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The Emperor's Mistress ((Lady&Blair))

Phedre nodded."I shall look out for it my lord. Though..."She paused tilting her head as she walked out to the courtyard with him, unsure if she should say it, but surely he knew he was dealing with? "from all my watching him, Lord Valerian does nothing in any hurry, unless it suits him."She said before nodding."Okay. I will see to the duck and dinner."She said smiling at him as he left looking bemused. Wondering if he was indeed testing her to see if she would run. Now that, would make sense. Sighing softly as she started to cook.


Valerian frowned slightly as he took a sip of his wine, tilting his head slightly. A twisting catching his heart as he watched her drink. "Of course I would, but I find that at least giving a show of being polite to my wife when I'm asking her to step aside, would be the smart and prudent thing to do."He said anger flairing through his eyes, anger that was fed by his pain at having to set her aside. But eh was to much of a emperor, to let his empire fall because he had no son of his own. He'd seen what happened to kingdoms left without a heir, they'd torn themselves apart. And as much as he loved astrid, and he did love her, he loved rome more. Standing he walked around the table, kneeling at her side. She was one of the few people, that had ever managed to put him on his knees. Taking her hand in his he pressed a kiss to her palm.

"No matter how pretty, charming, or strong she is, my lady, she will never be you."He muttered against her skin, pressing another kiss to her palm, anger at her words as he looked at her. pissed that she'd even consider that he would banish her, that he would forget who she was, he'd only been 25 when he'd met the 20 year old astrid, and drunk on the victory of wining germany back for his empire, drunk and in love at first sight. "Even if you do decline my lady, I will never be truly rid of you."he muttered looking up at her before standing, clearing his throat as he stepped back. For once, seeming awkward and out put, once again the 25 year old who'd had no idea how to talk to women after a lifetime in the miltary.She'd taught him manners, had taught him everything he'd needed to rule when he'd suddenly found himself emperor. "I should go."he said moving towards the door.
Alec swung his leg over his horse, then looked down at her. "I am aware," he said, leaning down to pet his faithful horse, "However, he does have my sister. In return for me letting him have her, he's agreed to be somewhat compliant with me. I'm just hoping it's sooner than later." His jaw clenched, watching her head in to the house.

Setting off for the village, he managed to get a few errands ran and had some wine with some friends in town. When he rode home at sunset, he was a little tipsy, and that loosened his usually stern demeanor. Stepping into the house, he smirked at the scent of dinner and hung up his bag at the door. "Phedre!" he called, waiting for her to meet him at the entrance. The smell of wine was evident on his breath. It seemed he was taking the absence of his sister harder than one would think. "You are to always meet me at the door," he grumbled, "That's the first rule."


Astrid looked away from him as he kissed her hand, but didn't take her hand away. She swallowed hard and nodded. "Then go, my lord," she said, "I wouldn't want her to be waiting for you." She did not bring her eyes up to look at him, for she couldn't watch him leave. It hurt her too much to know that this was it - he was setting her aside and sending her away. She would be back, yes, but it would never be the same after this. If he had a child with this younger woman, Astrid would be set aside by the entire country. Rome didn't like the idea of the emperor taking a mistress, but they did like the idea of an heir to the throne. It meant security, and Astrid could not give them that.


Once Valerian made it back to his bedroom, the maid from earlier was waiting for him. She bowed and gave him a smile. "My lord, would you like me to get lady Ophelia now?" she asked, "I left her to dinner a few moments ago, but she was picking at it like a bird." She shook her head a bit. "I'm sure she is just eager, Your Highness... And might I say, she looked exquisite. I think you will find her up to your standards."
Phedre walked quickly into the front hall, her eyes widening slightly as she saw him. Looking him over she realized that he was tipsy. Looking slightly nervous, for valerian was never kind, and it was even worse when he'd been drinking. So she had no idea what to think of this man who seemed so kind yet. "That is a easy enough rule my lord."She said stepping closer,tilting her head slightly."Dinner is ready, if you would like to eat before your bath."She said smiling at him, staying calm.


