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Colliding Worlds (BurningWillows & Greeneyed23)

Elaya smiled. "She's an empath darling. And a lesbian. So we both turned her on and impressed her. It's ok babe... wait you can't tell?"

She cocked her head studying her lover, then smiled again and gently kissed Sera's knuckles. "Watch how she moves babe. She doesn't look when people need something. She just knows. But she looks at the women and ignores the men entirely except to serve them."

She kissed Sera's knuckles again. "Not everyone is a threat babe. She wouldn't attack us even if we had a ten trillion gold price on our heads. She knows we are more powerful than most and that had a hand in it."

She took a long sniff. "so we just became her favorite table. That's all." Her eyes glowed as she studied her lover. "But to answer your original question yes I saw it."

The waitress brought a rolling tray and began setting out drink pitchers, glasses, and platters and trays of pastries. She finished, and actually gave a curtsy before retreating to fetch the rest of the order when it was ready.

Elaya giggled, then simply beamed as she snagged a blueberry tart and held it to Sera's lips. "Eat my Seraphina. We are safe. We should enjoy our time together as best we can."


Rey smirked as she watched. The first page was the table of contents. The magics were simple but usually ignored simple magics. Cleaning and packing spells and charms, cooking, basic survival techniques using magic, and little tricks to retain more power and even boost it more. It also discussed a number of ways to use magic to make or attain the basic necessities, as well as many luxuries. These last were the least however.

The largest chapter discussed ways to use magic to actually empower itself, making spells, charms, chants, incantations and the lot more efficient and lean, but also exponentially more powerful. This was especially due how the spells would cut away the unnecessary words, phrases and syllables, as well as gestures, rituals and the like, and help shape the magics more properly to the task. The example used was of creating fire, which in most magical styles was rather general. With a shortening of the activating word or gesture, the intent became the far more important, with even the least educated or gifted magicians able to do a vast number of things with a single word or gesture.

Rey pointed at this chapter then muttered, "Fis." He gestured at an empty wall, which was coated with ice. He smirked and curled a pinky in and a spiraling spike of ice grew out six feet. He flicked his fingers and it faded, the ice floating to a nearby window making it stronger and cleaner.

He nodded at the effect then at Laria. "And I'm a pathetic magician. No where near your class."

Seraphina bit her lip, slightly embarrassed for accusing the waitress so quickly. The Phoenix was always suspicious of everyone, it was what had kept her alive for so long, and her skepticism had kept the group alive a few times when her leadership trumped an idea of their's. But that suspicion was better suited for the wastelands, not inside cities, and especially not directed at waitress' just trying to do their jobs.

"Sorry," she blushed, "I'm just overprotective I guess."

The blueberry tart smelt amazing, and Sera bit into it before humming as the fresh tart exploded with taste in her mouth. Chewing and swallowing she stole a second bite then polished it off, before picking out another tart, this one with strawberries, and holding it to Elaya's lips.

"You're turn beautiful."


She looked the spells over, her right hand twitching slightly as she skimmed the chapter about gaining power. The box, the small box she was protecting, was attached to her right hand through the spell that kept it hidden. The amulet inside was vibrating, excited at feeling magic so close, which was making her hand twitch as she fought to keep the box hidden and enclosed. Magic always had a price, usually in the form of energy. The stronger a caster's energy was, the more powerful the spells could become. Because of that, caster's always sought forms to strengthen their magic, even the strongest wanting more power. This book was handy, adding a little more umph to spells without overdoing energy or giving the caster immeasurable power.

No, you already have immeasurable power sitting in your hand, and you ignore it, her thoughts chide her, but she ignores them. No good would come of her opening that box.

"Let's try..." she flipped to a random page in the chapter and rose her hand, "Praevolo"

The shelves around her shook and suddenly all the book's in the shop started to rise to the cieling, creating a giant clouds of paper, parchment and leather as she held them there.

"I'm not clean that up," Thomas muttered, holding his book down as he continued to read.

Lairia nodded, lowering her hand with the palm down like she was pressing a button. The books all flew back down, returning to their spots.

"Not really a spell for books," she laughed when everything was set straight, "But it's helpful when your cleaning up a clutter. So you practice the art of magic too? The last vampire I met didn't. Is it something any vampire can do with patience and practice, or are you just a special case?"

As she spoke Lairia walked over to the bookkeeper to pay for the book, wanting to read more into it.

"Just that one?" he asked gruffly as she handed over a few gold coins.

"My collection is already quite massive," she replied, "But I haven't come across this yet."

"Older tomes then?"


He took her gold and she turned back to Rey, waiting for an answer.
Elaya giggled and pressed against her lover. "I don't mind. It feels good to be taken care of." She nuzzled into Sera's neck then nibbled her shoulder before moaning as Sera took a bite and chewed.

"I...that's so hot. I have no idea why..." She licked her lips and the distinct smell of her arousal struck Sera's nose.

She smiled and turned toward the strawberry, and gently bit into it, her face twisting with ecstasy as she quietly chewed, her eyes locked on Sera's face.


Rey shook his head. "Other than my glamor and my increased physical abilities I have no real defenses. Had to learn magic. But only blood mages can be true powers among my kind and that requires massive amounts of fresh blood. Elaya has killed everyone blood mage who has sprung since the Crush, and her tribe has been killing them since my people arrived. So I make do with my little magics. I don't really need more.Magic isn't easy and far too costly to use without care."

"But as for just practicing a bit of both. We are inherently magical and if we learn to access that we can surpass the energy flow controls most humans have to work so hard at. But the cost of that is that even our strongest don't compare to the great magicians of the other species. Even the greatest blood mage was nothing compared to a skilled witch or wizard. Or spellwolves. Let alone angels, demons, and dieties."
"I've never met a spellwolf, and I'm sure I don't want to," Lairia chimed in, tucking the book into her satchel, "I have seen a few angels preform magic, and it made me see 'holy beings' in a whole new light. It surprises me that I have never heard of blood mages though. Or perhaps I have, and just forgot."

She shrugged, making her way to the door and back out into the sun, "If you ever want to learn a few handy magic tricks that barely take an ounce of energy let me know. My father was a warlock, my mother a sorceress. I was born with magic in my veins, and from the moment I could speak they taught me all kinds of spells that even a child could do. When my mother passed it was left to me to keep house while my father used his traits as a warlock to make an honest pay. I learned all sorts of nifty spells, although I'm sure this book has dozens of better or new ones."

Thinking about her father always made her sad, having not seen him in years. Warlocks were magical beings like a sorcerer or witch, except they were born to magic and thus their life spans could span eons, until they were killed in one manner or another. A fair portion of castors were human though, and no amount of dabbling in the magical arts could expand their lives, as Lairia knew when her mother tried and failed for many years. Since Lairia was fathered by a warlock, her life span would mimic his, his blood now her blood. But magic still came to her as it came to her mother - a human - which meant much studying to perfect one spell, while as her father could do it perfectly on his first try. Both warlocks and casters still were restrained by energy flows of course, not even the strongest warlock could defy the rules.

As the sun hit her blonde locks Lairia looked around, shaking off the sad feelings and trying to change topic before Rey asked anything about her heritage, "So where to next Reynault?"


Sera could smell Elaya as she leaned into her shoulder, and did she ever smell inticing. Not only did the wolf take the phoenix's breath away with her beauty, but she overrode all of Sera's senses, making her a mess when Elaya giggled or showed any affection. It was all just too perfect.

"Eat up," Sera ordered playfully, making sure Elaya polished off the tart, "If we are to spend the day out in the sun shopping, we will need our energy. And plus this food is divine."

Just then her meal arrived, the food on it steaming as if it was still on the stove. The waitress looked a little shocked as she set the plate down and Sera picked up a piece of searing hot bacon and tossed it in her mouth as if it was lukewarm.

"Perfect," Sera complimented, swallowing the hot meat, "Thank you."

She gave Seraphina an odd look and walked away, making Sera snort when the waitress was out of hearing range, "I think I scared the girl. She's probably trying to guess what I am now, tiny little red head who looks like she can't pick up a sword, swallowing burning hot food without batting an eye."

Sera laughed harder, finding it rather funny her eating habits shocked others. Elaya and the group had never mentioned it or even pointed it out, always being respectful of her heated ways. To be placed in such a "normal" setting and stand out was new to the phoenix, and somehow funny.

"Might as well keep her guessing," Sera shrugged and swallowed another piece of bacon before smacking her lips together, "That's hot."

Feeling somewhat confident in herself now from that little display she turned and caught Elaya's chin, tilting it up and pressing her steaming hot mouth against Elaya's, tasting the strawberries on her lips.

"But you'll always be the hottest."
Rey nodded and followed her. "Spellwolves are the most powerful raw magicians you can or will ever see outside deities. They are forces of change in the world. I once saw an infant spellwolf level a mountain range, then raise it again twice as big and wild. And he was considered weak by his peers."

He let her consider that as he studied the area then grinned. "This way." He took her arm and lead her to another shop, which sound looking glasses, crystal balls, and other 'Sighted' items. Few seemed to work but Rey ignored them instead going up to the sales woman and poking her massive rump.

"Esmerelda! What brings you here?!"

She whirled, her fingers hooking into claws, then she spotted the vampire and bellowed laughter before catching him in a hug so strong his bones actually creaked. She dropped him and turned to Laria.

Esmerelda was big. As in huge. Six and half feet of what looked like fat filled arms, legs, ass, and tits, nothing jiggled when she moved, and her brown eyes were keen and dangerous. Her face was hideous, her hair patched and badly cut, but her skin was what caught all attention. She had at least seven different colors of skin on her face alone, all of it poorly sewn together in a rough patchwork.

Rey gestured to Laria. "Laria meet Esmerrelda. Only surviving creation of the great Doctor Frankenstein. And yes I'm serious."

The titanic woman towered over Laria and sniffed then grumbled at Rey. He nodded. "Our new client. How long are you in town? Elaya would love to see you."

The woman's eyes lit up at the mention of the werewolf and she grumbled again. Rey smirked. "Yep she hasn't changed...well...except in one way."

Esmerelda's eyes narrowed and she grumbled. Rey quickly shook his head. "No no. She and Seraphina finally got together."

