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I am your Knight, Princess. {Charcoal & Peachykeen}


Jul 20, 2015
A calm evening in the Kingdom today, but there has been some talk about the war. How no one has heard any news from the King. The King was not given any messages from the scouts near the front lines and begins to worry. As the King worries and wait for a message to arrive the Princess is kept locked in her room for her protection. A Knight, by the name of Adam, is guarding the door to her room. He is the Princess's Knight and will keep his Princess safe in the room.
Adam sighed as he looked to his left and right down the hallway again. He would spend his days like that, standing there as a war is happening out there. He does feel like he should be out there fighting but he has been given orders. It is an honor to be the Princess's personal Knight, but he's not sure it's a good thing to keep her locked up like this. He decided to give a light knock on her door. "Princess, how are you doing?" He asked through the door.
Day after day she stared at the same walls, the same decor, the same books...the few things that ever changed were her wardrobe and her reflection. Not that Rosalie felt such things mattered. She was but a flower blooming in the solidarity of her chambers. In a day, her interactions were limited to two other people unless her father visited. The first was her personal servant who did not even stay with her but merely assisted with dressings, washings, general activities and brought meals. The second was the knight who stood guard protecting her from the dangers of the world. Over time they had began a sort of friendship that had flourished into something she was unfamiliar with. The princess was glad for his presence despite her situation. If only he could keep her proper company.

Sitting in front of her vanity, Rosalie pulled a gilded brush through a cascade of fiery locks. She'd been at it for a while because she was terribly bored. Watching herself in the mirror, she gave little jump as the knock sounded through the room. His voice followed and brought joy to her heart, speaking with him made the hours fly by. Together they had mastered speaking through the heavy wood that separated them.

"I am well enough," she responded politely as she splashed rose water on her skin. Despite being separated from each other, Rosalie like to imagine the kind knight could smell the sweetness on her flesh. Without further delay she rose and went to a large chair she had moved toward the door to bring comfort during lengthy discussions. "What word comes from the outside world? I beg of you to have something interesting to tell me," she spoke casually toward the door.
Adam waited a small moment before he heard her response. He gave a small smile to hear that she is well. He heard some moving around in the room and heard a chair being put against the door. He usually hears that and know that she is sitting just so they can talk. Once she was sitting he always gets a faint sweet scent coming through the door and pass his helmet.

Adam heard her plead for any news about the outside world. He did not get any news about the war or anything from the King. It did cause him to be concerned about what is taking so long for any message. "I am sorry, Princess. I have nothing new to say about outside. How about a story about the outside?" He offered. Adam had been telling her stories about his experiences with the outside world, stories about camping out and fishing at lakes and climbing up mountains.
No news. This weighed heavily on her heart. Every day that passed without news meant another day shielded from the world. It had been difficult at first, when she was young and torn from all those she loved for her protection. With time she got used to it but as she grew into womanhood it got frustrating. She wanted to go out and meet people, attend parties, experience life. Instead she was like a living doll locked away and forgotten. Above all, she worried about her father.

Rosalie leaned into the chair, tucking her feet under her for comfort. Though she always enjoyed his stories and appreciated that he told them it was so hard not to want more. Her eyes closed slowly so she could concentrate on the words.

"Tell me, did you go to the balls my father would throw? Before the war, I mean, before all this? They never let me stay for them. Can you tell me about them?" She'd always been sent off after the dinners and missed the grandeur of the situation. What was it like to actually have some fun? She hoped he had done such things. "It is fine if you can not, I always enjoy your tales regardless."
Adam thought about her question. It was a bit different than the other stories he had told, but it was something that he can tell. "I do have one memory about the balls." He said before pausing to get his memories together. Adam took a deep breath and exhaled asbhe began the story.

