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The Last Son (Vash x JassyJasB)

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Mar 19, 2012
Home. By definition home is the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. According to Ma Emory's plaque though, home is where the heart is. Conner Emory did fit into the first part of the literal definition, though Earth didn't have the feeling of home or where his heart was. Conner, or rather Kon-El, was (emphasis on the was) from the planet of Krypton. He was sent to Earth by his biological parents to escape the destruction of society on his home planet when he was only a baby. Conner could not recall any of those memories, but he wished he could; any sort of fragment of actual memory of his mothers face or his fathers voice would do. The only thing left was recordings of the image and the voice of his father and pictures of his mother. Nothing real, or real to him at least. He didn't even know about all of this until three years ago when Ma and Pa showed him the rocket they found him in as a baby.

The rocket was nothing like he had ever seen before, sleek and aerodynamic that looked nothing from Earth. Inside the rocket was a red blanket and a crystal that began speaking to him as soon as he touched it. Compelled to follow the voices instructions he packed up everything he could fit into a duffle bag and left home. It took about six months for him to work his way up to the point where the voice stopped. He now found it useless and tossed it into the icy tundra of the North Pole, the spot where the voice stopped. The crystal sunk into the ice and then the ice shook. Conner stood his ground until the crystal he threw in rose from the ice as a crystalline fortress. He stepped inside and was sealed within. After that the room darkened and a holographic image of a stoic man appeared in the center of the room, he introduced himself as Jor-El...his Kryptonian father.With Conner still questioning this, Jor-El proceeded to teach Conner everything about his Kryptonina heritage and abilities, he even taught him about Earth. By the time Jor-El finished, two Earth years had already passed. Conner didn't know what to make of what his father told him, he had nowhere left to go. Nowhere except home. Before Conner left his father had given him a mission to use these powers for the greater good, to help these primitive people advance forward for the better, better than the war mongers that his people had become. Jor-El's final words were, "You will give the people an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you. They will stumble... They will fall... But in time, they will join you in the sun. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders." After that, Conner took his leave.

Using the powers that Jor-El described Conner flew home to see his adoptive parents, but he only flew home to receive grief. Pa Emory had passed away two weeks before Conner returned. He didn't know how to handle it, one of his fathers was dead and the other was a lifetime away, he was the only of his kind on earth, and now he was supposed to become some ideal person for humanity to follow. How could one twenty-nine year old man handle that?! Clark fell into a depression that seemed to have no end, there was no one who could understand this pain he was feeling. Ma tried her best but even her solace could not help the grieving Kryptonian. It wasn't until Ma gave Clark his red blanket that they found him in as a baby, now fashioned like a cape, and a letter addressed to him from Pa. She found it amongst Pa's things and thought it was something he should have. When Conner opened it he didn't know what kind of letter to expect, but as he read it he couldn't have imagined it any other way. The letter was Pa telling Conner about how he loved him, alien or not, and that he knew he would become a good man. The last lines stuck with him, "You're not just anyone, Conner. One day you're gonna have to make a choice. You have to decide what kind of man you want to be. Whoever that man is, good character or bad, is going to change the world." It had reduced him to tears. After he cried he felt better, and knew that Pa would want Conner to do what Jor-El asked of him. He said goodbye to his mother once again and flew back to the fortress, surprised to see that no one had found it, and entered.

When he stepped in the holographic Jor-El appeared again. Conner asked him how to complete his task and Jor-El gave him a gift. A suit made of Kryptonian silk, normal cloth on his home world, but near indestructible here on Earth. Another special quality of the suit was the biotechnology behind it. On a mental command the suit will become a short sleeved shirt that he could wear underneath normal clothing. On another command the suit would expand into the full suit, something that he thought would come in handy. The suit itself was mainly black and red(without the S). This would be the man people would follow, not mild mannered Conner Emory, but a hero of some sorts, someone to bring justice to those who need it, some sort of super man to do just that. Conner knew that the place to do this wasn't some small town like his home, no that would do the impact needed. He needed to go to a place where he could do the greatest good, and he narrowed it down to Coast City.

He went back home to gather his things and tell his mother his plans. She approved and even helped Clark find an apartment in Coast City. That's where he was now. He had to scrounge around to find a job in the city and wound up at an entry level journalism position at a local newspaper, The Daily Time, shadowing one of their other writers. He got the idea from thinking back about how he was a writer for his High School newspaper and yearbook. At work he wore glasses and kept his hair messy to go along with his timid and shy persona, the perfect guise to hide his true nature which came out when he was Gaurdian. The name was something Ma helped him decide, Conner was actually partial to Ultraman or maybe even Kryptoman, but his mother talked him into Guardian. He had to admit though, it rolled off the tongue nicely.

