it was a Carbine so it was only supposed to be used for short to medium range combat. Besides, one of his team members had the all-powerful M249 LMG, which spits out 7.62mm rounds faster than the eye can comprehend, so he felt pretty safe as of right now. Adam is a member of the United States Marine Corps, though he had yet to have his first firefight in the vast deserts of the Kandahar Province in Afghanistan, he was certainly shaking with mixed excitement and fear to be able to shoot his weapon at an actual target for the first time ever.

Adam is a handsome man, one who the ladies back home in America would certainly call the stereotypical Jarhead, he was tall, around 6'1 and very muscular as he worked often to ensure his spot in the Infantry would remain his. He has a buzz cut that sticks close to his head, though if his hair grew out more it would be brown and curly. He has a pair of hazel eyes, with tiny flecks of green mixed in with it. He wears the standard Desert MARPAT uniform of the Marines, a tan chest rig with an American flag in the center and his last name beneath it, 'Surola', and a helmet of the same camo with a pair of goggles on top of it. He also wears a pair of black ballistic glasses that cover his eyes.

One hand leaves his gun, checking to ensure his ear plugs were set into place, which they were, he wouldn't want to deafen himself, after all the M249 was fucking loud. Him and his small squadron of seven other Marines walk in a staggered column formation through a tiny village, the locals stare at them as they walk, all of them had some sort of mixed emotion in their eyes, as if they were unsure how to react to the foreigners moving through their lands.

It started with a snap and then a crack, suddenly gunfire was erupting from all around the Marines. Adam feels a bullet tear through his side which caused him a red hot, blinding sort of pain, blood spraying on to the road behind him as he falls, rolling into a small ditch where the village's water supply runs through, the water turns red as he lays there, crying out in pain and holding his rifle. After a few moments he realizes that he needs to fight, he crawls forward into the defilade of the ditch and presses the butt of his rifle to the inside of his shoulder before pulling the trigger, the rifle rebelliously jolting back against the side of his body that was currently experiencing a lot of pain.

When he fires the last shot of his magazine he hears a scream and watches as the notorious AK 47, belonging to an Insurgent falls to the ground.. He feels numb, never having seen the consequence for pulling the trigger. He hears the screams of this man, and then gurgling.. Adam had shot the man through his throat, causing him to choke on his own blood.

Thou shall not kill...

The words rang through his mind, causing him to clench his eyes shut, he felt a sort of innocence leaving his body, he could do anything now. He reloads his rifle and looks around, the bodies of his squad litter the grounds. He stands, clutching his wound and dropping his rifle, limping his way over to the man who had the M249, he collapses to one knee next to him, taking the LMG in his hands while checking the ammo... The man hadn't been able to fight back.

He almost hears a faint whisper in the back of his mind.. This wasn't fair, these men didn't deserve to die.. How DARE the people of this village host these evil people.. They all needed to die.

Adam stands and lets out a blood curling scream, his finger holding down the trigger as he walks forward, any target in his way was sprayed down, holes filling their bodies and blood spraying the walls and streets of the village. He would purify this place. It didn't matter to him, men, women, and their children were all responsible for this massacre of his friends, the men he had trained with and talked to, he had bunked with them for almost a month now and now they would return home in a body bag.

His vision goes red as he performs his killing, only having to reload one time, he spots some of them running away and kills them too, not really caring as long as they were apart of this village. He throws down the rifle when he feels he is done, the village is cleansed, bodies litter the small area and the barrel of his M249 has melted off at this point, glowing red hot from constant use. Adam walks over to his rifle on the road and sits down next to it, holding his head in his hands and slowly rocking back and forth as his blood continues to stain his uniform.
Even in the heat of the desert, the sands couldn't warm her from the chill of death that still shuddered through her bones. The grains had not just swallowed her whole but had become her as the centuries passed, her physical body long since gone but her spirit trapped in a way that she couldn't explain. In the beginning, she had been just a woman of simple mind and even simpler desires. Time had its way of healing wounds, but time also had a way of twisting perspective and oh did hers twist.

Time had healed her wounds but left an ugly and twisted scar that twisted and wrenched her once sweet and tender personality into something else entirely. Her anger had turned towards those that were all technically speaking her children, those that suffered for her sin of weakness and naivety. It was because of them, she believed, that she had been the one so terribly coerced into taking a bite of that dreaded damn apple that had lead her down a path to her ultimate destruction.