"Back when I was a small boy, my father -- who was a Knight himself -- invited my mother and I to the King's Ball. I wasn't too fond of how tight my formal clothing was but that didn't stop me from seeing how big the party was. How big and bright the chandelier was and how it light up the whole room. Before I could see any more, my mother grabbed my hand and took me through the crowd of people to go see my father who was already in his Knight armor. It was one of the only times I would see my father in his armor and it always made me want to be a Knight like him. It was a shame that he could not partake of the night and have fun. He had to stand and watch over the people who were here. I was a bit disappointed but I understood that he had his duties. My mother though, she was a bit more upset. She wished she could at least have a dance in the middle of the floor. The party went on and I was with the other children who came to the party. It was fun, running around and trying the different foods that they brought out, I could not have any wine but that did not stop some of the other kids." He said with a chuckle, he paused a bit. Remembering the last bits of that night and it made him smile.

"Later through the night, when the party was dying out and most have the guest were leaving. My mother and I were dancing to a song. My father always watched over us through the entire night and he wished that he could dance with his wife. Then the Queen, your mother, notice my father watching his family. She walked up to my father and gave him a smile as she told him that he may spend some time with me and my mother. My father thanked her and quickly changed before returning in a nice suit. I saw my father walked up to us and I smiled that he came. My mother was really happy that he came down. My father offered her a dance and they had their wish as he took her in the middle of the Ball room and danced. It was a night that they would remember... Since that was the last time I went." Adam finished the story and looked up at the ceiling, waiting for a response from the Princess.
She listened carefully as she tried to form images in her mind. She found herself lacking because she had never seen her knight without his own shining armor. It was even more difficult to imagine him as a child. It must have been so wonderful though! It was odd that she'd never attended a ball past dinner to see the dancing and fun despite her being a princess. Her father had always been a protective parent despite her mother urging him to give her even a bit of freedom.

In her mind she could see the chandelier he spoke of, smell the foods, taste the wine she would sneak, feel the warmth of all the people around. They hadn't spoken much about family before and she had never known his father was also a Knight. What a honorable family her must have come from. She could see why her father would have trusted him with her. She was glad for it though.

She opened her eyes at the sound of his chuckling, it was so charming. What was it like to keep such fond memories? She did not get to play with other children outside of a few cousins who served as temporary playmates. The chuckles were followed by mention of her mother and she felt a tightening in her chest. Her mother. A kind and beautiful woman loved by all. It didn't surprise her that she would allow such a kindness to her subjects.

"And here I was, trying to imagine a young man twirling about the room with pretty girls." She leaned against the door, her heavy locks providing cushion as she attempted to hear him better. "Do you dance?" It was such a silly question but she was a bored young woman. She was convinced that knights could do such things as dancing, why would they not? What she wouldn't give to prance across the floor with someone else. Before an answer could be spoken, the sound of thunder boomed outside. It was close enough to catch her by surprise. Her head bumped the door and she gasped. She hadn't even heard the rain come.
Adam listened to her statement about the story before he heard her question. He does indeed know how to dance. Before he could answer her question, a loud crash of thunder was heard throughout the Kingdom. Adam looked down on his left and saw a window. He saw that it was raining pretty hard. "Huh, I didn't even hear the rain." He mumbled to himself. He turned back to the door.

"Everything alright, Princess?" He asked. Adam had some history in his time of guarding this door. He knew that the loud thunder would spook her. He would ask her that to see if the thunder didn't frighten her.
The princess rubbed her head. Her cheeks were flush despite the fact that she had only been heard and not seen. In reality she shouldn't have been embarrassed over something so small but she was a princess and it was expected that she hold herself with grace at all times. It was part of the job and she didn't get much practice.

"Yes, fine. I was just...I slipped," she lied, squinting and rubbing. Rising from the chair Rosalie went to throw another log into her fireplace. It was the maid's job but the storm had brought with it a cold that she was not comfortable with. Standing in the glow of the hearth the princess allowed the warmth to envelope her. It was such a silly thing to be all dressed up when she was limited to a single suite. Her gaze turned to the window. It was nothing she could look out. Panels covered the once clear glass and curtains covered them. The purpose had been defeated and all the decoration in the world could not make it any better than a view to the world outside. She sighed. The wind had changed and now heavy droplets pounded on the glass beyond.

