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Demonizing an Angel *(Silvana | Areawin)

Sitting in a chair near a window, Crimson hues gazed out the window. Restless. The day having passed slowly for the girl. How much longer could she tolerate simply sitting here, doing nothing- as Keiran ran about tending to his special play-thing? While Adriel did the same just across town?

In frustration, Mina stood. Moving for the door of her room as she threw it open, none too surprised to be almost instantly greeted by Shiori, "Oh, hello, Mina-"

"Shut up." The red head shoved by her, moving down the hall as the girl chased after her, "Mina...?"

Ah. So her father had set Shiori as his watch dog, it seemed. It would have been cute, but as Mina's patience rapidly faded away, so did her tolerance for the demon nipping at her heels- as if Shiori could possibly do anything to stop Mina from leaving. Heading down the stairs, Shiori chased her, "Mina. Mina, stop. You shouldn't-"

As the red head reached the bottom of the steps, she turned on Shiori, "I shouldn't what?" She snapped, shoving the girl backwards so that Shiori promptly lost her balance, landing hard on her rump against the stairs, black hues clashing with crimson coldly as Mina continued to speak, "I'm growing tired of people trying to control me." The words came as a hiss, and Shiori quickly scrambled backwards further up the stairs as flames erupted to life where she had been sitting seconds before, eyes having grown wide at the obvious threat, "Mina- It's not like that-"

"Then tell me how it is." Lowering her hand, those flames flickered out as quickly as they had sparked to life as her fingers clenched into a tight fist at her side, "My father has kept his leash tight on me for most of my life. To 'protect' me, yet, he's never around to be seen. That leash has grown even tighter the last few days, and I want to know why." Silence settled between the two until eventually, Shiori let out a sigh, "I don't fucking know, Mina." She finally answered, pushing herself back up to her feet, meeting those angry eyes that were fixated upon her. Unwavering and cold. Had she not known Mina better, Shiori might have actually considered being afraid.

"You're lying." Without another word, Mina turned, heading out of the hotel completely as she left Shiori behind. Onyx orbs watching her go, even following her a short ways down the street outside until Mina vanished from sight all together.



Abigor was here.

Even though he hadn't set eyes upon the demon, Adriel could sense him as clear as day. The angel growing tense upon his perch, having taken to the rooftops once again as the day had worn on. Why here...? Though curiosity pricked at him, he refrained from giving into the urge to investigate. Having absolutely no desire to come in contact with the demon. The few brush-ins with him that he had already had was more than enough for the blood-stained angel.

A massive wing coiling around himself as he leaned back from the edge, resting his back against the wall behind him. Adriel having settled upon a ledge, just out of human sight.

Was he here because of the Valkyrie?

Most likely. Even Adriel himself lingered because of her, being fascinated by those lovely white wings. While the company of demons was to always be regarded with caution, he had absolutely no idea how to approach the Valkyrie. Simply having a single desire to be closer to her. Closing his eyes a moment as he pondered the current events.

Eyes that quickly snapped open when a even more familiar presence made itself known to him.

Of all the possible timing- why did that girl have to pick NOW to venture out into the city? Without a thought, he moved, jumping off the ledge.

"What are you doing here?!"

Mina didn't even flinch as crimson wings made themselves known. A blur of red falling from above into the space just in front of her in the alleyway that she had ventured into. Adriel having picked a location just off the main streets where people wouldn't see- but still close enough that he could keep an eye on what was going on with Leghadema and Damien. Not that Mina cared or knew. Her interest being more self-centered. Crimson clashing against crimson as she stepped forwards, "I want to know what the fuck is going on. What are you hiding from me?"

As those wings folded back- six total, Adriel seemed caught off guard by her aggression, back stepping as she boldly approached him, catching hold of his shirt and shoving him, "You're keeping something from me, and I want to know what it is." She hissed, "You, and Shiori... even Damien."

The girl was naive at times, but Mina was hardly stupid. She hadn't failed to see how Damien had been quick to hide that drawing of that man. That face almost seeming to haunt her dreams. Familiar, yet strange to her, "What happened while I was blacked out?" Another question. Her gaze narrowing dangerously towards him, "TELL ME. I NEED TO KNOW!" She snapped, shoving him a second time, but this time, Adriel reacted, catching her wrist and with another motion, slammed her against the alley wall, hard enough that the brick cracked, "Go back to the hotel, Mina."

Adriel's tone was low, dangerous.

"I will explain everything later. Now is hardly the time."

Even with Abigor occupied with other affairs, Just the thought of Mina being anywhere near the same proximity as the demon after what had happened in Silennia's apartment was enough to send Adriel over the edge, frustration with the girl growing stronger the more he tried to keep her safe. Why was this child of his so prone to danger? Why did she insist upon being so stubborn? So angry, so-

So much like himself.

"Dammit Mina, I'm trying to protect you! Never mind the damn reason!" He abruptly snapped, letting her go, not even surprised when she slammed her fist against his chest, "FROM WHAT? I fucked up once with some vampires and now you feel the need to suffocate me with 'protection'?!-"

Without another word, Adriel caught a handful of her hair, throwing her across the alleyway, "Go, then." He growled, "Go. Go anywhere. Anywhere but right here."
"Will she die?" Abigor's question was blunt and to the point. There was no amusement in his eyes or expression whatsoever. Looking rather serious about what was going on.

Leghadema turned tired, agonized sapphire pools upwards toward the demon. He looked the exact same as he did all of those years ago. Then again, so did she. It was strange how she'd began to fall for a man. No, not a man.

A demon.

Specifically, a Prince of Hell. One of the seven. They were known by other names: the seven horsemen. Typically there were four, but she knew better. There were seven horsemen and four fates. Funny how the humans seemed to get it wrong. All because of a silly little book. There were so many interpretations of demons and angels, among other things, that the Valkyrie couldn't even remember which one it was that specified there were only four horsemen.

They each indirectly represented a sin.

The Valkyrie wanted nothing more than to stretch her wings out, but she was still wrapped tightly in the blanket. There was nothing that she could do to defend herself against Abigor even if she was at full strength. The skin beneath her eyes sagged slightly and looked discolored from obvious stress. "I have no idea," she replied quietly.

Abigor made himself comfortable in Damien's chair across from Leghadema; Damien simply standing next to the couch, looking rather uncomfortable. There was nothing he would be able to do against a being as powerful as the one in his presence now.

"You Valkyrie have your own trials, do you not?" Abigor questioned lightly. Tapping his fingers against the leather arm of the chair.

"In a way," Leghadema replied. "She has her wings. But there has never been a dark Swan Maiden before. It isn't... possible for us to become evil. We have anger just like any other being does, but we do not kill without sense. We do not make threats toward others or play with the lives of those beneath us." She looked at him accusingly now, only causing the corner of his mouth to twitch upwards.

"Black wings," he specified lightly. "Beautiful, aren't they?"

It all seemed rather odd, the way both of them knew what was happening to Silennia. Every second, they could look in. During these 'trials' of which they spoke, Leghadema could sense Silennia's every stress or emotion. She could block it out unless it was something more pure than anything else on the earth: Pain.

Until the trials were over, Leghadema would be a part of Silennia that the girl was completely unaware of.

The Valkyrie's hand slipped to a pendant around her neck that was tucked into her shirt. She pulled it out to reveal a long, white feather; looking miraculously untouched or disheveled. Her fingers wrapped around it as if it were her life line; the only thing keeping her attached to the ground. "It was still white," she murmured. "Silennia's."

"Which means..?"

There was a pause, and Leghadema smiled to herself. "That you won't ever have her. Not fully."