Esmerelda grinned and nodded. Rey smiled at Laria. "Elaya and Esmerelda are old friends. Esmerelda actually introduced Elaya to the old leader of the group."

Esmerelda looked at Laria again and grunted, then sniffed, and this time could be heard amidst grumbling. "Sorceress."


Elaya giggled and kissed her lover in return. "You are such a beautiful dork."

She drew out the kiss, then stole another before nipping Sera's nose and popping a trio of smoking hot bacon strips into the Phoenix's mouth. "Now you behave. If you get us kicked out before I finish i'l eat you until you pass out."

She giggled playfully but also meant it. That was the best punishment she could think of. And was curious if Sera would challenge her to see if the werewolf would make good her threat.

"I can't say I've met one," she replied about the spellwolves, "Make sure to point one out if we ever meet one."

Leading her to a small shop, Lairia paused in her step when she saw the woman, letting Rey walk ahead. It was obvious he knew her and they respected, even liked each other.

"It's nice to meet you," she tried when Rey introduced her.

Esmerelda ignored her, focusing only on Reynault, leaving the sorceress to look around the room, admiring the collection before looking back, noticing Rey was speaking to her. The large woman did not seem too fond of castors, are just particularly Lairia, giving her a rough look and grumbling the word, making Lairia slightly uncomfortable.

"Maybe I'll just step outside and let you catch up," she smiled softly, making a polite exit so they could speak alone. Standing outside she was in a small market area, the shops circling around it with plenty of exit roads, and smaller kiosks in the middle. She wandered to the kiosks, checking out the jewelry in one stand. Lairia had quite the taste for silver and gold, always wearing an array of necklaces, bangles and rings, not to mention her head accessories. While she waited she bought two more bracelets, one silver and one leather with gold entwined. She also bought a new thumb ring, a small golden snake that coiled around her upper arm, and a new necklace with a moon pendant she enjoyed.


"I'm you beautiful dork," Sera corrected with a grin, chewing her bacon, "And I am behaving, am I not? I'm just sitting here innocently eating my meal and kissing my girlfriend. See? Behaving."

She tucked in to her eggs, humming in delight at how fresh they tasted, forking a large biteful into her mouth.

Esmerelda waited until Laria left then laughed.

Rey and she did chat a bit then they both went out to find the sorceress buying her new jewelry. They watched for a time, the Esmerelda lumbered over, growled, and swatted a small man away as he tried to slip Laria's purse away. The massive woman grunted. "Just teasing magic woman."

Rey snickered playfully. "Always a big joker."


Elaya beamed then nodded. "So you are. And gorgeous beyond compare."

She took another kiss, then fell to her blueberry waffles and milk. She ate ravenously and poked her lover. "Even I'm rarely this hungry. All your fault babe."

She turned and glared at the man as he fled, holding her purse to her breasts, "Thank you Esmerelda. I got so wrapped up in buying things I did not realize there was a pickpocket behind me."

She stepped back towards Reynault with Esmerelda, raising her eyebrow at his snickering but unable to withhold her own smile, "I'm glad you found it funny. I thought she was serious."


"I will take that blame with a side of french toast," Sera chirped, stealing the plate of warm french toast sprinkled with sugar and setting it on her already emptied first plate, "I don't think I've ever been this hungry either, but I can feel myself burning through these calories."

She grinned devilishly at Elaya, knowing she had just stolen her french toast, "It's really good babe. Mmmmm. I'd share's just too good."

She winked, only messing around as she slid one piece of the thick french toast onto Elaya's plate, "A piece for a kiss."
Rey snickered again and gestured at the giant woman. "She likes cultivating the image of intimidation. Especially with magicians. They tend to be so arrogant they assume they can stop or kill anyone, and Esmerelda is immune to all magics since she was formed by twisted science."

Esmerelda grabbed the little man and dragged him off to the guard, chewing him out, and catching more would be pickpockets.

Rey grinned. "She also has an immensely powerful moral code."


Elaya giggle and leaned over kissing Sera. "Thank you darling. What ever could I get you in return?"

Her eyes flashed brightly and drew her in for another kiss. She then pushed a large bowl of fruit over. "you have to try this kiwi...and well everything else."

She took a trio of kiwi slices and chewed them happily, her eyes glinting playfully as she moaned. "So sweet and delicious."

Lairia watched her drag him away, a smile still playing on her lips, "I hope I am not perceived as arrogant. I was raised better than that. And I see that. She's a lot kinder to the pickpockets then I would be. I would have burnt their oily little fingers before sending them to the guard, teach them a lesson."

Lairia looked over at Rey, "I may be nice, but I really do not like those who cross me. Even if it's a simple thief trying for my gold."


Sera accepted a kiwi slice, popping it into her mouth and humming happily, "Those are good. We should eat up before all this gets cold."

Sera didn't have a large stomach or high metabolism like a werewolf did, and after her piping hot plate of breakfast, the two french toast had almost filled her. She was able to eat a handle more of fruit along with the kiwi slices, and then called it quits, leaving the rest to Elaya's appetite.
Rey smirked. "Laria look at the poor bastard."

He was hanging limply from Esmerelda's fist, his face a mass of blood, more dark blood oozing up through his lips. "I've seen Esmerelda knock over a whole building by leaning on it. if he lives he'll never pick another pocket I can guarantee that."


Elaya giggled and kissed her lover, then nuzzled into her neck."Have I mentioned that i might be falling for you?" She kissed lightly, then sighed as her stomach grumbled.

"Bu now I have to focus." She turned then set to eating. her speed was eery, but she didn't make a sound as the food rapidly vanished. Soon it was all gone and she sighed happily, her eyes bright, her skin growing even hotter than usual.

It also had interesting affects on the rest of her. Her hair gleamed even brighter and more cleanly, her aroma strengthened, wafting over Sera, while her breasts swelled, making her top strain over them. She cupped Sera's face and kissed her, her lips plumper and sweeter than usual. She whispered huskily. "You tell me where we are to go next Seraphina."

She wanted Sera. Needed her. If Sera gave her the chance Elaya would ravish the redhead right then and there.
Sera watched in fascination as Elaya polished off the food, then asked for the bill.

"You taste delicious," Sera groaned quietly for only Elayas ears, "if we weren't in public id be testing how flame proof that shirt is."

Just to show she meant it Sera fingers ran along Elayas jaw, feeling hot as she slid then around to the back of her neck, pulling her in for another kiss. As she did a tiny spark of flame slithered under Elayas shirt, circling the werewolfs nipples and teasing them before turning to smoke.

"That is what you do to me," she stated breathlessly as she pulled away, wanting Elaya to know that Sera too was quickly falling for her lovely werewolf.

Just then they were interrupted by the bill and Sera quickly paid it before standing and offering her hand, "time or our shopping spree, yes?"


Lairia watched with a sliver of satisfaction as Esmerelda dealt with the man.

"I like her," Lairia smiled, "she's my kind of woman. Tough...but kind. To those she likes I mean."

As she spoke a woman passed by and stepped into what must be a bakery as the smell of fresh bread and pastries hit her nose.

"Stay here," Lairia grinned, "I'll get us a snack. Would Esmerelda like anything?"
Elaya giggled and kissed her lover in return, but said nothing as the bill came.

She leaned down and kissed Sera's hand, then slithered her arm around the redhead's took her hand, then kissed her neck before laying her head on Sera's shoulder for a moment. "Yes i think so. but i think we should start at this salon I know. I wouldn't mind some pampering while you spoil me."

She took Sera's ear into her mouth and sucked lightly, then twisted as she growled then released it. "You are...everything. The very best of it."


Rey followed her gaze then nodded. "She would like a bouquet of long loaves. And get me some fried heart. Trust me they serve them."
"Only if I can pamper myself too," Sera purred, paying and rising, "Do you know a nice salon in the city?"

They headed out to the street, Sera clasping her hand as they strolled. A day alone with her sounded splendid, and the phoenix hoped it would bring them closer together.


Lairia nodded, heading in and joining the small line. When she got to the cashier she ordered the fried hearts, the long loaves and some pastries that had caught her eye. She also ordered a few meat stuffed buns to fill her stomach. Returning to Reynault she handed him the paper bag with his hearts, and was just in time as Esmerelda returned to offer her the bread.

"This smells amazing," Lairia commented, taking out a beef stuffed bun and taking a rather large bite, "Mmmm....and its good."
Elaya snickered. "As a matter of fact I do."

She lead the redhead off, going by main streets but still stealing kisses, nibbles, and even a few gropes of the redhead wonderful body before they arrived at Salon Beauté Parfaite. Elaya sighed. "The name is silly, but Yancy works wonders."

She lead her lover inside to an astonishingly modern and almost stereotypically trendy and over the top salon. Women, and men, and various beings in between were having their hair, nails, skin, and faces done up in any number of ways, and even more importantly were doing the work.

Elaya paused in the small foyer, where a large spiraling crystal spike from from floor to ceiling, and runs of colored water flowed down the ringing spirals on the spike into a basin surrounding the base. Elaya kept Sera well away from it. "One of many magical protections here. Speaking of don't even try to use any magic while we are here. yancy has a strict truce between all species and peoples, and an absolute ban on all magics not approved by him. meaning only what he and his staff use. But you can trust him darling. Believe me."

She smiling reassuring her lover as an actual gorgon, the umpteenth descendant of that legendary beauty who became Medusa, stood and simply cooed about how fetching her snakelike tendrils of hair had been shaped into an admittedly gorgeous set of dread locks. She of course had her eye cover's on as she thanked the staff and paid them a small fortune for their fantastic work, then almost floated toward the two lovers, smiled at them, then out the door, humming happily to herself.

Elaya giggled and kissed Sera's cheek. "You see why people are willing to hold the peace and restrain their magics? He is the very best."

As if summoned a tall and simply devastatingly handsome elf stepped out of nowhere. Like all elves he was inhumanly tall, rather pale, and so beautiful he broke your heart just to see him. His hair was snow white and luxurious, his clothes perfectly cut silver that wreathed his slender yet impossibly powerful frame beautifully. His eyes were solid gold and his skin sky blue. He smiled upon the ladies, gave them a regal bow, then spoke in a voice that was both deeper than the rumbles of stone, yet also litled like the sweetest music.