By the time he made his way to his bedroom valerian was in a towering temper, even if it only showed as a shimmer of anger in dark eyes. Dropping his cloak onto the floor and setting on the edge of the bed to undo his sandals he nodded at her."I would."He said in response to her question before smiling slightly. It wasn't the maid's fault he was in a bad mood, and he tried hard to not take out his bad mood on everyone, even if he usually failed horribly at it. "I am sure she is up to my standards. Bring her and the food in here. We will finish eating together."
Alec looked her up and down, his eyes bleary from the alcohol. "Good," he said, "I'm starved." He moved passed her and in to the kitchen, sitting down at the kitchen table. "Get me some wine from the cellar. You may eat your portion of dinner, but I want you to sit on the rug beside me. From now on, you are not permitted to sit at the table." He nodded for her to hurry up. "I wouldn't want the emperor to think I was treating you like an equal when I take you on my visit."

It was clear that Alec was not quite himself - more blunt and irritable. He had yet to become violent, but he was definitely not one to mess with at the time. He also did not seem to be as laid back with her as he had before. "I also got you some things that you will wear around the house and when we go out into public - proper slave clothes. I will let you see them after you eat."


The maid returned with Ophelia, who was wearing the sheer purple fabric that the servants had her dressed in. It made her feel a little better, but not covered at all. Her body could be clearly seen through the sheer robe. It was clear that they had worked her over in the hopes of bringing their emperor out of the depression his wife's last miscarriage had left him in. "My lord," the maid said, "Here is Lady Ophelia."

Ophelia blushed and bowed, kneeling on her knees and staring at the floor. Like a good mistress, she would stay that way until she was asked to stand.

Meanwhile, the servants went about setting up dinner at the private table on the other side of the large room. On the other side of the room, by the bed, they set up all of the things that the emperor preferred to use during sex. Things that ranged from oils to horse whips.

"Anything else, my lord?" the servant asked, standing in the doorway.

phedre looke at him worry showing in her eyes, not sure what to think about his mood now that he was drunk. Nodding quietly as she walked to the cellar to get him his wine,"Here my lord. As requested."She muttered softly before making a small plate of food for herself, sitting on the rug at his feet, leaning against the edge of his chair. Quietly eating because she didn't want to talk to him, though her stomach was in knots considering what he considered 'proper slave clothes',remembering the riddiculous things valerian had paraded her around in, she wasn't looking forward to seeing what Alec would do.

"My lord?May I see my clothes now?"she said looking up at him as she finished eating.


Valerian tilted his head a little looking her over, biting his lip to keep the moan from escaping. Shifting slightly as he settled back into his hair at the table he sighed softly as his body hardened at the sight of her there, waiting to see what he would do and willing to do whatever he wanted.

"No, go. And don't come back unless summoned."Valerian said to the servant before looking at ophelia."Lady Ophelia, join me. We will be eating before I investigate that lovely gold on your nipples."He mused a small smirk on his face as he waited to see how she would respond, starting to eat himself.
Alec looked down at her and huffed. "When I get done eating," he snapped, then went about cutting into the duck. It was a bit dry, but he didn't notice in his drunken state. In fact, he practically cleaned the bones. When he was finished, he stood and poured himself a generous mug of wine, then moved over to the arm chair that sat in the parlor. His eyes set about looking out the window, glancing up at the moon. "Set about washing the dishes and drawing my bath, then you may fetch your new clothing from my bag. I'd like to see how it looks before I retire for the night."


Ophelia blushed even darker, making the gold powder on her skin glow like a sunset. "Yes, Your Highness," she murmured, standing up and slipping into the seat across from him. "I hope that I am, er, dressed to your liking." She fidgeted a little, crossing her legs before remembering the branding she had received on her inner thigh. It wasn't unbearable, but it was a tad annoying... Looking down at the food, she sighed and made an effort to eat some of the roast beef. It was not that it wasn't good, it was that she was nervous. "I thought that you were not joining me for dinner, my lord," she asked, tilting her head with curiosity.
Phedre winced when he snapped going quiet before getting up."Yes, my lord."She muttered as she cleaned up the table, getting everything cleaned before walking to the parlor where he had left his bag and pulled out the clothes. "I will go change my lord."She muttered smiling at him a little as she stepped into her room, changing quickly before walking back to the parlor."My lord?"She said tilting her head a little as she studied the drunken man.