Abigor stood suddenly and loomed over her dangerously. Black shadows began to dance around him and flicker throughout the room, crawling across the floor and up the walls. Even darker eyes glittered and lips parted to reveal double-fanged teeth very much like Silennia's. "She's my daughter," he hissed. "There will always be a part of me within her. A part that she can never escape. You'll do well to remember that, Leghadema."

She'd clearly irritated him, but he knew that his own laws did not allow him to lay a hand on her. Even the thought of it was so forbidden that his own shadows began to wrap around him until they slowly died out, and he calmly sat down once more.

Leghadema continued, "The fact that the wings didn't kill her mean she's stronger than either of us anticipated." A blunt statement, sounding empty, although she felt pride for her estranged daughter. "The fight with that filth proved that even further. The mother of... what's his name? Kennedy?"

Abigor squinted a bit. "Kyle?"

"Keiran." Damien muttered the name, causing Abigor to smile.

"You've been doing research, haven't you?" he asked Damien. "What can you tell me?"

The question was... rather insane. All Damien had were things recorded in books about Abigor. Surely the demon would know more about this than himself.

"Amuse me," he encouraged further. That smile turned suddenly dark.


"No," he stated, cutting off Leghadema, who had spoken up against the odd request. "I want to hear it. Who knows?" A pause. "I do not like to be kept waiting."

Damien shifted uncomfortably and sat down next to the Valkyrie. "I have a hunch," he stated quietly, which recieved a welcoming look from Abigor, who sat back in his chair and crossed one leg over the other, seeming curious, or at least interested. "You're a high-ranking demon. It's why your offspring with other demons and humans end up dying so soon. Silennia has been the oldest by far to stay alive this long. And now, she's completed the first-- second," he clarified, "trial. A child between a Valkyrie and a demon has never happened before. There's a large chance that the only reason she's alive is because her blood won't let her die."

Abigor blinked and raised an eyebrow. Obvious confusion.

"Her blood is battling every second of every hour. The demon against the Valkyrie. White against black. Similar to the way a person's body shuts down completely although the brain is completely active and strong. Just... opposite. Her body is worn down and she's tired. There's probably a part of her that wants to die. But her blood will not let her. It's stronger than it's ever been before, and now it's trying to... pick a side, if you will."

"What happens when one side chooses over the other?" Abigor questioned.

Damien hesitated, and glanced sideways toward Leghadema. She specifically looked away.

"That's what isn't making sense. Her body isn't choosing a side. It's merging bloods instead. Which--"

"--has never happened before," Abigor finished. "So truthfully we don't have the faintest clue as to whether or not she'll live until after her trials."

Damien nodded.

Abigor stood. "That's all I came for." He sensed something nearby; something that caused him to grin and laugh at beneath his breath. Using a finger to lift Leghadema's chin upwards before bending down to kiss her lightly on the lips, causing her to bite toward his face and glare with a most menacing look. "Ah, love, hate is so beautiful on you." He turned, throwing a simple, "Don't go anywhere," over his shoulder.

Before he got to the door, those black shadows began to swallow him up until there was nothing there but small wisps fading out. Appearing mere feet from where Adriel and Mina were fighting. "Problem?" His voice and expression both were completely innocent, dragging black eyes from Adriel to Mina.
Mina staggered slightly, the angel having just slung her across the alleyway by her hair, letting loose a infuriated snarl as she turned on Adriel, flames dancing about her, "That's it?!" She hissed, "Just, 'Go'?" Without warning, that black mist that spawned around her, seemingly from nothing, shifted, solidifying into blackened tendrils that snaked up around Adriel's feet and around his legs, others catching his arms, tightening as their color shifted from black to a searing hot red, causing Adriel to hiss slightly as they burned straight through his clothing and into his flesh. Wings having extended from Mina's back, a single set of feathered wings that were much smaller in comparison to the wings of the fallen angel who had sired her, yet, their feathers were dyed the same blood-red hue.

"ENOUGH." He snapped out, tearing one of his arms free, a burst of his own energy dispelling Mina's, having no desire to harm her, but her aggression towards him was making her increasingly difficult to handle. That burst of raw power being enough to knock her back several paces, her wings fanning at the air slightly to catch her balance as Adriel met her gaze, "You may be my favored child, but never forget even for a instant who I am, Mina." He stepped towards her, the whites of his eyes slowly bleeding darker, until a deeper red than the iris had taken to them, almost black in hue, "Think twice before you try to turn on me, my little one." His tone almost pleading with her, those burns on his skin already rapidly healing.

The two at a stand-still as they glared at one another.

Though, abruptly, Adriel grew stiff. A chill tearing through his veins as suddenly, he realized that Abigor's location had shifted. Feeling that presence abruptly change locations before he ever even actually set eyes upon the demon.

Mina freezing in place as she too sensed it.

From where she was standing, Abigor had appeared behind her, Adriel on the other side. The hair standing up on the back of the succubi's neck as slowly as her head turned. Those red wings still exposed as she turned towards the demon. Crimson hues widening slowly with recognition.

It was HIM.

The man from the drawing, the one that she had been catching glimpses of in her dreams. It was him in the flesh, right there before her.

The word escaped her in a near gasp, as if she had seen a ghost, red hues studying in that deceptively beautiful face. Coming to rest upon those black hues that she could easily drown in... Her pulse quickening as she felt a overwhelming need to approach him begin to blossom within her core. Wanting nothing more than to flock to him and wrap herself in his arms- a compulsive desire that frightened her, her eyes still wide as she looked him over a second time, having unconsciously stepped towards him, the next words escaping her in a whisper, You... who are-"

Before she could even get the words out of her mouth, Adriel had closed that distance between them, grabbing her arm and violently pulling her away from the demon, shoving her back behind him as those crimson wings spread out fully in a protective motion, completely shielding Mina from view behind a sea of blood-stained feathers, glaring at Abigor with what could only be described as hate, "This doesn't concern the likes of you."
Leghadema pulled the blanket from around her, allowing white wings to reveal themselves and fold themselves protectively over herself. She was still playing with the feather around her neck, using her fingers to fray it a bit, although it slowly went back to looking perfect and delicate. She'd been through hell -- literally -- and it remained undamaged.

"What is that?" Damien's voice came softly from next to her, and she allowed one of her wings to droop a bit so that she could see him.

"Every Valkyrie's first feather falls," she murmured. "We never know when it will, or how we even know that it is the first feather. But it is. It's a reminder of what we are and what we do. How delicate we look but how strong we can be." Again she ran her finger over it, backwards this time, so that the feather frayed and parted, but it adjusted itself without any help from her until it looked to be in perfect condition once more.

Damien stood and went to the kitchen, where he placed a tea kettle filled with water on the stove to boil. "Why do you still have it?"

There was no real answer to the question. Not one that she could form into words properly. She managed with, "It keeps us rooted," and left it at that.


Abigor wore a concerned expression, although it broke immediately when Mina took that singular step toward him. An almost cruel smile forming on his lips, adorned with black eyes squinted slightly in amusement. "That's truly no way to treat your daughter," he sighed. Tisking in disapproval as he shook his head; black meeting crimson dangerously. "Tell her why you're keeping her locked up. Her precious fillius nullius father." He laughed, and took a bold step forward. Black eyes glittered. "Veni, vidi, vici, my brother. And you won't be getting her back. Children, damnant quodnon intelligunt."

