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What's your Zodiac sign? (I'M BORED)

The signs as three feelings

aries:the minute you finish something you've been working on for ages with confidence that it is perfect. when the person you couldn't admit you wanted to call finally calls. running after someone, exhilerated.

taurus:falling asleep early. the lull of a city at night. the sun hitting your shoulders after being in a freezing building.

gemini:booking plane tickets. buying something you've wanted without looking at the price tag. driving all night with someone, talking so much that your throat is sore.

cancer:breakfast at 2am. standing in the ocean on a chilly day. throwing a punch that you've imagined for years.

leo:the second your favorite band steps onto the stage. all of your friends laughing at once, none of you able to contain yourselves for several minutes. getting complimented on your biggest insecurity.

virgo:the line in that book that makes you understand life better. eye contact with a newborn baby. holding your best friend while you both sob.

libra:taking in a view that you will never be able to remember. falling asleep next to someone, breathing on each other's faces. a cry that consumes your entire body, draining you from all of the bad things that happened.

scorpio:driving down a highway in summer, windows down. a lover pressing a kiss to the back of your neck. a cup of tea at the end of a busy day.

sagittarius:staring at the sky and forgetting where you are. the stomach-lurch after you grab someone's hand for the first time. knowing that you're kissing someone for the last time.

capricorn:reminiscing with your family. chasing your best friend through a department store. standing at the top of a mountain with no noise but your own breathing.

aquarius:the first time you hear the song that feels like where you belong. waving goodbye to the house you grew up in. dying your hair in the sink--a split decision you made with your best friend.

pisces:someone telling you "it's going to be okay", and actually believing them. meeting someone with the exact same sense of humour as you. the breathless smile on their face after you've surprised someone with a gift.
the signs as disney princesses

cancer:snow white

The signs when being asked not to do the thing

Aries - Imma do the thing.

Taurus - Fine, I won’t do the thing.

Gemini - I’m not gonna do the thing. *5 minutes later* Imma do the thing.


Leo - Give me one good reason not to do the thing.

Virgo - Okay. *sobs quietly*

Libra - How did you even know about the thing? Are you a SPY?!

Scorpio - SCREW YOU. *does the thing (twice)*

Sagittarius - i’LL do THE thinG, buT i’LL make u thinK i didn’t. but actuaLLy i did the thinG 10 years ago, and u’ll think i did tHe thing but I diDn’t and i’LL mess u up so bad imma confuse even myseLf.

Capricorn - Gimme all your money and I won’t do the thing.

Aquarius - You didn’t even say “please” omg.

Pisces - Wtf is the thing tho?
The Signs As Awkward Teenage Phases

Aries: Rebellious teenager who rebels against a lot.

Taurus: Sits on computer all day/night; awkward loner/ weird friend group

Gemini: Obsessed with being popular/going along with the crowd.

Cancer: Emo/ Goth kid/loner

Leo: Overly emotional

Virgo: Overly insecure

Libra: Lazy/ Tired of everything (can be physically or emotionally)

Scorpio: Goes around, scoping out to see who is better than them

Sagittarius: Thinks that they’re always in love

Capricorn: Quiet & socially awkward kid

Aquarius: Loud person who shows no emotion/ wants to be center of attention

Pisces: The misunderstood teen

The Signs As Bread

Aries // Ciabatta
Taurus // Pumpernickel
Gemini // Naan
Cancer // English Muffin
Leo // Banana Bread
Virgo // White
Libra // Breadstick
Scorpio // Sourdough
Sagittarius // Baguette
Capricorn // Whole Wheat
Aquarius // Bagel
Pisces // Crouton

The signs as untranslatable phrases

Aries: Hiraeth (welsh)- Refers to a particular type of longing for the homeland or the romanticised past. This word has many connections to nostalgia although rather than referring to a specific time, Hiraeth is mostly associated with a place.

Taurus: Waldeinsamkeit (German)- refers to “a feeling of solitude, being alone in the woods and a connectedness to nature.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote a poem about it by the same name)

Gemini: Mokita (Kivila)- spoken in Papua New Guinea, this word translates loosely as “the truth we all know but agree not to talk about.”

