- Joined
- Aug 30, 2014
Nazi officer and Jewish girl, a classic?

Not what I want to play, but this video is really interesting setting and interaction-wise...
Scratch that, I WOULD totally write this, with the right plot and character. I actually can imagine that the young lady mentioned under did something wrong, from black market to distributing subversive leaflets... Since she is the daughter of the man mentioned under too, it might be possible to forget about this youthful mistake, if she agrees to start working for his side. (if it's not working click here)
Okay, that said, please look elsewhere if you're expecting a smut fest starting from second post on or something. Let's keep it classy and quality. I'm also not planning to re-write any of the movies that could come to mind or setting up a Nazi BDSM dungeon. I don't do BDSM, riding crops, sexualized shaving, prisoners randomly going naked and all those awful stereotypes
I MAY be opened to making it M/M, basically a young boy instead of girl, because after all a male secretary is more appropriate... and this will become even more problematic.
Still there? Sooooo...
He's not a total psycho going around beating up people for fun, but he's ruthless and that's why he became a young(er) high ranking officer, ghetto/camp kommandant, whatever we decide fits better. He's 100% committed to his beliefs, devotes his life to them, does not want to be involved with a Jewish woman even in secret, looks down on lesser men who can't control themselves or "betray" their race. He's not sleeping around or looking for a mistress.
She's even less wanting to mess around. For religious and social reasons she envisions waiting for her wedding night with a nice Jewish boy. She's not going to throw herself at the kommandant for some chocolate or because he's handsome, and probably doesn't even think someone would do that or he could want it.
Of course things will turn very different, over time.
Both of them are intelligent, and she has at least some education though she is naive like a 16/18 year old girl from a traditional or religious family is. Actually if we want to introduce te adultery issue more seriously then she could be early 20's and married to a nice boy. As for YC. Age-wise depending on his rank and position, he could be 25-40?
We have to decide how exactly they meet (ghetto does allow him to see her around and for a mix of ""normal"" life and dramatic tension), and why they are in contact. Whether he needs a secretary, a translator who gets the subtleties of the local language, a maid, a housekeeper or something else entirely. Opened to any relevant country... Maybe her father is also prominent member of the local Judenrat - that one definitely adds tension especially if she is an idealistic teen who judges her father very harshly and has to deal with some people's hostility. I especially like that one because she would be from an already vetted family, and some kind of hostage as well.
Please no terrible trope like they discover she's not Jewish so she stops caring and all is well, or he randomly finds out he's Jewish in the third post and becomes a Resistant fighter and a superhero lol.
Ideally the RP could go on after the war. Both have survived. He's a prisoner of the Americans or Russians, and as one of the Jewish survivors, they look for her and ask her to testify against him. She doesn't want to go and face him, but she has to...
Maybe she's (about to get) married to a nice Jewish husband who doesn't know of (the details of) her past, one she was engaged to during the war and managed to hide her affair from. Can she prevent it from leaking? Will she mention the good things the officer did do? He may ask for her to visit him in jail in exchange for full cooperation, hoping to convince her to show him in a good light, will she go? What if she actually gets pressured to go because he's the only living officer left knowing "whatever" ? She has toughen up and gotten more cynical for sure. Does she want to take revenge and get him executed?
See, long term and not a mindless smut fest!
We can keep the bigger picture as vague or precise as you like. You don't need to be mega accurate on dates and places but please have a clue about period, they do NOT use cell phones, have 2016 sexual freedom (do I need to repeat I don't want a smut fest anyway? Maybe I do according to my previous experience posting it), or routinely just decide to say screw gender roles. If you have a European grandmother you know what I mean!
I'm fine with a linear timeline, or use fast forward and flash backs when needed.
I'm looking to play the Jewish girl. You can be male or female, as long as you write a convincing character. PMs or emails or google docs or threads. 1 solid post a week or more as an average, negotiable for the right writer. Please read my yes/nos in my sig. They apply, including nothing gory with kids! This RP has been garnering a lot of interest but not quite what I was looking for... So I'm trying again for something more thought out and deep than stereotypical
The pics are just for imagery and inspiration. Probably SFW but just because of the Nazi thing

common questions
"not straight to smut" doesn't mean G fade to black mega romantic all the way
Pics are for inspiration not mandatory
As long as your character is male, you can be male, female, space cactus, Cthulhu (please be that)
Absolutely no kik, one liners, stereotypical villains, over the top anime type actions...
Pics are for inspiration not mandatory
As long as your character is male, you can be male, female, space cactus, Cthulhu (please be that)
Absolutely no kik, one liners, stereotypical villains, over the top anime type actions...
(in case this disclaimer was needed, this is a RP and we all hate haters, blah blah blah)
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