"Lady Elaya how wonderful to see you again. And this must be the famous Seraphina. I had heard the two of you had gotten together. A fine pairing I must say."

Elaya beamed and actually curtsied, then spoke in the elf's own tongue. "My Lord Yanith Harwinkle you do me great honor. This is indeed Seraphina, Living Flame." It did no good to lie to or try to trick elves. "And may i say your establishment looks even more delightful than when I last saw it."

He nodded. "You are most kind my dear. It is growing actually. I have purchased the whole of the block and am planning to expand to the entirety of the square."

Elaya nodded in return. "No finer business in the city."

He smiled. "Ahh flattery is it?"

She giggled. "Just a bit My Lord."

"You do know me too well Lady Elaya. But you are also quite right. But even my staff needs more space. You know we are already booked solid for the next fifty seven years?"

Elaya smiled, entirely unconcerned and not at all surprised. "I am only curious why it is not longer My Lord."

"it was until i expanded both the space and quadrupled my staff. I had never realized how skilled my kind are at this work but they seem to truly enjoy it. And what works faster than an elf?"

Elaay considered the question. "Only time itself I would say My Lord... and you do tend to cheat on that as well."

He laughed nodding. "True as well. Now what is to be my dears? A full day?"

Elaya bit her lip. "Well I would love to but we also wanted to go shopping My Lord. We have a date tonight-"

He sniffed cutting her off. Elaya did not even flinch. He was an elf. Older than things that had been ancient the day of the Crush. "My dear you wound me."

"Never My Lord. You-"

"Have a full range of clothing and accessories I am sure you would both look fantastic in."

Elaya blinked. "My Lord I was not aware you had branched into clothing as well."

He studied her for a moment then smiled. "Well of course darling. Forgive me but humans have no vision. No imagination. I saw some of the rags my poor customers came in with and was simply appalled."

Elaya nodded cocking her head. "Forgive me My Lord but...would these clothes fit .....human bodies?"

He laughed, the sound ringing like the purest silver bells. "Oh of course darling....Here let me show you." He clapped and several small faeries flew up to him. He simply looked at them and they shimmered then grew. Each became full human sized men and women, all gorgeous and glowing, and each arrayed in simply breathtaking clothing. Elaya blinked again then studied them and nodded. "Truly magnificent My Lord... I...I would be honored to purchase your clothing...I especially like that black gown...could you make it purple?"

The elf snapped and the dress, a long flowing evening gown , studded with what could have been millions of diamonds, shimmered and became a royal purple. Elaya cooed at the sight and squeezed Sera's hand.

She then looked up at the elf. "You are truly an artist My Lord... Thank you."

The elf nodded at his due, then rubbed his hands together. "Now. Onto the two of you. You'll be staying together?"

Elaya smiled at Sera and nodded. "Please My Lord."

he nodded again then gestured at the faeries who rushed off to a large full length mirror which opened to reveal a hidden section of the salon, where other than two normal looking chairs, everything was larger, and twelve other elves waited smiling. "I shall attend to the pair of you myself."

Elaya shook herself. "My Lord! I would not presume to-"

He actually flicked his hand cutting her off. "No. I will hear no arguments. You are my guest and I will attend to your day of luxuriation and preparation for this lovely lady myself."

Elaya gulped, then spoke very softly. "You are most kind and gracious My lord. And you do us both a great honor. But We have no appointment. Surely My Lord must be busy with more important-"

"I am not and there is no one more important here saving myself. Come."

Elaya nodded and lead Sera into the hidden room, which closed behind them. She actually squealed and pulled Sera into a kiss. "Sera...I..." She kissed her again having no words, then bowed to the elves who beamed at them.

They came forward, offered their own bows, and Elaya started. "Oh dear. My Lords and Ladies my apologies. Seraphina allow me to introduce the twelve elven months. Carnas, Viola, Dilla, Aprim, Hawthorn, Honeyrose, Delphius, Gulus, Aster, Calendula, Theony, and Holly." Each elf's hair was made up of flowers decided for each month. Carnas carnations, Viola violets, Dilla daffodils, Aprim sweet peas, Hawthorn's hair was Lily of the valley while his skin was the brown of the flower whose name he shared. Honeyrose had a mixture of honeysuckle and roses that was so beautiful and smelled so sweet even the other elves could not keep their eyes off her. Delphius had rather shorted cropped hair made up of water lilies, Gulus had poppies and gorgeous runs of gladioli. Aster had asters and morning glories. Calendula had her namesake but also marigolds in abundance. Theony had lush locks of chrysanthemums and peony, which should have been odd, but somehow simply enhanced his handsome features. And last came Holly. Her hair was bright green with locks of hollly running down onto the floor, but with bright points of white and red in Narcissus flowers, and poinsettias festooned throughout.

As they were introduced each curtsied or bowed, then they spoke as one, a chorus of beautiful voices. "It is our honor to see you again Lady Elaya. And to meet the Phoenix, Lady Seraphina. You are safe and welcome here. We are here to serve you."

Elaya drew Sera into another kiss, then with a sigh stepped away as her clothing was whisked away, and her hair undone. The elves took no notice of her body as they lead her to a shower and thoroughly scrubbed her from head to toe three times, paying special attention to her hair, her face, her nails, and seemingly not a bit of attention to her breasts or nethers. The elves were quick and expert and gently gave Sera the same treatment. Once done both ladies were taken to the chairs, which were soft yet very comfortable, and supported them fully.

Elaya reached over and took Sera's hand and smiled as the elves stepped away from the charges and Yancy stepped out of nowhere again. "Ahhh good. First ladies you will both understand that the initial wash was to remove the ghastly odors of this city from your exquisite forms and prepare you for the true pampering only Yancy can provide." He winked at Elaya who giggled.

He gestured at them both. "As you will note we began with the wash to ensure you were entirely fresh and clean for our work. And to gain an understanding of your needs and desires. For lady Elaya you will now be required to drink two full gallons of my special nectar."

Elaya nodded unsurprised, then cooed happily as a large glass of some golden liquid rose up beside her chair. She gripped the long rather silly curly wurly straw and set to sipping happily.

Yancy then turned to Seraphina. "You my dear are a somewhat special case. I can assure you however that my process has been formulated to not only not harm but to actually heal and enhance you and your abilities. the shower used on you was actually superheated water. I would advise you use the same methods when you bath as well. As for you you will have to drink a special concoction taught to me by one of your kind long and long ago."

A glass appeared beside her chair, and though the liquid looked the same as Elaya's for the moment, a green flame blossomed them grew within burning eternally. "My own version of Greek fire. cannot be extinguished, and is guaranteed to make you feel better and to keep you properly prepared for our day's work."

He waited until Sera's had taken a large drink at the urging of the others and an encouraging squeeze from Elaya, then he went on. "Now we have an interesting treatment for you first. A full steam. Elaya will be steamed until her pores are opened. Seraphina-" he couldn't and didn't roll her name like Elaya, but he did say it with a deep respect " You will be burned."

Elaya did not flinch still sipping her drink.

Yancy nodded at an alcove and the chairs moved that way. "The flames will open up your own pores, Cleanse you of the toxins. Replenish your own flames as best we can. The chair is entirely flame proof as are the cup and straw. I want you both to not speak and just drink your drinks as the treatment works."

He rubbed his palms together happily. "I haven't worked on a Phoenix in some time. A genuine pleasure."

The alcove closed and as promised Sera was engulfed in flames. They washed even over her hand linked with Elaya's but didn't touch or affect the steam covered werewolf, who dutifully sipped at her ever filling drink. The flames were hot, brilliantly hot, but still could not match the Phoenix's own. But the flames did offer healing, and nourishment, open in a way only fire could be. They held no secrets no traps, just cleansing aid to the Phoenix.

Elaya glanced over at her lover and winked. She was already covered in sweat, and as she sat there her skin actually grew at an even faster pace, growing even darker and smooth, while her breasts retained their recent growth. The hair on her head also grew insanely fast, already twice the length it was when they had left the inn, but oddly all the hair on her body actually vanished, including over her sex. She was humming happily and still sipping her drink, entirely at her ease.

Yancy stood outside the alcove watching them closely, but so obviously uninterested in the sexual allure of their bodies he might have been watching anything at all.

After a lengthy period, only Yancy truly knew how long, the steam and flames vanished instantly, and the alcove opened as the chairs reclined into tables. The twelve descended upon them and washed them down again, now using a mixture of superheated water and jets of flame on Sera.

As this happened they also scrubbed the two women down. They used oils and lotions that released every bit of tension, stress, and fatigue from the two, and opened their pores and bodies even more. Their hands were expert, and with six elves apiece the job was thoroughly done in no time.

Elaya did speak now. "My lord I would like the full table but I am not sure if Seraphina would."

He nodded, dismissing this for the moment as once again both women were rinsed down, then Elaya was actually lifted and given a short rubdown before hanging in midair her arms splayed out as she continued to drink her nectar her eyes closed. They then began to insert acupuncture needles into her. She didn't flinch or cry out save to sigh in happiness. Her entire body was beginning to glow now, and as she enjoyed she continued to hum.

Yancy turned to Sera. "I can do the same with you is you wish, but Elaya's transformations are much more violent than yours. Our process helps her eliminate the physical buildup of them. Not sure if your body even has that problem. Still i assure you it is painless and very relaxing."

Elaya nodded at that sentiment, then her needles were removed and both women given a series of full massages. Stones, reflexology, shiatsu, and a trio of deep tissue massages while sweet scents filled their nostrils. Elaya smelled Sera and her home and could not be happier.

Once this process was completed, the chairs rose back into chairs and they were covered in blankets, then given facials. Neither woman suffered from signs of aging, but Elaya insisted they both receive them and for good reason. Yancy applied these himself and the instant results were astounding. Elaya's senses exploded, her face felt fresher and cleaner than ever before, and she was also prepared the next steps. Through it all she drained away at her nectar, still humming. She had been forced to released Sera's hand but she could still see her lover and her eyes were going wild with happiness and desire. Her arousal was an omnipresent thing now.