His work as Gaurdian had been small but had grown in size, there were some photos of him circling around various mediums of media and their own explanations as to who he is. The stories themselves were of a mixed type. Some papers and news stations called him a hero, The Daily Times being one of them, who thought he was there to help. Unfortunately those were few and far between. The majority of them, owned by a business mogul named, smeared him by calling him an alien or a mutant who didn't belong. Some even said that he was trying to gain the people's trust before he unleashed an invasion of some type. After those stories ran any attempt to help would be met with screaming and threats from both civilians and police officers. It frustrated Conner so much! Why did his father give him this task if the only thing it would create would be fear and panic?! It had him wanting to quit, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it remembering both Jor-El's and Pa's words. So he went on!

Today was no different than any other day. He woke up bright and early around six, eat breakfast, and go to work... alone. That was something that had been bothering Conner for the past few months. He had been in Metropolis for over six months and had yet to go out on a date with a woman. The job of a hero/ journalist was certainly a taxing one, it didn't allow for much downtime since he was constantly on alert for someone or something in trouble. Sure there may have been an occasional woman for Conner to meet, but they never really connected and it just made Conner feel even more distant from humans. So he felt alone most of the time, but it worked more for his Conner Emory persona so he couldn't look at it to be all bad.

At work it was constantly skimming through different leads for stories and checking for accuracy, Conner secretly wrote his own story for it, but it wasn't part of his job description so they just went right into a folder he kept at his desk. Once the lead checked out to be legitimate he would hand it off to one of the staff writers, mainly Kelly, for them to do their own story on it and give it to Mr. White for approval. Perry White was a good reporter, a number of Pulitzer Prizes in journalism and a well respected member of the whole journalism community. He was middle aged, the white sideburns showing as much, and a bit portly to boot. He was reluctant to hire Conner due to his inexperience but hired him anyway since he was willing to work for the meager salary they were offering.

Conner was busy working during the afternoon shift, mindlessly running through leads, looking at backgrounds and getting on the phone to check on them, while the rest of the office was typing away at their computers or running around to talk to someone else about stories. It was quite the exciting job. The exciting part didn't come until Conner looked up at the TV in the room to see a report about a burning building with people trapped inside. Firefighters were doing their best to control it, but the blaze was getting out of hand and it was projected that the building would fall soon. Conner needed to act fast. He jumped up from his desk and briskly walked to Mr. Whites office to tell him he was taking his lunch break. Mr. White questioned why he was going off so late and Conner came up with a quick excuse and left.

He ducked into an empty office and took off his clothes as he gave the command to the suit and the Kryptonian silk began to form around him the feeling was still hard to get used to but he was sure that in time the feeling would grow on him. When the process was complete he stashed his clothes away and slipped out a window. He dropped from the top story of The Daily Times and just let gravity do the work. It was a fantastic feeling to know that you can just fall and let yourself go only to pull up at the last second and fly while achieving break neck speeds. Oh how he felt sorry for humans, they could only fly in a large and bulky machine that took forever to get them to their destination. This was unhindered, pure, flight. There were no joysticks, nor controls, no throttle, just you and the air and your ability to control where you're going and how fast you get there. Conner could just take his sweet time and practically glide, but there was no time for that, he needed to get there fast so it was almost super sonic speeds. He was still getting used to the super sonic stuff and so he broke a few windows on the way down to the fire. He arrived in a timely manner and pulled to a stop right in front of the blaze. He looked down to see the firefighters hard at work while a growing crowd formed behind them. He could already hear the screams of horror like they were right next to him thanks to his super hearing. There were even remarks about how he was there to make it worse. He ignored it and went to work. He flew into the building head first, the over bearing smell of smoke and ash filled his nostrils, and quickly searched for anyone still inside using his x-ray vision. While he was searching he could see structural damage in the building, he didn't have much time left before it came down on top of him. Luckily he didn't see anyone left, that was until he came across a little girl huddled in a corner. He looked further in and saw her little heart wasn't beating very much, she was getting very little oxygen and her body was compensating by slowing her heart down and in turn her body was shutting down. He moved quickly and found the girl. He moved to her side quickly knelt down his words were calm and cool, "Hey, everything's ok, it's all going to be ok. Come on, I'll get you out of here." His words did not sooth her at all and she scooted away saying, "No! The people on TV say your bad for us! My mommy says to stay away from you!" Another scared one, this was really starting to hurt his work. He struggled to not get mad and took a deep breath. "I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to get you out of this fire." Conner needed to think of something to get her on his side. The lightbulb went off in his head and he took the cape off of his back and wrapped her in it. "There, you see that? This used to be the blanket I had when I was a baby. It always kept me safe and no one ever hurt me while I was in it. I promise that while your wearing this cape nothing will hurt you. It made me this strong, so it can help you be strong now too." The girl seemed to feel better with his cape around her and she scooted back toward him. That was when he heard a loud groan and he knew the worst was about to happen. The ceiling above them came down and Conner stood up to meet the rubble and caught it. It would seem like a success but when he caught it the rubble broke apart and some fell towards the girl, Conner thought the worse. The girl huddled with the cape covering her and the rubble broke apart around her. The cape did do its job, thank god. The girl was amazed to see that he didn't lie. He chuckled a little, "See, I told you it makes you strong!" He then tossed the rubble aside and picked her up, "Now let's get out of here ok?" The girl nodded eagerly and they made there way out of the building. The windows were blocked so Conner had to ram his way out, the building couldn't handle the ramming and came down behind them. He was lucky she was the last one left or there would be hell to pay. By the looks of the crowd below, there was still some to pay. He brought the girl safely back down to the floor and paramedics rushed to her side to check her vitals. When she was ok they handed her to her parents. The looked at him in disgust and tore the cape off of her and tossed it to the ground before taking her away, she looked sad as the cape that protected her was now getting dirty on the ground. Conner picked it up and reattached it to the suit, the biotech doing that job. Soon he was confronted by the police, firefighters, and even the crowd. First it was the police, "You gonna pay for that building?" Conner looked confused, "Excuse me?" He asked. Then a firefighter came, "You brought it down going in there like that!" Conner then got mad, "It was coming down anyway, I saw structural damage while I was in there!" Then the crowd joined in. "Yeah, probably damage you caused!!" Now they were out of line, "I saved that little girls life! Without me she would be dead!" Conner set himself up for the next part. "Oh, so you're getting a God complex now huh?!" Shouted a bystander. He couldn't stand the criticism anymore and flew away.

