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Vampires, Demons, Angels, Werewolves. Supernatural World.

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Nov 9, 2014
Post-Thread: Because I love vampires and werewolves and the entire supernatural universe so much I wanted to give it it's own thread, a little weird, but this is where my love is. I do RP other things, but you bring vampires/werewolves to me, and I'm game.
I'm willing to play any of the plots/pairs in this thread as either M x F (Hetero) or M x M (Yaoi) I am bisexual but I don't enjoy playing F x F except very specific circumstances...
Onto Roleplay Information and Specifics​
Remember, genders and roles can be swapped around in any of the plots/scenarios following

The Lore Behind the World
Vampires and Werewolves had never gotten along. The two species had been at each others throats so long they couldn't remember the exact reasoning behind their fighting. The old reason had died and the new reason was simply 'because they could' originally vampires and werewolves hated each other because of an old family feud, a vampire and werewolf - the first of their kind, had been created by a demon. It was originally created as a gift, a curse to humanity, but a gift to the vampire or werewolf who was made. Angels came along and changed it making werewolves cursed to change at full moon (or at least most of them) As well as a severe risk at turning 'feral' and they made vampires allergic to the sun, unable to socialize with humans at all during the day, and by night they would have higher bloodlust. Originally a gift turned into a curse. Vampires and Werewolves originally were meant to work together but the vision became twisted because of what the angels had done. This is where our story starts off most of all of the following plots fall under "this" background.

Vampire Weaknesses, Lore, and other Information
Garlic works as a deterant, but not a end all - the stronger the vampire is, the less likely garlic will both them at all.
Silver Bullets, arrows, darts, ect. Anything that contains Silver can be used to burn a vampire from the inside out, applying it to flesh is uncomfortable but won't burn flesh. it will drain the energy and power of a vampire.
The Sun - A natural enemy of vampires, will burn their skin quickly, in little under an hour the flesh will start to boil. A few moment exposure will leave only minimal burns, first degree just barely.
Deadmans blood is used as a weakener as well as an imobilizer for a vampire, inject this into their system and they won't be able to move.
Stakes to the heart - Yes, yes, the lore is true, however it's not just any stake that will do this. It has to be Oak and it has to be carved with a silver knife. Any other stake will do nothing but piss the vampire off.
Slicing off the head - This works to kill the vampire quite effectively, but even without a body they still carry the venom so caution is recommended.
Blood Draining - Binding a vampire with silver renders them weak and removes the ability to heal so they are able to be drained and left for dead, another good way to torture or kill a vampire
Vampires are Warm blooded, running at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Their blood does pump through their body and they do breathe. They do run colder than humans but not cold enough to freeze you if you're enjoying sex with them.
My vampires use rings to keep themselves safe in the sun, this is a very big part of what allows them to move around during the day.

Werewolf Weaknesses, Lore, and other Information
Collars - Collaring a werewolf causes them to be unable to shift form, weather they are in a wolf form when collared or human, they will be unable to swap form simply because of the size limitations. Best way to keep a werewolf from shifting.
Silver - it acts like molten metal when placed on their skin or when injected into them via a bullet, arrow, or other means. It will boil the flesh and leave them severely wounded. Silver wounds can not be healed like regular ones.
Wolvesbane - an herb that when boiled and injected, shot, or applied via a wolvesbane laced dagger, this herb renders wolves immobile and unable to heal wounds. When used on the outside of flesh, for instance dipping a rope in wolvesbane before using it to bind them, will make the rope unbreakable for said wolf.
Starving - a wolf requires a lot of raw meat for survivial, starving one is a huge weakness that can be exploited if attempting to torture or kill, blood of a vampire can be used to sustain a wolf in this situtation keeping them alive longer than no blood, but they will need something to eat if they are to live long term.
Werewolves are different from Anthro Werewolves and Dire Wolves. Anthro-Werewolves are the common place werewolf, ones that have no control over their shapeshifting and turn 'feral' during the transformation. Dires are werewolves who have contol over their shifting but choose to remain in wolven form and consume human flesh and never go back into human form, removing all the humanity from them. They are usually much larger than shifter wolves and much more vicious. Shifter wolves are werewolves who have complete control over their shifts and their mind during transformation.
Werewolves have healing properities in their saliva if they are a powerful werewolf, the weaker breeds don't have access to this power.


