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Naruto (RP thread)

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Dec 15, 2015
(if you want to join please approach me by note or through the interest check thread.)

Once every two years the Chunin exams are held. Where the shinobi of each village send their Genin to compete and test for the rank of Chunin. Usually, few of those testing are enough to stir up interest, and usually few make it to the final rounds. Some years are different though. Some years are very interesting.

It was dawn at the hidden leaf village, the sun was slowly covering over the trees and shined out from behind the great wall around the village.
"It's funny they call it hidden." Said Kibu. "With that big wall and all. Right Haiiro?" He shouted back at his squad mate. Kibu, Zuhino, and Haiiro made up the member of his squad. Kibu was an average height genin, about eighteen years old with brown hair that was short but still long enough to keep tied up behind him. He looked like most other sand shinobi accept for his choice of weapon. A long staff, which he carried on his back in two parts. They were all going to test in the Chunin exams. Along with their instructor Akumono sensei, they had set out from the Village hidden in the sands about a week ago and now arrived at the leaf village, who was hosting the exams this year. It would certainly be interesting. Especially when they got to see the looks on all those leaf genin's faces when they lost. They reached the gates and after a moment they slowly opened and the sand ninja were let in.

"Mira, Mira," Said distant shouts. "Mira! come on we're gong to be late!" It was Kando. Or Kan to his squad-mates, a leaf Genin with spike black hair. He was hanging onto the wall outside her window and shouting and knocking "Come on Mari and I have been waiting forever." today of all days she desired to sleep in. He jumped down to join his friend.
"Is she up yet?" Aru asked.
"She is now."
"Ahhh, to bad. I guess we'll have to wait."
"No way, we're doing this. Lee Sensei thinks we can do this so we are going to do it."
"Fine, but I would still rather wait. being a chunin is so much trouble." Kando had been waiting basically ever since he had become a genin to test for chunin. This was the moment he was waiting for to really show everyone what he was made of. Especially the genin from other villages. he couldn't wait to see the looks on their faces when they were left in the dust. Now if only Mira would come out.
Mira was going to kill Kan. She was already awake and in her parents bedroom. She woke up early to only descover that her mother had stolen her hair hand so she was raiding her mothers stash if she could find it. Opening the window she grabbed hold of a green paper wait and throw it at him. "Thanks a lot for waking up my partner you know Coco is a tracker and not a fighter". She yelled "Thanks a lot mother". She muttered but it was already to late her husky style ninja dog was already outside with the others.

Going outside she slapped Kan. "Thanxs really didn't want her to come with us as I didn't want her to get hurt like last time". Mira said all annoyed didn't help when she hated her hair loose and her mother stole her bobbles. "Coco go find father". With that the dog vanished. "Please can we get moving quickly I am not too sure on where he is".
With his eyes closed and hoodie up, Haiiro walked alongside his squad as they grew closer and closer to the front side of the hidden leaf. Darkness beneath his closed eyes had been the 'stripes' he 'earned' for staying awake all night, each night, to train on their way to the hidden leaf. What little sleep he managed to scavenge together up until now had been like heaven when compared to the hell of each waking second. He was aware that the first part of the exam would be more difficult by default, given his sleepless form now, but he was far from worried. While his team mates had his back when it counted, Haiiro was more than prepared to sneak in a nap before any real action and whip out his sheer and raw power in the face of the spoiled and sheltered leaf genin.

"Kibu, It's just a wall." Haiiro mumbled in response without lifting his head or opening his eyes. His hands in the pockets of his trousers, he fiddled with the ninja pill in his left pocket. The back up plan, this pill would rejuvenate him in a hurry if the first test was the dreaded forest of death and if the fragile leaf genin decide to ambush them early. While his friend, Kibu, was stating the obvious and clearly enjoying himself in some way -Haiiro was mulling over his own game plans with a sharp eye for success. After his own statement, Haiiro lifted his head and let his crimson sharingan peer outward from the shadow beneath his hoodie. A serious expression, the second tomoe staged eyes scanned over the top of the wall as they approached. He blinked away his sharingan before shutting his eyes again and smiling a bit.

