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Eric couldn't help but grin mischeviously a bit when Selena glared at him.

"I'll uh... I'll go out back with Zach." Eric said, excusing himself.

He threaded his way through the house to the backyard, stopping for a beer from the cooler, giving a wave to his boss

"So you & Cleo..."




"Work an issue?"



They were both content to grill & sip on their beers, until the women's screech shattered their silence.

"What do you think that was?"

Eric shrugged, even though he was relatively sure knew the answer.
Cleo and Selena finally made it down, although the hickey was plainly visible for Zach to see. Cleo glared and Eric once before the two ladies went into the kitchen to grab some wine and a couple plates. The couple had decided to eat on the spacious deck, since it was still nice out.
Sitting down, Cleo said, "My boys would have loved coming tonight."
"How are they? Last time I saw them Captain was still a pup!"
"Oh, they've grown, he's still growing. Sarge keeps him in line though."
Selena laughed and then turned her attention to Eric. "Soooo..." her eyes were trained on him, that of his girl's best friend, a penetrating stare that would make even the best squirm in their seats.
"Be nice love. Cleo, what happened to your neck?" Zach said, interrupting the silence. Cleo blushed a dusty pink glaring at Eric before answering, "Ask the caveman over here..."
At Cleo's redirect, it was Eric's turn to blush.

"Well uh, Cleo and I were just having a little fun is all." Eric said, grinning sheepishly & taking Cleo's hand and giving it a squeeze.
"I mean, not that it's only about fun. Cleo is... she's important to me. Always has been. I just kinda needed a kick in the ass to see how important." he said with a smile.
"Awwwwww." Selena teased before smirking at her husband. Zach rolled his eyes at his wife and smiled at Eric. Cleo grinned at his face before saying, "You needed more than a kick babe. You needed shock therapy."
"Which I'm happy to say worked, huh Eric?" Selena said as she poked Zach to check the steaks. Zach stood up, and when he cam back said, "All right Cleo, what are your intentions with my boy?"
"I intend to make this permanent. If he'll have me." Cleo said as the group laughed. She winked at Eric and shifted positions, nearly jumping when her clit ring was squeezed and proceeded to vibrate against her. She had climaxed enough times today, and so was overly sensitive to any stimulations.
"Permanent would be wonderful. But all things in time, right doll?" he said, giving her hand another squeeze.

He saw her jerk slightly when she repositioned, having a pretty good idea of what had happened, and gave her a knowing smirk. Hopefully the steaks would be ready soon; he'd worked up quite an appetite during the day, and he was sure Cleo had too.

"I don't plan on giving up Cleo anytime soon. Not willingly anyway."
Cleo smiled at him and as Zach served the steaks, blew him a kiss. Over the course of the evening, they talked, teased, and laughed, enjoying themselves thoroughly. Selena excused herself from the table, and headed inside to get dessert, which Cleo stood to help her with.

"You two are so cute... have you two had your first fight yet?"
"No... not yet. It's weird, and I expect it to happen soon, since we're such different personalities..."
"I can tell you, the make-up sex is bound to be worth it!"
The two women laughed as they carried the dessert, and a carafe of coffee out to their men.
With the girls getting desert, the men were left alone again for a few minutes.

"So, you ready for your op?" Zach questioned, although it wasn't really what he was asking.

Eric shrugged.

"As ready as I can be. It should be a milk run, at least that's what I told Cleo. Frankly, I have concerns. That whole country is a powder leg stuck between two infernos, and it doesn't matter if I'm there to teach or to kill imams. If I'm there when it kicks off, I'll be stuck in the middle."

"Yeah, it's a delicate situation. However, we do have other assets in the area, and if something does happen, this country has a vested interest in maintaining peace there. You won't be alone out there."

"Thanks. And do me a favor, don't mention it to Cleo. It won't make any difference for her, and I don't want her to worry about stuff that may never happen."

"Not a problem. I'm also authorizing full kit for the mission, just in case. Hopefully you won't need it."

"Thanks. So, what's on tap for the rest of the night?"

"I dunno. I let my better half manage that. I just grill." Zach said with a smirk.

"Good call." Eric replied, finishing his beer.
Cleo and Selena walked back out, and sat down. Selena heard the last bit of their conversation and said, "The imports are in the top cooler Eric." Cleo chuckled as she cut a piece of rum cake for herself and started eating it.

An hour later, Cleo yawned, and curled into Eric's side. Selena smirked and said, "It's late enough. Go home. Eric has his op in the morning, you two need your sleep." Cleo nodded and stood. They said their good byes, the women exchanging hugs and kisses before Cleo followed Eric out to the car. She was so wiped out and drained, that she fell asleep in the passenger's seat of the car.
Eric had another beer & some cake, being careful to pace himself on his drinking since he was driving. The two couples relaxed and chatted and the night seemed to just fly by. He was getting tired too, although he didn't realize it until his girl cuddled up against him. The party broke up, and Eric helped Cleo out to his vehicle, giving the sleep woman a hand getting in and drove the short distance to Cleo's apartment. Eric didn't bother waking her, instead gently picking her up & carrying her, gently fishing for her pocket for her keys, accidentally setting off her piercing for a second.