Cancer: Suadade (Portuguese)- Saudade refers to the feeling of longing for something or someone that you love and which is lost. Saudade is not just a feeling but also something one can “have”.

Leo: Komorebi (Japanese)- Refers to the sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees.

Virgo: Cacimbo (Kimbundu)- Refers to a heavy mist or drizzle that occurs in the Congo basin area, often accompanied by onshore winds. It is synonymous for the cool season.

Libra: Aware (Japanese)- the bittersweet feeling of a brief and fading moment of beauty.

Scorpio: Mangata (Swedish)- the reflection of the moonlight on water

Sagittarius: Fernweh (German)- feeling homesick for a place you’ve never been.

Capricorn: Gokotta (Swedish)- to wake up early in the morning with the intention of going outside to hear the birds sing.

Aquarius: Jayus (Indonesian)- Refers to a friend with a bad sense of humor, who tells “a joke so poorly told and so unfunny that one cannot help but to laugh.”

Pisces: Wabi Sabi (Japanese)- accepting the natural cycle of growth and decay.

the signs as pick up lines

Aries: your lips look so lonely…would they like to meet mine?
Taurus: do you have a name or can i call you mine?
Gemini: i’m writing a term paper on the finer things in life, and i was wondering if i could interview you.
Cancer: on a scale of 1 to 10, you’re a 9, because i’m the 1 you need
Leo: i’m learning about important dates in history. wanna be one of them?
Virgo: if i received a nickel for everytime I saw someone as beautiful as you, i’d have five cents.
Libra: i want our love to be like pi, irrational and never ending.
Scorpio: there’s a big sale in my bedroom right now. clothes are now 100% off!
Sagittarius: is your dad an art thief? because you’re a masterpiece.
Capricorn: guess what I’m wearing? the smile you gave me.
Aquarius: if you were a potato, you’d be a sweet one.
Pisces: your hand looks heavy. let me hold it for you.
zodiac signs: what they would do if they saw a ghost

Aries:scares the ghost instead of it scaring them
Taurus:kinda just a stares at it for a little bit then shrugs it off
Gemini:yells "fight me"
Cancer:flips out
Leo:grabs vacuum cleaner like its ghost catching equipment
Virgo:tries every possible method of getting rid of it
Libra:questions it about everything like how it died and stuff
Scorpio:just goes "cooool"
Sagittarius:*starts singing ghost busters*
Capricorn:posts on tumblr
Aquarius:"hey bro want some food? need a place to stay?"
Pisces:*tries to hug it bc ghosts are cool*

The signs as little details that absolutely make songs

Aries: Voice samples like “hey” or “yes” being used as emphasis.

Taurus: The singer’s voice changing from an alluring low to a trilling high between the chorus and verse.

Gemini: Little instrumental prompts you didn’t notice before listening closely.

Leo: Sweeping instrumentals that make you feel like you’re flying.

Virgo: Spoken verses/ music traveling from one ear to the other

Libra: The final verse stripping back the other instruments and finishing with a piano/ guitar.

Scorpio: the song beginning with a weird, pitched up sound sample that continues until the last few moments, where you can finally hear what they’re saying.

Sagittarius: 16 bit game instrumentation.

Capricorn: one song on an album leading seamlessly into the next

Aquarius: instrumentation and singing seeming to exist on different plains, with the music commonly fading into the background and the audio sounding louder or more faded in certain sections

Pisces: Weird sound samples in the background, like rain patters, underwater sounds, or thunder crashing
What the Signs are doing while Camping:

Aries: *screeching at unbuilt tent*
Taurus: *finding a campsite*
Gemini: *reading something about the area*
Cancer: *complaining*
Leo: *declaring themselves Activity Director*
Virgo: *trying to help Aries with the tent*
Libra: *avoiding help set up*
Scorpio: *stalking Libra*
Sagittarius: *consoling Gemini about their sudden realization of the numerous poisonous snakes*
Capricorn: *sets up a chair and watches*
Aquarius: *looks for a river*
Pisces: *really excited but not helpful at all*

The signs shipwrecked on a deserted island

Aries: starts building a shelter, finds fresh water, etc.