Once the facials were cleared, Yancy sat between the two women as they were encased in yet more oils and lotions, while he worked on their faces. He chatted about the latest rumors and gossip. Which cities had hired who, which Circles were being douches, the latest happenings at the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, and on and on and on. His information was all the very latest and he seemed very certain when he stated his opinions. While he talked he perfected their eyebrows, their lashes, and in all shaped their faces perfectly for their true beauty, though he didn't apply any touches to them yet.

He then went to work on their nails. He started with their feet, shaping them into almost harsh yet smoothly rounded edges, then he coated them with metallic shades of purple for Sera and candy apple red for Elaya. Elaya tried to argue but he would have none of it. "You will wear each other's color. I insist upon it."

She giggled and let him have his way as she smiled at Sera. "i like having some of you on me all the time." She licked her lips invitingly.

Yancy ignored them and set to work on their hands. Her too he set to almost harsh yet smooth edges. He did decry this but as he knew they would likely ruin any extensions or fake nails in hours if not seconds, he instead gave them artistic polishes. Elaya had her puple now, and Sera red, but each had the other's name drawn amongst actually little scenes painted on each nail of each hand. on the left ring finger of each was an dazzlingly detailed portrait of the other. Elaya could not stop staring at the miniature Sera on her finger, then over at the real thing. "Exceptional My always."

He nodded at his due once again, studied them then clapped. "Very well. we are nearly done. Now we must seperate the two of you."

Elaya moaned at the idea.

"Hush. Now you are to pick your underwear, your dresses, your shoes,a nd other such things., And then you will be made up. i refuse to let either of you spoil the surprise."

Elaya sighed and leaned over and kissed her lover for a long while, gently cupping her face. "I already miss you."

She was then whisked away. Yancy stayed with Sera and smiled. "So my dear. how shall we make you even more perfect for Lady Elaya?"

He gestured and shelves opened on the walls. Shoes, underwear of every style and type, and then mannequins in the most beautiful dresses rolled out before you. "Colors I can change as you will. Choose. Then we must decide on how to make you up. Though you have little need for it."

Meanwhile Elaya had been given the same choice. First she chose

She just hoped Sera would be pleased. Then she
fell in love with these. The angle was a bit extreme but they felt and looked so good.

The elves were a bit miffed at her dress choice at first.
. it was simple yet elegant, but then she added this white cloak and even they were floored.
She decided her hair was to be left loose, but did allow them to smoke her eyes some, and to give her a light pink lipstick.

She admired herself in the mirrors, then tried, in vain, to contain herself, knowing that Sera would look magnificent.


Rey thanked the sorceress and quickly drained then ate three of the thirteen hearts, then nibbled at the fourth, while Esmerelda boomed her laughter and devoured three loaves at once, then thanked the sorceress with a gently pat on the shoulder that was still so hard and heavy it nearly sent Laria to her knees.

"Where you going next?"

Rey shrugged. "I wanted to take her to the Hall of Artifacts. Think it's open?"

"Oh yeah. They have six different Holy Grails on display at the moment. And what they claim is the remains of the Godkiller." She shrugged. "I wouldn't mind seeing what they have myself."

Rey turned to Laria. "Interested in seeing the fake versions of great items of power?"


Gerry dragged Tatia into a massive arms shop, right up to the counter, and made her show her daggers to the owner. "She needs new armor, blade extensions...the works."

The others busied themselves browsing and examining the weapons, rather amazed at the number and the skill with which they were made, while the owner nodded, barked something that might have been a name, opened the counter and also dragged Tatia into the back, followed by Gerry.

The armorer was a woman. Smaller even than Tatia, but her age was unreadable. She began taking measurements, and from somewhere a small troll appeared marking down the measurements she called out. Soon the troll had taken over and was making Tatia grip her daggers in all sorts of ways, and move as she would in battle, while Gerry lolled on a plush couch, and the armorer hammered somewhere in the tangled mess that was her back room.


Kai had been dragged in a similar predicament. Drea had taken him to a clothing shop, very upmarket, let the ladies ooh over him, then tossed him over to be measured and made over. There were many a pinch and an 'accidental' touch of his chest, legs, arms, butt, and even some brushes over his groin, but no one tried anything further, and Drea stayed close, assuring him all was well.

Once they had him measured out, and he had been slipped the names and addresses of more than a dozen very fine and wealthy ladies, he was presented to a number of clothing items in his size. These included suits, and while there were no jeans, it was made clear he was to start wearing shirts. The ladies assured him that concealing was much more tantalizing that revealing, and any attempts at arguing would be entirely ignored.

Drea rolled her eyes at this. "You should have some nice clothes Malakai. You are a very handsome young man. No need to hide it behind that scruffy look you like so much."

Seraphina was lead happily across town until they arrived, her eyes staring up at the colorfully placed sign reading, Salon Beauté Parfaite . She'd never been to a salon in decades, not since before the Crush, and a part of her grew nervous as they stepped in, realizing this was no small shop. But her nerves grew even worse as Elaya introduced her to Yancy, and his title of Lord brought her to bow alongside Elaya, now very aware of herself and how out of place she must look. It came as a little of a shock that he had heard of Elaya getting together with Sera. How had the news traveled so fast? Did someone see them and tell him, or was it public news now?

Oh god, I hope its not public, she groaned inwardly, keeping her thoughts to herself so as not to worry her dear werewolf, If mum and dad get wind of this...

But her thoughts got cast aside as she followed Elaya meekly into a room, slightly overwhelmed by it all, and quite starstrucked by the presence of all these important sounding people. Sera's mouth remained glued shut, letting Elaya do all the talking as she bowed at the right times. She was wearing pants after all, and courtseying would look weird. She didn't utter a word until they started undressing her, and then the phoenix became rather modest, her cheeks blushing fiercely.

"Must we?" she asked feebly and one of them chided her, getting her out of her top.

I guess that answers the question, she sighed, letting them undress her.

It wasn't that she was shy at being seen - she'd tromped through her camp after a flight many times stark naked and no one but perhaps Kai had batted an eye. It was that Sera had never had so many hands on her at once, and she wasn't sure what to do with herself, making her feel awkward. She tried as she might to copy Elaya's temperment about the whole thing, as the werewolf looked rather happy, but she kept feeling out of place as she scrubbed her down.

"I can do it alone ya know?" she offered and they tsk'ed her and continued.

Okay then...

When they finished, they placed her in a chair, and Seraphina immediately sought out Elaya's hand, gripping it and finding comfort from it, easing the tension rising in her at being so out of place. She lay her head to the side, staring only at Elaya, wondering how such a confident and strong woman had come to be hers, calming herself. Even when Lord Yancy spoke she did not turn her eyes to him, happy to stare at Elaya all day.

Eventually her attention had to move to the drink at her side, and she hesitantly tasted it, but surprisingly found it delicious. Like Elaya she gulped it down quickly as it refilled itself, happy to have it as the fire began. It was warm, but it didn't match Sera's core heat, not that she minded. Sera's blood ran as hot as molten lava, and no heat could match that without melting everything around her. Still, she sat comfortably, enjoying the heat as she pulled it in, letting it soak her skin and warm her heart. They tasted wonderful as her body pulled them in, absorbing the heat and feeling as Yancy had said the release of her toxins, her body humming as it felt better. She wished she could speak to Elaya, to tell her how beautiful she looked, or how badly she wanted to touch her, but orders were orders.

All too soon her delicious flames were gone and the six pairs of hands were back, to Sera's disappointment. She had enjoyed the heat, but she wasn't particularly fond of all these hands on her. It was those six hands that saved a disaster in the making though. To ignore the fact she was being rubbed and touched Seraphina just focused on Elaya's delighted face, smiling at seeing how happy her girlfriend was. When Elaya started levitating Sera cocked her head, interested in what was happening, ignoring the hands on her body all together. Then she saw the first needle puncture Elaya and she jolted, her body literally tensing as she tried to get up, thinking something was wrong. A snarl set on her lips, ready to let loose hell if they hurt her precious werewolf. She had meant every word of her promise to Elaya that all would die if they meant ill will to the wolf.

Thankfully those six hands came into use, holding her down as one reassured her is was a simply acupuncture, explaining the methods of it to her until Sera relaxed. Yancy was watching her with a raised eyebrow, although she couldn't tell by his divine face if he was angry or intrigued.

"Sorry my Lord," Sera spoke calmly, having been talked down from starting a fight that could have easily turned into a blood bath, "I have never been inside a salon before. And I'm rather protective of her."

Now she felt rather silly as she watched them finish with Elaya, who looked completely at ease. But no one scolded her for her worries, and she respectively declined getting the same, knowing it would do nothing for her.

"Could I have more of the fires while I wait though please?" she asked politely, relaxing in her chair.

They set her back on fire, but it was only for a few minutes as they finished up with Elaya. A few minutes was still enough to calm and collect herself, so that when they were done and the flames vanished she was smiling warmly, not a trace of worry left in her face for Elaya. They set to work with massages, facials, nails, all the works. Sera lost track of time as she let her eyes close and just enjoyed the pampering, doing her best to ignore the strange hands on her, wishing they were Elaya's hands touching her. It got easier once it was just Yancy, Seraphina relaxing even more, letting him work on her face and nails, saying nothing as he chatted with Elaya.

When all was done Elaya complimented his work and Sera nodded, chiming in softly, "Thank you."

He nodded at his due once again, studied them then clapped. "Very well. we are nearly done. Now we must seperate the two of you."

Elaya groaned and Seraphina gave him a skeptical look, again that worry setting in. Lord Yancy explained his reasoning and while it made complete sense, Sera still wanted Elaya to stay.

"Don't go," she whispered into Elaya's lips, kissing her long and hard.

But she had to, leaving Seraphina alone with Yancy. Turning, she watched the wall open up to shelving of clothing, all of them more fanciful than the next.

"Uh," she looked starstruck at the options, a little dumbfounded too, "May I have a minute my Lord?"

She considered all the options, looking at every piece. Eventually she picked out something she knew Elaya wouldn't expect, admiring it on the hanger as she pulled it off to see how it would look in the mirror.

"I love this dress," she smiled.


