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The Tale of Tristan and Isolt-Lady/Moon

Isolt jerked a little, laughter dying as she stared at the knight sitting on the bed next to her, nearly dropping her food before getting a hold of it again, blushing as she considered the offer, swallowing hard. “I…I think I would like that.”She said looking nervous, because she had no idea what to think about his offer. Because while she knew she needed a king, needed someone to stand at her side, she was scared to be tied to someone like that. Though loki had been her lover, had kept him involved in her life, she was afraid of letting someone that close. Because catholic people had made the goddess born queen afraid, and even knowing he worshipped the goddess, it still made her nervous.
he smiled at her a little, a bit flushed from the embarrassment and shock of actually asking her. he hadn't intended to do that yet. he had to beam at her though, looking like he had received his birthday, his christmas, and his eater all in one package and presented it to him. "i know it's hard to be here, and it will be hard to be romantic with me... considering the circumstances that led you here... i won't pressure you, i wont demand anything of you." he promised, offering her a smile. "i only want to see if.. maybe someday, we could be... good for each other." he admitted before frowning. "that last part didn't come out right..."
Isolt smiled a little at his reaction, tilting her head a little, nodding a little. “It is hard, but my courtiers told me to stay to recover, being courted will be helpful.”She muttered teasing him just a little before smiling more at his words, the tight not of anxiety relaxing as she realized he didn’t expect anything from her except that she allow him to court her. Giggling a little at his words she paused before reaching out, brushing his dark hair out of his face.”You love gwen. I know that. But I would like to see if we’re good together. I need a partner, a king. And you need a queen not already married to another for your own….we would be a good match.”She said shrugging a little.
he smiled a little and shook his head a little. "i suppose it would be nice to see you smile more." he admitted with a sly grin. "your beautiful when you smile, you know." he admitted with a nod. "i do love Gwen... but, not as much as i thought i had." he admitted softly. "that is why i lost her to Arthur. he loved her more." he admitted with a shrug. "i mistook one kind of love, for another. and i paid for it with a shattered heart. it has long since been healed by Gwen and Arthur... and by you, as well." he admitted with a smile. "and i don't want you to think that i am only courting you because it makes sense. i have real, deep feelings for you Isolt. i just don't know what kind of love i feel for you yet."
Isolt blushed as she looked up at him, biting her lip a little as she leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “well then, we’ll just have to find out.”She muttered looking pleased with the idea of being courted.

A few weeks later isolt smiled as she wrapped a arm around lance’s waist, looking around her as he helped her walk. Though she made sure it looked like she was simply holding onto him, not wanting anyone to realize she was still weak enough to need the support. Looking amused around her as she looked at Camelot decked out for Christmas. “It’s beautiful here.I’m glad I’m well enough to dance.”She smiled looking up at him, “how’s Tristan?I didn’t get a chance to go see him yesterday.”
Lance smiled. "he's doing much better today. he hasn't been in his chair all day." Lace admitted with a nod. Gawain had taken pity on poor Tristan, who was stuck in bed all day, and made him a chair as well. "he'll be in the chair the rest of the evening, but tomorrow he will be well enough to dance for the Ball. his wife, Christine... she is excited." the young Catholic woman had arrived a week ago, and had been more timid than a mouse in a room full of cats. she had started to calm after several days, and while still very timid, she was no longer afraid, thanks tot eh collective effort of Tristan, Gwen, and Isolt. she and her lady in waiting, Annabeth, where a welcome addition to the castles ladies, especially as Christine had a beautiful singing voice, and would sing while Sir Kay or one of the other ladies played their instruments. and Annabeth, a 'slave' from the orient often did tumbling and balancing shows to delight and entertain anyone who cared to watch. "Tristan is starting to get depressed again though... he seams to think you won't want him to go to Ireland now that he has been married to a Catholic woman..." he paused. "...and Mark is continuing to refuse him his inheritance. Gawain can find nothing, we think it's all been donated to the Catholic...."
“Well, at least the little mouse will find something interesting here.”Isolt said, her words harsh though the smile on her face softening them. Because while it had been hard to want to know her, it was hard not to like the shy girl who’d been so sure that she would hate everything she came in contact with in the goddess ruled kingdom. “I didn’t think he wanted to come anyways.”She snorted looking amused though before sighing. “I’ll talk to him. I want him to come to Ireland, he is enjoyable to be around, and he would do well in Ireland,even further away from mark then he already is.”She sighed softly, looking disappointed. “There is nothing we can do unless Arthur makes is a serious threat and takes care of things. But I do not think the high king wants to do that, at least not until Tristan is completely well.”She said looking worried as they walked into the dining hall, already looking for Tristan.
he smiled at her. "you sound jealous." he teased with an impish grin. "she loves that nickname too, i'll have you know. you should see the way she brightens up when Arthur calls her 'Little Mouse'. it's really very amusing." he admitted with a small chuckle. "she almost died of excitement when Tristan gave her a small, tame mouse for a pet..." he snickered again. "most of Gwen's ladies in waiting shrieked like frightened children when Christine brought the thing to the Queens solar yesterday." strange how a Catholic timid girl handled pests better than the strong goddess raised woman. and the mouse really was very adorable. it was all white, with a single black paw and a black dot on it's ear. "he's regaining his strength well, and he's starting to understand that you DO want him around." Lance admitted with a smile. "he's eager to be your champion now that he knows he can handle it again. now that he's not heartsore, he's realized he would be willing to kill again if it meant protecting you, and the land of the Goddess." he admitted with a small sigh. "Arthur would press the issue. but Tristan doesn't think it's worth it. he never knew his father, and he doesn't need the gold so Tristan doesn't press. since Tristan isn't pressing, there isn't much that Arthur can do without abusing his position." one in the Great hall they saw Tristan arguing with one of the servants about the setting of the place. they wanted the Alter of the Goddess in different locations and they looked like they where about to beat each other up about it.
“not jealous. I have no reason to be jealous of a woman who barely comes to my shoulder.”She said looking amused, the woman near towering over the small catholic woman. And no matter how much she had wanted to hate her for being catholic, she found something endearing about the woman. “Well, it’s a mouse. No wonder the ladies in waiting had a problem. I’m glad her and Tristan have found something good to hold onto.”she said smiling a little as they walked.

