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Angels & Demons (DrStrangeLove & Chaotic)


Nov 25, 2015
Alorra walked her captive slowly through the streets of her magnificent city, it's broad avenues spreading beneath the forest floor, while overhead gigantic trees spread their boughs, shading the sky. Homes and other buildings were wrapped around the trees like moss and vines, and were in turn festooned by such themselves. Wide slow rivers and creeks made their way through the city, criss-crossed by bridges and dotted by houses made on islands, or even standing on stone pylons in the water. The people of the city were a gentle folk, peaceful and content, with their own contingent of guardian angels watching over them, protecting them from the flames of war that simmered beyond.

Alorra and her captive were silent as they approached her house, a small affair hanging from a great branch over a river. The two of them took to the air to reach it, the captive gently compelled onwards by the thin bonds of gold and silver that encircled her wrists, ankles, and throat. Finally they arrived, setting down on the walkway that traced it's way down the top of the branch.

"Welcome home. I hope that you like it," Alorra said to her captive, a shy smile crossing her face. "I know it's not what you're used to, but I'll do my best to make you comfortable."

Name: Alorra
Race: Angel
Home: The Forest City of Valtir.
Description: Alorra has healthy bronze skin and soft white wings. Her fiery red hair spills down to the small of her back in a wild display, and her deep blue eyes dance with joy and mischief. She smiles easily and always has time for a friend.

History: Alorra was a gentle soul who died in trying to help save others in her village during a landslide. She was reborn in the afterlife as an angel, the kindness in her soul made manifest. She's spent the last century or two sparring with her rival demon, who she's finally gotten the best of and now seeks to reform.

The setting here is the First Reaches, an afterlife. In the first reaches, souls are revealed, as angels, demons, or other strange forms, such as satyrs and merfolk. A souls form can change as they do, and all inhabitants share the same world and are free to make what they will of it. This has resulted in a rough stand off, between those bitter and angry souls who only wish to see others suffer, and the kinder, gentler lot who would make this world a better place. Souls whose physical forms are destroyed reform within a few hours to a few days,, none the worse for wear. Occasionally a soul will move on, though by what means or with what requirements is unknown.
Elysia was pissed. Extremely so. How the fuck could she get caught by this... bitch! As she was walked, the shackles in her hands reminded her of the hell that would be this place. She hated every single part of it. All a bunch of pretentious pricks and stuck up gals who would do best with a cock up their ass and a cork in their trap. All laced with the slightest tone of hipocresy. She hated it. And she wished it all to burn. She knew this was a farse. She always knew. It was always like this. All nice and dandy, until someone reveals the blood soaked hell that everything is.

It was away from her home. The place she knew and loved. Or well, tolerated. As they flew up, she held back a snarl. She knew she would lose if she showed signs of contempt or weakness. Her best bet right now, was to simply quiet down, and wait for the best moment to strike at the heathen's throat.

The comment was the last straw. She gave out a laughing snarl, showing the fangs beneath her mouth to the angel. "Like fuck I would like this place. All nothing but hipocrisy and lies!" She said, growling. "Make me comfortable? I'll fucking kill you.." She ended, her red eyes gleaming against the angel, her long, dark hair flawlessly moving with every single motion, and her pale white skin seeming to shine. Yes, Elysia was very beautiful for a demon. A fact she normally took pride in. After all, Vanity is just another sin.


Name: Elysia.
Race: Demon.
Home: The Corners of Draught.
Description: Elysia has pale, flawless skin, coupled with fiery red eyes and sharp fangs. She also bears a pair of black, bat like wings, and in certain times, can sport dark horns or a tail, though she normally hides these. She is harsh, and untrusty. She hates most kinds of people, and her personality is normally brash and rude. Her eyes spark rage, sadness, and malice.