"It is lovely indeed," Yancy commented.

She held it up to herself and smiled at the look, before noticing how wild and untamed her hair had become from the fire. Alike Elaya's it had grown in length, but it was also a mess of curls instead of its normal straight form and her bangs had grown well past her eyes, but she hadn't noticed she they'd been pushed back. Without her bangs the silhouette of her face changed, able to see more of her high cheek bones and dark eyes that always seemed shaded by her hair.

"I've had bangs this entire lifetime," she told Yancy as he walked up to the mirror, "Would you think Elaya would like it if I changed my hair?"

"Indeed she would," he nodded, "I'm sure she'd love it."

Sera beamed, handing him the dress and finding a pair of shoes to match. They were silver flats, simple and comfortable but beautiful. The color didn't exactly match but that didn't worry Yancy as he changed the silver to a pale gold.


Then she set to the lingerie, but with the dress she chose, none would work well with their straps. For a few minutes Yancy stepped out to handle another customer who must have come in, letting Seraphina continue looking, until she found something a little less...modest than she normally went for. But the phoenix truly wanted their night to go perfect, and she knew the minute she tried it on that it would send Elaya wild.

Slipping the rest of it on she got into the dress before Yancy returned, hiding the lingerie she chose. He made no comment, instead focusing on how pretty she looked in the dress, which she had to agree looked stunning on her figure. As he set to work cutting and changing her hair and then putting it in the updo she requested, he asked about the date.

"I'm surprising Elaya," Sera explained, sitting still in the chair, "I have a friend who works at Soznaniya Krasa, he got us the table on the patio."

"The Soznaniya Krasa? My my Sera, you are full of surprises."

The restaurant in question was the fanciest, most upclass restaurant in the city, and one of the top restaurants in the land. Like this salon, it could take years to book a reservation, and many were luckily to get in to the dining room alone, save the patio. To have a table on the patio...was nearly impossible. One had to actually pay to sit there, which was actually the roof of the restaurant. The reason being was the incredible view. Soznaniya Krasa was a three floored restaurant, with the lounge being the third floor and the first two being the main dining room. Because of such it was the only building in the city that reached over the wall, so that anyone on the patio could see the beauty of the world outside the city. The other reason it was so prized was the solidarity of the table. There was only one. Only one table on the patio, and one server whose only table was yours. There was no onlookers, no noise, just you and your guest sharing a meal while staring out at the world.

"And might I ask how high up this friend of yours is to get you a dinner slot on the patio?" Yancy asked.

Seraphina grinned, "He's the main chef."

Yancy let out a laugh, "Well you do have friends in high places then. Elaya will indeed be surprised."

"I was hoping to ask a favor though."


"I have no arrangements for transportation there my Lord, and it is in the next quadrant over. I'm afraid walking there in our dresses might tarnish them. Would it be possible for you to arrange us a ride of some kind? I'll pay extra of course my Lord."

"Not a worry," Yancy nodded, continuing his work.


Tatia felt she didn't need new daggers, but Gerry was having none of it, obviously not wanting her to pout all day. So she was thrusted into the shop, and suddenly she was testing every dagger handed to her, finding each one nicer than the last, but still not as comfortable as her worn in ones, the handles made to fit her perfect slender fingers, making her stabs quick and light.

"They are all beautifully crafted," she complimented, "And I do like them, but there is something about my old ones I like most. They just fit my hands perfectly, like an extension to my arm."

She looked over at Gerry, "I'm sorry. I know you are trying to help."

She took her own dulled daggers and held them, twirling them in her fingers with lightening speed. The siren had grown quite good with them. Their was a small throwing board along the far wall to practice throwing knives and Tatia suddenly shot both her daggers at it, hitting the red bull's eye in the middle with both. Taking them out, she then tried her favorite of the new blades she had tried, showing them as she flung them and missed the bull's eye with both.

"They do not sit in my hand the same," she explained, frowning at feeling she was rude, "Is there any slimmer ones?"


Kai didn't mind the hands. Oh he loved being fussed over, his grin never fading as the women worked. But he wasn't as excited for the clothing. And it wasn't his style, it was his need. Malakai shredded any cloth when he shifted shapes, and so in battle he often lost his clothing if they were attacked by surprise. Over the years he'd grown used to wearing whatever he could find, due to knowing it be shredded within days. His jean jacket, for example, had simply been a bandits jacket until Kai tore his throat out and needed clothing for their travels. He understood Drea's words, but he also knew all the fancy clothing would be gone within the week.

"Can I buy just one outfit?" he asked, looking at Drea, "We both know by the next city it will be destroyed and I'll be in need of new clothing. There is no point to me buying something expensive."

He chose a pair of faded jeans and a white shirt with sleeves to the elbows, laid back clothes most could wear in the city. Kai had gotten into many arguments with Narxis and Amitiel about having armor on the road, but the shape shifter saw it as a hassle. If he had armor then he'd have to keep it in one piece, which meant pulling it off to shift. And if they got ambush that would leave the man useless.

"How's this?" he asked Drea, showing off the two items he chose as the girls all stood together and sighed and complimented him, trying to win his affection.


Lairia finished her pastry then tucked the rest away for later, "I would love to see a museum, and you must come Esmerela, company always makes for better discussions."

As they began walking, she fell into step with Reynault, tucking in a strand of hair behind her ear so she could see him as she cocked her head slightly to speak to him, "So why are they fake items? Where are the real ones?"


Seraphina's heart was fluttering as she waited outside the salon for Elaya to appear. The phoenix looked dropped dead gorgeous in the white backless gown, her gold slippers fitting perfectly, her red hair done up in beautiful curls and swirls. Yancy even added a dash of red into her hair to make it darker and more vibrant for the night, and the color would simply fade when washed. Her eyes had been done up in a grey smoky style, her lips left pink with only a small amount of gloss to define them. She looked so different in the mirror than before when she had looked, but it was a good different. A beautiful difference. She just hoped Elaya would like it.

On her right shoulder Sera wore a bouquet of flowers like a shawl, adding color to the white dress until she could take it off at dinner. The flowers smelt gorgeous, adding a fragrance to the air around her while her skin that had been left unperfumed so that her natural allure remained for her lover.

Behind her waited an roofless buggy painted white and gold with red leather inside, and a coachman standing beside the half door quietly. The horse drawing the buggy was tall and pure black, looking majestic as he waited, softly neighing once or twice to announce his presence.

"You look ravishing," Yancy complimented, standing beside Sera as they waited, "Elaya will love it."

"I hope so," Sera replied quietly, and suddenly her breath stopped as the door opened, waiting to see how stunning Elaya would look.
Gerry rolled his eyes. "No girl. You misunderstand. First."

He stood and swiped the daggers which were rapidly sharpened by the troll then returned, but somehow with an extra foot of blade on each. Wonder of wonders the weight and balance had no changed.

He flicked his thumb at the metal worker. "She's an elemental. And half dwarf. She could do things with metal even Hephaestus never dreamed of." He tapped the extension with a thumbnail. With the extension had come a wider guard as well. "These and others like them will given you more protection in battle when you don't use them, and more reach, or better access when you fight."

He set the blade down and before she could react the troll brought a massive war hammer down onto it with a shriek. The hammer cracked and the blade was unmarked.

Gerry grinned and tapped the blade again. "Gives you more than just your dinky knives to play with when the time comes."

He leaned close and whispered. "And if you let her work the armor right it also means that you won't have to run and hide when we fight either. I've seen her cheap armor stop blades from the angel and the demon downstairs."

The troll grunted and grumbled something, then coughed and spoke in an gravelly growl. "Aye lass. Also knife fighters need to be versatile and flexible. Your old armor doesn't seem to do all that well with that. Why? Didn't you get it made special just for you?"


Drea rolled her eyes, walked up to the shapeshifter, and poked him right between the eyes. "Silly boy. Have you forgotten who I am?"

She grabbed a leather strap, twisted her fingers about the middle and a dull blue stone appeared. She put it over his head and tied it, then glanced at his current clothes, sniffed annoyed, then looked at the clothes he had chosen. She gestured at them and spoke in her own mother tongue, and the clothes vanished.

She nodded smiling then gestured at him. "Now you touch the stone and think of the new clothes silly boy."


Reynault smiled and took Laria's arm while Esmerelda, still eating her bread, fell in behind them.

"Wll you see most of the great artifacts have been lost, so well hidden they might as well be lost, destroyed outright, or were never real in the first place. Like the silver platter John the Baptist' head was served on? Totally fake. Buuuuut the Holy Grail? Incredibly real, but utterly destroyed in an angel war when this asshat tried to take over the world. You may have heard of him. Adolf Hitler?"

He chuckled as he lead her along. "Anyway that has never stopped people from believing in and craving these treasures. So some people have made up con jobs, others have made very powerful replicas, some of which have become so powerful they near contain the essence of the original. Such as Excalibur. For centuries there have been seven of the damned things passing from hand to hand. All the owners claim their's is real. But the scabbard makes them all invulnerable. The blades all cut through anything. So who knows. Some claim that the original was melted down after Arthur fell and was remade and was so powerful it made seven swords."

He shrugged. "Utter bollocks of course but an interesting story. Anyway the fakes exist because even now, well actually especially now, people keep hoping one will be real and fix everything. or at least help them. For a while they did have what they claimed was the real Ark of the Covenant...Esmerelda you've seen the real one. Did they have it?"

The large woman grunted. "No. And it was very bad copy. powerful but still poorly crafted. The real golden chest is much more simple, incredibly powerful, and has been lost to the ages. Again. It's what actually sank the Atlantean City Continent you know? The massive land bridge between Africa and the Americas that was?"

Rey arched an eyebrow. "No...any idea why?"

She shrugged. "by all accounts the Most High was pissed at the Atlanteans for not sharing their technology and knowledge with their fellow man and trying to conquer and slaughter them." She shrugged again. "That's what i've heard anyway."

Rey nodded thoughtfully. "I tend to avoid such stories. The Atlanteans and i don't get on...ever."

Esmerelda scoffed. "Who does get on with them? Uptight assholes."


Elaya had noted Sera's concern during the acupuncture and was grateful she had relaxed, but was even more touched that her lover had been willing to fight thirteen elves just for her.