His gaze turned from Adriel's eyes to those magnificent wings. The blood-dyed angel, forever reminded of the brethren he'd slaughtered by being marked with the terrible red color. A story as old as time itself it seemed, yet still fresh.
Rage was coursing hot through his veins, blacking out rational thought as that familiar sensation of wrath built within him with every spoken word that slipped off that demon's tongue. How familiar indeed. This anger that boiled in his blood... Remembering with haunting clarity the first time he'd ever let it take over.

Yes... that first time, before he'd been cast from the heavens.

There had been so much blood... so bright... so red. A color that he had loathed upon first sight. How he had hated it, yet, at the same time, it was strangely beautiful to him. A splash of color he had never seen before among the white and gold hues he'd been so accustomed to.

How frightened he had been, that innocent version of himself. How he had trembled, seeing his hands soaked in blood. A brother for whom his anger had not been meant for, killed so quickly in the heat of the moment that the angel had not been able to try and repair what damage had been wrought upon him.

Adriel had struck out at one who had turned wicked, spewing poisoned words into the ears of any who would listen. Seeking to drag as many with him as possible, breeding those tainted thoughts in the six-winged angel until finally it manifested as rage. Adriel's temper snapping. Seeking to strike down the one who tempted him relentlessly, only to have a brother angel try to stop him.

He had wept over that bleeding corpse. Helpless to do anything.

Never had his intentions been to kill... A simple accident... but accident or not, it had turned into a outright blood bath as lingering anguish shifted into pure rage. Intoxicated with the new sensation, a desire burning in him so hot that all he could think of at the time was making the one responsible for his mistake pay dearly.

Adriel killed. Again, and again. Any who tried to stop him. Losing himself completely to that wrath as he let it take over, forgetting his original motive as he became intoxicated completely. It had been exhilarating. Thrilling. A new sensation all together. He'd loved it, all the way to the end. Killed until he had been soaked in blood from head to toe. Until judgement had been cast upon him. Him, and the others who had been defiled just the same.

Yet, his wings never turned black. Never darkened like many of the other fallen angels. He didn't lose his feathers. No, instead, his remained red. Forever stained as a bitter reminder of what he had done as he had come back to his senses.

Snapping back to the present as his lip curled back, as that same accusation that Mina had made towards him was spoken a second time off from Abigor's lips. That accusation of chaining her. Controlling her. Crimson hues burning into black, those last words being too much for him to contain his temper any longer, "You won't lay a single finger upon her." Words that escaped him in a snarl, as those wings struck at the air, abruptly launching himself directly at Abigor, abandoning any all sense of logic. Clawed hands going straight for the demon's chest and throat, the tips of his fingers glowing a hot red.

Leaving Mina unshielded to witness what was about to happen between the two.
Truth be told, Mina was nothing more than a pleasant idea to Abigor by this point. A game to him to play so that he could relieve a bit of boredom as he waited. But now there was something else, something he hadn't quite anticipated.

Adriel hated the idea of him being anywhere near the crimson-haired succubus. How far would he go to be sure of just that?

Within seconds, Abigor understood that Adriel was willing to take it very far. Black eyes flickering toward the first movement of those large wings, though he didn't get out of the way fast enough before Adriel landed on top of him. Fingers of hot ember grazing the skin underneath the clothing over Abigor's chest and throat; doing more damage to his chest than anything else. It was just a few more seconds before the demon was up again, however; shoving Adriel forcefully away from him.

Wings flaring up behind him. The force of them was powerful enough to move a dumping bin just down the alley

They were enormous, and his overall stature grew as they revealed themselves. Strangely shifting until he stood at nearly seven feet; large enough so that the wings didn't look so overwhelming on him. His teeth were the same as Silennia's, with a double set of fangs on top and a singular set on the bottom; however, his were long. Talon-like claws grew and curled slightly from his fingertips; a glaring black in color.

The set of wings that arched behind him were threaded with bits of silver. When the light hit his feathers just right, they reflected back a dark shade of crimson. Shadows seemed to emanate directly from below him, slithering up through the ground until they coated him in a way that a human would have to squint in order to fully see him. Long black hair was tied at the nape of his neck. Burns and puncture-wounds from Adriel already healing up as he took a step forward and loomed over the fallen angel.

He did not strike back. It was bright outside, and although they were in an alley, there was too much to risk. Typically he wouldn't have cared about those seeing him. It was easy enough to distort their minds into not remembering, or thinking it was something different. It just didn't seem to be worth the effort.

Abigor's gaze flickered to Mina momentarily, curious as to what she would do. Instinctively, from their first 'meeting', she would be drawn to him. However, Adriel was her father. In the same point, Adriel was suffocating his daughter; not even bothering to tell her why. He knew all too well how that can make a child turn cold and resentful. The corner of his mouth twitched upwards, dragging his gaze back to the angel.
Mina had moved to her feet quickly, having been dragged right off of them earlier when Adriel had thrown her back behind him, tensing as she became uncertain of what she should do. Conflicted as a more logical part of her wanted to flee, but something else held her in place. Her flesh craving that overwhelming presence that choked the air. That dark energy thickening in the air as Adriel was thrown back.

How could she possibly still be hungry at this point?
That single thought striking her as every inch of flesh screamed at her to move forwards, to submit to that overwhelming desire that struck her violently as Abigor's true form began to reveal itself. Had Mina been a lower-class succubus like some of her sisters, she would have never been able to resist such a sensation. Black specks beginning to slither across the white of one of her eyes, a physical sign of that internal battle that had stirred within her, a groan escaping through crimson-painted lips as a hand covered her left eye. As if somehow it would help in keeping a grip on herself.

With his back turned to her, Adriel stood his ground, glaring up at Abigor, nearly a entire foot shorter than the demon now. That glow still burning in the tips of the angel's hands, flames occasionally flickering into view, licking against his skin. Apart of him just as surely as the blood that flowed through his veins. Though, hearing a distressed sound, his head turned slightly, not even getting to look back completely towards Mina as abruptly, blackened tendrils of her own slithered across the ground, stronger this time as they wrapped around him, forcing his wings down against his body and binding them there as he was snatched off his feet, thrown against the side of alleyway, leaving him there to struggle to break free, "Mina, what the fuck are you doing?!"

Still covering her eye, she exhaled slowly, her free hand tightening into a fist as those binds squeezed tighter around Adriel in a snake-like fashion, constricting him until it forced the air from his lungs, a audible crack sounding as one of those magnificent wings of his snapped under the pressure, rendering him unable to speak. Slender pale fingers trembling, "Just... just shut up." She hissed softly, staring at the ground as she spoke.

Slowly lifting her gaze finally to look to Abigor, lowering her hand. Her left eye completely black at this point, the other nearly the same, save for a single crimson iris. Her wings folding down against her back as she looked towards her father, who still thrashed against the black tendrils that restrained him."Vermina really did a number on you." She mused softly, refusing to refer to the succubus as 'mother', that gaze softening for just a moment for her sire, before such faded away into coldness. Normally, she should have never been able to over-power Adriel in such a way, but a hundred years of Vermina sapping the angel's power had left him vulnerable now that Mina had properly fed herself.

Walking across that short distance towards Abigor as she lifted her gaze up to him. Standing only a few feet from him as she stopped. It took all of her self control to do so without losing herself, "We've met before, haven't we?"
Black pools held crimson for a time, until suddenly, Mina's own powers began flooding out from her. Binding her father, cutting off his air -- even crushing bones within those six glorious wings.

Abigor's expression didn't change, nor did his stance. Not until Mina stepped forward did his gaze soften just slightly. He began shifting again, back to what he was before, but those wings stayed out. "Little Phoenix," he sighed softly, "you weren't in a good state of mind when we first met. That overwhelming hunger..." He could see it now, in her eyes. Not the same type of hunger as before. No... this was very different.