As the trio and Akumono Sensei entered the village, passing the checks casually as the Sand village and Leaf village had a tight relationship, Haiiro groaned a bit. "How long before the Exams start?" He mumbled a bit to his squad and instructor, hoping to hear that might have some time to catch some rest. The strength and power he developed with his training along the way was more than worth it, but the lack of sleep was raw torture.
"I know it's just a wall," Kibu said, "but look at the size of it. That wall is ridiculous." He wondered, who did they think would attack them that they needed a wall that tall. Well that didn't matter. "Don't use those weird eyes of your either. Do you want to give away your edge before the exams even start?" He never understood Haiiro, not really. The guy was okay and they worked together.... okay, they were a team after all. He was intense though. To intense, staying up all night training, barely getting any sleep, and he was really suspicious of the Hidden Leaf shinobi. No one was that suspicious without a reason, Kibu decided that he would try to find out during the exams
At the gate he submitted himself to the checks with a little more grace that Haiiro in his opinion. "Hai, calm down. Complaining wont make it go any faster." He was impatient as well, and a bit short with them too. He had always suspected Haiiro had some kind of grudge against the Hidden Leaf village for some reason. He had pretty much confirmed this already but maybe this way he would get a peak at what his real reasons where.
"Hey! That's not a weapon mart guy!" The leaf ninja was apologizing and backing off a bit. Zuhino was, well she was well endowed for her age. She was very sensitive about it too and seemed to think almost every man she met was staring at her, thinking unclean thought about her, or trying to grope her. It could be pretty entertaining sometimes actually.
"Back off Zui their just doing their job." She groaned and crossed her arms over her chest. Once the checks, which really didn't take that long. were over they checked in at the inn they were staying at and then made their way to the testing center to register.
"Fine fine, but don't blame me for last time. It's not my fault if your 'tracker' decided to track a squire through a poisonous thorn bush.
"Yea, that's right, that was hilarious." Aru started to laugh and the pudgy genin's cheeks seemed to vibrate when he did.
"Well lets get going before she gets back. Besides were already late for registration."
The registration center was buzzing with activity. It was filled with Genin and their sensei and their was at least one team from every village. Including a team of sand ninja. Kan kept a sharp eye on them. Especially one, he was younger than his team mates. A year younger than the girl and probably at least three years younger than their squad leader from the looks of him. He wondered if- He suddenly felt an open hand contact his face and sent him flying into the nearest wall.
"Stop staring you pervert!" The sand village kuniochi barked.
"I-wasn't-staring." He said, laying on the floor in a pile. Anu helped him up when he was done laughing. Man that girl could hit hard. What was he even suppose to be staring at?
"I don't blame you for that. It should have never been there in the first place. As someone was meant to get rid of it. I swear some rookies are sloppy with there work". Mira said rolling her eyes "I was talking about last exam when someone from the mist village stabbed her in the check puncturing her in the lung and almost killing her". Mira shuffled her feet as she said this as the memory was still too painful with how close it was at loosing her partner.

"Stop it you guys". Mira said to them. "You really think starting a fight in such an enclosed area with so many people around. You have another thing going". She said this in a quiet voice. Much quieter than she did to her two team mates earlier. "Besides in a crowd like this where are you meant to look. You look at your feet you get accused for being rude. You look forward you get accused for staring at someone".
"Do you think the genin of the leaf are watching us, even now?" Hai responded with a museful smirk. Kibu could always prove to be quite ridiculous. Making a big deal about the wall, never bothering to learn the proper name of his partner's Dojutsu, always being this sort of character around others. It made Hai smile, even when he was dead tired and ready to just collapse. Their move through the checking had been a bit eventful, but Hai paid his partners no mind until they made it through and were capable of socializing a bit. Hai let his eyebrows cross as his partner misunderstood his question and seemed to come across as picking a bit of a fight. "I'm not complaining. It's a valid question." He shot back, not prepared to just ignore Kibu. They were squad partners and members of the same village, so they'll be running into eachother throughout their lives no matter how someone looks at it. Giving Kibu the idea that he can be relaxed and a bit caustic around him wasn't a very tasteful idea.