After her body had warmed, quickly at that, she returned to the door and leaned against it rather than sitting down.

"Do you think my father will come to visit me soon? Other than speaking with you and the maid coming in...though she barely speaks, it is rather lonely." Her back slid against the heavy wood as she fell into position. "Perhaps you could convince him to let me have visitors."
Adam stood at attention as he hears the rain fall outside. He was thinking about some memories about the rain, how he would splash around as a child. He gave a sigh, those days are behind him. It was a minute before he heard her question. It was a question he had heard many times. His response was always the same.

"Princess, I'm sure he will visit you soon. He is the King and a King has his duties as well. I will try and convince him to let you have visitors once I have the chance to." He said. Of course he knew that the King doesn't actually visit and talk with her. The King just makes sure that Adam is at his post. Sometimes the King would even send another Knight to check for him.

"Just hold on, the war will be over soon and you'll be able to speak with as many people as you want and see the world." Adam usually said those things when he feels that the Princess is losing hope that she would come out of this room. Which may be sooner than he thought as he heard a loud Bell. "What?"
She dreaded what he was saying to her. It was never something she wanted to hear. It had crossed her mind to ask him not to lie to her but he was going it as a kindness and it would be terrible to ask such a thing. Biting down on her lip to stop herself from crying, something so unladylike to do even if one wasn't seen, Rosalie returned to her vanity.

He commented on the war and that only made her angry. Hold on. She had been holding on for YEARS. Nothing came from her mouth though, instead she went back to brushing her long locks out. Barely two strokes through and the bell's harsh toll rang through the stone walls. Her eyes widened. It seemed so familiar and strange all at once. For some reason it struck fear in her though. Discarding the beauty tool, the princess stood.

"Sir Adam, What was that? What is going on?!" Her demanding voice traveled easy through the door.
Adam stood at his post when he heard the bell. That bell indicates that something is wrong and all guards are to help defend, but he must stay with the Princess. He heard her demand and hesitated to answer. He didn't want to assume the worst and cause even more fear for the Princess. A few knights were running through the hallway and pass Adam. Adam stopped one of them. "Soldier, what is going on?"

The Knight didn't know either and was called to get back in line. The Knight left and Adam still didn't know what was going on. He stood there with his sword and shield in hand, looking left and right down the hallways. He spotted someone coming and was shocked that it was the King himself with two other Knights and a maid. "My King, what is happening?" Asked Adam. The King stopped in front of him and put both hands on Adam's shoulders.

"Sir, Adam. The enemy has broken through the walls, they're coming towards the castle!" He said with a unpleasant voice. Adam could not believe what he had heard.

"I will help fight them off-" "No!" Ordered the King. "No, you must get my daughter away from the kingdom. Get her to safety at an allied Kingdom." Adam was surprised at his request. He wanted to fight, he wanted to stay here. However, he must follow his orders. "I will protect her with my life and get her to safety."

The King nodded. "Thank you, you are most noble. Now, I must speak with my daughter. The maid will pack some clothes for her and your horse is ready at the stables." Said the King as he moved pass Adam and entered the room. The two knights stood at guard as Adam went in with the maid.
The commotion could be heard in the halls but it wasn't very clear. The only sounds she ever heard clearly were when someone spoke directly through the door and at times the loud footfalls of armor. Whatever it was though, it was making her more uncomfortable by the moment. Only traces of the conversation could be made out. Piecing it together was easy enough though. Once more, she was being sent to be hidden...the question was why. She stood in the middle of the room staring at the door as though it would give her answers. It did though, in a way, as several people strode through.

"Father!" She exclaimed though seemingly frozen in place. The man before her was not the same that left her in this room. His face was weathered with stress and age, haggard almost. Once rich hair now boasted silver strands. Worry was clear on his face. In front of him he would see a grown up version of the frightened girl he had cast off. The maid rushed past her and began to ransack the wardrobe. Her muttering about weather appropriate cloaks and corsets she could lace on her own was drowned in the confusion. Her eyes darted to Adam and back to her father. Yes. That was it, he was sending her away. Why else would her things be getting packed in such a manner.