He pressed his thumb to the side of his finger, and used it to tilt her head up toward him a bit. Taking a step closer to her, before his hand slid across her jaw and in her hair; resting his palm loosely with his fingers in her hair, while the rest of his hand remained on her cheek. A phoenix indeed.

The shadows that had encased him were now slowly reaching out to brush against her; feathering over her legs and drifting upwards until they breathed along her arms, chest and neck as well. He wasn't sure why he'd felt compelled to charm her in the first place. Possibly because of the raw desire that had raged within her upon first meeting the girl. He was attracted to powerful spirits, and Mina was an absolute wild fire.
Oh, how magnificent he was, even in this form. Watching as this creature reverted back slowly, only those massive wings remaining. Unsure of him as she found him difficult to read. Knowing she should have most likely regarded him as a threat, but the energy radiating off of him drew her to him with such intensity that the perceived threat that should have been there was forgotten. Still not having a name to attach to the face that she had become so familiarized with during the last few passing days. Meeting his gaze as he spoke, a strange sense of calm slowly creeping over her as she listened to his voice, her suspicions being correct. So she had indeed encountered him before...

Growing tense when he mentioned her hunger. Which meant only one thing to Mina. She had come across this demon while in the height of her frenzy, absolutely needing to feed... just how far had she gone...?

Was that the reason her father refused to tell her?

Mina's thoughts dispelled when she noticed his hand reach out, nearly flinching away, those crimson feathered wings flaring out for a moment before slowly relaxing once more, her head being tilted up towards him slightly.

How typical that this body would turn against her so. A slight smile tugging at the edges of her lips at the thought. It was because of the curse that she had inherited from her 'mother', wasn't it? This needy flesh that so desired this demon's touch. No... needed. Her eyes half-closing as the palm of Abigor's hand came to rest against her cheek, that demon stepping closer so that little to no space remained between them.

That last glimpse of crimson in her gaze being swallowed whole as it vanished, overcome completely as both eyes were dyed completely black.

Across the alleyway, Adriel felt those binds loosen slightly, watching the exchange between the pair. A growl sounding from him that seemed to remind the girl that he was still there. Onyx-tainted hues shifting his way abruptly as once more those tendrils tightened harshly, another snap being heard as yet another few bones cracked. He could hardly breathe, the pressure on his ribs so tight that if Mina willed it, she easily could have crushed all the bones in his body.

Surely she wouldn't go so far... would she...? Mina was unpredictable, violent. She made her decisions quickly and without warning. When she seemed satisfied that her sire had stopped struggling and trying to free himself, she shifted her attention back to Abigor, being bathed in those shadows that brushed against her. She couldn't think, those questions she had wanted to ask vanishing as her arms coiled up around his neck, her entire body shivering just slightly.

What had she wanted to ask...?


A name.

"Who are you?"

Finally asking the question she'd tried to ask before she had been interrupted by Adriel. Barely even conscious of how her body had pressed against his, her fingers absently playing in his hair from where they were coiled into it at the base of his neck. Those black hues ever lustful.
Abigor didn't turn his eyes away from the girl so close to him; wrapping an arm around her as her binds tightened around Adriel. Only smiling in response to her question. Slowly, he let his lips just barely feather against her own, until he pulled back and took a step away from her. "Musn't hurt daddy, now."

His hand made a casting motion off to the side, forcing Mina's smoke-like tendrils to loosen, and eventually, release Adriel altogether. Still he did not answer her question.

In a single, fluid motion, he was pressed against her; pushing her to a wall roughly and devouring her lips in a savage kiss. Hands wandered over her body, up her back and into her hair, where he pulled her head back slightly and looked at her. A dark, sultry chuckle rumbling from his throat as his kisses trailed across her neck. "Until next time."

Shadows engulfed him suddenly... and he was gone.

Leaving her there without much of a warning. Any signs of his presence completely vanishing.


Leghadema leaned back in relief suddenly. "He's gone," she murmured. "Though I don't know for how long." A long pause. Sapphire eyes fluttered tiredly. "Poor girl..."
Mina's power resisted at first when she felt Abigor forcing her binds to loosen from around Adriel, clawed fingers tightening in irritation against the base of the demon's neck, a hint of crimson flaring back into those eyes that had been engulfed in perfect darkness, until finally, those tendrils dissolved all together in reluctant compliance. Across the alleyway, Adriel gasped for air as the pressure around his chest was released, able to properly breathe now that Mina had released him, trying to push himself up, those wings laying uselessly at his sides, at least three or four of them having been snapped, "Mina-"

Though, as Adriel lifted his head, that was when Mina found herself pushed against the wall, red wings spreading out against the brick, flapping at the air uselessly as she was wrapped up in that near-violent kiss, caught off guard and unprepared. A soft-flustered gasp escaping from her, those red-painted nails digging into the demon's back as he assualted her with those kisses, one of her legs inevitably coiling around his waist tightly.

Hearing his words, those eyes opened wide as the meaning behind them cut through the lustful haze that had overridden her thoughts, those nails digging in even deeper, hard enough to draw blood, as if somehow she could physically force him to stay put, arching away from his kisses against her neck as those eyes locked onto his.

"Don't you fucking dare-"

Before she could even get the words out, as fast as he had come at her, those shadows enveloped his form, Mina falling to the ground right on her back side as the support holding her against the wall vanished. Leaving her trembling with rage as thoughts of desire were burned away quickly. Red wings folding around herself tightly as she curled into a ball, letting out a infuriated scream.

Adriel wincing as the broken bones in his body continued to heal themselves, on his feet at this point, coming to kneel down before his daughter, reaching out to her, "Mina-"

"DON'T TOUCH ME." Another snarl, "DON'T. DON'T DON'T-"

As his patience ran out, Adriel's gaze darkened, catching hold of those folded wings and forcing them apart from around her, his hand coming across her face as he slapped her hard enough to make her head snap to the side, "I've had about enough of this shit, Mina." Shoving his hand against her throat, a red glow emitting from his skin that caused blackened hues to widen as Mina realized what was about to happen, "Daddy no-!"

Screaming out a second time, she violently tried to throw him back, but it was too late, already feeling the energy and raw power flowing through her veins being suppressed as at the base of her throat between her collar bones, the skin glowed red-hot, forming into the shape of a red rose as Adriel channeled his own power into her body. Creating a sort of 'seal' to prevent her from accessing the power that nearly shadowed his own at the moment.

When it had fully formed, it looked almost like a tattoo, the glow vanishing from the mark as Adriel withdrew his hand, Mina letting out a sob as she tried summoning her power, only to cause the seal to burn red hot again, making her hiss in pain, shaking her head from side to side as she broke into hysterics, "Again? Not again, not this again-"

Before she could properly react, he'd grabbed her, throwing her over his shoulder as he turned, those wings folding out of sight, the red head kicking and beating her fists uselessly against his shoulder. The angel turning towards the closest location he could think to take her.

Damien's place.

Getting by the man at the front easily enough, considering that Damien had mentioned to let a red-haired man through. The human not even wanting to ask what was going on the with woman over Adriel's shoulder. So, with that, a short while later, Adriel showed up at the demon's door, beating his fist against it for a moment until it was answered.

"I have a HUGE favor to ask of you." The words growled, though, the anger was not intended towards Damien, entering the room as he forcibly sat a still hysterical Mina down in a chair, the succubus clawing at the fresh mark at the base of her neck, breaking into a fit of sobs as finally, she stopped, her fingers bloodied, skin repairing itself to show the rose unharmed.
Damien looked up with startled black eyes.