Admittedly, Hai's tone to Kibu was adversely affected by his lack of sleep. Not that Hai really cared, he bit back the desire to say something to really escalate the situation negatively by suggesting that he used Kibu to train even more before the first stage of the exam. Yet, the confidence was partly founded in the desire to proof some sort of dumb point. Knowing this, Hai didn't let a word of that desire slip as he continued with his squad toward the registration for the exam. They had left their instructor at the inn, and were allotted a bit of time to make it to registration, so they were probably going to be early. Shaking his head to free himself of the disdain for Kibu's response, Hai found his smile. "Why don't we find some time to spot two or three of those leaf genin?"
"I don't think we need to spy on them. We'll have plenty of time for that later right now is just the registration." Kibu said.
"You look like your about to drop dead anyway Hai, you should really get some sleep." Zui said. She had seen him training day and night, almost non stop. it seemed like every time they weren't on the road he was training, she wouldn't have been surprised if he found some way to train even while they were walking. "If I wake up one more night and find you training when you should be sleeping. I'll knock you out and make you sleep."
"Alright." One of the proctors said. "Final call for registration. Any other teams signing up for the exam..." There were no answers. "Okay."
"Wait!" Suddenly a shinobi, older than most all the others testing by four or five years and over dressed for the weather, came running in. When he reached the door way though his foot caught on the floor board and he stumbled, jumped slid and finally fell face first into Zui's cleavage. She could not have turned a brighter color of red, nor have looked more embarrassed. He jumped back and started bowing and apologizing. "So sorry. I didn't mean to do that I swear. Very sorry." He kept going on like this until the proctor interrupted him.
"I take it your hear to register for the exam?"
"Yes sir."
"Where's your squad?"
"O I don't have one, but I have this." he produced a sheet of paper that was folded. The proctor opened it, read it, shrugged and allowed him to fill out the registration. Zui, the entire time was mortified. Slowly, as this new comer filled out his form, she turned to her squad mates. "One word, and you both go home in a body bag." She mumbled.


Kan was rubbing his soar cheek and making very sure not look at the sand village girl when the final call was made. He assumed they wouldn't see anyone else when, everyone who wanted to be there should be there. Someone else did come running in at the last minute, and when he ran into the sand girl's cleavage. Kan and everyone else in the room didn't mind laughing as she turned as red as a rose and he started to apologize like an idiot.
"Who is that looser," Aru asked as he laughed. Kan looked closer. It took a moment but then it suddenly clicked.
"Hey, that's Kai Shizaro."
"He was a genin years ago, pretty good too I heard. But after his last mission his entire squad went insane and killed themselves. Some think he had a hand in it. I guess he finally decided to get back into being a shinobi. I don't know where he thinks he's going without a squad though."
"Alright everyone, registration is closed. Find a seat and settle down. You will be called back as squads when we are ready for you. In the mean time sit tight and be quite. If you leave the room before you are called, or make too much noise, than you will be disqualified form the exam." he then left and slammed the door behind him.
The door suddenly opened with a bang as the head of the Inuzuka clan walked in with two large dogs.
"It's not funny you guy's. This doesn't". Befoure Mira could finish another word she was slapped quite hard around the head. "Ouch what the hell". She said turning around. "Oh hi grampa"
"Don't you hi me. All memebers of the Inuzuka clan go every where with there partners no matter the risk. Coco goes with you and that's final. And I don't want to hear a singal word what you have to say". He barked as he removed the rope from around Coco's neck. With that he walked out of the room.
"Ninja families are the worse". Mira said with her hands on her head where she was slapped. "What was I saying? Oh yer it doesn't make sense for anyone to do the exam alone. The rules clearly state you much be in a squad of three to sign up to the exam. If you don't have the numbers you can't enter the exam". She said showing the rule book from her bag. "The same goes for picking fights befoure the exam starts. Do you know what he is like as a person?"