click on any you're interested in to be taken to that section specifically :3
Vampire x Werewolf
Hybrids with Vampires or werewolves
Vampire x Vampire
Werewolf x Werewolf
Human x Werewolf
Human x Vampire
Hunter x Hunter
Angel x Demon
Angel x Human
Human x Demon
Dragon x Dragon
Dragon Rider x Dragon
Pheonix x Dragon
Light Dragon x Dark Dragon
Knight x Princess
Dragon x Princess
Gladiator x Princess

Keep in mind, the colors Pink/Blue only sometimes refer to the female/male of the stories. All roles are reversable.​
RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

Vampires x Werewolves

Vampire x Werewolf
Vampiress is captured by the male werewolfs pack and before she can be executed he decides to free her. He doesn't have a reason for doing so other than it's just not right, they would also exchange some words prior to him letting her go so this could be the reasoning behind it. He is eventually found out and exiled from his pack left to wander on his own, meanwhile he is being tracked by a familiar scent and when he finally recognizes it it is too late, the vampiress from earlier gets the upper hand on him and he ends up subdued by her. What will happen next?
TLDR: Vampire is captured by werewolves and is freed, werewolf is punished for this by being exiled, he sequentially meets the vampire later on as she is stalking him and she subdues him to question him.

Werewolf x Vampire
After finding a badly injured vampire with his wrists sliced open and bleeding out the young wolfess decides to help him out and nurses him back to health, she leaves quickly after he wakes up - the only thing he would have seen clearly would have been the locket around her neck with her pack symbol upon it. Little did she know, the vampire she just helped was the lord of one of the largest covens in the land. Given that he knows it was a wolf that saved him he starts rethinking his battle strategy towards wolves, receiving no support from his kind with these decisions. He is eventually overruled and exiled from his coven only to stumble upon the wolfess in her wolf form. Due to his change of heart towards the beasts he doesn't kill her but he is cautious. She recognizes him but she knows he wouldn't recognize her since wolves didn't really look that different. Out of survival he lunges for her to scare her off, but this is seen as a threat to the wolfess and she attacks full force, due to this attack the vampire leashes in his 'mercy' and attacks her back, ending up wounding her and knocking her unconscious. Due to being knocked unconscious her true form, that of the humanoid form, would be revealed equipped with the locket hung gracefully around her neck. He'd already disobeyed the coven by trying to stop the war, so whats more with helping a wolfess? He recognizes the locket and realizes who she is and keeps her safe until she wakes up. What will become of these two beings with a change of heart, will they take over their packs/covens and lead them towards peace, or will they be destroyed by the love they start to foster between them?
TLDR: Shewolf finds male vampire sire wounded, cares for him, leaves him with only a memory of her locket. He is the leader of his coven and tries to make peace with the wolves, receiving no support from his 'allies' they exile him and he ends up stumbling upon the wolfess later only to have a misunderstanding turn into a fight leaving the wolf unconscious and in her true form.

Werewolf x Vampire
When two enemies are captured by a common enemy, they must work together to escape, but what happens if doing so results in complete exile from your species for treason? If word gets out that the vampire and werewolf worked together, it's all over. To combine this an another plot, they help eachother, escape only to be recaptured by one of the other species coincidently. For instance the wolf being captured by the vampires, only for the vampire they worked with to free themselves, helping them out and trying to get them out safely. Something along those lines.
TLDR: Both are captured together and work together to get out then later on one of them has a difficult choice to make when the species brings them in as a captive.