Sarge & Cap were both just inside the door, staring at Eric as he carried their mommy in, still not happy to have him intruding in their territory.

"Come on doll, let's get ready for bed. I'm exhausted."

They'd never expressly talked about them moving in together, and he didn't necessarily consider them 'moved in', but he also wanted to spend as much time as he could with her, like he figured she did. And if they were gonna hang out at one of their places, it would Cleo's since it was significantly larger & nicer than his.
The piercings vibrating was what woke her and she jumped within his arms, before relaxing into him again. Sarge and Captain stared at the intruder, trying to decide if they should attack or not. Cleo murmured to them and both dogs relaxed as well. They followed Eric into the bedroom, but took to their beds as Cleo lay back against the bed. She was so tired that she simply undressed over the covers, throwing her clothes onto the floor, not caring where they landed. Her skirt landed on Captain's head, who sat up shocked, the skirt covering half his face. He shook it off and lay back down. Cleo, now naked, began to unscrew her clit ring, taking it off gently, wincing as her sensitive skin throbbed, placing the ring in a small dish on her bedside table before snuggling under the covers, her hand drifting to the side, as if searching for something, or... someOne. She moved relentlessly, trying to find him so she could settle down to sleep.

She finally awoke sleepily, "Ewric? Wheeeere aar ya?" She asked, not quite awake.
Eric had just finished getting undressed, feeling almost as tired as she was. He heard her mutter for him, and then the bed moved slightly as he crawled in next to her.

"Right here doll." Eric whispered in her ear

He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close, holding her against him as he started to drift away.
Cleo took a deep breath, cuddled into Eric's side and fell asleep. Her dreams were punctuated with nightmares, all of them ending exactly the same way, with Eric being ripped from her hands as she screamed for him. As such, she did NOT sleep well.

The next morning, Cleo lay against Eric, awake already, the beginnings of shadows under her eyes. She lay quietly, knowing Eric needed his sleep. If anything, she would drop him off, then come back for a couple hours of sleep while he flew. She wasn't in the best of moods, when the seven o'clock alarm began ringing. She reached over and shut it off before it blasted the air too badly. She lay back down, her hands cradling her head on his chest as she looked at him, waiting for him to wake up.
"Yeah. Just didn't sleep well, that's all." She yawned at the end of her statement and snuggled into him, pressing closer to cuddle. A couple minutes passed before she felt some one ruffling under the blankets at the bottom of the bed. She sat up and jolted as she felt a cold wet nose on the bottom of her feet. "Captain!" She pulled her legs up as Captain's nose found it's way onto Eric's foot, licking him as Captain crawled under the blankets towards them. The only thing they could see of the dog was his tail, which was wagging away.
Eric chuckled at her response to the dog, until the cold wet nose went to his foot, at which point his legs came up to his chest too.

"Momma's little mood killer, huh? Lemme get in a quick shower, then we can do breakfast, okay?"

It didn't take him long to clean up, about five minutes, doing everything but shaving his face, letting the stubble grow out a bit. He came out & dressed in a fresh set of clothes, then took Cleo by the hand & led her to her kitchen. He had a bit of time before he needed to leave; not a whole lot, but enough that he wouldn't have to rush this morning. Which was good; it would be their first time apart & their first time working a mission as a couple, and he wanted it to work out. He fried up some eggs, bacon & sausages; not the healthiest meal, but he'd be burning a lot of calories training those guys, so he figured it would be alright to splurge. He divvied up equal portions for him & for Cleo, making small talk as they ate. Eric was just finishing up when he paused for a second.

"Hey doll, could you do me a favor while I'm out?"
Cleo simply dressed in warm clothes, tight fitting jeans, and a black silk tank top. She allowed Eric to lead her to the kitchen, and while they ate, spoke quietly to him. At his request she looked up at him, "What is it babe?"

Captain and Sarge were eating their own breakfast, and generally ignoring the two humans. Sarge lay next to her after he finished, his head laying on her small feet.
Cleo looked at him, her head tilted. She couldn't believe what he had just asked her. Sarge's head lifted, at the sudden tenseness in her body. "I'm sorry, I must not have understood you well... what?" Her voice was quiet, a sweetness to it that overlaid the terse question underneath.

Captain, hearing his mistress' voice, made a quick exit into the living room, while Sarge lay closer to her, his ears perked.
Eric closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath. She knew he disliked repeating himself.

"I just don't think a corset, the worlds smallest skirt & the world's highest heels is a good outfit to wear in an office full of men when your boyfriend is halfway across the world. Doll."