Sitting down Mira rummaged throw her bag till she found a pack her mother made up. Rooting throw it she found something what looked like a roll on deodorant. "Here Kan it will cool down your cheak".
Seeing the time it seemed to be a bit late for her to come to the meeting place of the exams though she didn't really care what anyone else thought about it as she saw a few of what she would think as teachers walk in, following behind them and taking a random nearby seat. Her uniform unlike others being A darker color of course as she sat down quietly just watching and waiting.
They sat their for around twenty minutes before the same proctor who had taken their registrations poked his head in.
"You three," he pointed to Kibu, Hai, and Zui, "Follow me, it's time for the first stage of your exam." He lead them out through the buildings halls and outside.
"So what is this first exam?" Zui asked.
"Target practice," Said the proctor, "A shinobi has to be able to do a lot of things but if he can't throw a kunai straight than it doesn't matter how good his jutsu, he can't do much can he." They walked through town and out into a range in the woods that had a variety of targets, moving, standing, close, far away. All in a obstacle course. "Now, you have forty seconds, all of you." He clicked the stop watch.
"What?" Kibu shouted and started dashing along, throw kunai and Shuriken at targets, moving to him, away from him, over him or just. standing off somewhere. He wasn't sure he would actually make it, but he hopped over a log and turning around, threw one more kunai into a dummy laying down behind it. He was panting like a dog, but he had finished a d Zui, right behind him, was the last one. He looked down range, about one hundred meters down range. He didn't think he could run that in forty seconds, let along cover an obstacle course. He was holding up his hand, and a thumbs up. They had done it. Then Suddenly an explosion of smoke concealed them. Then the same thing concealed them. This wasn't normal smoke, it was drugged. Before he knew it a bag was over his head and his hands were tied, but very soon he blacked out. He woke up when the bag was pulled from his head. He was in a small room, one light hanging above them. In the room was a shinobi in full garb, including a mask that hid his face, but no head band.
"So, you three are going to answer my question now. Or we are going to have problems. He brought a kunai in his hands down into Zui's thigh and she screamed in pain and started to grit her teeth and shut her eyes against the pain. He pulled another one and then moved over to Hai. "So here's my first question. How many Shinobi operate out of your village approximately?"


About ten minutes after the first group was called back the second group was, then the third and the fourth. Kan was really itching to get started with this exam. It had been almost an hour since they were told to wait. Finally the proctor stuck his head in again and pointed to his squad. "You three follow me." With a smile that screamed "Finally!" since he couldn't. They followed and he took them out to open yard behind the school they used for physical education classes, or recess. "Okay, the first stage of your chunin exam. This is a ninjutsu test. Every ninja needs to know their basic ninjutsu and know them well if they ever hope to become a successful Shinobi, and if you ever hope to be a chunin you'll need to pass this test. "Aru, your first."
He stepped forward. "So what's first?"
"Transformation jutsu. Why don't you show me what Lord Hokage look like?" He put his hands together.
"Transform," and turned into a perfect imitation of the Hokage.
"Good now how about a clone Jutsu." He ran through the list of all the basic ninjutsu. It was nothing outstanding. It was the kind of stuff you had to go through just to get out of the academy anyways. Kan had no problem and Mira was just about to start hers when suddenly smoke exploded around them. Kan had not time to react before something chopped the back of his neck and he passed out. When he came to he was out in the middle of the forest. A masked shinobi was standing over him. He realized the rest of his squad was there too. Then the shinobi pulled out a Kunai. "So here is how this works. I'm going to ask you some questions about your village and your going to answer them. Or I start cutting them out of you. One word at a time. First, how many Shinobi are on the kage's personal bodyguard?"