It meant more than words could ever express, and Elaya made silent promises to thank Sera properly however she could...later. This all doubled when Sera actually effectively told off Lord Yancy. Sera would never forget this night.

Elaya could not take her eyes off Elaya until it was time to separate, and after the kiss, and Sera's words, she whined pitifully, but obeyed.

Once properly dressed and prepared, she followed her temporary escort to a door. A brush was run through her silken hair one last time. She leaned on one foot then the other, so nervous she didn't realize she nearly toppled over more than dozen times and only the elves saved her.

She was growing impatient, not wanting to be kept from Sera, then suddenly she was nudged and she settled back onto her heels just as the doors opened. She didn't have some posed, though she was forced to shifted slightly to hold the cloak up, jutting her chest forward slightly, her left knee cocking forward to make her look the ideal sexual being, and also the ultimate aspect of feminine beauty.

But all thoughts, feelings, and words were blown away when she saw her Seraphina.

Her jaw dropped, but her grandmother growled "don't drool" in her ear and it snapped shut. She moved forward, unaware that she was gliding, as she moved to her lover, and very gently took her hands, and kissed them, then drew Sera in and kissed her lips soft and tender.

"You..I...You look amazing Seraphina...More beautiful than every before." She gulped, trying to take all of Sera in but unable to wrench her eyes from the redhead's face. Then she truly noticed the hair and her smiled widened. "My favorite shade of red....gorgeous... I...Oh Seraphina."

Yancy smiled looking on. He knew he would never be thanked for his work. And to be fair most of the result had come from Seraphina herself and her natural beauty. But Elaya reaction was more than enough.

Elaya had forgotten everything and everyone else. She couldn't even blink, least she lose sight of Sera for even that briefest of moments.

Tatia felt in over her head, unsure what this and that meant so she simply nodded to Gerry's words, trusting he knew what he was doing. In truth she'd only been an actual mercenary for a year now, so her armor was a cheap set she'd bought in the first city she visited after Sera took her in, and she'd been practicing her aim with Narxis when she got the chance, back then Gerry wouldn't even speak her way, wary of her powers. She was no marksman, or skilled rogue. Her tongue was more dangerous than her knives, but Gerry did have a point. She couldn't always run from every fight.

"No they weren't," she shook her head, "Just a set I picked up. I'm still new to all this."


Malakai saw the strap and gave her a mischevious grin, "Now Duldrea, you flatter me but I must decline any invitation to bondage."

He knew he'd get a scowl from her, but turning he winked at the girls who mostly giggled and smiled.

"Seriously though, what's the leather for?" he asked as he watched, cocking his head, "You aren't making me a collar right? I know you threatened me once with one, but I didn't think you were serious."

He fell silent as she slipped it on over his head, now he really did feel like she had made him a dog collar. He listened to her words, but he wasn't sure where she was going with this. Kai had never been one to use tricks or magic. Another part of his "natural lifestyle".

"Okay think about a white shirt and jeans," he nodded, "Now what?"


Lairia let him take her arm, happy to be lead as the two of them chatted about what they would see, letting Lairia listen. She was completely enthralled by the idea of even fake artifacts, loving any peace of history.

"My father saw the arc once I think," Lairia added, "He had so many stories though. Not many young girls have a father whose over a thousand years old. Rey...Tatia's Atlantean isn't she?"

Lairia knew it wasn't her place to step in to that whole complex mess, she simply wanted to know if his statement of ill will was towards Tatia too or not. She'd seen enough to understand there were different feelings from both parties, Rey wanting only a working friendship, Tatia wanting more. But she did know the young girl was a siren, they'd made that much clear to her, although the rest seemed to be secret. And while Lairia knew little about their people, she had heard Tatia mention Atlantis at one point. It didn't take a genius to assume that meant Tatia was from Atlantis.


Elaya looked breathtaking. Her height, that dress and cloak, her soft silky hair splayed out. She almost made Sera feel overdressed, but she didn't. She felt beautiful in the white gown, and she felt just as stunning at the look she received from Elaya, giggling as the wolf kissed her in earnest.

"Ready for our date of all dates?" Sera asked, gesturing to the coach man who offered his hand to each woman to help them gather their skirts and climb into the buggy, "Thank you Lord Yancy for arranging the ride. I do hope we meet again."

"Likewise Seraphina."

The coachman jumped on and before they knew it they were off, wheeling through the streets at an easy pace. The back of the buggy was just high enough to give them a small bit of privacy. Anyone looking over the coachman's shoulders could see them, but the couch on the buggy had a high back and sides even though it was roofless, so that the couples could stare at the stars without being gawked at.

Not that Sera was staring at a single star. From the moment the coach took off her mouth was on Elaya's, her hands running down Elaya's dress to her hips and pulling her in. There would be plenty of time to enjoy her body, but Sera was impatient and the allure of her lover was overwhelming. She'd spent all afternoon without those luscious lips except for fleeting moments and now she had them.

"We will arrive in just under five minutes," the coachman stated, not even looking as Sera made a understanding noise, her mouth too busy to speak as she ran her tongue along Elaya's upper lip.

"Oh Elaya," she groaned, wanting more than just a few stolen kisses as they arrived at the restuarant. Even from outside it looked classy, and their outfits fit right in place as Sera led her inside, and under a dazzling chandelier. A small girl stood at the hostess table righting down names, looking too young to work but Seraphina guessed she was probably much older than her face would tell.

"Reservation?" the girl asked as the two approached.

"Yes, for six on the patio," Sera grinned.

The girl gave them a once over, "Are you sure it was the patio?"

"Yeah," Sera's easy tone turned serious, "Please speak to the Head Chef if there is a problem."

The girl paled slightly, "Apologies for my rudeness Seraphina. I didn't realize it was you. You look much...different, then I would have guessed. Right this way."

She led them to a small elevator, telling them to press the fourth floor button and it would take them to the roof. Again she apologized and scurried away.

"I'm sorry about that," Sera rolled her eyes as she stepped in, "At least we get a minute alone while the elevator rises? No wandering eyes..."
Gerry arched an eyebrow at her admission, then took the daggers again. "We have a lot of work to do my dear. All secondhand at best!"

The troll waddled over, studied the daggers, then without preamble stripped the handles off. Before she could say anything he snapped new ones on. Clean, fresh, and beautiful, he pressed them into her hands, and made her grip them as she would, and the new grips sank in, perfectly settling into her hands. He nodded, swiped the daggers and plunked them into large wooden blocks and walked away with them.

While this happened, Gerry handed her two rubber training daggers. "Alright. let's see your style. Come at me."

His eyes made it clear he was serious, and also warned her if she tried to back down he would attack her and make her defend herself. He was a predator. A elite killer and master combatant. He was trying to help her the best way he knew how. Make her better herself.


The moment he obeyed her Malakai was in the outfit he had chosen. Drea smiled and folded her arms over her chest. "It's the same principle as Elaya's clothing dear boy. She shifts even more than you do and she never loses an outfit. Now you can do the same. No more excuses. And if I catch you wearing some foul smelling thing you stripped off a corpse again I will bath you inside and out myself."

Her eyes flared dangerously.

"Now go pick out more clothing. Including at least two good suits. Even Gerry has suits."


Reynault nodded at the thought. "Time is a good way to learn."

He winced at the question, but true to his word, he did not lie to her. "i really don't know. I've been kept out of that thing even amongst the group, and obviously i can't ask her now. I think she is. I do know she is royal, but i am not sure to which branch, or even to which throne. She doesn't smell right, even for a siren. She needs to return to the right kind of water."

Esmerelda grunted. "Yes. Or she will die. Fresh water will kill her eventually. She wasn't made for it's limitations."

Rey arched an eyebrow. "it will not."

Esmerelda scoffed. "And you would know?"

Rey blinked. "Welll...I have known other sirens."

"in Freshwater?"


Exmerelda smiled proudly.

"That doesn't prove anything."

She laughed.


Elaya nodded as Sera spoke, and for once in her life forgot to be polite, not even waving to Lord Yancy for the simple reason that she never saw him. Or felt the coachman's hand. She would not be touched by anyone save her Seraphina. And Heaven and Hell woe betide anyone who dared.

In the coach she alll but flung herself upon her lover, needing the kisses, growling and moaning in ecstasy, whispering "Seraphina." then snarling at annoyance when the moment was taken.

Somewhere deep in her brain she knew where she was, but she didn't care. She was with Seraphina. Her Seraphina. Her Alpha. Her lover. Her's.

Elaya did not deign to look at the girl, but when Sera's mood shifted she growled, and her whole body tensed, and for a moment all the makeup, touches to the hair and even her fantastic dress could not hide the swelling of her muscles. Her lover had been annoyed. The cause should die.

That got through even to her brain and she still the thought, but she could not help enjoying it. She knew precisely what it meant, and the moment the irritating little brat was gone, Elaya started forward, pressing Sera against the wall, and kissed her with a nearly mad passion, then she pressed her nose and lips to Sera's neck, the cloak opening and enveloping them both so their bodies pressed together.

Elaya somehow pressed the button, and was nearly climbing on top of Seraphina when the lift halted and a soft voice spoke. "Apologies to our valued guests, but this lift has developed a fault. you will need to exit and use our VIP lift. Thank you."

Elaya growled, withdrew slightly, kissed Seraphina, then whispered. "Must we eat food? i would much rather have you."

The door opened before Sera could answer and Elaya sighed. She took the redhead's hand and lead her out into the lower floor of the main dining area. She had never been here before in her life, but she could smell the other lift and that was her only thought. She set a brisk pace, her cloak raising up behind her, unaware that she was gliding along, her hips swaying provocatively, her legs flashing in the light.

All eyes were on the two of them, unable to decide which was the more lovely. Save for one table.


The wolf ignored the cry, spotting the elevator, but then with a whine she had to release Sera's hand and collect her cloak as she felt it tangling, she was sure because people had been grabbing it.

While she was distracted the voice called again. "Elaya!"

Waving from a nearby table were four women and a man, all very handsome, clearly very rich, and smiling a very knowing smile. As if her refusal to acknowledge them amused them, they laughed then as one stood and approached.

