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Le Petit Kinkster

Jun 20, 2012

Welcome to this fancy new specialty thread. [I have another thread in this forum for more generalized tastes], but at the moment, I'm really craving... Well, look at the title. I don't really have much to say about myself, aside from the fact that I am not a female in real life. This will have no impact on my writing ability, of course, but there are a few people I've seen who are creeped out by that for whatever reason, so I'd rather just be upfront about it.

For those of you still around, I will proceed to tell you about my specifications:
IMPORTANT: I am only looking to play a female character here, who will be submissive sexually (not necessarily in other interactions). I am not looking to play a male Dom for you.
I will roleplay over email or PM on this here site. Email is strongly preferred.
I now have KIK, as well!. My username is thebreedingbitch. Because of course.
I roleplay in third-person point of view, past tense.
I write two+ paragraphs per post. I am not interested in roleplaying with you if you only post one or two-liners. I like some depth to my weird porn dammit.
Please use spell check and understand basic grammar. New paragraphs start every time a character speaks, etc.

I have an [F-List]. Please read it at your leisure.

Anyway, now to the part that you all probably scrolled down to! My ideas! I have a few plots, which are listed below~

First of all, I am CRAVING something based off of [this picture]. Now, not necessarily with that character, because while I think it may be from sailor moon I have no idea who the hell she is, but more the concept behind it. Because it raises a lot of questions. Like, (predicated on the idea that I'd be playing an oc here) who is this girl? How'd she end up there? Is that a good price? I mean I imagine it is, because that's got to be a specialty auction. But then what kind of people buy pregnant women? Especially that far along? I have a lot of ideas in mind under the cut~
- This one takes place in a world where slavery is not necessarily legal, but the authorities kind of look the other way on it, because it's something only the super rich can afford and we all know that the super rich have an immunity to the law. Because slavery is semi-legal, there's a burgeoning market for it, to the point where there have developed... Niche markets. To certain buyers, girls who are already pregnant have an enormous appeal.

- ... Or maybe they're in high demand because there's an epidemic of infertility going around, and the only way that you've got proof positive that the girl you're buying is capable of having your kid is if you buy them in a state like this. :0

- ALTERNATIVELY, we could do away with the auction idea entirely-- maybe there are places where owners send their newly-purchased, still unbroken slaves to be trained (and fertilized with their seed, as well). By the time a girl is getting close, she's been trained. ... Or, on the other side of the coin, maybe this is a girl who was undergoing training but never got fully broken in, so she's sent to auction instead for someone who can buy her and fix her attitude.

- Hucows! Maybe there's a black market for milk, maybe you're up for something a bit wilder and you'd be open to playing against a cowgirl or something, I'm not sure. But everyone knows that a cow can't really be milked until after it's had a calf, and this is a solution that cuts out the middleman! :0

- Now that I think about it, maybe this is the ending scene to an RP. Maybe we can explore how the girl ended up in this situation?

- And plenty more!

Aside from that, I also have plenty of plots.

Hormone Free (CRAVING)
In some fantasy world or another, after a long series of protests and riots, animals have been granted the same rights as humans. This is good news for animals, but bad news for people who really like animal products, especially milk.

Luckily, whereas animals have gained new rights, demihumans-- creatures that are half-animal, half-human-- have no such luck. Immediately after the new law has come into place, the rate of illegal import of these women from the wild areas of the world has drastically increased to meet the demand for dairy products.

This idea is sort of half-developed but I'd love to plot something out with it. It's based loosely on the Neromashin comic 'Degraded to Livestock' (which I'm not linking, but it's the first result if you google that), but there are some things in there that I'm not really comfortable with, which can be discussed!

Full of GMOs
This one is, admittedly, a bit derivative of the one above, but more of a sci fi than a fantasy. PETA has finally succeeded in whatever they try to do, and animal farming has been outlawed. Millions of cows now roam the countryside, leaving a reign of destruction. Chickens roam the streets. The last two sentences have nothing to do with the plot.

Because animals have gained new rights, and animal products are now illegal, farmers have turned their attention to Hybrids-- genetically modified creatures that are half-animal, half-human-- who are approached to meet the demand. Cowgirls, specifically. Overnight, milk and cheese and other dairy products become a luxury expense, and young cowgirls are offered glamorous payments and rewards to sign up for year (or longer) contracts to help meet the demand. But since this is such a new program, no one's sure what goes on behind the closed doors of these new farms...