Dajin yawned in an exaggerated manner and leaned back in his chair. It had been more than two hours and they were the only squad left in the room, but they hadn't been called. Haruki was being her usual self. Riuno was taking it rather well and just reading one of those little books she always carried.
"How long until they call us back you think." He asked her, she didn't answer. He went back to nodding off and was almost there when something smash through both the rooms windows. It laid on the for for a moment before it exploded into smoke that almost instantly filled the room. Dajin tried to get up but ended up knocking himself over. He saw someone come at Riu and he shouted a warning. She redirected the attacker only for him to come around and kick her in the jaw, sending her to the floor. Then something went over his head and he felt himself being tied up and then taken somewhere else. When they stopped and his hood had been removed he could see they were alone on a roof top, their were three attackers. Two women and a man, just like their squad, all were wearing masks. He looked at them, then around the rooftop. high ledges prevented anyone from seeing them from the ground, they were probably on top of a restaurant or casino for something so decorative. Both his squad mates were with him, though they had left behind all their stuff when they were captured, which meant Haru's puppet.
"Okay listen up, said one of the women." We're going to ask you a few questions about your senei, cooperate and you won't be harmed. Give us trouble though, and we give you trouble." Their sensei, what did they want with her? "You understand me?" Dajin nodded, so did Riu. "Good, first of all tell em whats her most favored jutsu and does she have any specialties."
"Screw you." They could give away things like that. It would be like serving her up on a patter. She kicked him in the head and knocked him over into Haruki's lap.
"Wrong answer, what about you girl?"
She looks up a bit dazed from the suddenness though snakes her head just to stop herself from spinning and get a view of her surroundings for a moment. Slowly she looked hearing the question, though she gave them a wicked grin, " first off I'm no regular sand ninja..." she paused as she moved her fingers back and forth, " just give me a sec, though can you guys do me a favor real quick and reach into my coat pocket? There's a scroll...lay it down on the floor, if you do that I'll tell you EVERYTHING you need to know, swear...." she turned to her mates giving them a look of "just trust me as she looked back at them, " so to answer your question....her favored jutsu is....lemme think...cause she does have her favorites but the one she uses the most....." she said thinking out loud trying to move things along so they wouldn't expect anything though of course she wouldn't tell them at all. "Gimme a damn second to think...." soon she leaned over to whisper into Dajins ear, " you haven't met my other boys have you?" Slowly she slipped one of her gloves off waiting to see if they would do it. " that scroll though if your curious was something I was going to give sensei ealier...." haruki wanted to see if she could push them further to do exactly what she wanted. " it lists one of her perfect moves....of many of course..." she waited still for the moment if they would do anything.
"We are not going to give anyone one any classified information. We don't know what village you are from". Mira said making sure her dog was behind of her. She wasn't going to forgive her grandfather so easily if anything happened to her. "If any information is given to an outsider or to someone not of that rank it will put the village at risk. Many lives will be lost. If anyone gives those kind of information away they are not fit to be a shnobi. No matter there rank". Flicking throw one of her books. Moving her hands quickly to combined her chokura. "Oh Jack". She brought what looked like an a twelve year old boy with fox colored hair. Her team mates would know that Jack was a Kitsune a firefox who can change form human to an ordany fox, "So the important question here is who are you?"
As if it were in his blood, Hai did extremely well with the target practice even without his Sharingan. Being a lithe ninja with impeccable accuracy and Kunai being a part of his tool set af all times, Hai could throw several kunai to have them clash and redirect a singular Kunai around a number of walls and through a window to assassinate a target. Sadly, being a Genin, most of Hai's particular talents were worthless when it came to catching pets and playing body guard for old folk.

The drugged smoke consumed him all too easily as he was already beyond exhausted. As he was awoken, he almost passed out again until Zui's pained voice had secured his waking presence. His eyes had a deep darkness carved beneath them as he was more sleep depraved then ever provided how he wasn't allotted the time to achieve rem sleep. They were being interrogated, but for what? His initial guess was that this must have been over his alleged uchiha blood, his Sharingan, and that the Rumors of the leaf ninja being untrustworthy bastards might have been true.

He wasn't so foolish as to come to his first conclusion and stick with it. Why kidnap the other two and ask questions about the hidden sand village? This clearly had nothing to do with his Sharingan and he was certain Konoha had no confirmed intel on his Sharingan. Even still, he kept his head down and his eyes were hidden behind his bangs. He had no practice in producing Genjutsu with his Sharingan, and the heat of the moment wasn't the best way to ensure success. Could he do this to save his friends? Even with his little chakra reserves, relatively no practice with genjutsu and the imposing ninja interrogator? Of course. But, he needed to buy time. "Could you clarify the question?" He managed lowly.
"Sure," He plunged the knife into Kibu's thigh, and for a moment his life became nothing but pain and the burning sting of the cold metal in his leg. For a moment he held it back, then he screamed. He walked past Hai and around him. He grabbed his chin and braced the genin's head against his shoulder then put the blade against his throat. "How many shinobi does your village have, or is that little peace of information worth ding for punk?" He pressed the blade in a little more. Kibu's brain was dulled from the pain and the drugs, but he was still painfully aware of what they were facing in every sense of the word. He couldn't move his hands to make any signs, so he couldn't do jutsu. He could reach his shuriken holster, assuming their was still anything in there. Zui was hurt, he was hurt. This could be very bad. It was time to take a chance.
"I bet you already know that don't you. Whoever you are I'm sure you are smart enough to count if you snatched us from the exams."
"Good kid. So now for a real question. "How many jonin operate out of your village?" That didn't sound like a test. So the question was who would flinch first. Hai, or the guy with a knife to his throat.


"careful girl. You're playing with the big boys." He put his hands together, and suddenly their was a shadow clone standing behind every one of them. Holding one of their arms behind their back, and a kunai to each of their throats. "So. Now that I have your undivided attention you have two options. You can answer my questions. Or I start killing you all. Starting with the fat guy on the end."
"What?" Aru squeaked and looked dead scared. Kan stared back defiantly. Maybe there was nothing they could do, maybe there was. He would die before he helped this guy in any way. The man looked at Mira.
"What about you?"