"Please, do not do this." She attempted swat away the woman trying to place a cloak on her shoulders. "You can not expect me to just abandon everything. Not after all this!" She gestured at the room, her anger filling the air around them. It did not matter to her that he was only doing what he saw to be the best option. To her it was only another way to avoid the issue. She was not some precious jewel to be hidden away, no, she was a person! A person who loved her father and missed her mother. A person who desperately needed other people.
The King felt a painful, sorrowful joy in his heart when he looked at his only daughter. The feeling soon turned more sorrow and guilt. "Rosalie, please. I do this because I love you. I do not want to have you in danger because I let my guard down. The enemy out smarted us and has past our walls without any warning. They are coming to the castle as we speak. There isn't time for this." He said.

Adam felt pity on the King and the Princess, they both do not know each other's pain. Adam has seen how the King turned from a proud King to a stressed and afraid father. And to see his daughter grow up trapped in that room like a caged animal. However, this seems like it isn't a time to be debating. "Princess, please understand. This is for your safety." Said Adam
"Seven years, father!" The princess cried out as the maid made further attempts to cover her with the cloak. "All the guards in the castle couldn't keep me safe for all this time but a single knight and a door could? You have thrown away all this time and stolen what was mine because you LOVE me?" Her bottom lip quivered. "How dare you pretend that all this was what was best." She looked at both the men. "Both of you." It took everything in her to not break down then and there. It was likely she would regret her words in the future but the stream of emotion was just far too rapid at the moment.

Grabbing the heavy cloak from the maid, Rosalie latched it herself and pulled the hood up to hide her face. Another arm reached out to grab the bag with what few items she could carry with her. Pushing through the others she went to the vanity and grabbed a small box before emptying it into a smaller velvet satchel and heading to the door. There was no hug or kiss for her father. No, her body was shaking too terribly for that. She was angry and would leave in such a manner.

"I do not wish to hear any further reasoning. I will leave father, and I hope you win this war of yours. It has cost us more than I think can be understood. Soon you will run out of places to hide me though. Goodbye, father." Her voice waived as she turned to leave with her knight.
Adam watched as she gathered her things in anger. He had never saw her this furious, so filled with rage. He didn't say anything as she walked away and he followed. The King stayed in her room and sighed. "Well, nothing I can do for her now." he said as he left the room and the two Knights went with the King. "What now, my King?" Asked one of the Knights. "Now? We fight. This war ruined my family, so I have some stress to get out."

Adam went next to Rosalie and walked next to her. "We need to get to the stables. My horse should be there and we can leave this place." He said. It felt strange being next to her after that scene happened. Adam can only guess what she was thinking right now.
Rosalie strode down the lantern lit halls with as much dignity as she could muster. Each step taking her further from her family and stealing her away from home. She decided that she would go on her own accord, not because she was told to. This was her chance at freedom! But what about her home? Each step further brought pain of doubt to her but she trudged on with the knight at her side and cape trailing behind dramatically.

"One horse?" She asked as though that were utterly insane. She could ride but it was likely far safer to ride at his back. They took to the tower stairs and rushed through the servants' halls. She remembered sneaking around here as a child. Memories flooded her senses and then were drowned by screams of women and stampedes of frightened workers and hurried soldiers. Panic set in as the enemy approached the castle. She pushed out the kitchen door with a couple of the laundry maids. The night sky was filled with the sudden storm that seemed to come with the army that approached. The moonlight was replaced by soaring, fiery arrows. No one had expected the enemy to be upon them so quickly. As they arched across the sky, the young woman gasped and nearly fell back into Adam. From here they could hear the angry neighs in the stables beyond.