Leghadema sighed loudly.

The demon opened the door and stepped aside as Adriel made his way into the place, watching him as he set Mina down. Bloodying her fingers in attempts to claw off a strange marking that, Damien was sure, was quite new. He didn't recognize the angel's seal, but didn't question it.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" The words were sharp, and he closed the door behind the two. Not daring to think about the security that would no doubtedly come up later to ask questions as to why a flailing girl was brought up to his room. It simply didn't look or sound nice.

He heard a shuffle, and looked up to see Leghadema settling beside Mina. Large white wings unfolding to wrap around herself and the girl; squeezing into the large chair that she'd been set into by Adriel. A low golden glow began shimmering faintly on her wings and where she touched Mina. Calm. Relaxing vibes flooding through herself and into the succubus. Her arms went around her as well, tightly, as to make sure that she could not be forced away. Humming softly and laying her cheek against Mina's shoulders with her eyes shut. White wings folded in a way to where just their shoulders, heads, and below the knees showed, until Leghadema pulled her knees up tightly against her form.

Damien's eyes narrowed slowly in confusion, watching the strange gesture unfold. Leghadema knew very well that Mina could harm her. She was incredibly susceptible like this, yet she still did so. What was it she said..?

Poor girl.

She knew how badly Abigor had targeted Mina. It was the only thing that made sense to the demon, and now, in such a hysterical state, the Valkyrie was doing what she did best, although it was rarely ever seen. He'd seen it described, but it was nothing compared to this. Every molecule in the air seeming to relax at her strange spell, those wings humming with a wavy gold hue.

Valkyries were sent to comfort souls that were leaving the body. To pull them into a state of warmth and honey, dandelions and roses, autumn nights and summer wind.

Damien's black gaze slowly turned back to Adriel. "I'll keep an eye on her," he murmured.
Binding Mina's power had been the last thing the angel had wanted to do, but with the girl so out of control and unstable, she had left him little choice. Adriel stepped back from Mina, visibly cringing as the sound of yet another bone snapping back into place sounded, his wings still healing even though they were no longer in sight. Crimson hues sliding towards Damien, "Nothing." He answered bluntly, when the demon had snapped out, "Just... help me keep an eye on her." Adriel sighed in defeat, seeming weary all of a sudden. Creating a seal took massive amounts of energy, especially when trying to place one on someone of Mina's power level.

Watching as Leghadema went to the girl's side, Mina's sobs still sounding, her face buried in her hands.

All of this caused by both Abigor, and Adriel's own actions. A stab of guilt tearing through the angel's chest, but what choice did he have with such a demon toying with her? Taunting those instincts that the girl simply couldn't escape from?

Across the room in the chair, Mina stiffened a bit, noticing those solid white wings folding around her gently, trying to stubbornly push away from the woman when Leghadema pulled her into her arms, only to end up burring her face against the Valkyrie's shoulder, her entire form trembling as she broke down, weeping. Clinging to Leghadema when at first she'd tried shoving her away.

Crimson hues watching the scene unfold as finally, Adriel spoke again, softly this time as Damien agreed to look over the girl, "... Thank you. I realize we've been a bit of a nuisance during our time here, so it's appreciated." Shifting his gaze to Damien, he sighed softly, "I... was forced to place a seal on her to... contain her power." He finally explained, "Like this, she'll be easier to protect, both from herself and others, but... she'll also be much more vulnerable. In time, her power will most likely dissolve it, but until then, she's just a little bit stronger than a low-class demon spawn."

Slowly, Mina's sobs began to calm, until finally, she had ceased her tears all together, falling silent in Leghadema's arms as that sense of calm settled over her, occasionally sniffling, but her hysterics had faded. Her fingers absently rubbing against the red rose that had bloomed against her skin. The seal of the crimson angel.
Leghadema's arms loosened as the girl began to calm, but she didn't unwrap herself from around the girl. Keeping her eyes closed.

Damien's black eyes turned toward Adriel once more. "What exactly are you planning to do? If he's done this, he won't easily remove it. His sights are set." Never before had Abigor complied to a threat or plea, unless it convenienced him. Only after he grew bored did his spell on someone rapidly wear off, usually leaving them with an empty, sinking feeling, varying from hours, to days, sometimes even as long as years and decades. Weaker women felt it longer.

He sat down, feeling frustrated and rather used. There was nothing he could do except keep an eye on the girl, while Adriel did... what? Make threats? Wait for this spell to wear off? None of it would work. It was impossible. Abigor would toy and torment as long as he wanted to.

Sapphire eyes turned toward him, and they looked at each other without speaking for several long moments before Damien got up and placed a kettle on the stove for tea, pulling out a bag of a green, potent plant-like substance. He placed it within a filter, tied it, and placed it within a special chamber of the kettle.


It'd been several hours since Silennia had lapsed into a slumber within Keiran's arms. She woke reluctantly, feeling those large wings splayed out behind her on the bed with her chest pressed to Keiran's. The large things adjusted themselves as she sat up, looking down at herself. Disgusting. The feeling of blood on her was too much of a hindrance to sleep any further. As she sat up further, the black feathered limbs folded themselves until they were no longer visible at all, and she slipped from the blankets into the bathroom. Filling the tub up with hot water. She sat on the edge until it was high enough, and slowly, she lowered herself into it.

Hissing inwardly through her teeth at the heat. It wasn't unbearable, but it would be uncomfortable for a little while. She ignored it. Too hot was better than too cold. It didn't take long for her to become adjusted to the temperature, and she leaned back until it covered her entire body aside from her neck and up. The water was already turning murky and clay-colored.

Silennia felt large bits of the dried blood crackling off and away from her skin. When she moved to examine where it had come from, there was only a light pink patch. Healing rapidly, though her back was still rather beaten and gashed. Only now, after sitting in the water for a while, did she remove the bandage that Keiran had wrapped around her before. Her nails bit into her palms, and her teeth pressed into her lower lip as the water now directly hit the wounds. Leaning back again and waiting for the pain to subside.

It didn't take long, but she knew that she needed to be careful not to tear the skin. Finally able to take soap and start gently moving it along her flesh so that the water turned an even darker color.
As the question was presented to him, Adriel felt a flicker of frustration, "Hell if I know." He growled lowly, shaking his head, "I'm in no condition to take him on in a fight, that's for damn sure." A simple and hard truth that chipped at Adriel's pride. If Mina could take the angel down, then for Adriel to try and take Abigor down was beyond laughable, "That bitch Vermina took more than I realized." He mumbled beneath his breath, settling down finally as he held his head between his hands. Exhausted and out of options on how to deal with Abigor at this point. Returning to the Hell-plane was out of the the question. The time that could pass here in the mortal realm while he lingered there recovering could easily be far too long for such a trip to be of any benefit to the fallen angel, and even then, to actually be able to take a demon on of Abigor's caliber...

Even Adriel realized that such a train of thought was border-line insane.

"I don't know what I should do."

He lifted his head, that crimson gaze having grown rather cold, "One doesn't go picking a fight with the hell princes unless you have a death wish. They didn't secure their positions in the demon hierarchy for no reason..." His hands tightened into fists slightly, "But... for Abigor to target the only thing I cherish... the only thing I love..." His lip curled back, "I'll figure something out in time. I won't sit back and let that... vappa ac nebulo, have his way with her just for his own petty amusement."

But what?

What could Adriel possibly do? Simply accepting the fact that he was rendered powerless was something the angel couldn't do. He refused.

It was beyond frustrating. The only thing he could think of that Abigor valued in the least was... was Silennia. The thought cut through with a shocking clarity. If he killed that girl- No, what the hell was he thinking? That would put Mina in even more danger.