"Hurry up, answer the question!" The male demanded. Then she asked about her scroll. They all exchanged glances and one of the females nodded. The males stepped forward and dug around in her pocket until he fished out the scroll. He stepped back several feet, set it on the ground and rolled it out. The all spread out a big and tensed up. They were expecting this to be some kind of trick. The female standing in the middle drew a shuriken and held it at the ready. "Try anything, and your friends pay first. Riu flinched and looked at Haruki. Dajin couldn't do anything. Riuno needed only a moment to cast her genjutsu illusions but it was a moment she would not have with the ready to act on the slightest thing wrong. Whatever Haruki was cooking up, it had better be good, but knowing her, to would be good.


Gin spat out a tooth he had just lost, or actually just had knocked out. This interrogator was certainly on his game. Ishiko, that long hared dark eyed beauty of a Kunoichi was as about as ugly as he had ever scene her since her face had been beaten black and blue. Saori wasn't looking so good either. She had held up better than he thought she would though. He always figured she would buckle right away once the exams had started. Well they hadn't started yet, but being kidnapped and beaten for information wasn't exactly as easy as eating ramen.
"Tell me. Do you enjoy seeing your friend suffer like this." He said, grabbing Saori's cheeks and twisting her head, forcing her to star right at them. "It can all end, all you have to do is tell me where your village is?"
"We'll... Be fine..." He panted. "Just don't worry about you." He smiled and then sucker punched her hard in the gut with his brass knuckles. "Talk little girl." He whispered in her ear. "Or I start killing people."
"Don't... help this guy." Ishiko said. Then he kicked her in the face and knocked her over. If only they weren't tied up, Gin could do something, but they were so he could only watch.
She smiled, " well your both an idiot and your also pretty smart..." she said quickly getting up and cutting her finger with her claw to draw blood as there was a wide puff of smoke as something was summoned, revealed to be to black ant, one of her puppets, it was a large fat looking puppet with six arms and an oval shaped head with horns. Soon her chakra thread appears to control the puppet as she made four of its arm detach from its body, the first three flying to cut their ropes as the fourth one was dangling in the air waiting to catch the Shuriken. With them free finally she took another scroll throwing it up as it unraveled, " summon!" Soon another puff of smoke as a flat bodied lizard like puppet appeared and landed in front of them. " both of you get on its back!!!" Soon she turned her attention again as the arms reattached, all the joint opening to launch six poison smoke bombs at them as she jumped off the building with salamander following behind her, its back already extended to cover them completely and it's front iron shield up.

Soon they reached the ground floor as she pulled her hand, one of her puppets making a chittering noise as it flew down to join the group with all its arms back. Salamanders shield slowly unfolded as they seemed to be safe for now. " we need to get crow!! I left him back at the school!!!" She told them running in the direction of the school.
Jack transformed into a small fox cub to get away from the man behind of him. Getting away he went into Mira's bag. Placing the pen into his bag he gave Coco a latter to let the others in the village know what was going on. Once the dog had ran off he needed to make sure she made it back to the village and protect the humans.
Sniffing the air he knew what was needed to do. Clones are not born like other living things. They disappear when the person has ran out of chokura. Unlike others who sence if someone if real or not making it impossible with some abilities Jack can sniff out the different and knew where the real one was. Rushing to him Jack sent a large fire ball into his direction.