For this one, I want to play some naive cowgirl who signs up and discovers that that huge amount of payment that she was apparently going to get as a signing bonus may not be worth it. The farm and equipment has been modified, but barely, to suit people like her, and she is more or less treated like an animal, with all that implies. There's a lot of sex, for one thing, and being impregnated is a guarantee to make sure that she produces milk... But when her year is over, will she want to leave and go back to normal society? Hell, will that even be possible?

Be Careful What You Say on the Internet
For the last several months, a young woman has been posting on a popular imageboard about her deviant sexual interests. She's most active in threads centering around cowgirls-- not ladies in leather chaps, but women who are more or less treated as cattle, from just having their tits milked to being kept in pens, knocked-up, drawn with ears and tails. Her interests fall on the latter end of that spectrum, and she spends a lot of time talking about how much the idea turns her on and even writing some imaginative captions for some of the pictures that strike her interest. Though the imageboard is anonymous, she uses a moniker, and she's posted nude below-neck pictures of her amazing body on other boards for her fans.

Now, obviously, no one on the internet is truly anonymous, and though she thinks she's taken every precaution, one of her fans is able to track her down. I'm not going to get flowery here and cut to the chase. He kidnaps her.

When she wakes up from being knocked out, she discovers that she's somewhere that's definitely not her house. She's at a farm, and when her captor appears he tells her that he's going to make her dreams come true.

Note: While I'm not opposed to playing this straight and having her end up as basically a lactating sex slave in cowprint, what I'm really looking for is something a bit more over the top. For example, maybe he's a bit of a scientist and he fills her with hormones and chemicals to grow her boobs to amazing proportions, or he experiments with genetic engineering to maybe give her cow ears and a tail and make her a bit less human, etc. I've also got a vague inkling of a side-idea where there's a bit of an underground culture around this kind of thing and she's not the only girl-turned-cow around, and she eventually gets bought by someone else wanting to get into the lifestyle or something. Just a possibility!

An Inside Look at the Dairy Industry
In the future of a world remarkably similar to our own, veganism has grown as a movement so much that the dairy industry has started to hemorrhage profit. As a result, the dairy industry is scrambling to find a way to better their image.

There are several ways that this can go:
1) To convince the public that the life of a dairy cow isn't that bad, they seek out a volunteer to live as one for a year and prove that it isn't so bad at all! This idea would involve heavy dehumanizations and possibly bestiality, because she would live more or less like an animal.
2) Following that weird PETA campaign for a while ago, they decide to switch from cow milk to human milk at least partway, and seek out women who would accept payment in exchange for living as cows. Of course, none of the women read the contacts that they signed all that well, or they would have noticed the clause about 'possible gene splicing' and 'bovine growth hormone' that transforms them them into hyper-fertile, half-human heifers (holy alliteration, Batman!)
3) I dunno, we can work something out!

You Couldn't Have Car Trouble at a Worse Place
A pretty young thing is driving cross-country when some weather breaks out. To her horrible luck, her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, and she manage to pull over down a driveway so that a semi doesn't slam into her vehicle . Because she is in the middle of nowhere, her phone has no reception, so she waits out the storm. When it finally breaks, she gets out and starts walking down the driveway her car ended up on.

After a few miles, she finds herself in front of a little farm house. She knocks on the door and is greeted by a friendly man. He lets her in and feeds her a hot meal, although it tastes a bit funny, and soon after she has it she begins to get drowsy. He lends her a bed for the night since it is a bit late for them to call a mechanic.

When she next wakes up, she finds herself chained in a pen in his barn, sans her clothing. He's quick to show up after that and welcome her to her new life as a dairy cow.

**** I actually just had an interesting idea for this one that I'd really like to explore. It would be more or less the same as mentioned above, although it would occur in a world where humans and people with the traits of animals already exist together in relative peace. Instead of being human, the girl whose car breaks down is instead a girl with cow traits, and when the farmer sees her, he just decides to seize the opportunity presented to him.

I also have a few more general ideas!
- Some sort of farm where anthro cow girls are used in place of cows in our society. This can either deal with just a regular girl who's been living there or an 'exotic import' who was a free cow before she was kidnapped and brought to the farm! Or something!
*** I just had a thought based off of the above. I'd be really interested in doing a sort of fantasy plot where there are humans, normal animals, and anthros. A cowgirl who lives on a farm and is happy there somehow encounters a 'predator' anthro, like a wolf or a bear, who lives in the woods near the farm.

And... That's all I have for now. Hopefully something I've posted has piqued your interest! If so, just PM me or post here! 8D
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