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Seeking Male or Female For The Twisted Carnival

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Jan 10, 2012
Night City
Welcome To The Greatest Show On Earth

Welcome, welcome to the carnival ladies and gentlemen, we hope the show is to your tastes! Don't be shy, take a look around and win yourself a prize. The hosts today are a British couple in their mid twenties! Our honoured sponsors have role-played for countless years and tend to have an appetite towards those a little darker and more twisted than the standard. Rape, abuse, bondage and horror are the kinks that keep these two tick-tick-ticking! They like to see a struggle and a character trying to stay above water and cope with their desperate situation! I'm sorry folks but if you wanted something lovey dovey or a role-play where the unfortunate victim turns out to adore every minute of it then you won't be of interest! Nor will damsels in distress catch the eyes of our gracious hosts! Should you play a tough strong willed woman or a more slender feminine male then perhaps you may garner the favour of our ringmaster and host. So don't delay don't delay! Join our motley family today!

So, we are looking for a role-play that has many darker themes in the rp and we don't mind whether there is a male or female character we play with so long as they are open to their character being used by either gender. We are happy to RP either in threads or on Skype.

The Carnival

We're after a role-play that revolves around a demonic travelling carnival. They roam and travel in an attempt to find more that fit the ranks of their infernal show. They pick victims who leave their old lives behind for one of torment and suffering, a slow agonizing process of corruption where eventually the newcomer becomes as they are... another demon, another freak in the family. We don't play nice characters and we don't play gentle souls, expect a rough time.

The Main Attractions

While not all of our attractions are listed here you will find some of our more appealing and favoured choices.

Forced Scenes - This ones a given, all this from a character being forced to dress as the dominant character wishes to all out rape.

Public Scenes - Characters performing for crowds or dressed like some kind of slut where others may see then perfect! Where eyes lurk the character is exposed.

Humiliation - Degradation is such a delight is it not? Name calling, revealing poses or performing in the most derogatory ways.

Brandings, Piercings & Tattoos - A character being marked or decorated as their captors desire? Yum!

Violence - From tight grips around the throat to harsh slaps across the face and even solid punches to the gut? Oh I can't complain!

The Grand Finale

So, ladies and gentlemen, I do hope we have piqued your interest! The next step would be to get in touch with our most cherished hosts and beg for a chance to join the show! When you message them make sure you include the phrase "One ticket to the show, please" so they know that I sent you there way and you went through all of this information! Without tickets one will not gain admittance. With all that said and done you can private message them here through blue moon or on skype. Simply add Frosty252 and send a message his way!

Farewell respected guests and prepare for a fright! The gates now open to the greatest show though just for one night!
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