"Think Think what is it mother taught me". Mira thought to herself. There was only two thing she could think of to do. She head butted him as hard as she could then kicked him in the ankle where the bone sticks out. It only took one or two of them to get free to get everyone away from his grip.
"That was a real stupid move kid, the kind that gets you killed."
"Okay, okay! I'll talk, whatever you want to know." Aru screamed. Their was a disappointed groan behind Mira. Suddenly their were puffs of smoke all around as the clones disappeared all but one, who didn't vanish but transformed. It was their senei. Then their proctor jumped down form one of the trees
"Sensei?" Said Aru.
"Yes Aru, this was the first part of the Exam."
"the test was to see how well you would hold up under pressure," Said the proctor, you Aru did not. The rest of you pass, but you fail." "Alright you three lets get back to the village." He gave them all a shove and started them on their way.
"Mira, you were a little quick to play your ace in the whole back there, otherwise you did good. Kan, you did absolutely nothing, but at least you kept your mouth shut. Aru," he just shook his head. "Maybe we will try again in a few years."
"No," Riu said, "we can't go anywhere." How could they have not seen it. She knew that escape seemed to god to be true, it seemed to convenient that they cooperated so readily. There was a paper bomb on Dajin's back, and on Haru's, and probably hers to. If they tried to remove them they would probably go off, and on command they could be blown to pieces. "If we run now, we're all dead."
"Yes you are," said the woman, "but I have to admit I was impressed, especially with you Haru." Suddenly her voice changed to something much more familiar. There were three bursts of smoke and the shinobi who had captured them turned into two leaf ninja, one of them the proctor and their senei.
"This staged kidnapping was the first test of the exam. It was meant to see how you would hold up under life and death circumstances. Although this was not how it was intended to go you have never the less done well and passed."
"I'm proud of you guys," Their senei said, "You're already making the Leaf Village look bad. Come on, I'll buy you dinner to celebrate."
"Alright dinner." Dajin said.
"Sensei?" Riu said, "What did you stick on our backs if not bombs?" Their sensei pulled one off and took a bite out of it.
"Rice paper, want some?" Dajin laughed.
Soon she froze seeing that she made it just 100 feet away from them, " bastards...." she said seeing how sneaky they were to put bombs on their backs. Her back was still against them as she could tell the women was there with them slowly turning around as her two puppets did as well waiting for a moment before hearing the odd voice. " jeez I knew something weird was going on when some shit started to happen randomly....I hope you didn't really get hit with the smoke badly..." she said embarrassed now scratching her head. " well someone picks a damn fight with me I'll kick their ass!!!" Haruki stretched her arms and walked back to the group taking off the paper as well and eating it. " well now I feel bad it was you....but salamander and black ant helped too...." soon she closed her eyes as thepuppets disappeared in smoke jumping up for a moment, " gotta get my scrolls!!" She called out as she disappeared for a few minutes before coming back to them. " after doing all that and saving your asses I do want food...." she chuckled feeling a bit better about everything.
"Good job I didn't summon Holly then. After all not many can see a ghost and even if they could the numbers are rare what can fight one". Mira said. She gave Jack a look dreading what he put in that note. Depending how he wrote it is how much trouble they would be in. If they would be in any trouble. "I wonder who Coco ran to". She realized there was away around the situation and she would have done it if it saved her team mates. "Aru what exactly was you going to say? But keep your voice down". She just hoped it wasn't the truth or something they shouldn't know due to there rank. She squeezed Kan's hand to find out if he was OK.
Aru didn't answer.
"It might have been better if you had. You made those summons and then you pretty much left yourself defenseless, it was very brave but in future remember to look out for yourself too. If that had been real you might have been killed. I know you're smarter than that, so don't forget about yourself next time okay?"
"Hey I would have gotten us out if anything happened." Kan said.
"I'm sure you would have. I don't know how with a knife to your throat an unable to do any Jutsu but I'm sure. Now make sure you all get some sleep. I'll be around bright and early to get you for the next part of the exam and this one wont be any where near is pleasant, or as easy.

The next day, and training ground 44, there were at least two dozen other teams from half a dozen villages. Kan looked around form group to group to get a good look at them. Sound ninja, mist ninja, sand ninja.
"Look like some pretty interesting competition."
She waited a moment while Haruki then she took the trio to the first good restaurant she could find, and bourght them enough food to make them full for days. They would need it.
"Alright listen you three. Today was a pretty easy exam but tomorrow things get serious, deadly serious. I don't know who or what you will be up against but I want you all to be ready for anything and everything okay. So when we get to the the inn I want you all to get some rest, and meet me at training ground 44 tomorrow."

"We are lost." Riu said.
"No, we just got turned around. Riu rolled her eyes, looked at Haruki and shrugged. Then she spotted someone she recognized, a man, genin, older than most and wrapped up pretty well for the weather.
"Excuse me," Riu said trotting up and putting on her best cue eyes and innocent smile. "We're a little lost. We're looking for training ground 44."
"Yea I'm going their myself," Said the shinobi. "I'm Kai, just follow me." She looked back at her friends, winked and beckoned them. Kai led them to 44.
"Well Jack worded that message correctly. No clue who got it throw. Mother is keeping quiet on that one". Mira whispered down Kan's ear. She opened her bag a little then winked. "Not leaving till it's over but you know how stubborn he is". She said still whispering while she talked about Jack. Cocco lay next to her head down and snoring her head off. Mira just shrugged her shoulders.
Soon she followed with them going out to eat and have a bit of fun of course for as long as it lasted while they were there, already getting into a food coma once they got to the inn, changing into her plain black pajamas with orange stripes as she closed her eyes to sleep. The next day she had managed to get up pretty early and managing that they actually woke up together this time instead of her sleeping in more than anyone. Soon they were outside as she followed them around not caring to say anything to them along the way as she was more focused on thinking about what she would be doing for training and the tests today. " jeez you know you could have asked like a regular person riu..." she commented as they finally reached the grounds.