The man drawled. "Well hullo. You must be Elaya's latest. Isn't she just scrumptious? A gorgeous little thing? However did you get her in that fabulous dress dahling?"

The women gushed over memories with Elaya, who was still fighting with her cloak, and seemingly unaware to them.

The man snickered then leaned far to close to Sera, ostentatiously studying her chest. "She must have mentioned us?"

Elaya pulled free and went toward the elevator, very annoyed at the delay, still seemingly unaware of the newcomers. She pressed the button, then sensing Sera's absence, turned until she spotted her lover.

She rolled her eyes and sniffed, but walked over to Sera. "Come along my love. You got us the patio." Sera had no clue what that meant. This restaurant had not existed in this state the last time she had been in formal wear.

The group called her name again and she huffed. "Just some rich trash I used to finish jobs. Nothing of worth between their ears, in their chests, or between their legs."

She took Sera's hand, and drew the Phoenix into a kiss. "Shall we go?"

As he handed her the training knives she jumped into a fighting stance Narxis taught her, then without warning swiped forward, trying to catch his arm. She was aware she was no prized marksman, but Narxis had taught her well enough.


Malakai looked at himself then at the mirror then to Drea, giving her a pathetic puppy dog look. It wasn't that he hated magic, he simply enjoyed life without it. And now she was forcing it down his throat.

"Must I?" he asked, but there was no fighting with the mother hen of the group, "Fine. But only one suit. If your going to collar me like a dog, the least I get is some choice."

The girls fluttered to him to help but Kai waved them off, sending them on a wild goose chase to find a suit with yellow stripes. Like there would be one, he thought amusingly, deciding to shop for himself. Drea won, of course, getting him to pick two suits, which he refused to look at himself in so he simply trusted her judgement, and a few more pairs of pants and shirts, along with many pairs of boxers to his astoundment. The only thing she didn't push was his refusal to wear shoes, but he did take one pair of socks and a pair of dress shoes to fit the suits she had ordered him to pick. Otherwise Kai was remaining bare foot, keeping some small part of himself on the road. He promised to wear shoes in all the cities, but that was more of an order of Sera's than of Drea's. Seraphina wanted to have a good reputation, and having the jungle boy on her team wouldn't help.

"There," he stated, pushing all the clothing onto the counter to be rung through, barely even noticing the giggling girls at this point, "Please don't tell me I'm missing anything Duldrea. I got everything you requested."


"How can you even tell she's royal? Has she told anyone? She made no mention of it to me."

They were passing through a crowd along another street as they spoke and few turned their head, most deciding to ignore them or gawk at Esmerelda. At her words Lairia turned her head to look back, contemplating it.

"It's possible, but wouldn't she mention needing salt water if it was needed? She told me she's lived most her life on land, so how long does it even take to kill a siren without it? Or is it a matter of drying up? Because Duldrea takes great care of Tatia, making sure that never happens. Right Rey?"

She'd only been around the group a few days, but she had studied their dynamics, spending more time quietly contemplating how such a large group got together than being involved with said group. Now inside the city she felt a little more comfortable, and Rey was nothing if not a gentleman for offering to tour her around.


Sera groaned too when the elevator doors reopened, having wanted those few private seconds. Letting Elaya walk ahead she followed, or at least she tried till she got cut off.

"Um," her brows knitted as she gave him an odd look, taking a step back as he was invading her space rather rudely. Seraphina was none too happy to be ogled at, and felt relieved when Elaya returned to save her. It wasn't an easy task though, as the women who had previously been trying to chat with her now stood near the elevator, almost if they were waiting to pounce.

"What did he mean latest?" Sera asked under her breath as they walked toward the women, hyper aware that the man was following them a few paces behind, "He talks as if you find a new suitor each week, which I know is absurd."

Which of course was ludicrous, she had known Elaya for years and only seen her with perhaps one of two partners, not that Sera could draw names or faces. But the man had made her feel like Elaya used to sleep around, and judging by the women waiting and him, if they were all her lovers it begged the question how many more there might be. A pang of jealousy rang through Sera, wanting to share her wolf with none, and even the thought of her in another's bed made the phoenix's blood boil.

When they got close enough to the elevator Sera put on her brakes, letting Elaya press the button as Seraphina had the choice of standing beside the loud mouth women, or the rude and invasive man who was now only a foot or so behind her, his breath loud enough for her to hear.

"Can I help you?" she asked with a dry tone, turning on her heel and planting herself, her arms crossing over her breasts.
Gerry flicked his arm out of the way, shot forward and snatched the blades from her hands, then twisted her arms into a trapping lock before gripping her throat. He sighed releasing her almost instantly. "you are going to start training with me Tatia. Narxis relies too much on his nature and his supernatural abilities. You can't do that."

"We are going to have to work alot."


Drea rolled her eyes at the shifter. "Fine we can be done. If you change into one of your new suits and shoes and take an old woman to dinner."

She took his arm smirking.


Rey smiled. "i've been around for a long time too. I can smell it in her. But as to the salt water thing, no. It's more...well you can live on bread and water you know? For years. But it's just enough to survive on, not provide real nourishment. It's not the same but that's what I've been told."

He looked back at Esmerelda, then back at Laria. "And yes Drea does take care of her, but she isn't a sea goddess so I don't know if she can provide everything Tatia needs."

As they waited, the crowd began to press closer. And to grow. As did their nerve.

"I told you she had the nicest ass on the continent."

"Like you saw it."

"Didn't have to. Quality like that is impossible to miss."

"Well i did see her tits once."

"Gentlemen please. Discussing a lady in such a manner is highly inappropriate. Even if she is still looking entirely scrumptious."

Elaya flicked a glance toward the voice and sniffed, then said aloud. "Only two of you ever even got to my bedroom. And neither of you could last more than a minute." She leaned over to Sera smirking nodding at a man and a woman. "He came in his shorts while I was in the bathroom. And she got scared because it was a full moon and claimed she needed to go."

The faces reddened and fell, but the people did not fall back.

She was still smirking when her eyes froze on a magnificent figure. The woman before her was the epitome of excess sex. Tall, tanned, and voluptuous with it. She had golden honey brown eyes, impossibly massive yet somehow still friendly and inviting breasts, a impossibly thin waist, and hips and ass to die for. Her hair was rivers of polished golden silk, and her legs, showcased in an obscenely cut sparkling red dress, gleamed like diamonds. her heavy cleavage bounced in Elaya's face but the werewolf did not look happy. She looked furious.

But she made her manners and bowed, keeping her head erect as to do otherwise she would likely actually fall into the mound of bust before her. The dress did not make cleavage. It just barely concealed the nipples of this sex machine, while her breasts spilled everywhere, dominating most of the woman's presence. Elaya coughed as she bowed. "Still wearing too much perfume Athea. And your charms are growing thin. you actually used to look like a real woman once. You look...bloated now."

Athea giggled and the sound was every wet dream followed by the sound of a chalkboard being ground over a giant cheese grater.

Everyone except Elaya winced at the sound.

The woman smiled and spoke in an nauseatingly twee and whiny baby doll voice. "Why wittle Elaya the big bad wolf. No kiss for your Athea?"

"I wouldn't kiss you now if your grandmother ordered me too."

Athea giggled and again only Elaya didn't wince. "That's blasphemy. I should-" She took in a deep breath and defying all the laws of nature and magic her impossible bust swole even more. Elaya's lips curled in disgust as Athea let out the breath and said. "Spank the naughty wolf?"

Elaya said nothing, but ehr lips curled in pure hate

Athea smiled and nodded. "Good dog." She turned to Sera. "Well hello. Hmmmph. Bit of a come down Elaya."

Elaya snarled but remained in place. Athea giggled. "Tiny little thing. Especially compared to you."

Elaya snarled. "She's a trillion times the woman you are on her worst day. And she smells better."

Athea's eyes darkened for a moment but she let it go keeping her focus on Sera. "So. Has wittle Elaya mentioned me? Athea? Grand daughter of Aphrodite? Supposed to be a peace offering between her and Athena but the wise bitch never liked women who liked sex."

Elaya hissed. "Drop dead Athea."

Athea struggled to press her baby hands to her chest in false shock. "You wound me. Would you like me to remind you why that's a bad idea? Especially here?"

Elaya did flinch now. She shook her head, going very pale, then she looked around, and went even more pale. She shook her head violently. " please...what are they all doing here?"

Athea giggled again. "Why we came to bid you farewell Elaya. or sweet little wolf. We had you first. Even if we didn't actually have you."

Elaya's eyes flicked immediately about the room and she arched an eyebrow. "The only person here I actually slept with is Sera."

Athea smiled sweetly. "But you did serve me. When I owned you. Bitch."

Elaya lunged forward but Athea snapped her hand up and the wolf was forced back. "You may no longer be a slave or wear a collar, but my protective magics will always have a hold of you little wolf. Now cum play. And maybe I'll let your new one watch. And remove that hideous cloak. You know how i enjoy your body."

She curled her fingers toward the door, and Elaya knew who had played with the elevator. She drew back beside Sera. "You should go Sera...I'll handle this."

Elaya knew this would mean her death. Athea was a lesser goddess, but still more than enough to destroy Elaya a thousand times over. And there were other powers here.

Athea smirked. "Yes listen to her red. You don't belong here. Return my property and I will let you go free. Run along now. Before I decide to play with you."

Elaya snarled. "Don't talk to her like that!"

"I do what i want dog. Now kneel!"

Elaya lurched, almost obeying. She was scared now. None of these had been her true lovers, but she had served most of them while she had been collared. Athea giggled and gestured at the cloak. "Didn't I give an order?"

Elaya tensed, but slowly began to remove the cloak, clearly unable to disobey. She whispered. "Please go Sera. I-"

"Silence! She will stay. And watch. And maybe even enjoy."

Elaya's eyes pleaded with the sex goddess, thick with helpless tears. Athea just laughed and Elaya started to kneel, a plea for mercy coming to her lips.

Tatia thought it was a joke at first, not actually believe he'd offer his help, implying he'd spend his days next to her vicinity. Close.