"What if they break the defenses before we can escape?" She worried aloud as she nervously tucked away her locks and pulled the hood up further to hide her face. There were tales in the books she read over and over during her time captive of what attackers would do to innocent women. She did not dare think of what they would do to a princess! Adam may be capable, she thought, but he was a single man and they were attempting to escape an army.
Adam kept his cool as they moved through the castle and towards the stables out side. He nodded when she said one horse. "It's safer to use one horse." He said. He heard the panic of the civilians and the arrows flying across the sky. Adam kept his shield up and stepped close to the Princess to shield her.

"Do not worry, we'll be gone before they get close. However, let's hurry." He said as he grabbed her by the arm and hurried towards the horses. The arrows were getting closer and soon they were hitting the castle and them. Adam could hear the arrows go by and can smell the smoke from the fire. He kept his grip on his shield as he felt the impact of arrows hitting it. Some would stick on his shield but most would bounce off. He did see some unlucky workers that were hit with the arrows. A terrible sight to see, especially when they were still alive but was quickly finished off by more incoming arrows.
It was like walking in a dream, or a nightmare rather. She couldn't tell. On one hand she was free and the man she had become close to in some sense was guiding her to safety, on the other there were people dying right before her eyes. Perhaps Adam could hold up well in such a dire situation but she was a sheltered young woman. She jumped a little every time an arrow struck and squealed a tad at every body the fell before them. Within moments the lawn was littered with people. Some were still alive and moaning in pain.

On instinct, Rosalie grasped at the gauntlet that had a grip on her. White fingers curled over the metal as they picked up speed and hurried into the temporary safety of the stables. Those who remained were attempting to calm the beasts. She could smell the smoke and understand why they were in a fuss. The groomers and soldiers looked at the pair in surprise. Most of them had not seen her at all, if they had it was before she had been locked away. Her hand moved up, grabbing Adam's arm. Suddenly, the smell of smoke was joined by the visualization. Some of the arrows must have hit the structure.

"Just when you say not to worry, we walk into a burning building," she fretted.
Adam got the Princess to the stable and notice it was on fire. He didn't need her comment that they were walking into a burning building.

"Just stay close to me and hold your breath." He said as he looked for his horse. The stench of smoke was filling the stable and it was abit difficult to see let alone breath. Adam couldn't whistle his horse but he can click his tongue. He called the horse and a loud neighing sound was heard through the smoke. Adam went towards the sound and found his horse.

"Come on, get." He said as he helped her on the horse. Adam got on once she did. "Hang (cough) on." He said, coughing as some smoke got in his lungs. He kicked the horse and it galloped out of the burning stable.
Getting through the clouds of black smoke proved challenging. The smell of singe would cling to their hair and clothes as they rushed through. She tried her best not to breathe in the fumes but found herself unpracticed in the art of holding one's breath for an extended period of time, having never been the spoiled sort who did such things. An art she vowed to learn in the future. Her eyes burned despite her attempt to squint and she could taste ash upon her tongue.

Luckily they found the steed in no time at all it would seem. He assisted her and followed suite in mounting. The horse was more than happy to escape the death trap as it flung them across the expanse of land before them. Rosalie's heart was pounding as she took a tight grip on anything she could. In their time inside the stables, so many had fallen. It was rather frightening. This only meant things were going to get worse. Her life was in Adam's hands at this point. Her body leaned back into the suit of armor and she tried to think pleasant thoughts of freedom but it was all rather difficult to do so.
The horse got out of the stables as more horses either were let out from their ropes burning off or are being burned themselves. The horse galloped at a fast rate while Adam was telling him where to go. The arrows were still coming in but Adam kept his shield raised and the horse was already in armor, but the armor and the shield can only do so much as Adam felt an arrow go in his shoulder from protecting her. He grunted in pain as he felt the arrow but he bit through the pain as he continued riding. The hardest part wasn't riding the horse through a burning city with a wound on his shoulder, no. It was passing by bodies of dead and burnt civilians. Seeing the chaos and the destruction of his home.