Taurus: calms down the rest of the group (but is internally panicking)

Gemini: climbs to the top of the mountain to try to find a cell signal

Cancer: maybe we can filter the ocean water and drink it?? maybe? no? ok

Leo: is panicking

Virgo: lights a signal fire

Libra: builds a tiny raft (what do you mean?? of COURSE we can all fit on here! if we squish.. and don’t bring any food or water with us)

Scorpio: brings up cannibalism

Sagittarius: slowly turns animalistic and claims they can communicate with the elements

Capricorn: gets hit on the head by a coconut

Aquarius: we’re all gonna die. life is pointless and we’re all going to die on this island.

Pisces: sobs constantly and doesn’t help at all
The Signs as Sports

Aries: baseball
Taurus: swimming
Gemini: hockey
Cancer: softball
Leo: volleyball
Virgo: basketball
Libra: tennis
Scorpio: golf
Sagittarius: soccer
Capricorn: football
Aquarius: track
Pisces: lacrosse

The signs as phobias

Aries: Cleithrophobia- Fear of being enclosed.

Taurus: Metathesiophobia- Fear of changes.

Gemini: Hypsiphobia- Fear of height.

Cancer: Philophobia- Fear of falling in love or being in love.

Leo: Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone.

Virgo: Catagelophobia- Fear of being ridiculed.

Libra: Decidophobia- Fear of making decisions.

Scorpio: Maniaphobia- Fear of insanity.

Sagittarius: Oneirophobia- Fear of dreams.

Capricorn: Atychiphobia- Fear of failure.

Aquarius: Kosmikophobia- Fear of cosmic phenomenon.

Pisces: Demophobia- Fear of crowds.

the signs as pirates

aries- the pirate that makes you walk the plank

taurus- the pirate that sees the giant whale/squid/shark under the boat and screams

gemini- the pirate that has many pirate stories that are probably made up

cancer- isnt a pirate because they arent hardcore enough

leo- the toughest pirate of all 7 seas

virgo- the pirate that sits up at the top with a map and telescope

libra- the pirate that does sword fights

scorpio- the pirate that has a peg leg

sagittarius- friendly pirate

capricorn- pirate that buries treasure

aquarius- pirate that is creepy and has an eyepatch

pisces- the pirate that finds the treasure and shares it
the signs in the revolution against a dystopian society

Aries: dies right away before the revolution even starts(everybody: “Aries, no!” you: “fuck, yes!”)

Taurus: survives by staying on the down low

Gemini: survives but is actually evil in the end by working for the bad guys

Cancer: survives by lashing out and killing the most bad guys

Leo: probably “the chosen one”

Virgo: dies right before the end of the revolution

Libra: dies a martyr

Scorpio: the ruler of the dystopian society

Sagittarius: survives and brutally avenges the death of the mother you watched die in front of you at the hands of the government

Capricorn: survives by using logic and manipulation

Aquarius: dies bc you refused to take a human life

Pisces: creator of the philosophical system of the dystopia

The signs as "Lord of the Rings" characters

Taurus:Frodo Baggins
Gemini:pippin Took
Scorpio:Aragorn son of Arathorn
Sagittarius:Gimli son of Glóin
Capricorn:Samwise Gamgee
Aquarius:Bilbo Baggins


ARIES: don’t wait too long to apologize to them. it is best to apologize after an argument, but not immediately after, since they can tell when an apology is insincere. don’t make any promises you can’t keep either. be direct with your apology and make sure it is clear and not passive. their forgiveness depends on who you are and how close your relationship is.

TAURUS: it is hard to get a taurus angry. but if a fight does happen, you should apologize and admit that you are wrong. if you are actually right in the argument and are also a stubborn sign, let the taurus cool down. they are a loyal sign and if you’re relationship is tight, they’ll come around again, even acting as though the fight never happened (it may take some time for them to cool down, though. either be patient or just apologize)

GEMINI: geminis are people of words. if in a small squabble, a nice or funny apology note will get them smiling again. if there was a serious argument, a heartfelt letter of apology would do. verbal consoling can also work. they forgive pretty easily. a bit of humor can also help ease things up. it hurt repeatedly, the letter/long message of apology is the best option.