Valerian smirked his eyes drowning to her chest as he studied the golden glow before nodding."You are definately dressed...or undressed in this my liking."He said smirking, enjoying the clothes that weren't really clothes. Definately the best way to keep women, barely dressed and ready for sex at any time. Eating he sighed softly before nodding."I had not planned to. But I had planned to deal with over dinner ended sooner then I thought it would."he said looking away from her so she couldn't see the pain in his eyes.
Alec looked up at Phedre, taking in the sight of her in strappy, revealing slave uniform that his friend had talked him in to buying while in town. Earlier, he thought I was ridiculous, but his friend had managed to convince him that the emperor would find it insulting to see him treating the slave as a mere house guest when he had been clear about what she was trained to do. Now, looking at her in the light of the fireplace, Alec found himself taking in her beautiful body in the outfit. Thankfully, her time in servitude was not hard on her body. She was still soft and curvy - just like how he liked women... It was hard to hide his erection through his toga. "Stand before me," he demanded, his voice soft but stern. When she was in front of him, he took in her body with slightly drunk eyes. "Tell me what... things that emperor had you trained to do."



Ophelia watched him look away, and for the first time, she saw some sort of real emotion in the emperor's eyes. It was pain, she was sure, and it was most definitely real and raw. It made her green eyes go soft with curious, wondering what a man like him could be upset about. He had Rome in the palm of his hands, and yet he looked like he was crushed with defeat. It was only a flicker of a moment that she could see his pain, but it was there... She wondered, suddenly, if it was about his wife. After all, Ophelia was practically replacing the older woman in her husband's bed. Maybe there was more to the situation that Alec refused to tell her. It would not be a new occurrence for her brother to keep her in the dark. He always claimed he was protecting her.

"Well, my lord, I am happy to be with you earlier than expected," she said, then gave him a sweet, youthful smile. Her words may not have been genuine, for she was truly scared out of her mind, but she sounded genuine. "And, I am happy that you are pleased with my... body..." She blushed and looked down at her plate. She was still a young woman who had been watched closely by her brother. She had not been seen nude, she had not been kissed, and she had definitely not been touched.
Phedre flushed as she looked down at herself. Oh yea,definately not happy about the outfit, but in the year since she'd been dragged to rome as a prisoner of war, the woman had been humilated enough that this was just the latest insult to the wounded pride of the former priestess. Moving to stand in front of him, her face flickering in the low firelight she looked down at him, "oh my lord, he has taught me many things..."she muttered "He taught me how to best to stroke one's...member.."she blushed so prettily at the words, despite the year's worth of experience, she was still embarassed easily."to give the sharpest use my mouth to please to ride you until you are weak...."She flushed embarassed, knowing she was doing a horrible job of explaining, but she just couldn't get her mind to work with the words well.


Valerian shrugged slightly as he ate before getting a control of his emotions again before starting to eat again. Definately wouldn't do to dwell on what he couldn't change, and his damaged relationship with Astrid was something he couldn't change. Looking at her he studied her for a moment before giving a short burst of laughter, true amusement escaping. "No your not. Not that I blame you, you are young and haven't discovered the joys of sex yet."He grinned looking years younger, his true amusement stripping away the cruel and vicious emperor he could be, or the broken husband who still loved his wife, he was just a man who was looking forward to introducing sex to someone who hadn't experienced it yet.
Alec licked his lips a little, his eyes roaming over her body as she continued to describe her many tricks. The way the light from the fireplace flickered across her body made his cock tent the toga he was wearing. He swallowed hard and allowed his green eyes to meet her gaze. "Very well," he said in a low voice, his chest rumbling with lust. Reaching over, he pulled the draw string of his clothing and let it fall to the sides of his waist. Suddenly, his muscular thighs, his abdomen, and his just came into view. His large, proud member stood erect, pumping with his new found arousal. "I would like you to demonstrate this for me," he ordered, "Go to your knees and please me in the ways that you pleased she emperor."


Ophelia looked up at him, shocked at the burst of laughter. She reached up and brushed the hair out of her face, not knowing how to react to his statement. She was still a little nervous about upsetting him. It was not a secret that Valerian was not a man of mercy to those who upset him. "I am sorry, my lord, I am just nervous," she assured, biting her lip. With a sudden burst of reality, Ophelia realized that she needed to please this man. As scared and nervous as she was, this man had chosen her above all the other women he came in to contact with, and if she did not live up to his expectations, he would surely send her to the wolves. She'd be lucky if she was a sex slave to the lower ranked aristocrats.