“I do. I need a strong champion, since I do have to put up with you, might need extra muscle.”She teased looking up at the slender man, though lean and muscular, the man wasn’t as obviously strong as the other knights, but he was a good champion. “Well, then we’ll let it go. Since we cant let Arthur abuse his position, no good would come from that.”she said smiling, laughing quietly at the sight of Tristan nad the servant.

“What are you two arguing about?”she asked looking amused.
he snickered a little. "she is a slight little thing isn't she? Tristan barely dares to hug her for fear she might break!" he admitted with a laugh. "i thinks it's funny though, they where all farm girls at one time or another. they shouldn't be afraid of such tiny rodents." he pointed out with a snicker. "you should hear that Christine NAMED the thing!" he admitted with a sly grin. "Fluff. she named it Fluff." he admitted with bright roaring laughter. "and i'm man enough!" he complained, sulking at her. "i have more than enough muscle to handle anything!" hoping to mercy that she didn't bring up the time he and Tristan had been Ireland and Loki had saved their lives... he sighed as he witnessed the arguing and both men pouted at the Lady Isolt. "This idiot, is insisting that the Goddess Alter be placed off tot he side to make room for some goddess blasted TREE!" "The Tree is for the Lady Christine! i wanted it to be a surprise! all the Catholic's decorate Trees!" "Find a Smaller Tree and move it to the OTHER side of the room! the Goddess Alter is to be placed where it is ALWAYS placed!" "The Goddess won't care if her Alter is moved!" "No but I will and i'll beat your head in if...." he paused as Lance set a hand on Tristan's shoulder. "you are being ridiculous... the BOTH of you!" Lance spat, his eyes glittering with annoyance. "The Alter will be placed at the Fore of the room and the..." here he looked a bit puzzled. "decorated tree? shall be placed at the exact opposite. then everyone can see both, and the Goddess shall be happy. the man is right, the Goddess will not care where her Alter is, so long as we give her the proper respect that she deserves." Tristan sulked, but agreed.
“Yes, but they have been at court for a long time.”She said snickering, laughter filling her voice. “Ohhh, that’s great. Fluff.”She giggled before looking up at him, raising a eyebrow at his words, looking him over.”Hmm…I guess you have enough muscles to handle some things.”She snorted looking amused.