He returned to work to finish out his day, only to be greeted by the sound of another slandered report about him causing the destruction of a building when firefighters had it under control. He quickly finished his work and went home to his empty apartment. Sometimes this city really made you feel truly alone in this world.
Shara El was tired of seeing her people suffer. They faced extinction, something that could not happen to the Greatest Race of all. She would not sit by idly and watch her people try for children and fail miserably. She would not allow it, she didn't want to be known as the last Regent. She wanted to be know and the Regent who saved them all. She knew the only way she could save them all is if she had children of her own. She would have had children by now if she had her mate. But her mate was sent off to a distant planet by his traitorous father.

She spent hours looking at the screen of worlds all around the multiple universes. Trying to get a feel for him on any inhabitable and not inhabitable world. She wasn't going to give up, if this didn't work then she would spend the rest of her years searching for him in person. She knew he wasn't dead. He couldn't be dead, she could still feel him, how ever small the presence may be. He was still there. She was looking on one of the last worlds. Earth, it was called. Covered in billions of humans, acting like they are the biggest thing in this whole universe.

She was angry because her mate was so far away. If he knew who he was, she was going to do some thing drastic after he impregnated her. How could he go on living, knowing that his people were out there? She would have expected any Kryptonian with any amount of decency to come to the their home planet and do what is chosen for him. The man, who was supposed to great and mighty, was nothing but a coward in her eyes at this point.

She was watching the holographic world turn when she felt it. A small presence in something called America. She zoomed in on the world and kept on zooming in until she found the place she was sure her mate was. "Metropolis." She said and clicked the city. All of the facts she would need to know appeared next to the image she had up. She had everything she needed to know in a matter of seconds.

She called her council leaders to a meeting and stood before them in all her glory. "Men, women. I will be leaving to a planet called earth to find my mate and bring him home. I will have the children I need to help the population grow. While I am away, I want the Kryptonians to continue their work and provide children. After I have mine, I am sure the numbers of children will boost in no time. I leave now. This meeting is adjourned." With that she walked out side and flew to Metropolis on Earth.

This was a big city, smaller than the Capitol city on Krypton and less advanced and not as clean. This place was a dirt hole. How could humans call this place home and openly throw their trash on the ground. She noticed the looks of the people in the streets, she didn't land in the most concealed place. She landed in the middle of the busy Main Street downtown. She stopped a car from running her over with her foot and pushed it back, with said foot, about ten feet.

She saw a device in the window talking about a fire and saw a man flying into the building. She raised an eyebrow and flew up into the air and followed the smoke. She watched the man bring a child out of the building and then get ambushed by the humans. She smirked and waited for him to turn them all to dust. She was stunned when he argued back and then just flew away. Did he not realize how much better he was than those petty people? She looked down at them, he had to know.

She followed him to his work building and watched him change out of his suit. She was getting more and more confused by the second. Why would he dress like one of them? Those petty beasts are nothing but animals. He was a Kryptonian. He was better than all of this. She would have spoken to him right then and there but she just waited and watched him go through his day. When he got home she used her x-ray vision to watch him walk into his apartment. She made sure he was alone before she made contact. If he did have a female companion she would make her death quick. She would try to remember that but it wasn't guaranteed.

She walked into his apartment building and tried to open the door only to find that it needed a special key be opened. Her anger quickly came and punched the glass causing it to break. She walked inside and quickly went up the stairs to his level. She used her x-ray vision to figure out which door was his and then she opened the door, which came off of the door handle and entered the room with her. She dropped it and made her announcement, "Con-El. I am your mate Shara El. I have come to take you home so we can fulfill our duty and procreate and save our people. This world has nothing of use for you here. Come with me and you will be where you were always meant to be."

She stood tall, with her hair straight and coming down her shoulders. Wearing a suit (minus the silver bat) similar to Con-El's but straight black with a regal design on the stomach, so she was clearly differentiated from others on her home planets.
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