CANCER: it is easy to hurt the feelings of a cancer. they will feel very hurt, or very emotional. your apology should be sentimental and sweet. be patient and be careful with your apology, since their emotions are easily provoked. they may not forget quickly, but they can forgive. depending on how badly they felt, forgiveness can be granted right after the apology or months after.

LEO: flattery. even if you don’t mean it, just flatter them. apologize for what you have done wrong and even add an over-the-top statement saying you are unworthy of their friendship/relationship. even if you don’t mean it, just say it to humor them. compliments and humor will work to get their forgiveness. sometimes acting as though the fight never happened could work, but only sometimes.

VIRGO: they are not emotional people. don’t try to apologize with sweet talk, sentiment, tears, none of that. talk things out calmly and reasonably. apologize for what you have done wrong and explain why you did what you did. they are an analytic sign, so explanations will help. do NOT use that explanation as an excuse to justify your actions, though. admit you were wrong, what you did was wrong, and apologize. they are also vengeful people so it’s best to mean your apology and don’t too long to say it.

LIBRA: in an argument, libras will look at both sides. since they are very understanding, forgiveness can be given easily, just after a sincere apology. they are not one to keep grudges, but if you repeatedly hurt them, they may eventually hold something against you.

SCORPIO: actions speak louder than words for scorpios. verbally apologize to them with full sincerity, followed by a change of behavior. the things scorpios get upset about are serious things, so make sure you change whatever it is that is upsetting them. keep eye contact when you apologize, it ensures your sincerity. scorpios like revenge and can hold grudges until after death, so either mean your apology or don’t apologize at all and face the consequences.

SAGITTARIUS: the emotions of a sagittarius can be confusing. they may want to forgive you, but won’t in fear of looking weak. they are people of adventure, and taking them to a nice restaurant or anywhere nice/exciting can get them to come around. they are quite understanding, so if you are able to explain your behaviors and apologize to them, things can go well. they may not always say it, but they will forgive you if you apologize.

CAPRICORN: oh man. avoid screwing up in the first place. don’t apologize if you don’t mean it. they can tell if you are lying, and if you are, just stop talking. capricorns will not say something if it is not true, so in an argument, they may be the ones correct. even if you believe that they are wrong, apologize to them. be sincere with this apology and make honest promises to fix your mistakes. they are a thoughtful people, and will apologize back if they think your apology is fitting. don’t apologize to them? they won’t bother to speak with you, and may seek for revenge. it is hard to get forgiveness from them depending on your relationship. they can easily break ties, too. apologize sincerely and seriously.

AQUARIUS: be open with them. discuss your problems and have a meaningful apology. think about what you are going to say before speaking. they are intuitive, and can sniff out a liar or bad auras. be truthful, and say how you feel when you apologize. depending on your honesty, apology, and relationship, they may or may not forgive you quickly.

PISCES: they are pretty sensitive, so be careful when you apologize. when you do, they may be a bit lost, unsure how to react. be kind to them and treat them well. they do not like seeing people suffer, so apologize with puppy eyes or longing for the friendship/relationship back. make them feel loved and needed when seeking for forgiveness. do not be too harsh with them.
How the Signs Dress

Aries:They can go from leather jackets to floral shirts. And they'll own it. Usually the preppiest too.

Taurus:Baggy things. Whether it be sweats, sweaters, or mom jeans they got it.

Gemini:What ever seems the most comfortable at the moment. Could be a band shirt from a concert 3 years ago could be the outfit they spent $300 on last week.

Cancer:Always so professional no matter what the occasion. Even their sweatpants look nice.

Leo:Dressed up almost all the time, but still appropriate for whatever situation. Wears whatever if it makes them feel good.

Virgo:Really nice, but always oddly casual.

Libra:probably the most modern/minimalistic of all the signs. Lots of monochrome and neutral colors effortlessly dressed up.

Scorpio:Bold or comfy, but always perfectly refined.

Sagittarius:They are best at semi casual. They always look so good and never complain because of this.

Capricorn:I've seen them wear anything from boho/hippie stuff to just plain skinny jeans and tshirts. They never look dull no matter what.