Sighing at the arguing she ran her fingers through her hair, leaning against lance a little, resting a hand on his arm at the sound of his annoyance, not wanting him to get to upset. “I am sure the goddess will be happy to share her space, since she said to share the world with others. Don’t worry so,Tristan.”She said smiling a little.
he chuckled a little. "this is true." he admitted with a nod. "yes, Fluff." he admitted with a grin. "she loves the poor little thing." he admitted with a grin. "she carries it in a pocket almost constantly." he admitted with a small chuckle. "and i have enough muscle to handle ALL things!" he complained with a small sulk. "what is this, pick on Lancelot day?" he demanded before focusing on the problem that was Tristan. "...but... fine..." he complained, sulking as he pouted. "i understand that Yuletide is important to you Tristan, but we have to play nice with everyone." "...yes yes..." he muttered sa he skulked off, Lance's lips twitching in something akin to amusement. "Yuletide is Tristan's most... devout holiday." he explained to both Isolt and the servant. "he'll calm down once he gets some tea into him. i'll set Gwen on him, she always calms him down." he promised with a small chuckle.
“yes it is. You gave me permission to pick on you remember?I think its in the rulebook for courting a woman, that she gets to tease you.”Isolt said with a primness that said she was teasing him even more but smiling at tristan’s sulking. Looking amused as the man went she looked thoughtful before looking at the queen already following after Tristan as she saw the knight walking down the hall.”I don’t think you have to do anything. She’s already on it.”She snickered a little looking up at lance, tilting her head. “We should go for a ride tonight. Its snowing a bit, a moonlight horseback ride would be nice.”She said blushing ever so softly.

“Tristan?”Gwen asked as she paused at the door to his room, smiling a little. “Whatever is wrong with you?”She teased a little smiling softly. looking concerned for the man, worried that there was something besides his love for yuletide that was upsetting him.
he considered that and then. "i don't remember that part. perhaps i missed that chapter?" he asked, teasing right back with a sly grin. "or maybe i got the wrong book? perhaps i will have to borrow yours?" he asked with a smile as he shook his head. "Gwen is always aware of upset in the castle... i think she might be a Seer or a Medium or something." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it's scary sometimes." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i would love to go for a ride. saddle, or carriage?" he asked with a smile. "i'll make sure to have some extra blankets put in a pack for us as well. in case it's colder than expected... and if you like... i know a place where we can go ice skating." he admitted with a smile. "do you know how to ice skate?"

Tristan looked up at her, looking startled before he sighed as he set his hands in his face. "i don't know..." he whispered after a moment. "i... i am... i'm scared." he finally admitted. "Christine is wonderful... but i don't... i don't have any emotions for her at all... and i am worried that she's going to... try and change me... she's a Catholic... how can a Catholic be married to... to..." he looked confused, uncertain about what to call himself, his religion... it had never been a 'religion' for him, just a way, a fact, of life. "they call us HEATHENS!" he complained. "how can she be happy here? and how can i have been married to her without even BEING There?!" he demanded, tangling his hands in his hair and tugging hard. "and now i'll never get out of this goddess forsaken country and away from my goddess damned Uncle!"
“I am sure you did. And no, you cant have my book, then you’d know everything!”She said smiling a little as she looked at him, sighing softly. “Well, as long as you know that your queen is scary sometimes. It does you good to remember that.”She teased before thinking about it. “Carriage. And then I can snuggle against you to stay warm.”She decided smiling a little as she walked with him towards the carriage house before shaking her head. “No. We don’t have a lot of lakes that freeze in Ireland, I never learned.”

Gwen sighed as he sat down beside her, looking worried for him. “We are not the heathens. Just because we are different from them, does not mean we are less then them.”She said reaching up, gently tugging his hands out of his hair, worried he’d hurt himself. “And you and her will find a way to be happy. And I do not know how the marriage works without you being there, I think you must talk to her, find out what you both want from this marriage Tristan.”She muttered sighing softly, frowning. “I thought you were going to Ireland.”She said looking worried, so worried about the young knight. Though he was her younger by 10 years, both her lance and Arthur all being mid 30s, she thought of the 24 year old knight as a younger brother, much like how she thought of the younger queen a little sister. It made her want to take care of both Tristan and isolt, make sure they were happy. but she was very afraid of what lance's courting of isolt, and Tristan's marriage would do to them both. because she knew they both cared for the other, and both cared for lance. Huffing slightly because she knew the three would work well together, if only they could see that themselves.
he pouted. "so how am i supposed to get an even step!?" he demanded, feigning horror. "without your book, i'll NEVER know if i'm doing things right!" he protested, laughter glittering in his eyes. "i'll show you how to ice skate... you'll want to wear double the socks, as thick as you can make them. the Ice Skates can hurt your feet." he warned with a smile. "but we'll only skate for a little while, to see if you like it or not... and we could build a fire there to warm up next to." he decided with a nod.