"Dammit!" He snarled abruptly, slamming his fist against his own knee, "What's the point in living this long if I can't even protect something I actually care about?!" Turning those crimson hues towards Mina, he shook his head, "Of all the places she could have wandered, she comes here. Here, where the only living spawn of Abigor just happened to be."


In the bedroom, Keiran stirred, golden hues opening as he realized the space next to him in the bed was empty. Stiffening at first, until he noted the sounds of water occasionally being disturbed coming from the bathroom. The spot where Silennia had been laying still warm. Rolling over onto his back, amber hues shifted towards the window, the curtains parted just enough that he could see out. Still dark beyond the glass. Most likely, it would still be several hours before the sun would begin to rise.

The events from just a few hours ago still fresh in his mind. Unable to make any clear sense of it at all.
The kettle began to whistle loudly. He set it off to the side, allowing the herbs to steep. An earthy aroma filling that part of the condo. It didn't take long before he was pouring it into mugs and setting them around the place, one next to Mina, one next to Leghadema, one next to Adriel, and finally, one for himself where he sat in a chair near the two women. Damien watched Adriel, wondering what the angel was thinking. There wasn't much to do, other than targeting something that Abigor cared for. However the problem was that Abigor didn't care. Leghadema wasn't his concern. Silennia was his only living child. His--


For the first time, Damien began to feel bad for the angel. The only thing he truly cared about was in danger from something that he was currently too weak to fend off. The demon had no idea how long it would take for his strength to return, either. "Perhaps he'll get bored," he said quietly. With a sidelong look at Mina, he knew damn well that Abigor wouldn't get bored of the girl. He would wait out that seal before pursuing her again. And again.

Abigor never really stopped.


Silennia waited for the water to become cold before pulling the plug at the bottom and standing. She dried slowly, taking her time, before she wrapped a robe around herself and came to sit on the floor at the foot of the bed, in front of the fireplace that was somehow still alive and relatively in tact. The logs still crackled and flames were still high, so she stretched out her legs, pointing her toes toward the heat. She felt heavy wings shift slightly but they stayed hidden.

She felt Keiran's consciousness without having to look and see, and her voice cut the silence in a strange way that left her feeling vulnerable. "I wonder what's going on back home." Her words were quiet and soft, but something didn't feel quite right.
Adriel could only hope that the demon would get bored of the girl, but the angel was many things, even a fool, but not naive. Looking bitterly at the tea offered to him, he eventually picked the cup up, taking a sip. Vermina would have no part in helping Mina, nor would Adriel tolerate asking for it. From the moment the child had been birthed, the succubus had rejected Mina. Leaving the newborn behind to die simply because the girl had resembled the crimson angel who had sired her.

Mina would have perished into the blackened void hundreds of years ago, had Adriel not found her there during a enraged search for the succubus who had been a continuous thorn in his side. That infant being the only thing he had found, so helpless and left to the mercy of the vile creatures who filled that realm. With eyes and hair so like his own. Those pitiful cries had been more than he could stand, and upon a whim that was so unlike him, Adriel had taken the child to raise. Took her from that place and brought her into the mortal realm at the first opportunity he found to cross over. Protected her, cared for her. Watched her flourish as her powers awakened, despite having attempted to stifle them for her own good.

Mina could not be contained. She was like a living flame that grew hotter with each passing decade.

Seeing her as she was now was painful for the angel. The red head having fallen quiet, her eyes puffy and red from crying, holding her cup of tea between her hands. That seal at the base of her neck occasionally emitting a faint glow. There was no telling how long it would last. It could linger anywhere from years, to just a few days. The last time he had placed such a mark upon her had been when she's been just a child... but she had grown since then. Both in body and power... In time, Adriel realized that such tricks would no longer work on her at all.

When that time came, he would no longer be able to protect her.

The room having grown quiet for the most part now that Mina's crying had ceased. Her gaze almost blank as she sat there, until finally, she spoke, "Who was that....?" Her words were whispered, breaking the silence, "That demon?" Lifting her gaze, she didn't look to Adriel, knowing he wouldn't answer her, looking first to Damien, and then, averting her gaze to Leghadema, "Never... never has anyone made me feel so..." She trailed off, lowering her head again as she seemed unable to finish the sentence, finding her words again after a moment, "Like I was slowly drowning and I couldn't do anything to stop it."

She shuddered, this time, her memory perfectly clear of that burning kiss, her fingers tightening around her cup. She's heard Adriel mention 'hell-princes' but in all truth, due to isolation from that realm, the girl knew nothing up the demonic hierarchy, "Someone... please... I need to know."


When Silennia had finally emerged from the bathroom, freshly bathed, Keiran shifted his weight, crawling across the mattress to the end of the bed so that his body was draped across the it, seeming to sense her unease, "It's... hard to say." He finally commented, orange light from the flames dancing across amber hues.

Wrapping arms gently around her from where he was, he rested his chin on top of her head, leaning off the edge of the bed just a little, not seeming to mind the fact that her hair was still wet from her bath, "... I suppose we'll find out soon enough."
Everyone was a bit quiet at first after Mina had asked her question. Damien looked at her, and his gaze softened. Leghadema didn't change. However she did speak up, and her voice was calm; soothing. "His name is Abigor." She waited a few seconds, as if to allow the name to slip from her tongue and seep into Mina's very bones. Her thoughts drifted back to the conversation from the previous day about ducklings... but she didn't bring that up again. Even more softly, she said, "Abigor is Silennia's father." There was no telling if Mina would need a reminder or not. The demon's name was rather famous, but most didn't know who he was. Especially not in the mortal realm.


Silennia smiled, feeling the bed shift against her back as Keiran shifted so that he was hanging slightly off of the end of it. She reached back and played with his hair and gave a content sigh. The wings also responded at his touch; struggling to push against the robe until she made a loud noise in frustration, finally pulling the item off and wearing it backwards so that her arms were still through it, but the open part was at her back.

Black feathers trembled at his touch, and she felt them splay out slightly before resting lightly against the floor. The longer they adorned her back, the more she could feel them in a way that she would be able to control later. They were purely instinctual for now, but she was sure that there was a way to get a handle on them so that they didn't reveal themselves without her willing them to. If they really were to go back to her small area of Reno the next morning, she couldn't have them unfolding out in public for everyone to see, since it was obvious that she hadn't mastered or experienced the ability for them to unfold without sight.

She leaned her head back and smiled sheepishly. "I guess they like you." In response they arched upwards again, and she closed her eyes slowly. Concentrating on the strange new sensation that came with the extra limbs. Under her silent command, they lowered, but a sweat broke out across her forehead and neck at the effort. Lids opened to reveal sapphire orbs before she leaned and kissed him. There were so many altering scenarios that would've happened if she hadn't met Keiran. Strange how Damien had called her, of all people, in to work extra hours that night. Even stranger that it was the night that these beautiful strangers came into town.

Silennia pulled away very suddenly, and went pale. "Oh my God." Her eyes were wide, and she turned slightly to look at Keiran with a horrified expression. "Damien. He set this up." Crimson just barely flickering into the sapphire pools.
The girl's eyes widened slowly as she heard the name, gasping out, "THAT was Abigor?!" Her hands came up to cover her mouth in a gesture of shock, having nearly dropped her tea before managing to sit it down on the table, remembering the conversation that had taken place in Damien's office a day or two ago. Everything suddenly clicking together, "That's why Damien had that drawing-" She looked towards Damien, not finishing the statement out-loud, but the pieces clicked together. Growing pale as the knowledge sank in.