Aquarius:Like the same sweatpants and sweatshirts every day someone please explain??? If not, they look hella fine.

Pisces:Whatever makes them happy. Usually lots of jewelry.

Signs When They Like Someone

•Aries: very straight-forward and honest with you| it’s obvious
•Taurus: very very touchy| They’ll stare because they’re too nervous
•Gemini: they’ll show their softer side| nonstop teasing
•Cancer: they are clingy| they’ll open up
•Leo: they’ll be even more confident| show off
•Virgo: very goofy| they’ll talk nonstop about you with friends| they wanna know everything about their crush
•Libra: very sarcastic but will reassure you that they’re joking
•Scorpio: flirt flirt flirt kisses kisses kisses
•Sagittarius: A lot of stuttering and staring| usually don’t talk to the person they like because they don’t have enough confidence to
•Capricorn: they are very shy| will be nervous
•Aquarius: They’ll give great advice| showing that they’ll be there for you, always
•Pisces: they’ll help you and be very in-touch with your feelings
Last one for right now. Sorry for the spam but thought these were neat to share and talk about. I posted the ones that actually had Leos that fit me, so, tell me how accurate they are. if they are. ^.^

Laughs in inappropriate situations squad

Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius


INTROVERTED: scorpio, virgo, capricorn

EXTROVERTED: gemini, leo, libra, sagittarius, aquarius, aries

CAN BE BOTH BOTH: cancer, taurus, pisces

The "you better bring ya A game when you come for me" squad

Aquarius, Virgo, Libra, Cancer, and Sagittarius

The "I liked it before it was cool" squad

aquarius, virgo, pisces, taurus, capricorn, sagittarius

the “i care too much” squad:

capricorn, cancer, pisces, taurus, virgo
darkangel76 said:
These made me laugh/smile. Some make sense. But, as an Aries, I'm also verrrry introverted. Like, ridiculously so. Lol. XD

Same here! I'm very introverted, I get overly exhausted spending too much time with people and it just makes my energy deplete even more the larger the crowd around me is(I would fall asleep at a rave or in a club just from the pressure of noise and bodies all around zapping my social energy). But I do need interaction, I'm very animated, have a terrible caretaker complex at the same time as having a really big ego and liking attention, so, I do enjoy being around people. Just mostly one on one or small increments of group interaction. Like my job as a cashier, 4-6 hours a day of standing on my little stage beside the register is perfect. No need to go out that night or party. X3 Like, I flourish socially and in social situations but I really need a lot of private time to be alone and enjoy my space as well, otherwise I get irritated.
I hear you. I don't like being center stage, but I'm good at being behind the stage of things. I also have a rebellious "I don't give a fuck" streak. I'm particular about things, but it's selective. However those things I hold out! I won't want them messed with. And with people, I prefer my alone time though I need a little interaction. But very little. And the smaller the group, the better. I get anxious any time I have to meet someone new and forget it if you're trying to surprise me. You'll more than likely just end up pissing me off instead. Lol. I hate big surprises. They disrupt things and throw off my game. Little surprises are ok. You know, the kind that won't disrupt the flow of your day or impact your levels of anxiety. XD I do have a temper though. So the whole fire sign holds true. I rage quite easily but I am very logical about it. Almost too much so. But the rage tends to go along with the passion because I can get very passionate over certain things. And if those are triggered...beware! Lol!
The Signs as Mermaids

Aries:black tail shimmering red and orange, like burning coals. Can withstand great heat and lives near volcanic isles or underwater volcanoes

Taurus:eek:nly mermaids able to morph into human form. Who knows how many of them live under humans unrecognized...

Gemini:have a shark tail and a fin. Several rows of sharp teeth paired with their high speed make them dangerous hunters. Cold, calculating, and cunning

Cancer:near translucent skin and tail. Are able to melt into their background and appear to be invisible. The most successful hunter

Leo:golden, nearly indestructible tail. Live in warm areas, near the equator. Kind eyes and warm smiles make them the most popular type of mermaid

Virgo:elongated, pearly tail, shimmering in multiple colours, fanning out into a slightly translucent, silky fluke. Moves through the water slowly and gracefully

Libra:perfect skin and silky long hair. Leads sailors to their death through beautiful and hypnotizing singing voices

Scorpio:slim jet black tail. smooth scales but razor-sharp at the edges. Live in the depth of the sea and is sensitive to sunlight. Uses echolocation for orientation.