Standing up, Ophelia stepped around the table and looked down at the man sitting before her. Gently, she pushed the sheer robe away from her body, letting him see her full gold-tipped breasts, her smooth skin, and her untouched pussy. She was a slim girl, but she had the "child-bearing" hips that were coveted by women at the time.

All she was left with was the jewelry that was put around her neck and wrists. "I-I'd love for you too teach me, my lord," she whispered.
Phedre flushed as she looked him over, looking down at him before sinking to her knees."As you wish my lord."She mutterd her hand finding his cock,gently stroking him, slender soft fingers curled around the erect proud member even as she looked nervous. She'd been trained by a harsh master, who'd punished mistakes with violence, so she was working hard to please him. Flushing softly as she lowered her head to his cock, sliding her mouth down over him, closing her eyes as she worked his cock in her mouth, breathing as deeply as she could, letting the hard tips of her breasts press against his legs, letting him feel that lush cury body pressed against his legs.


Valerian smirked looking at her as she looked at him in shock. "You are young. Young ones are always nervous with me."He said thoughtfully looking bemused as he considered the girl in front of him, turning his head slightly to get a better look at the woman standing in front of him. Reaching out as he stood he pushed the plates back enough so he could set her up on the table, lowering his mouth to flick his tongue over her gold tipped nipple. "I would most definately enjoy teaching you."he said smirking as his lips closed around her, teeth biting down on her nipple as he stroked his hands over her skin, having every intention of playing with her.
Alec's thighs began to tremble, for it had been a long while since he had a woman's mouth on his cock. In fact, the last time he had sex, it was with a group of men in combat. A few months ago, Germany had sent over an assassin to kill the emperor, and Alec and his crew had managed to get him and the German women he used as bait in their control before they got close enough to the emperor to poison him. As a reward, they were given the German women to use as they saw fit. Most of the other men were quite brutal with the women, but Alec managed to find one who was more than willing to let him fuck her if he saw that she lived and got back to Germany. He had every intention of letting her go, for it was not her fault that she was forced into this mess, but she was killed a few hours later by another man in his crew...

A moan ripped through his throat, and he reached down to grab a handful of her hair. "Fuck," he snarled, thrusting his hips upward until he felt the head of his cock make contact with her throat. At first, he was going to be gentle, but his need for release was driving him insane. "Breath deep," he ordered, waiting for her to relax her throat before he started to force her lips farther and farther down his cock.


Ophelia gasped as she was easily picked up at sat on the table. It was clear that the emperor was as strong as his warriors... Her head lolled back as his mouth came in contact with her gold-dipped nipple. It was a sensation that caught her off guard, making her moan softly and close her eyes. "I hope I will be a decent student for you, my lord," she murmured quietly. Goosebumps rose across her skin as his hands began to caress her in areas that only her own hands had ever been... She was growing excited, her nipples hardening under his ministrations, but she was still nervous. Nervous enough to wish that she had drank some wine before hand.

Reaching up, Ophelia let her hand rest on the emperor's shoulder to keep her balance. It was so odd to be touching a man of such immense power...
Phedre shuddered a little as she realized what power she had over him, nearly rearing back off him as he fisted her hair, gasping as he pressed her down onto his cock. Whimpering quietly as she forced herself to relax, closing her eyes and breathing through her nose as she deep throated him, tremblng as she practically squirmed in place between his legs. Well trained to expect to be treated like this, the woman was becoming aroused because she expected what was coming next, her body trained to expect the pleasure that was surely going to come when they were done. Working his cock with her mouth and throat she hummed a little, shivering at the strange vibration it sent through her throat and around his cock.


Valerian smirked slightly at the surprise in her look as she realized just how strong he was. Nuzzling her a little he smirked slightly, "Hm, I am sure you will be."He muttered before straightening, looking at the woman sitting in front of him before reaching behind her,"Drink."He said ordered holding out a wine glass towards him. Knowing that the firs time would be painful, and that the wine would dull it. Not even waiting until she followed his instructions he sank to his knees, his mouth quickly going to work between her legs, tongue and teeth teasing the ever so sensitive skin,
Alec's ass clenched as he felt her hum around his sensitive member. Fuck, she was good with her mouth. Her body, hopefully, was as useful as it was gorgeous. If so, they may be able to come out with a decent arrangement. He might actually like the idea of having a slave in his household... After a few moments of her ministrations, he could feel the cum start to rise up his shaft, but he fought it. His eyes closed tight and he yanked her off his member by the hair. "Ngh," he grunted, looking down at her. The lust that swirled within his eyes could only be described as primal. His eyes told her that he could easily ravish her until she could not longer move... Letting go of her hair, he reached down with both hands and pinched her nipples, twisting the hard in order to get some sort of reaction. "I am going to give you a bit of training myself," he said, standing up. He yanked her into a standing position by the arm and nodded to the bedroom. "On the bed, face down, ass in the air."