It had lead to her being here, in the sands lost in time and her mind losing all that had once been human as the days ticked by like centuries for her. She could feel the world changing around her in an ever changing kaleidoscope of human greed, her spirit feeding off of their desires. Even in the sands, she could feel the pandora's box of horrors that humans spurred ever onward. Greed, lust, envy, and sloth reigned supreme, and as always wrath seemed at an all time high.

It was a beautiful symphony of death and as the war spilled over into her world, she could feel the drums in her bones and hear the cry of the violin as it all reached it crescendo. She'd only just started to enjoy the way the music felt when she felt something so very different. It was a warmth she hadn't felt in so long, her soul shuddering as she felt it seep down into her being, every part of her rolling into the thing.

She followed the warmth to its source and found herself somewhere she hadn't been before - a body. Her soul shuddered as she filled his limbs and stretched herself out to consume across his mind, molding to every piece of him as if she were ink being absorbed into a piece of paper. She was an insidious disease and she was taking over, enjoying the feel of the strength in his arms and the pounding in his heart. She felt it then - emotions.

They were raw, stripped from being exposed for so very long. Fear and adrenaline were pumping through their veins and she felt his breath coming sharp and quick before her eyes finally took sight. He was moving now, wet from the water he'd been partially in and nearly bleeding out in. She let out a low groan inside his head that was masked by the sound of gunfire before she felt the last few bits of herself press into the nooks and crannies of his mind. Everything settled into place and she controlled his breath, steadying his foot and hand as he shot blankly, a bellow coming from their lungs.

Gods, she was... Alive in a way that she hadn't been for so very long. Eve soared inside of his head and settled as the last of the gunfire settled down, her dark arms touching his mind as she explored him. His knowledge and memories was laid out before her like a movie and she flipped through its entirety in a moment's time, watching through his eyes as they looked at the village where the enemy had come from.

It was too much for her to resist.

"Kill them, Adam." Her voice is weak after so many years of disuse but it still sounds the same as it always had, like honey dripping from her lips as she feels him curl slowly to her well, "They don't deserve to live, they're murderers. All of them."

The seed of it was taking root and she felt the sickness in him spread slow like a drug, her tongue licking slow at her lips, his weakness leaking power into her. It played out better than she ever could have imagined, the screams better than the music of time ticking past, her nostrils flaring as the coppery smell of blood fills the air mixed with the sharp sting of fear and the harsh smell of his gunpowder. Her eyes are electric as she feels his anguish flood his chest, his hands grasping at his head as the full weight of it all rests on his shoulders.

Soft and sweet, she lets her hands move around his mind, touching it softly as she caresses him from the inside, "Adam," Her voice purrs to him through the swirling chaos of his own shock, stronger now and audible as she forces herself to the front of his thought, "Oh, Adam... You've done so... So.... Well." She makes his eyes look down at the knife that is still hooked on the inside of his pocket, a kabar that his memories told her was a gift from a childhood friend.

"I need you to do it for me, Adam... Bleed me out. Give me life, my sweet Adam." She purred, planting images into his mind of taking the blade across his own arm and letting it bleed into the sands at his feet, images flashing of an ebony woman rising from it slow passing before she pulled it away just as the mounds of her breasts were exposed and her large eyes opened. "Come on, Adam... Do it for me... Bleed me out..." She purred, willing him into action.
Adam hears this soft, sweet voice.. It was soothing to him after such a battle, his adrenaline wearing off and making him feel more pain in his side, but the bleeding was stopping now that he was pressing bandages into it. The voice tells him that he did well, he looks around for who it could be, one hand grabbing for his gun but then his eyes are directed down to his knife.. He didn't feel like he did that. He blinks, his eyes remaining on the knife as the voice tells him to bleed it out, to take the knife across his arm for some reason...

The reason is soon showed to him, a gorgeous woman, trapped inside of his blood.. She needed to escape.. Adam HAD to help her. He rips the knife from his sheathe and lays the blade against his arm, his hand trembling as he gets ready to do as the voice asked.. After all, he wanted to help this person like she had helped him, she had soothed him despite his experiences in the villages, so he would set her free.

The butt of an M4A1 meeting the back of his head ends his actions.