Sagittarius:slim but muscular tail built for speed. The fastest hunter reaching speeds up to 80 km/h or 50 mph

Capricorn:bioluminescent tail. Spend their nights in the shallow water gazing at the night sky

Aquarius:white tail with a bluish hue. Can withstand great cold and lives in colder regions of the sea, such as the Polar Caps and the Arctic Ocean

Pisces:beautiful tail, appearing in greens, blues, and purples. Able to talk to the sea animals. Protect the flora and fauna of the oceans
the signs + problematic things they would do as a celebrity

Aries:will pull a Natalia Kills and claim that every other celebrity is trying to steal their look

Taurus:spends 50% of their paycheck the first day they get it and then appears on TV the next day announcing their bankruptcy

Gemini:never shuts up and ends up saying some stupid shit that results in them getting dragged by the media for 100 years

Cancer:will go on social media only to rant and complain about how hard their life is as a celebrity

Leo:will pull publicity stunts 24/7 and then complain about all the attention but secretly love it

Virgo:criticizes every other celebrity in the industry and claims to be the Messiah

Libra:will preach about spreading 'love' and 'peace' but will shade other celebrities in their interviews

Scorpio:fights their own fans

Sagittarius:'accidentally' leaks their own nudes

Capricorn:will whine whenever they feel that they are not being appreciated for their 'art'

Aquarius:publicly claims to know all the governments secrets

Pisces:will show up late to all their scheduled appearances
The Signs' Wings

Aries:feathery white wings, heavenly angels, even if they keep thinking they are not

Taurus:translucent, seemingly fragile fairy wings, yet they are unbreakable, they glitter in all colors of the rainbow whenever the light catches on them

Gemini:mismatching wings, one of them is made of soft green leaves and new shoots, the other is a skeleton-like network of burned branches and tiny flames, they are both life and death

Cancer:feathery wings more colorful than the most beautiful parrots, they all come in different patterns and colors, every single one of them unique

Leo:a burst of orange, growing more intense towards the inside and fainting to white towards the outside of the wings. Some are said to fade to black

Virgo:enormous feathery eagle-like wings, having a wing span of nearly 5 meters or 17 feet. Colours range from cream to dark brown. They are built for speed and agility, making them graceful flyers

Libra:scaly, huge dragon like wings, usually in bright fluroscent colors to signal danger, fast flyers

Scorpio:small, black, bat-like wings, leathery to the touch and fitted with three claws at the top, despite their size they are incredibly strong

Sagittaurus:wings made out of pure fire, constantly flickering and emitting a warm glow, these wings can grow, but be careful as to not extinguish them

Capricorn:made out of pure smoke, these wings can be concealed easily, yet the smoke cannot be blown away, only if the willpower of a Capricorn is broken

Aquarius:wings made out of water or other liquids, there have been extremely rare sightings of oil wings and softdrink wings

Pisces:eek:h i cannot even begin to describe the beauty of the wings a Pisces has, i would not be able to capture all the detail and intricate designs they have - yet stay away from the forest

the signs as candy

aries:trail mix
taurus:reese's peanutbutter cup
gemini:bubble gum
cancer:a lollipop
leo:ring pop
libra:candy hearts
scorpio:hot tamales
sagittarius:pop rocks
capricorn:jelly bellies
aquarius:sourpatch kids
pisces:pixie sticks
Now to get a commissioned painting of myself with bright orange wings and a golden fish tail with my fingers bedecked in ring pops. Post it every chance I get and then complain about everyone commenting about it while constantly hitting F5.
lol, heartless. XD

The signs locked in a closet together

aries: ok i know how we can get out of here. *everyone listens* wait never mind i forgot.

taurus: my claustrophobia is so real rn. *almost faints*

gemini: only talk if you’re holding the talking stick!!! *is holding a random stick that came out of no where*

cancer: *curled into a tiny ball on the floor* this is it. we’re all going to die in here.