Hybrids x Werewolves/Vampires

Hybrid x Vampire
A hybrid can fill in for most of the plots on here with vamps and weres.
Werewolf x Hybrid

RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

Vampires x Vampires

Vampire x Vampire
Vampire x New Born Vampire
What happens when a previous vampire hunter accidently gets bitten and is taken in by a vampire (not the one who bit (s)he) and shows him/her the ropes. Is it a vampire that he hunts, the kind (s)he hates, or is (s)he different?
TLDR: (seriously?) A vampire hunter is bitten and taken in by a different vampire.
New Born Vampire x Vampire


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RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

Werewolf x Werewolf

Shewolf x Hunter Turned Werewolf

The werewolf in this story was originally a hunter, brought up by a very strict hunter society, taught only to kill or be killed by the beasts he hunted. One day, whilst on a hunting adventure, the man comes across a pack of werewolves, anthropomorphic beasts with no mentality other than kill and rip flesh from bone. The man managed to take out 5 of the 6, but just before he was able to kill the sixth, the worst thing possible happened, the man had been out of position and the wolf in it's final moments lunged out and latched onto his arm, biting into him and injecting the virus. The man curled over in pain and killed the beast before collapsing. Due to the bite the hunters left him for dead, he was no longer one of them anymore. When the man woke up, sounds were louder, smells were more pungent and colors were more vibrant. Contrary to popular belief, werewolves could see color. He panted softly and stood up and realized his 'standing up' was no farther from the ground than if he was on his knees. Upon further inspection he realized why, he had been changed into a wolf, feral it seemed, with a full wolven body. He hated himself from that day forth but continued his hunting killing the very thing he had become until one day. One day, the hunter became the hunted. The hunters realized their once 'dead' friend was seen poaching a few wolves and they investigated, finding out that the man was indeed the same hunter they left for dead, ashamed of their unfinished work they went after him causing him to flee into the forest. Given he was a new wolf, he didn't know anything about hunting prey and only had a crossbow. With his picture plastered all through town he couldn't exactly go back there and hope to be with the humans again. He would starve if he didn't learn how to hunt and live life as who he was now. Just before he has all but given up, having lost a fight with a deer that was his final attempt at feeding himself, enter a wolfess who happens to stumble upon his weakened state. She is in wolf wolven form complete with an ashen coat and soft icey blue eyes. Her whimper calls to him in a voice that he has never heard before but strangely understands. As she walks up to him the first meeting would commence. He has a choice, kill or be killed, or maybe the creature deserves what he seldom gives, Mercy.

TLDR: The hunter is bitten and turned into a werewolf and he continues hunting until his old 'hunters group' finds out what he is and what happened to him and sets off to kill him, he is forced to live in the wilderness and hunt like a beast, he'd never been one so he doesn't understand how to do so, with only daggers and minor knowlege, he is unable to care for himself in the wild and just before he gives up hope a female wolf comes into the scene to teach him.

Werewolf x Werewolf


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RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

Human x Werewolf

Hunter x Werewolf
A hunter is caught out in the wilderness left for dead - possibly caught in a trap that was set for a werewolf, when a shewolf happens upon him and frees him / helps him. She doesn't stick around long though, instead going about her way. Months down the line she is ambushed by his group of hunters and she is knocked out while in her wolf form. While they wait for her to knock out completely her form shifts due to her unconsciousness which is when the hunter realizes it's the same female that had helped him months ago. What does he do? If he helps her he will be adding himself as a target to his group of hunters, if he doesn't help her, he would feel immoral, she helped him and he wants to return the favor. They want to torture her for information on her pack so they can hunt them down. It's up to him to make a choice.
TLDR: A hunter is left for dead, a shewolf finds him helps him, only to months later be captured by his team. He only realizes it's the same woman after she's forced to shift and now he has a choice to make save her life or not.
Werewolf x Hunter

Hybrid xHunter
My Hybrid comes along YC in his wolf form and she's injured - seeing him just before she passes out. He shifts to his human form, nurses her back to health but leaves before she wakes. She assumes he's a werewolf and due to her being a hunter she feels compelled to hunt him, even though part of her is saying that he's 'good'. So fast forward later on he meets up with her while in his human form at a tavern and plays it cool, a little too cool. he gets close to her and eventually against all the voices in his head screaming no, he decides to flirt with danger, literally. Being a hybrid, most things that bother the two races don't affect him, deadmans blood leaves him woosey, but not knocked out, and wolvesbane does the same, however, both combined will knock him out. Unknown to her her brother has grown suspicious of the man she brings home. He is too perfect, no flaws on his skin, and the way he moves just gives him the creeps so he started looking into Brayden and finds out what he is and takes him down. due to the Wolvesbane and the Deadmans blood in his system he is knocked out, forced into his true form the wolf form - right in front of YC's eyes. What does she do?