His limp body collapses to the ground of the village, behind him is another squadron, and while they hadn't observed his actions they could see him about to cut himself while surrounded by the bodies of civilians, terrorists, and his own squad mates.. Overall it did not look good for Adam. He is taken to a military hospital on Kandahar airfield, where he is secured to a bed and healed of his bullet wound, and also diagnosed with PTSD, which saved him a court martial for killing the civilians, as the doctors had just assumed that the stress of losing his squad was enough to drive him to do something like that.

Even without a court martial, Adam's career in the Marines was over, he was sent home around a week later and is given a therapist to go and see on a bimonthly basis, he is set up with an apartment and about a years worth of unemployment leave to get him started on work.. He hadn't heard the voice since Kandahar and he had assumed it was just his disease.

Adam got a boring office job, working as an accountant, but with his disease he doesn't show up that often, and they completely understand, giving him the opportunity to work from home instead of showing up to the office.

Six months later, on the Fourth of July Adam was having one of his panic attacks, this time in his apartment by his bed as fireworks went off outside, he sits in his closet, holding his head in his hands before he breathes out. "Please.. Talk to me again.. I need you." He whispers out loud to himself, the voice had soothed him last time, maybe she could do it again.

When he hears no response he goes into a fit, crawling out of his closet to his kitchen where he grabs a very large knife. "Please!" He yells, obviously distressed before going down on his arm with the knife, slashing at it until a good amount of blood was flowing from his arm on to his kitchen floor, tears from panicking rolling down his cheeks as he drops his knife to the floor, holding his hands to his head, his eyes looking down at the floor, but not at the pool of blood forming.
He was so close. Her body tingled with excitement and she felt their veins fill with another harsh dump of adrenaline as the knife is placed against his arm. Her soul soars as she feels it dig into the skin but her flight is stopped and she falls back to reality by the sudden sharp pain in the back of his head. His sight is gone and she hits the bottom of the pit again as his mind falls into the dark abyss of total silence.

Eve finds herself compressed into the furthermost region of his mind, compressed until she is so small she can't move, her body clamped between memories of sixth grade math and his second birthday. His world passes by and she is, for lack of better words, a bored spectator. Her voice falls quiet and instead of urging him towards another attempt, she lapses into quiet acceptance.

Humans don't live long. She could wait.

Time passed inconsequentially and she watched how her influence had warped him, the sick parts of his brain dripping with agony. It manifested in interesting ways, triggering the most unique fear response to anything that reminded him of war time. But this time was different. He was different, cowering in fear and confusion like a beast as he pleaded for his one solace.

She almost took pity enough to comfort him, but it was so much easier to watch his slow descent into madness.

The blade across his arm was enough to drive her into action, spurring her to leap through the exit. Whether humans believed it or not, blood was still the most powerful magic and sacrifice the most powerful incantation. Eve slid out of him a spirit, her form moving in the pooling blood as she sought specks of dirt. It wasn't her sands, but it was enough to give her form.

Her body rose from the blood like a ghost coming through a wall, her skin dewed still with his blood as she pressed closer to him, one ebony hand grasping his still bleeding arm as she breathed in deep. As the last of her pulled from the ground her eyes opened and settled on him, the color of the night sky but burning like coals.

"Adam," She sighed his name and drug him hard to her naked form, her hand cupping his cheek and stroking it slow, "You did spectacular," She purred to him as her fingers touched down his neck and towards his chest. "But I need you to do more."
The fear inside of him had him practically sobbing, he hadn't noticed her form rising from his pool of blood until her hand took his arm, which makes him look up at her naked form.. She was gorgeous, the voice within his mind now had a form.. And he felt like he was missing an essential part of himself, but now she was here, he wasn't crazy!

For the longest time his therapist had been telling him that those voices in his head were nothing, it was just his disease, it was just a state of mind that he was placing upon himself and the reason it had showed up was because of his strenuous situation. But now he could see the beautiful woman, who he had bled from his body, he is too shocked to speak at first, she was so close to him and he had so many questions that he wanted answered.

When she drags him to her naked form he collapses into her lap, staring up at her with a look of disbelief before hearing her words, his teeth scraping at the inside of his cheek as he thinks to himself. "Where did you go?" He whispers to her. "I needed you.." He says before wrapping his arms around her midsection and hiding his face against her stomach.