History: Elysia wasn't like your average sinner. She had been horribly abused as a child, and even more so as an adult. This eventually dealt to her snapping, and eventually she became a murderer, a thief, and a sinner. In the depths of Draught, she has made a small home among other demons, hating everything divine with a passion, as none ever came to her aid. She was finally caught by Alorra, after centuries of fighting, and she despises her for it.
Alorra was unsurprised. She'd known this would be difficult - one does not recover from a lifetimes worth of bitterness, hatred and pain overnight. She smiled sadly at Elysia and bowed her head slightly. "I hope you'll forgive me if I try all the same." She opened the door and held it for Elysia. "After you..." As the demon sullenly entered, Alorra couldn't help but admire her spirit. Even captured and bound, her confidence had never waned. Now if only she could be convinced to let go of some of that hate...
Elysia all but growled, looking at Alorra with an indignant facade. "Forgive you? For what? Taking me? Bringing me here to this place that brings my kind nothing short of pain and more hate?! Or for what, YOU and YOUR KIND NEVER ANSWERING TO MY PLEAS OF HELP!?" She snarled, trying in vain to break the shackles at her wrists, trying to raise her hands or pounce at the angel. She even tried to summon her wings, but she fell to the ground, gasping in pain and clutching her neck.
Alorra leapt into action, carefully catching Elysia and touching a finger to her collar to switch it from pain to mere incapacitation. With Elysia paralyzed, Alorra picked her up and gently carried her into the house. "I'm sorry we couldn't be there for you. Even as angels, we have our limits and our failings. We remain human, after all. I'll try and be there for you from now on, at least." She hurried through the hallways and laid Elysia down on her new bed, before gently stroking a finger along her neck, a trickle of power vanishing the last signs of pain. "I apologize for that too. I should have set the collar to something other than pain originally. It won't hurt you anymore." With another quick touch of her finger she released the paralysis. "Do you want me to leave you alone for a bit? I can let you be while I put supper together."
Elysia tried to move away from the angel, but she quickly found herself away from the familiar pain, and instead, replaced by a numbness. She couldn't move. She growled, her face the only one thing she could articulate as she fell lmp against the ground. "Don't.... touch me... you freak!" She growled, the pain still lightly coursing through her body, along the paralysis. She was eventually set down on a nice bed, which she despised even more. She let out a groan of relief, and pondered on attacking Alorra, but it was useless. She looked at her with pure hate.

"B-Before you go... Answer me, Angel." She said, her voice hinted with rage and sadness. "You speak of limits and fallings. You speak of being nice and treating me well. Yet why have you fought me for so long?" Tears laced her eyes, from the pain, physical and emotional. "And why do you forsaken the ones below?" She turned away from her, not dignified enough to let Alorra see the once proud, powerful demon shed tears of regret. A regret for a past life she had all but lost.
Alorra has tears at the corners of her own eyes as she answers. "I fought you because I had to. Because you threatened those under my protection. I would have much preferred it if there had been another way to go about things, but I wasn't able to find another way. As for those below, we can no more pierce the veil than you can. They are as much beyond my reach as they are beyond yours." She bowed politely. "I will leave you be. If you have need of me, you need merely call." Alorra turned and fled the scene with as much dignity as possible.
Elysia merely scoffed at the reply. "Just get the fuck out." She said, simply, not even watching her rival leave before turning to the door. She sighed, looking at her chains and laying against the bed, closing her eyes and wishing she was anywhere but there. "I wish it was all... like before... I wish I'd never existed..." She said, against the pillow, growling as she slowly wept, every tear feeling like acid blood down her face. She was in true pain. And she hated herself and the world for it all.
Alorra was silent as she put together supper, lost in her thoughts. Had she done the right thing by collaring Elysia and bringing her here? It was astoundingly arrogant, she was slowly beginning to realize. To think that she knew best, and that she had the right to enforce her views on Elysia. She should have known better.

As she diced up the strawberries for their fruit salad, her mind went back and forth with indecision. Should she just let the demoness go? She'd already come this far, perhaps she should make an effort? Or was this too far already?

She sighed. She just didn't know. She'd serve dinner, at least, and then they'd see. She walked over to Elysia's door and knocked quietly, having spent several hours preparing a fancy dinner. "Ah, Elysia? I've finished with dinner. Would you like some?"
Elysia barely heard the knock. She was in deep sleep, and the only thing that moved slightly was her body, a soft moan of relief leaving her lips as she turned in her sleep. The demonness seemed to be in pain, however, as nightmares rocked her body and mind constantly, nightmares about memories long lost, or memories she'd rather forget with the others. She was deeply asleep when Alorra came by, and she remained asleep, troubled, and sad.

It was normal of her to be like this, and it was certainly a depressing sight.
Alorra quietly opened the door. "Elysia?" She looked upon the shivering demoness. 'Should I wake her? She certainly doesn't seem to be having nice dreams...' Alorra thought to herself. 'I can't just leave her like this.' She approached the sleeping demoness. "Elysia? Wake up, you're having a nightmare..." She reached out and gently shook the demoness's shoulder.
Elysia couldn't stop shivering all the while Alorra was approaching, though the moment the angel touched her, she seemed to calm down quite a bit, though she still mumbled some words, names before she finally woke up. Her eyes snapped open, and she let out a shriek, moving away from the angel in surprise, fear still in her face before it was replaced by shame and anger.

"W-What are you doing here?! Get out... I want to be alone..." She said, surprised as the tears began falling down her face in rapid streaks, and soon, the demonness began sobbing, her hands to her face as she cried bitterly.
Alorra looked on uncertainly. "I... I don't want to intrude. But you shouldn't have to be alone, if you don't want to be. I'd be happy to be here for you if you need me. She got up and walked to the door. "If you want some company, just ask, and I'll be there..."
As Alorra turned to leave, Elysia suddenly let out a deeply desperate cry. She felt panic go through her, and she moved quickly, falling to Alorra's feet with a stumble, one of her hands grabbing hold of the angel's. "Please... d-don't leave me..." She said, her voice cracking greatly. Her face was flush, embarassment and indignity going through it.
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