leo: someone bust down the door. *makes no effort to try themselves*

virgo: we’ll be fine! help is probably on it’s way. just everybody stay calm. *has a panic attack*

libra: maybe we should all introduce ourselves and get to know each other! *notices no one is listening to them* ok never mind.

scorpio: am i the only one that’s turned on right now? *bites lip*

sagittarius: *can’t be still and keeps elbowing people* sorry. sorry! omg sorry. my bad. sorry!

capricorn: is this what hell is like? *glares at everyone and impatiently taps their foot*

aquarius: wait what if we’re all part of a social science experiment right now? *looks for hidden cameras*

pisces: can we play like truth or dare or something i’m bored. *rests arm on someone’s shoulder*
The signs as mythical creatures

Aries: Son\daughter of demons. Darkly attractive, menacing smiles. Good at feigning innocence and inciting sympathy, just to lure people into their trap.

Taurus: a star bound to a human body. Very soft and beautiful, although intimidating. Protective of the people they love.

Gemini: Kind of like a ghost, in the form of a small child. Emits a golden glow. An omen of death.

Cancer: A protecter the earth. Brings good weather. Tall, plain but beautiful, flowers in their hair, and sparkling light eyes.

Leo: Were”animal”. In human form, dark skin, knowing eyes, slender. In animal form, can be any animal necessary for survival, has a natural instinct for escape. Protecter of the greater good.

Virgo: A muse a sorts. Appearance will change to fit whatever will inspire the artist. Immortal. All knowing.

Libra: All the force of a hurricane in one human body. Dark skin, eyes so dark they are almost black. Beautiful but unapproachable, has a bad temper.

Scorpio: A spirit which possesses the essence of evil. Only appears at night, long flowing hair. Is arguably a good person, for they only use their powers on those who get away with terrible crimes.

Sagittarius: A Banshee. An omen of death. The most beautiful of them all, and the most tragic. Can make the strongest of men fall to their knees and weep.

Capricorn: A guardian angel in a human form. Eternal youth, skilled healer. In action their eyes turn a light pink colour and their skin is so pale it can appear transparent.

Aquarius: Looks like a mermaid, sings like a siren, kills like a demon. Striking, but the most deadly. Appearance differs, but is predominantly green eyes and blonde hair.

Pisces: A God/Goddess of seduction. Very attractive and intoxicating, created to find unfaithful men to be doomed to hell. Tall, mysterious.

the signs as bedroom themes

Aries - everything is dark and black
Taurus - there isn’t a theme, it’s just a mess
Gemini - tried to be cool but there’s actually fandom posters everywhere sorry
Cancer - posters of their favorite bands and singers, the room is kept neat and they never seem to have dirty laundry somehow
Leo - light pink, has christmas lights like all those tumblr rooms
Virgo - pastel colors
Libra - messy except they have a TV and laptop that they’re always on and there’s a tiny clear space by those
Scorpio - neat room with space and galaxy stuff, like the bedspread
Sagittarius - hangs pictures of their friends everywhere
Capricorn - everything is white and clean
Aquarius - blue
Pisces - underwater, beach, fishes
The signs as Norse Gods

Aries - Odin; wisdom, war, magic, leadership

Taurus - Frigg; marriage, childbirth, family, trust

Gemini - Heimdal; keenness, security, loyality, endurance

Cancer - Freyr; productivity, weather, control, balance

Leo - Thor; thunder, protection, passion, power

Virgo - Njord; wealth, navigation, generosity, trade

Libra - Freya; witchcraft, love, battle, emotions

Scorpio - Hel; death, originality, independence, ruler

Sagittarius - Loki; mischief, fire, freedom, intelligence

Capricorn - Tyr; bravery, combat, glory, justice

Aquarius - Idun; youth, life, fertility, nature

Pisces - Balder; light, joy, innocence, reconciliation
type to be all like 'omg I hate drama' and then start somethin within the next 5 minutes

Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Pisces

(doubly worse because I'm Leo cusp Virgo; so either way, this is me >,<)
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