Abigor. A prince of hell. Informed or not, Mina could piece together from the things that she had heard just what that meant. It explained everything, and left her feeling nauseous. No wonder she had been so... intoxicated by him. Those crimson hues flashing towards Adriel with accusation, "Just when were you planning on telling me? Or were you just going to keep brushing it off? Do you have ANY idea what I've been going through?!" Her voice picked up a octave, growing upset again, but after a moment, she took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she picked her tea up, her hands visibly trembling as she took another swallow.

So this was what Adriel had been trying to protect her from.

She almost wanted to cry again.


Silennia's wings were a curious thing. Keiran finding amusement in how they seemed to respond to his touches, gently running his fingers along those glossy feathers, "I would hope so." He mused in response to her comment, admiring how the feathers spread out slightly as they arched upwards, slowly relaxing once more, taking notice of the sweat that began to bead along the girl's skin, "Don't push yourself too hard." He advised softly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, "Before long, they'll feel as natural as your own arms and legs."

Leaning down as she leaned up to kiss him. Though, when abruptly she pulled away, confusion flickered into the incubi's gaze, her words only adding on to his confusion, "What?" He blinked, having no idea what she was talking about, but flecks of red in those sapphire pools immediately caught his attention, "What does Damien have to do with anything...?" He'd thought little of the demon since their arrival in Germany, Silennia's abrupt realization only leaving Keiran confused.
Damien drank is tea in silence. A potent herbal mixture that helped to ease even the strongest of demons.

Leghadema's wings emanated that golden hue again, but brighter now with this new information. Letting the calm seep into Mina's every pore and crevice.

The deon spoke up. "Why did you keep all of this from her Adriel? You had to know that she'd find out eventually." He wasn't trying to instigate aggression from the angel, but it was a question that he was sure everyone in the room was curious to know the answer to. The more you took a toy away from someone, the more they wanted it. Yet Adriel seemed to be the type to react without thinking clearly. A huge downfall this time; possibly putting his daughter in more danger now than if he would have just let her go about her way uninterrupted.


Silennia moved closer to the fireplace as a shiver went through her. Perhaps she'd overreacted?

No. She felt it within her core that Damien was behind this.

"The night we met," she said quietly, "the first night you came into the club... I was off. I had already worked a shift. I wasn't supposed to work a second one. But Damien insisted that I come in. Then he leaves suddenly, and Mina goes missing. Leaving just the two of us." She looked pale now, and pulled her knees up to her chest tightly. "You said vampires took Mina. Isn't it strange how they knew she was there? How Damien was gone the day before it happened? Who she is?" The girl stood now and crawled back into the bed, abandoning the robe and letting it slip to the floor as she slid beneath the blankets next to him.

"Do you think... he's... working for...?" The sentence wasn't finished. She didn't need to finish it. Sapphire eyes looked desperately at Keiran. Although she wouldn't have had it any other way than where she was at now, the possibility of Damien setting everything up from the very beginning... it startled her. Burying herself in a way so that part of her body was under Keiran, as if he could shield her from her own thoughts. Those large wings disappearing as they folded.
How Adriel hated being questioned. Those crimson hues turning towards Damien with a hardened edge to them, "That should be obvious." He growled lowly, looking towards Mina who still threw that accusing glare at him, though, any anger she had summoned was quickly numbed by the Valkyrie's power, Adriel's next words seeming carefully chosen, "Ignorance is bliss, is it not?"

That was it? That was his answer? His reasoning? No. That couldn't be it. Even now, Adriel's answers were as misguiding and indirect as possible. Seeming to not want to give a direct answer, "For my own good, right?" The amount of resentment filling those words being enough to make the angel flinch at hearing them from Mina's lips, "Just like how everything you've done- from raising me, to 'protecting' me, to binding my power... all of it, for my own good, right?" Disgust had filled her words, shaking her head slowly, frighteningly calm as she spoke, but the emotions that would have run rampant were still clear in her words, "Unacceptable."

Shifting slightly, Adriel had averted his gaze from her, "What good would have come from knowing the truth?" Pushing the cup of tea away, still mostly full, the angel stood, "You should have never come in contact with Abigor in the first place. The fact it happened was a error on my behalf. I didn't anticipate that... that he would appear there in person. Especially not when you were in a state of such need." His hands came to rest on the back of his chair, standing just behind it as he pushed it back into place, "I had hoped that you wouldn't remember that contact."

Foolish, such a thought had been. He had known it was foolish the moment it had crossed his mind, a sense of loss rapidly overtaking him the more he spoke, "... but Vermina's blood runs as thick and as true as mine does, it seems."

It was like he had told Damien before, regarding succubi and their male counterparts alike.

Flesh never forgets.

How had this all happened? Since he had emerged, things were rapidly falling apart. For a fully century, Mina had wandered the earth, free of harm for the most part, able to deal with her own petty struggles. Why now all of a sudden did she come in contact with such danger? From the vampires who were at fault for nearly killing her, to Abigor who seemed to have targeted her out of simple amusement and interest?

The angel's gaze shifted sideways towards Damien.

Why here?

In this particular demon's territory?


Listening as Silennia went on to explain, Keiran felt a chill seep through him, "Isn't that... isn't that a bit outrageous of a accusation?" He questioned faintly, though his words didn't seem sincere. It WAS strange that Mina had so easily been discovered and targeted by vampires who had knowledge of how to contain a demon of Mina's lineage. Though, while not as known of as her father, Mina's likeness to the angel was undeniable, resembling him enough that she could have easily passed as a female version of the angel, had demon blood not flowed through her veins.

The idea of Damien being behind it all...

That couldn't possibly be true, could it? Though, the more Keiran thought about it, the easier it was to believe. It had been Damien who had delayed them. Saw to it that the group didn't move on by using Mina's facade as a performer to bind her there for a few extra nights, when both Keiran and Mina had only been passing through, weak and hungry. The pair having intentionally held back from feeding in hopes of masking their presence from other demons who would take notice... and Mina had played along in frustration despite wanting to leave upon the first night they had arrived.

Then, out of the blue, Damien had departed without warning after seeming so interested in the succubus.

Keiran's own focus having centered on Silennia with such intensity that he had shrugged the entire incident off, aiding in Damien's attempts to keep her there a few extra nights, trusting that Mina could take care of herself.


He didn't know what to say.

Wrapping Silennia into his arms, he didn't want to admit just how easily that made perfect sense. A second time, he had left Mina behind while he remained preoccupied with Silennia. Leaving her behind in Damien's territory with a trust that normally would have never been. Why did he trust the demon? He knew nothing of Damien, despite the demon seeming quite aged and mature.

Surely it was simply a coincidence that Silennia had been living beneath that demon's careful watch all these years... right?
Watching Keiran's reaction unfold, she began feeling foolish and naive. But the more she watched, the more she realized that he was thinking it through. "He knew there were vampires there," she said softly, adding onto her previous statements as she relaxed in his arms. There were quite a few factors that could be used as evidence in the allegations she was making toward the demon - but none she wanted to bring up. Not now, anyway.

She felt stressed from the recent events. Everything had been so dramatic. Her fight with Vermina only hours ago wasn't helping, and now there were wings on top of it all. What the hell am I supposed to do with these? The thought was almost amusing. She certainly wasn't going to begin fly--

... Flying..? No. That was absurd.

Over twenty years she'd been raised in a human world. Within the course of a few weeks, suddenly all of the fairytale creatures she could imagine were real. Vampires, demons, angels... Valkyries. She felt her back twinge at the thought of them. Fondly trying to picture the woman that could be her birth mother without much success. Her voice was suddenly meek. "When can we leave?"