"I thought you didn't trust me," she stole a blade back and wiggled it at him, smiling at ease though. The drunken display last night had set a few things straight in her brain, and one was wanting to be friends with Gerry.


Malakai did just that, suddenly flourished in a black suit and his nice pair of shoes. The girls behind him swooned, some of them even begging him to take them out.

"I already got the prettiest girl in the room. Sorry ladies," Malakai shrugged, taking Duldrea's hand and placing it on his arm, squeezing it, "Ready Drea?"


Lairia just nodded, knowing it wasn't her place or in her knowledge to really refute anything they said. They continued walking through the crowd, finally breaking free and turning a corner.

"So are there any paintings in this museum?" she asked, surprised there were still so many people out as dinner time approached.


"Hey!" Seraphina snapped at their whisperings, hearing it all, "That's enough. She isn't an art project, she's a living being. Get over yourselves."

Grabbing Elaya's hand Sera was about done with these people, her jealously beginning to spike as well as her annoyance. But slipping away was not in their cards. Instead Sera was stopped by Elaya as she froze, looking at a woman Sera found both attractive...and repulsive. Her looks were both feminine and over achieving. Her voice even worse.

But it wasn't until the woman began teasing and mocking Elaya, calling her a dog that a snarl like no other left Sera's perfect lips, warning that she was at the end of her nerves.

"Great catching up with you lady," Sera snapped, sarcastic and rude as her jealousy flared to a whole new level, "But Elaya has upgraded. Trash is to remain out back."

The crowd fell silent, and Seraphina wasn't sure if it was her or the look on Athea's face. She had almost missed it entirely, until she heard Elaya's fearful voice, cold shock running through Sera. When had Elaya ever been afraid of anyone?

Her hand squeezed Elaya's, trying desperately to comfort her as she felt like she was missing a part of the puzzle. And then it clicked, the word collar and owner dropped. Sera had heard the stories from Elaya...god did her blood began to boil at the meer thought of her precious lover being controlled by this...this...

"You bitch," Sera snarled, stepping in front of Elaya, "Enough of this. She does not need bow, nor kneel, and that cloak makes her look fantastic. Now get off your high horse and move on. She isn't going...anywhere."

Elaya instead tried to move Sera, telling her to leave. The look in her eyes said something was indeed very, very wrong. Sera moved back behind the wolf, trying her hardest to let her handle things but Athea's rudeness could not be ignored.

"Enough!" Sera roared, and all the candles on the tables erupted into flames. Sera didn't just yell though, she flew forward and attacked Athea, shoving her hard into a wall, her hands on her throats. Her beautiful red updo turned to fire, flames licking Athea's face. Many rose to help the goddess and Sera simply flicked her fingers, watching them burst into ash.

"Who do you think you are little girl?" Athea asked with a sneer, thinking Seraphina had no real powers against her.

"I am Seraphina, Living Flame. Birthed from the Fires of Hell, rejuvenated from Mauno Loa, the last and largest volcano on this earth. I am the heat. I am the light. And I am your worse fucking nightmare."

Her eyes darkened further as Athea had no response, seemed lost for words at that introduction, "You like collars?" she snarled as fire licked her tongue, ready to set on flames, but trying to refrain from ruining her dress, "Have a collar bitch."

A lasso of fire wrapped tightly around Athea's neck, creating a leash and collar that Sera could control. She yanked it hard, knocking Athea off her heels to the floor.

"And as for you monsters," she turned, fire's raging in her eyes, "Dinner is served."

The table bursted into flames, scorching those sitting, as screams filled the normally quiet air. Those who tried to run were suddenly chained to the tables by flamed collars, pulling them in and burning them alive till no one was left except ash and the fires returned to normal, as if nothing happened. The only one left was Athea, kneeling at Sera's feet.

"Get up Elaya. Get up and let her kneel at your feet my love."

Athea tried to stand and Sera only tightened the collar till it burnt flesh.

"Stay dog, good dog," Sera sneered, handing the leash to Elaya.
Gerry nodded. "Yes I am serious and yes I know. Your safety is the most important thing. Nothing else matters."


Drea blushed but smiled. "I'm no girl but you are sweet Malakai." She kissed his cheek as they stepped outside. More than a dozen restaurants waited around them. "Pick one."


Rey laughed. "Actually it's one of the only repositories of the old masters still in existence. Last i heard they actually still had the original Da Vinci's."

Esmerelda grunted. "They do. My nieces are being paid a fortune to guard them."


Elaya started to protest as Sera moved forward, then she froze. She had seen Sera angry. She had seen her empowered. But she had never seen her in a pure deadly cold rage.

She started to turn to guard Sera's back and her jaw dropped again as she saw the people wither into ash.

She turned again and her eyes bulged seeing Athea kneeling before her lover.

She moved forward and kicked Athea right in the gut, making the goddess gag and fall over as Elaya faced her lover. She cupped the redhead's cheek. "You... You are amazing. That was supposed to be impossible.... She had a deal with her grandmother and their whole pantheon that neither I nor anyone i'm connected to would be able to harm her." She leaned forward and kissed her lover tenderly.

"And, my love, I love you too." She kissed the Phoenix again.

Athea started to catch her breath and Elaya whirled with all the insane speed of her kind and speared taloned fingers through the goddess' throat. She hissed. "I am with a true woman now. A true power. A true lover. You will kneel to her." She twisted the bitch who whimpered as she bled golden blood, trying to gasp out a plea for her life.

Elaya looked up at Sera and smiled. "You amaze me my love." She tore the goddess' head and spine off and out, then snapped it and the room shifted. All signs of the battle vanished, including the smells.

Elaya smiled, then giggled as her hand was now perfectly clean. She touched her cloak. "By the way do you really like it? It seemed a bit much. i loved the dress but it felt so...plain alone."

She giggled again. "god I am such a girl."

Tatia shrugged and nodded, agreeing that maybe it was best she practise with him. She returned to her fighting stance, ready to begin again as they waited for the armor and blades to be complete.


Meanwhile Lairia was cooing at the idea of seeing the original painting, "Oh I'd love to see that."

She sped up a pace as the museum loomed ahead, "C'mon Rey. Let's get inside."

As they got in Lairia paid for the three of them and off they went, exploring the museum for the evening, enjoying one another's company.


He chose Italian, even those Italy was long gone. Pulling her in, he got them a seat at a window, happy to spend the evening with a friend over dinner, enjoying stories and old times.


"I love that you're a girl," Sera smiled, her anger only seconds before vanished.

She pressed the elevator button and pulled Elaya in for a long kiss, happy that is was over, "No one controls you Elaya, not even me. I will kill hundreds to keep you safe."

She coughed then, turning away and coughing even harder, her hand covering her mouth. Pulling it away she could see blood in her palm, her couching spitting more out. She hadn't told her lover she had used the mother flame to fight that battle. Sera had instant access to it, but it came at a cost, and she had used a lot. Otherwise her own flames would have burnt out her energy, to kill all those and trap Athea. So she had dipped into the mother flame, the core of earth. It had done the job, and it was the only fire that gave Seraphina ability to use without having to tie to herself.

"It's nothing," she shrugged it off, hiding her hand before Elaya could see the blood, "Are you ready for dinner?"

"I invite you to my work and you kill the customers Sera?" a voice rang out, not as upset but more amused, "Can't take you out in public S."

"Well, you need to do better background checks on your customers," Sera folded her arms, "They tried to kill my girlfriend."

The man was tall, as tall as Elaya in her heels with copper hair and freckles on his cheeks. He was lean and thin, having little muscles but not much.

"I'll speak to Ramona about that," he frowned, "That woman is all about the money."

Seraphina sighed as he got closer, letting her arms drop before squealing as he picked her up, swinging her in a wide circle before putting her back down. He kissed both her cheeks, smiling ear to ear.

"You never seem to disappoint Sera. And who is this beauty? You didn't tell me she was this pretty."

"This is Elaya. My girlfriend."

"And a werewolf? Interesting choice. Mum and dad would totally disapprove. Which only makes her a better choice."

Sera laughed, "Elaya, this is my only brother, Jeziah. He's the main chef here."

"Nice to meet you Elaya," he took her hand and kissed it, "I'm sorry about the rude start. My manager will get chewed out for this, I assure you. My sister contacted me this morning for the patio, I am so happy to let you two use it."

"And my special request?"

"Done. And done. I will be making all your food tonight. Have you ever had quail seared by Phoenix fire? Delicious."

Sera took her girlfirend's hand, "Can't say I have but it sounds great brother. We will see you upstairs."

Jeziah nodded, taking his leave to find Ramona while Sera dragged Elaya into the elevator finally, pressing the button and shutting the door.

"Finally, a minute alone," Sera groaned, pulling her wolf into a kiss.
Gerry set to work. He kept the siren very busy working blade skills, disarms, switches, and a number of rather nasty tricks and tactics that made knife fighters even more deadly.


Drea smiled and chatted happily with the young shifter, telling him stories of the old days and her husband, and urging him to share his own history with her.


Rey got Laria to see the actual Mona Lisa, but he got distracted as they were looking.

Esmerelda noticed his face after one of her nieces, all women who looked like younger versions of her, though all of them were tall busty and elegantly beautiful amazons rather than the bulky brute she appeared to be. She nudged Laria. "The fang is scared of something."

Esmerelda lead her over to a simple display. on which lay a box exactly like the one Laria carried. Rey gestured at it. "I can feel the power coming from that thing...Is there supposed to be another? And in such a public place?"


Elaya was not fooled by the lie about the cough, or the attempt to hide the blood. She could smell it, and though she didn't know what it meant, it didn't please her.

The results were astounding but she would rather have been butchered alive than see Sera hurt.

Before she could remonstrate her girlfriend she was introduced to Sera's brother. Her mind was in a whirl as she stared at him, then silently followed Sera into the elevator, trying to think of what to ask first.

She returned the kiss, then growled softly and pushed her lover back. Her eyes bored into the redhead. "Seraphina my love tell me. Are you in danger?"

She grabbed the hand that had been bloody and raised it to her nose. "Nothing lies or hides from this nose. Why were you bleeding?" She wasn't angry at all, but deeply worried about her lover, her love. Her Seraphina.
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