They were getting out of range of the arrows and were going to the back side of the Kingdom. Adam put his shield down as the got to an old tunnel that was closed off for years. Adam and a few knights he trained with knew about this place. This is where they would head into the forest on their free time and just hunt or train or just explore. He turned the horse so that he would go in there and into the forest. The sounds of screaming and yelling and burning from the war were slowly dieing out as they got deeper and deeper into the tunnel. Soon they got out and into a tree roof forest. Trees close to each other and would block some of the sun.

"We're out of the Kindom's walls but not the territory." Adam said as he continued to ride through the forest for hours, not looking back, not stopping, even for the arrow in his shoulder. He has a duty to get the Princess away and that he will do, no matter what happens to him.
The ride through the forest was something like she never experienced. Even before being shut away she had never been far outside of the castle. Being a girl, she was not permitted to go on hunting trips and whatnot. It had even frightened her a bit when she was small because all she heard of this area were tales that featured bears, boars, and other such creatures. She could not bring herself to words as they moved under the heavy foliage. They continued on despite the knight's obvious injury. She tried to reason that perhaps the arrow had not pierced him through the heavy armor but she had to say it was not a convincing thought.

After many hours of silence, she felt many things. Tired, hungry, sore. She was certainly not used to this sort of activity!

"How much further must we ride?" She said quietly as though the trees themselves were listening to their every breath. "Surely there must be a village or town nearby. If there is not, I beg of you to allow for a momentary break." Rosalie leaned into the cold metal armor. "I do not think I could bear another hour of this."
The sounds of galloping and the wind blowing were feeling the ears of Adam. After a bit more silence he heard her ask how far they must go and when can we stop to take a break. From what Adam remembers when he looked at a map and the direction they left the Kingdom at, it would take a day until a town shows up in their vision.

"Not until a day's pass, Princess." He said before answering her other question. "We should take a break, yes." Adam thought that they should be far enough and he's pretty sure no one followed them. He slowly stopped the horse and got down. He then helped her down but felt some pain in his shoulder as he helped her down. Causing him to grunt in pain.

"Damn. An arrow must've hit me." He said as he tried to find the arrow with his hand.
It was a serious relief that he agreed to take a rest. Such hard riding was not something any princess was used to much less herself. The issue lay in the need for rest but being so far from a town yet. They could not expect the horse to go on for another long stretch. What if they needed a quick escape and they were stranded with an exhausted beast. She watched as he dropped down and took care in her own descent, using his hand and shoulder to steady herself. She nearly tripped on herself as her delicate feet met the ground. Her legs had seemed to have forgotten how to hold her up. They shook and threatened to give in, warning her that she would have to get used such activity if she expected to reach whatever kingdom he was instructed to drag her off to. It would take some time to get used to. Her small annoyance was tossed aside as sounds of inconvenience rose from her knight.

"Oh goodness! You are hurt," She rushed up to him, pushing up on her slippered toes and reaching up to the gaps in his armor. The arrow had struck well it would seem. She dropped down and looked him over. "You will have to at least take that bit off and let me help you with that." Locked in her room left Rosalie to study all sorts of things not limited to things like the human body, herbal remedies, and sewing. She left him to do as she instructed and looked about the shaded forest. There was so much here she recognized only from illustrations, and so much she knew nothing of. There was moss though and a plant she was sure would help with inflammation. They had brought nothing with them other than a bag of her things. Dresses, undergarments, jewels, silly things that seemed useless at the moment. Surely she would need them in her temporary home but at the moment her darling knight was hurt!
Adam felt the arrow and needed to get it out before it causes even more pain or worse, infection. The time was a place that had common illnesses that could kill anyone. "Are you sure, Princess? This may not be well pleasant to see if you tend to it." He said as he looked at her.

Adam probably thought that she must've seen worse thing when they were leaving the Kingdom. An arrow wound may not be as bad as a dead corpse. Having to breath in smoke and smelling like it plus sweat as well. Adam still smelled the smoke that got attached to his helmet. With his good hand he took off his helmet so that he can breath some fresh air. Letting a sigh as he held his helmet in his hand. He looked at the Princess with his hazel eyes waiting for a response.
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