Damien didn't say anything further on the matter. He nodded toward Leghadema. "There's a guest room. It's small. I think we should keep her in there for the night. Let things settle down a bit."

The Valkyrie nodded, but she wasn't going to push the succubus. She would wait for Mina to get up on her own; staying relatively quiet.

The club was open tonight. He was supposed to be there. "Make yourselves at home," he said finally, and pulled on a coat. "I'll be back around sunrise." With that, the demon left. Not another word. Disappearing as he stepped outside.
Yes, it was more than suspicious now that Silennia had brought it out into the open. Everything that had happened seeming to be a chain-reaction caused by Damien, whether that had been the demon's intentions or not. The incubus seeming troubled the more he thought about it, until finally, hearing Silennia's question, he snapped out of his train of thought, "As soon as possible." He prompted, glancing towards the door.

The farther away from Vermina, the better. After the conflict that had taken place between the two... Keiran wanted to avoid a repeat at all costs. He was almost tempted to pick Silennia up and waltz out the door with her and straight to the airport, but that would have been ridiculous, "Morning is few hours off." He commented, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, "We should sleep until then."

Vermina wasn't likely to attack a second time after such a confrontation, but one could never be too certain. Where Mina was passionate and unpredictable, Vermina was patient and manipulative. She was willing to wait for a perfect opportunity, no matter what her goal or target happened to be. For a demon who had lived for thousands of years, a few more days was nothing but a blink of an eye.

"... when the sun starts rising, we'll get the hell out of here and back to civilization."

A promise.


When Damien had departed, Adriel lingered for a short while, having fallen silent until finally, he too headed for the door, "I'll be back to check in on her later." He commented softly, glancing towards Mina a final time before shutting the door behind him, leaving Mina alone with Leghadema. While the thought of suspicion had stirred towards Damien, Adriel trusted that Leghadema would bring the girl no harm.

After all, the pair had a common threat, did they not?

The succubus watching the door shut behind him as she finally moved on her own, excusing herself and making her way to the guest room in question. Being cut off from her own power left her feeling disconnected from the world. Numbed. As if a fog had swallowed her that she couldn't see through, yet she knew that what she was cut off from was just beneath the surface. Just out of reach... and it was beyond frustrating.

... but even that familiar emotion failed to reach her properly, the Valkyrie's magic leaving her in a sense of peace that she knew shouldn't have lingered there. Shutting the door behind herself as she closed her eyes, laying her head back.

Cut off from what was her birth right and from her own overwhelming emotions... but even still, thoughts of Abigor cut through with perfect clarity to a point that it was maddening. Trying to think of anything else, but all she could linger on was how that violent kiss had felt. How his touches had burned against her skin, lighting desires with such intensity that she had never quite felt before. Her fingers absently touching her lips, before she shook her head in disgust, making her way to the bed in the room and throwing herself onto the mattress with a childishness, burying her face into a pillow as she curled into a ball.
Silennia took comfort in that promise. Not bothering to move to her normal position in the bed; quite content with being tucked partially underneath him, wrapped up in his arms with the blanket pulled around her. She found that his voice steadily soothed her, no matter the situation. Remembering his hands on either side of her face as she was coming back to reality from the fight with Vermina. He had pulled her out of it. Nothing else. She blinked sleepily.

From the first day she'd met him, she felt at ease. Enough to let him sleep in the same bed as her not but a few days after. Being raised in such a dangerous city, she knew better... so why did she do it? The more she thought about her strange attachment to Keiran, the more it frustrated her. She'd practically craved him since she first set eyes on him, in her own strange way. There was no way that their paths had crossed coincidentally.

Finally, the girl began slipping into a state of slumber. Her mind was quiet for several hours, until the sun began to rise again. Restlessly waking and moving just slightly so that she could see the blue-grey light that tried pushing its way through the curtains. Not much longer.


Leghadema stood and spread those lovely wings. It felt unnatural to have them out of sight all the time, and luckily the place was big enough to where she didn't have to worry about them aside from avoiding a lamp here or there. She went into the kitchen and cut up several fruits: apples, pears, peaches, bananas, kiwis; Damien even had a canteloupe laying on the counter. Arranging bits of it on a plate, and even pouring two glasses of upper-class wine. Looking through the cupboards, she found rich, dark chocolate, arranged in different sized bars and strengths. Strong fingers crumbled one of them over the two plates.

She hesitated at the door that Mina had shut herself behind, knocked gently, and opened it to find the girl curled into a ball with her face buried into the pillow. The Valkyrie did not know Mina. She was not one to judge upon first sight, and the succubus hadn't done anything wrong to her in specific -- she had no reason not to trust her. The sister of the man that her very own daughter had chosen... the woman that was Abigor's newest target. She pitied Mina, yet at the same time, knew exactly what it was like in her own way. She no longer had powers here, for a time; had been targeted by Abigor. Even now the thought of him tormented her body. He never did properly cut off his ties with her, and she constantly craved his touch.

Setting both plates and glasses on a stand next to the bed, Leghadema sat on the edge of it and reached over. Long fingers gently touched the hairline just above Mina's ears, combing the hair back so that it revealed a bit more of her face. Continuing to do so in an almost mother-like way. "So much potential," she said quietly, and looked toward the plate. "I know that you don't... eat. But a bit of chocolate and wine never did any harm, hmm?" A light smile; an attempt to get Mina to feel better. It almost pained her for the girl to be feeling so hopeless.
Though it was only a few more hours, it was sleep that had been needed for the both of them. Keiran stirring awake a second time shortly after Silennia had, stretching out across the bed as that faint morning light began to make itself known, the flames in the fireplace having died down a bit, though, they still flickered and burned, something that should have been impossible, considering that the logs that had been present had burned away long ago during the night.

Not that such concerned Keiran any. Vermina's power seeped in every inch of the manor whether he liked it or not.

Rolling over with a yawn as he nearly toppled off the side of the bed, just barely catching himself as he grabbed hold of the blanket for support, tugging himself back over against Silennia, snuggling against her as he nuzzeled his face into her hair, "... You should probably... start getting dressed..." He half-purred as another yawn escaped him, one of his arms coiling around her waist, "The sooner we get out of here, the better, ja?"


"Why are you being so nice to me?" Mina's voice was muffled, her face still pushed into the pillow, having heard Leghadema knock and enter. Curled up there as if she was some typical teenage girl that had been left pouting after being grounded for something she had done wrong. Conscious of the edge of the mattress lightly sinking down as the Valkyrie sat down next to her. Though, Mina's head turned a little, facing away from the pillow when she felt gentle fingers brush her hair back, just as vibrant as ever despite the seal that adorned the space between her collarbones.

Crimson hues shifting towards Leghadema, as a small smile tugged at the corners of the girl's lips at the mention of wine and chocolate, "That... actually would be nice..." She commented softly, uncurling from her balled-up position on the bed slightly, though, she seemed hesitant still as she reached over, picking up a piece of crumbled chocolate between her fingers. Unaccustomed to such... kindness.

"I'm so used to being treated like a nuisance or a monster." She muttered beneath her breath, finally deciding it was safe to pop that chunk of chocolate into her mouth, her gaze down casting after a moment as she poked into the corner of her mouth with her tongue, savoring the sweet taste and letting it melt there rather than chewing it up, "Don't I... bother you?" With her question, she lifted her eyes once more. She knew little of Valkyries, but surely they couldn't be too different from angels, could they? Very few creatures tolerated the taint that all demons carried about them. Why would a Valkyrie be any different?
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