" damn finally I get to fight fully equipped!" Haruki stretched and gave a yawn as they were now standing at the grounds with herself just looking around and waiting for something to happen. " so who's ass can I try not to kill, my poison hits pretty hard you know...."
(Read this first.)
Kasune, was a Hyuga clan women with short brown hair, their trademark eyes, and an almost anorexically thin build, which coupled with her shorter than average height almost made her quite literally look like a twig. She wasn't a very threatening woman, at least into until she put you on the ground.
"Please everyone, may I have your attention." She called out, and the low level conversation stopped and all eyes turned to her. "My name is Kasune Hyuga, I will be the proctor for this exam. This is training ground 44, known also by the named Forest of Death. Its trees are very tall and it is dark under them, the flora and fauna is also generally dangerous and aggressive, and of course your fellow genin. There are 44 gates as well. Each team will be stationed at one gate and let in when the exam begins. You will have six days to accomplish your goal and then reach the tower at the center of the of the forest, your mission will be to retrieve these." She reach behind her and pulled out two scrolls from a pocket in her belt and held them up. "One is heaven, one is earth. You will only get one, but you need two to complete the test. If you leave the testing area by crossing over the wall and outside it you will be disqualified, if you open either of the scrolls before reaching the tower you will be disqualified, or if you destroy testing materials, or reach the tower with more then one of each scroll, or are caught camping around the tower to stop fellow genin then you will be disqualified. This is designed to test your abilities to carry out missions to the letter, even if you know that doing things differently will be better for your mission, what is best for you is not always what you are hired to do. At the tables to either side of me you will be asked to sign a release form before receiving your scroll and gate number. Genin have and will die during this test. Are their any questions? if not you may sign up... O, one more thing, if your squad is short you will meet your additional team member at your gate."
"I wonder who we will get for our third? I guess they have to give us someone who passed while the rest of their squad failed, but from the looks of it that's not very many people if any..." He wondered if they would end up being dropped, or have to run short one squad mate, or would they even be doing this as squads. The proctor started to speak and he turned his attention. "This is going to be really fun," Kan said and went to sign his form.
Riu could have, but she didn't like to give people she might have to fight the right idea about her.

"Maybe you shouldn't Haru," Said Dajin. "I know these exams are serious but that doesn't mean we should actually try to kill anyone." Not that he wouldn't do everything else to take care of the competition. But this was only a test after all, not a war. The proctor in charge of this part of the exam started to speak, and he turned his attention to her. "Well with rules like that you almost take the fun out of playing dirty," Dajin joked, "Well lets get started."
After hearing the brief she couldn't help but give a long sigh, " thank you for the bullshit...." she said only loud enough for her other squad members to hear. " I'm the type of person who gets it done anyway I want...though fine I have to hope we don't run into anyone cause the first thing anyone is gonna hear is flying kunai or poison smoke...." she warned. " of course the kunai I'll be pinning them against trees or something...." haruki could really care less what happened to everyone else accept everyone she already knew. When it came to other people she was careless but to her mates she cared for them with everything she had in the world. " hey....guys....Riu....." she turned to her then to daijin, "daijin...I want to tell you that if we ever have to be in a real fight with other people, I call dying first then..." she put her arms around both their shouldrs and pulled them in for a hug. " your everything to me..." soon she lifted her head giving a smile to both of them as she let go and started walking off to where the entrance was sticking her tongue out at the two, "come on you slow asses.."
"I don't know but it has to be someone from the village. After all each village has there own abillites unique only to there village. So placing one of those users or with other users with a team outside of there villages will become a disadvantage compared to those teams what managed to stick together". Mira said waking Coco up. "Times I have heard of it happening on a mission they already knew the person from the other village so could easily work with them. Drunk men talk, they never gave details on there mission so it was alright".
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