Ophelia sighed a bit in relief as she took the goblet of wine and began to drink. She nearly had the entire glass down when his surprised her between her legs. She jumped, dropping the glass and letting out a deep moan. "Oh...," she whined, not paying any mind the sound of crashing glass about the marble floor. Thankfully, she had gotten a good amount of wine in her system before dropping it. "M-my lord," she whispered, surprised to be feeling so much pleasure from his mouth. Never had she thought he'd be this sensual. In fact, she had pictured him taking her virginity in a rough, quick manner...

Reaching down, her fingers stroked his soft dark hair. Her legs finally began to spread and give in to what was going to happen to her, and her thighs were growing slick with arousal.
Phedre sighed softly yelping as he pulled her off of him by her hair, eyes widening slightly as he looked at him. Her own eyes dark with lust as she partically squrimed, her thighs rubbing together as she felt herself growing slick with desire. To well trained to not find the rough and primal treatment hot. moaning as her back arched as he twisted her nipples she whimpered ever so softly as both pain and pleasure spiked through her body. Stumbling a little as he pulled her to her feet she nodded a little as she walked to the bedroom, hips swaying, accenting the small bottoms of the slave outfit she was wearing, going to her knees on the bed, she sank down to her knees, lowering her body until only her ass was in the air, looking over her shoulder at him."My lord?"


Valerian's laughter was amused as he rolled his eyes up to look at her as she dropped the wine, sighing softly as he closed his eyes as he worked her flesh. While his mouth wasn't gentle against her, and he had every intention of being rough with her, he didn't want to really hurt her out of hand, because he knew he'd have a easier time convincing her to want him if he didn't hurt her badly. And while he knew that he could use her body no matter what she thought, he'd rather her want him, wanted her to always want him.

Standing he smirked as he wiped his mouth clean, smirking down at her as he rested his hands on her hips, tugging her to the edge of the table, lowering his mouth to kiss her roughly as he gripped her hips to keep her still as he plunged into her, moaning at the gith virgin body that tightened around him, pausing when he was inside her, trembling ever so softly.
Alec came in behind her, one of his hands caressing the back of her thigh all the way up to her pert ass. "I will give you your own pleasure," he said softly, "But you have to earn it by being a good girl, is that clear?" His hand dove between her thighs, feeling out the slick skin. A smirk spread across his face as he realized the treatment was turning her own. "Hm," he said, "You seem to like this." His fingers pushed the bottoms of the slave uniform aside and dove inside of her wet opening, feeling her out roughly. When he stepped back, he with drew his fingers and slapped her thigh. "Turn over and take the bottoms off," he growled.


Ophelia's knees went weak when he kissed her, feeling his lips move against her's in a dominant, assertive way. He was an amazing kisser, and it made her wonder if this was what she had been missing out on all these years... It was intoxicating, and her arms instinctively went around the older man's neck, holding him closer to her smaller body.

When he thrust in side of her, breaking through her maidenhead, Ophelia let out a cry of pain. It hurt a lot more than she had anticipating, causing her to turn her head and bury her face into his shoulder to keep from screaming. Her nails dug into his back, and she tried her best to take deep breaths... The Emperor, of all people, was taking her virginity away. He was inside of her, trembling with desire as he stretched her open.

"Oh, it hurts, my lord," she gasped, swallowing hard.
Phedre whimpered quietly as she squirmed looking back at him, nodding quietly."Y-yes my lord."She said her eyes widening a little as he touched hr squirming back against his hand. Gasping as he felt her out her hips rocked a little, her body responding quickly to the rough treatment as he smaced her thigh. Twisting she rolled onto her back, hips lifting just enough to slide down the bottoms as she spread her legs as she looked up at him."Now what my lord?"She muttered resting her hands on her stomach, though she twitched a little, fingers wanting to touch him,ut not about to touch without permission.