His tone was icy, and the emphasis he'd put on the last syllable told her exactly how he felt at the moment.
Cleo smiled, although it was not a nice one. "Babe, you really think that dressing frumpy is going to make any difference?" Her own words were coated with a layer of ice as she said them. Her eyes narrowed, although not into a complete glare, as she stood and picked up their plates to wash them in the sink.

She needed to do something with her hands, or she would strangle him. She turned away from him, showing him her back as she turned on the water, knowing how that would annoy him. She herself was annoyed with him, more than annoyed if she was honest with herself.
Eric sneered at her as she turned away. He hated talking to her back. So he decided he wouldn't. Without a word, he stood, and walked out to his vehicle, already packed the afternoon before, and simply drove to work. He saw it as getting the last word in. Not literally though of course. He arrived a bit early, and parked his vehicle in the secure lot. He didn't particularly like doing that, which was why Cleo usually picked him up, but right now he was pissed & just wanted away. He wasn't really angry that they were fighting; frankly he thought they were overdue. He was pissed that it was over something so small. And that Cleo was making such a big deal out of such a reasonable request.

He checked in at HQ, drew the gear he'd need, changed into his uniform for the op, a set of multicams, and turned off his phone, leaving it in his locker. Within minutes he was on the C-17, leaving ahead of schedule.
Cleo heard the door close and growled out as she turned around to face the empty room. Sarge whined at her and she grabbed the boys' leashes and clipped them, before stalking out the door. She saw the parking spot next to her Avalanche was empty and snarled in anger.
"He just walked out, the asshole! As if wearing my frumpy clothes now was going to do anything when everyone has already seen me!? And the ass thinks I was going to wear short mini skirts and corsets while he wasn't there!? What, do I have slutbag written across my forehead!?"

Cleo got home, unclipped her boys, and headed to work, dressed up in her tight black leggings, a sexy tunic shirt and her four inch green strap heels. She drove to work, not obeying the speed limit, and stepped into the office about ten minutes after Eric had left. She spoke to no one, walking to her office and starting her comm system. She spoke professionally to Eric, letting him know his plane was waiting and that she was going to be off line for the flight, and that she would call him when the plane was about to land. Her voice was tense, and icy cold, and she didn't wait for him to respond before saying, "And if you think I'm going to go back to being frumpy just to satisfy your huge male ego, you've never known me at all." Without waiting for him, she closed the comm link, silencing any response he would have.
When Cleo cut him off on the radio, he was pissed. So pissed that he simply switched his radio off. It wasn't on when his plane came in for a landing, and for the rest of the five day operation, it would only come on when Eric felt like it to check in. When the it came towards the end of the five day op, Eric volunteered to extend an extra three days. Without asking Cleo. A final way for him to get under her skin.

Finally the op was at an end, and Eric checked in at the airfield to fly home. In a few hours, he'd be on a plane heading home, something he was somewhat dreading.


It was just past three in the morning when Cleo got a call from Selene on her cell.

"Babe, you need to come in. Now." she said, the tone of her voice telling Cleo something was very wrong.
Cleo had been in the worst mood, snapping at people in the office, and growling under her breath when he would check in. When he offered to extend his op, three glasses were broken against the fireplace in her anger, her boys hiding under the bed in her room.

At three fifteen, she was awoken by a shrill ring on her cell phone. "Whut?"

Babe, you need to come in. Now.

"Huh? Oh okay..." Still half asleep, she didn't quite understand what was going on, and so simply got up and headed into the office. As she entered, Zach met her at the entrance, his eyes full of worry. She took one look at him and knew...

Call it woman's intuition. Call it a bond of love. Call it whatever, she immediately knew something had gone wrong.

"What happened? Is Eric okay? Did something happen to his plane?" The last time he had checked in, he was getting ready to leave. They had exchanged... words... and she was ashamed to say she had told him to take a taxi home...
Her eyes searched Zach's, hoping for good news.
From the second she walked in, she knew something was wrong; something big, bigger than just Eric. Every agent, both field & support was there. The ops board was lit up like a Christmas tree, and the overflow terminals, stations shed never seen in use, were fully manned. Both Zach and Selene were scurrying all over, although Zach managed to take a minute for Cleo.

"Cleo, ISIS made a play for Lebanon. It's not good; gun battles in the streets, firebombs thrown at embassies, bombings, all of it. They kicked it off with a bunch of targeted VBIEDs. One went off at the military airfield Eric was at, just outside the passenger terminal. We... we don't have anything one way or the other on him. His gear isn't sending telemetry, but he's had it off most of the time, so that's not significant. We have a lot of assets in the area we don't know the disposition of; Eric's just the tip of the stick. I've gotta go Cleo. Get to a terminal and see if you can help out." he hadn't meant to be curt, but it was a stressful & busy time for him and he had things he needed to manage.
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