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Ban the Game

Jan 2, 2016
Hello, I'm Ban the Game your friendly neighborhood weirdo. I have a lot of strange thoughts and rants which would probably use a good outlet so here I am. Don't expect anything from here to be particularly well edited and as a warning expect things to get rather heavy and controversial.

So for my first rant; The topic came up in chat today over discrimination and judgemental behavior. A transwoman in chat(who's name shall remain undisclosed) said that they needed to change clothes whenever they needed to answer the door because of the large amounts of "conservatives" in her local area. To which another person questioned why people can't just "let others be themselves without judging". I found this concept quite worthy of pondering.

To some extent, it is healthy to be somewhat judgement of other people in society. If you are blind to the actions of everything everyone does then you are liable to let some horrible and/or insane people do some pretty terrible and dangerous things. Certain actions and behaviors are simply universally wrong as they represent a danger to themselves or others. Beating your spouse for instance can be a rather subtle affair that doesn't really escape your own home(usually) but is no less horrid. And yet people more then often misunderstand what actions constitute an evil or a danger and what simply constitutes as being different. Many things that seemingly bring out hatred from others simply do not bring harm to anyone on their own and are quite simply not anyone else's business. People think they are being good by warring their crusade against what they believe to be evil but's horribly wasted. Even if you see transgenderism as an evil, it would still be miniscule compared to the drug pedaling, warmongering, child trafficking, rape, and worse happening in so many countries up to their highest ranks. So much greater evil is being commited and yet they prosecute, harass, and sometimes even lynch people who simply wish to be left alone without seeking to harm or causing harm to anyone else.

Islamic philosophy has a very interesting notion: No man is responsible for another man's sin. Should you seek to cause someone else to sin what they do means nothing, you sought to transgress and have sinned whether or not they actually sin means nothing. If they sin then it is on them even if someone sought to sabotage them. By the same token, if someone else where to unwillingly 'tempt' you to sin then it is not on them if you actually do sin. This notion is why I can never accept the thought that being trans on it's own is any kind of evil. Yet even this rule gets ignored in most Islamic cultures, like many others Islamic rules. And the same goes for Jewdo-Christian societies of the west.

There is another school of thought in this though. A quote from one Niccolò Machiavelli I believe:

Whoever desires to found a state and give it laws, must start with assuming that all men are bad and ever ready to display their vicious nature, whenever they may find occasion for it.

The school of thought that people aren't really trying to persecute people, like transgendered people, because they foolishly believe they are doing something righteous. Rather they are simply looking for an excuse. They themselves are the evil that wishes to harm those who simply wish to be left alone. The fact that they are different is just the excuse, not the reason. It may seem rather cynical but I unfortunately believe this is the actual truth of the situation.
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