"Anything, I'll do anything." He whispers, his eyes closing as she caresses his face and explores his physical body like she had done to his mental one, he finds her actions soothing and sighing softly against her as she works her magic.
Adam was a creature that had been drug down to his weakest point from the sickness that she'd left to fester in his head and for a bit she almost pitied him as he lay sobbing in her lap. His arm was warm around her waist and his face wet with his own tears as he struggled to come to terms with everything that was happening. Unlike most, he didn't question the why behind her coming to be, but simply accepted her as a necessary truth that had to exist for him to feel comfort.

"I was weak," She admitted to him, letting her hand brush slowly over his close-cut hair, which had been something she'd seen only in his memories. His memories still filtered through her head and offered her reminders of his status as a warrior that had been through special training. She didn't fully understand what a 'Marine' was, but she knew that it as a type of warrior.

"I'm still weak, my love," She told him now, leading towards the deed that she needed him to do, her hand moving to his arm to touch the wound slowly, tracing her finger down the jagged edge that his knife had left in his flesh. "I need... Blood. And if you bleed any more then you will die." Her hand was wet with his blood as she cupped his face and brought him up to her lips, them brushing his soft like a whisper, "I need you to bring someone here and give me life..." She told him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips at the end, "Can you do that for me, Adam?"
Adam continues to hold on to her as he begins to calm down, with her hand running through his hair and her soothing voice his tears had stopped flowing and his staggered breath was beginning to turn to normal, his eyes slowly unclench themselves to look up at the gorgeous woman who had come from his blood. "They.. They all told me that you didn't exist." He whimpers while looking up at her face, her eyes comforted him despite the fiery nature within them.

"I'm weak too." He whispers while looking down at his shaking arm, which was still covered in his blood. He looks to her when she begins to explain what he needed to do. "B-blood?" He asks, he knew what she wanted from him but he was scared to perform the action. But her fingers against his skin once again calmed him.. She had done so much for him, why couldn't he do this small thing for her? He sits up as she brings him to her lips and closes his eyes as her soft lips brush against his chapped ones, he had been wanting to end his own life that night, but this woman told him that he would not be the one to die. He kisses her back when she finally allows their lips to seal, a warm feeling spreading throughout his entire being, like she was a puzzle piece that he was missing. "I'll do it." He whispers against her lips before sitting up, looking to her. "I'll go now." He says before standing and quickly walking over to his kitchen counter where he wraps his arm in a bandage, cleaning his arm and his hands from his own blood.

He then gets up, putting on his shoes. "I'll be back." He promises her before leaving his apartment, going out into the street to the local bar just up the block. He figures that he could pick up a woman, Adam was a handsome man so he wouldn't have any trouble finding a woman to go home with him. So he walks into the bar, simply under the excuse that he was injured in Afghanistan, he even flashed his dog tags from under his shirt, trying to see if a woman would approach him so that he could take her back for his... Sacrifice he supposed. He wasn't really even considering the weight that this could bear, he wanted to pay back the woman who had done so much for him already, or so he seemed to think.
A smirk was slow to find its way onto her lips at his claim, her head bobbing in a slow nod, "They would," She assured him, "I've seen your memories and been through every thought you've ever had," Her hand cupped his cheek again now, her thumb running slow over his lower lip, painting it with the blood that still lingered on her hands, "You have forgotten the power of blood. It is through the gift of blood that babes take life. From the gift of blood that your sins are washed free from your soul. And the fit of blood that can restore the soul in magicks that predate your Bible. In your eager search for answers, you've forgotten knowledge that was once common."

It was a sad thing for her to know, but something that played to her advantage. He didn't know the power of blood or the power that came from taking life. He didn't see the dark stain that was in his head, didn't know of the way it discolored his mind and turned him into a twisted thing that would descend so swift into Hell at death that he'd break his tailbone. She kept that secret held close to her heart, watching him as he prepared himself to leave, dressing his wounds as she explored his home.

As he was away, she bathed herself in his shower and used the scant supplies that he had to tend to her body. Her skin smelled fresh and clean as she sat herself on his bed, relaxing on the mattress that felt softer than anything she'd ever laid upon in her life, waiting for the man to return.

* * * * *

At the bar, the place was a symphony of desires, each person there desiring something of the flesh, whether it was to indulge in it or damage it through excess. There were really only two types of people that were in the bar - Marines and uniform chasers. Among the latter as a girl that couldn't have been old enough to drink from her looks but was inebriated to a point of stumbling her way through the rank cigarette smoke and laughter. Her hair was an unbrushed mess on her head but she was dressed in clothing that was new and clean, which suggested the hair was a side effect of the excess of liquor in her system.

