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pokemon x Smut

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Jul 30, 2016
I am interested in roleplaying. I like MxF pairs, and playing the female. Decent length and grammar, some plot, and some creativity is what i offer and ask.

I have many cravings. But at the moment i wanted a pokemon roleplay. A more smut one. It should though have some plot in it. A female trainer and male pokemon roleplay. It can be forceful, a bit dark, or it can include more than one pokemon. Few pairs i thought off, you can see them below.

Mega Charizard-m- and trainer-f-
Mega Ampharos-m- and trainer-f-
Blastoise-m- and trainer-f-
Raiku -m- and trainer-f-
Gigalith-m- and trainer-f-
Zweilous-m- and trainer-f-

In any case if you want to give a try. Pm me. As for the plot and more details we can figure them out.​
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