he scoffed. "i know we're not heathens." he complained with a roll of his eyes. "no man is above another." he stated simply, shaking his head. "nor is any woman better than another." he let her untangle his hands from his hair and he sighed. "Uncle signed the wedding certificate in my stead." he explained simply. "then shipped her off like she was... like she was some THING, a package of food, or a bag of grain... he SICKENS me... treating a woman like that!" he complained before closing his eyes. "Gwen.. i am married to a Catholic woman. i won't be welcome in Ireland anymore." he stated softly. "we all know what will happen if i take Christine to Ireland... the pope will follow. my Uncle has well and truly destroyed my life..." he whispered. "and i am certain he truly means to kill me." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "i have never been more sure, but he wants me dead... and i do not know why." he admitted softly. "and i feel so damn guilty because i am married to Christine, and Isolt is no doubt going to marry Lance... they love each other. anyone can see that, but instead of trying to find love with my wife... i find myself loving Isolt when she can never... will never, love me back."
“No man is ever on even step with the woman he’s courting.”Isolt said laughter in her voice before nodding. “I’ll go get socks for us, if you get the carriage ready.”She said smiling as she left him to go get socks and change into warm pants and a sweater, looking cute and snuggly as she got ready to go. Bundling up before heading back downstairs smiling when she saw lance with the carriage.”Ready to go?”

“Huh. That’s…disturbing.”Gwen said frowning at the idea, sighing softly as she considered treating a woman like that. Swallowing hard she looked at the man, her mouth falling open a little. At a loss for words for a moment, before shaking his head. “I would like you to try telling isolt that you wont be welcome in Ireland.”She smiled, sighing softly.”No matter if the pope will follow or not, isolt knows he would come anyways, and she wants you in ireland, if you want to go.”She muttered pain flickering over her face to see him so upset. “I will talk to Arthur, we will take care of your uncle.”She muttered before sighing softly. “Are you so sure that she wont love you back?Isolt has a bigger heart then I think you give her credit for. She might love lance, but she didn’t kill you for killing loki either, she cares for you Tristan. More then she’s probably admitted to herself, or lance.”
he smiled a little and shook his head. "so that is how it is done? i had always wondered." he teased with a chuckle, offering her a small kiss to the knuckles before he ambled off to get everything ready, chuckling as he saw her all bundled up. "you look adorable." he admitted with a smile as he studied her, his head tilted. "i have four extra blankets, and enough wood for a fire that will last a few hours. i borrowed some skates that should fit you." he promised with a smile as he helped her settle into the carriage before he picked up the reigns and snapped them, getting the horses going. "do you know how to drive?" he asked her with a grin as he offered her the reigns.

he nodded. "the worst part about it, is that she didn't understand why i was angry about it. she's used to being treated like an object." he made a furious sound in the back of his throat. "...Isolt doesn't want me there, i know better." he stated softly. "she only offered to be polite i'm sure..." who would want their lovers murderer in their court? it just didn't make sense. "what is the point of taking care of my uncle? he hasn't done anything illegal. at least, nothing that you can find evidence of. the closest thing was getting rid of my inheritance, and he DONATED that. can't really be pissed off at him for that without looking like an ass you know." he pointed out with a sigh. "she doesn't love me back Gwen and even if she did, she loves Lance more... i'm not going to fall into the same trap he did... no offense to you." he stated sheepishly. "it's better for Isolt to be with him. he can giver her the things that i cannot... she might care for me, but it's platonic... and if it isn't, then i don't want to know."
Isolt flushed at his teasing as she crossed the courtyard,”Well, you’re fairly adorable yourself to.”she said smiling a little as she climbed up into the carriage, shifting to get under the blankets, watching him before nodding a little.”Of course. I might not be able to skate, but we do have carriages in Ireland.”She said smiling as she took the reins, easily following his instructions on how to get to the pond.


“that’s…that’s so wrong.”Gwen said frowning a little before staring at him, refusing to punch him for being a idiot. If only he’d talk to the woman, because she knew, just knew that the three of them could work together, if they worked at it, better then her Arthur and lance had. “I don’t care. I’m going to take care of him somehow.”Gwen grumbled annoyed with both men at the moment, both uncle and nephew. Sighing softly as she studied him. “She still wants you to go to Ireland with her. She’s not that polite, she really does want you there. She wouldn’t offer if she didn’t want you to.Talk to her Tristan.”She muttered before frowning. “You wouldn’t want to know?”
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