Though Adam was the one on the hunt, she was the one that had set her sights on him, crossing the room to lean against the bar next to him, her glassy eyes looking him over slowly. "Heya soldier..." She purred, her words slurring just a bit before she giggled, "You look like you could use some comp'ny." She spoke in broken English though she'd been American born and bred, her school years having failed her in the grammar department, "I'm feelin' real patriotic tonight..."
Adam wishes that he could have stayed with the woman in his apartment for longer, he had so many more questions but she had told him that she was weak so he made sure not to ask anymore. He sits at the bar and waits, honestly his looks would get him somebody no matter what, as this bar was the home of many Marines and all of the girls in town knew that. He leans back on the stool and waits patiently, he sees someone set their sights on him out of the corner of his eye but ignores them until they get close enough to start talking.

He turns to her and smiles. "I could use some company." He says while standing, putting his arm around her. "I think you'll do just nicely." He says with a smile, though little did she know he wasn't talking using her as company. "How about you and me go back to my place?" He asks with the raise of his eyebrows before walking with her out of the place, his arm wrapped around her as they go. Adam makes sure that nobody sees where they're going, considering this girl wouldn't make it out of his apartment he didn't want anybody growing suspicious.

They approach his apartment building and he unlocks the door to let her inside. "Stay right here baby." He says before giving her a quick kiss on the lips, telling her to stay by the door. "How about you get undressed for me?" He asks with the raise of his eyebrows before going into his kitchen and discretely taking a knife from the countertop. Faster than she could react he was upon her, his hand grabbing her mouth and the knife descending into her throat and then his hand is ripping it from the soft place, he lets her fall to the floor, her blood pooling around her before he leaves the knife on the countertop, looking around for the woman he had killed this girl for.

"It is done." He whispers into the darkness, searching for her but he was not used to the darkness of the apartment just yet.
The normal things that should have sent up warning flags were all silent in the haze of alcohol that filled her system. Her mind was a buzz that covered any sane or rational thought that would have screamed this was a bad idea. She was caught up in hormones and good feelings, her mouth hungry and admittedly sloppy as she kissed and nibbed on Adam's neck, too lost in the man she was hopefully going to be fucking to pay attention to where they were going or what he was doing. The world moved in a blurr around her until it all came to a slow stop at his door.

Her hands were on him, touching his stomach and chest through his shirt as he unlocked the door and murmuring dirty words against his skin. There was something in his apartment that made her draw back, the most basic of human instincts kicking in as her mind suddenly was drawn to rapt attention. There was no defense against the swiping knife, no preparation as her throat worked to try and thrust a burning question into being. As her body hit the ground and the world descended into death, it lingered at the edge of her mind - Why?

From the dark of his bedroom, Eve slid like a panther from the shadows, her eyes hungry and nostrils flaring at the copper smell of fresh blood. "Oh, indeed it is." She purred to him, kneeling at the dead girl's side and bringing her torn throat to her lips. The blood was still hot and it warmed her body, dripping from her chin as she drank from the girl, eyes closing in bliss. When she pulled away she exhaled as if she had just tasted the finest wine. "My Adam, so dutiful." She praised, rising from the ground to approach him, "You deserve rewards for your service." Her arms slid slow around him, tugging his body to hers, "Tell me what you desire."
Adam takes a shaky breath as he sees her body hit the floor.. She had just been wanting a fun night.. But now she was dead, never to open her eyes again, never to realize the consequences of a decision she barely made, an alcohol induced mind had made it for her. He feels himself growing weak at the knees.. Another innocent person was dead at his hands and he didn't know how to handle it. He feels the memory from that faithful day slipping into his mind and no matter how much he pushes against it, it makes its way to the forefront of his memory.

He feels himself shaking now - What had he done?! The only thing calming to him now was seeing Eve, slipping from his bedroom to the girl on the floor and feasting on her blood, she seemed very pleased with him.. At least he could live with that. When she brings his body against hers he becomes a ragdoll in her arms, his own arms against hers and his face buries itself into her neck, clinging on to her for support. "What do I desire?" He whispers while closing his eyes. "I just want you to stay with me, by my side.. I need you." He whispers against her skin, holding on to her as if she was his lifeline, which at this point she essentially was.
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