We start back when she is first injured.

TLDR: A hunter is found injured a hybrid finds her and nurses her back to health but takes off later before she knows who he is. He meets her in human form and bonds with her but his dream is shortlived as the brother of the hunter tracks him down and shoots him in front of his sister to reveal the beast within.
RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

Human x Vampire

Hunter x Vampire
Not all Vampires are the same. A vampire has been tormenting this hunter for a long time, always making her think he is about to kill her before leaving. He enjoys this little game of cat and mouse and toying with her is extremely fun. He's sly, agile and strong, he could end her quickly. Funny enough, the reason he's this way is his bloodline. He's actually the son of the first vampire, he's seen countless centuries and countless wars and frankly, he's tired of it. He finds this hunter intriguing and almost hoping that each time she is able to kill him, but he won't just come out and tell her that any time soon. Damien is one of a kind, a vampire that thinks quite differently from his family, given his line this is looked down upon so he keeps it secret. After several games of cat and mouse, the vampire gets caught by her only to receive the same mercy he'd given her quite a few times. The next time they meet up, he plays cat and mouse too long with her and her partner takes him down, thinking he's hurting her. The man (her best friend, also a 'thing' with this hunter) notices the pendant that Damien has and realizes who this is and decides to take him back to the hunters den and torture him for the location of thier nest.
This RP would start at the beginning of their cat and mouse games. He'd screw with her several times over ;3

Vampire x Hunter


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RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

Hunter x Hunter

Human turned Hunter x Hunter
Slaughtered in front of her eyes by creatures she didn't even know existed. A hunter finds her bloodied, scared, curled up in a corner crying. He takes her under his wing and teaches her the ways of hunting. He teaches her everything he knows and slowly starts to bond with her.
TLDR: A child is found almost dead by a hunter who teacher her how to become one. A bond forms from this.
Hunter x Hunter
Two hunters decide its better to fight together, which starts the story of the bond.
TLDR: ... seriously?

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RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

Angel x Demon

Angel x Demon
Demon x Angel


This thread is being added to - known by DarkAngel. Will "bump" when finished. Will reserve posts prior to it being finished
RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

Angel x Human

Angel x Human
Human x Angel


This thread is being added to - known by DarkAngel. Will "bump" when finished. Will reserve posts prior to it being finished
RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

Human x Demon

Human x Demon
Demon x Human


This thread is being added to - known by DarkAngel. Will "bump" when finished. Will reserve posts prior to it being finished
RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

Dragon x Dragon

Dragon x Dragon
Dark Dragon x Light Dragon

RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

Dragon Rider/Hunter x Dragon

Dragon Slayer x Dark Dragon Turned Light
In a world where dragons kill humans and humans kill dragons, one dragon's egg is stolen and taken to a village. This dragon when born is kept as a prisoner by the humans, until one day she meets a boy who lets her go, shows her the kindness of humans. The boy, the son of the best dragon hunter in the village, sneaks her home and they bond and start training together. This is forbidden and highly illegal in this town, but, he doesn't pay attention to that. The dragon eventually grows too large to stay with him and she leaves, but she never forgets the boy. When the boy is finally found out to have freed her after he turns 18, he's imprisoned and sentenced to death. Learning of this the dragon returns and frees the boy, taking him away from the village, meanwhile the dragons have learned of the dragons betrayal and both are on the run from their species. Can the kindness of the human soul and the strength of the dragons heart be fused together to protect and change the way the world sees the bond of two enemies. Several secrets to reveal in this plot filled twisted RP.
TLDR: A dragon egg stolen into the village and hatched only to be used by the village as a weapon and 'pet' treated horribly, a small boy finds this baby dragon and takes her away, forming a bond with the beast and beginning their story.

RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

Other Fantasy Pairings

Dragon x Phoenix
Princess x Knight
Knight x Prince
Gladiator x Princess
Elf x Dragon
Dark Elf x Light Elf
Elf x Spirit Animal Shifter
Elf x Other

RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

x x x


RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

x x x


RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

x x x


RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

x x x


RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

x x x


RE: Vampires, Werewolves, Supernatural, Hunters, ect. M x F or M x M (I play both roles)

x x x


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