Valerian laughed softly as she clung to him, hands tightening on her hips as he pressed a kiss to her head. Swallowing hard as her nails dug into his back, he growled softly."LEt go.At least...not with're going to make me lose control, deliciaHe growled roughly at her, calling her darling without even thinking of it. Shuddering as he fought to not be as rough as he wanted."Deep breathing.Do you want more wine?"He offered after a moment, leaning back to look down at her, that happy go lucky that was so disturbing because it gave a glimpse at the child he'd been, or the man he could have been had he not been emperor.
Alec tilted his head to the side while looking down at her, taking in the sight of her bare nether regions. Licking his lips, he tried his hardest not to get to his knees a devour her. No, she was a slave, not a lover. He had to treat her accordingly. "I want you to get something straight," he said, his voice harsh but soft. It really was an unusual combination. "I am not fucking you tonight. I may not fuck you for weeks, because unlike some men, I have control. You... You are naked in front of me because that's how it should be. From now until I decide you are not fit, you are mine. You should always be available to me, even when I do not desire you at the moment." Reaching down, he cupped her pussy, letting his middle finger slide into her. When he looked her in the eyes, it was clear that while he was tipsy, there may be another reason while he was getting rough with her. In fact, there was a reason behind his change of heart. There actually was a dark side to Alec.

"Now," he said, removing his hand from between her legs and placing it on his own cock. He started to stroke himself, letting out little grunts. "I am going to allow you to touch yourself and have release - only because you have been obedient today." Reaching down, he slapped her between the legs. "Now."


Ophelia shivered at his words, only loosening her grip enough so that her nails didn't break the skin. The way he called her "darling" gave her chills. Good chills. "More wine," she whimpered, glancing up at him. The smile on his face, oddly enough, comforted her. Again, she was still quite shocked at house easy he was being on her. She knew it wouldn't last, for he was not known for his gentle touch, but it was nice to know he would not brutally take her virginity. It gave her a slightly different point of view on the emperor... Taking deep breaths, she waited for him to pour another glass of wine, then downed it. One drop of the wine slipped passed her lips and rolled down her chin, neck, then right breast.

Once the wine had kicked in, making the younger woman slightly tipsy, she reached up and touched his neck. Her hand slid up his jaw, letting her fingertips brush against his facial hair. It seemed that the alcohol was making her more comfortable with him... and more curious. "... It feels better," she whispered, biting her lip in an unintentionally sultry way.
Phedre swallowed har as she looked up at him, her dark eyes looking both lusty and thoughtful. As odd combonation as his soft and harsh voice was. Nodding quickly at his words she laughed quietly."Not enough of you romans know the meaning of control."She said looking amused at the idea before nodding at his words, swallowing hard."I will be ready...ohh..."She moaned her hips jerking up as he fingered her, her words trailing off into desperate little whimpers, despite him touching her, she wanted more.

Watching him stroke himself she whimpered quietly at the loss of touch before nodding."Thank you my lord."She muttered yelping s he slapped her, jumping a little. Looking up at her master she swallowed hard, nervous now. Self conscious at touching herself in front of him. Swallowing again she sighed softly as she panted softly, fingers playing over her skin before her fingers slid down,starting to touch herself, losing herself in it, totally not paying attention to the man watching her.


Valerian smirked a little as she let go, looking amused as he leaned back, pulling out of her a little leaning to the side to pour the glass of wine before giving it to her. Watching her for a moment be smirked watching the wine drop roll down her breast. "Good."He smirked wider, turning his head a little into her hand at the touch to his cheek, letting the five o'clock shadow whiskers rub against her fingers as he thrust into her hardr, giving into the urge now that he was sure she was a little tipsy. She'd definately be sore in the morning, but he needed to be as rough to get rid of the feelings that were torturing him. And the idea of her being pregnant with his heir in the near future was driving him to be rough and demanding.
Alec moaned as he watched her play with herself, looking at the pleasure that moved across her beautiful facial features. He did not know what it was, but he had always been the most turned on when watching a woman pleasure herself. It had something to do with the fact that it was not proper... "Ah, yes," he hissed, stroking himself a little faster. His eyes closed, and he saw stars behind his lids. With a deep, animalistic growl, Alec let loose multiple spurts of cum that landed on her stomach and breasts... "Oh, fuck," he quietly cursed, letting himself collapse on the bed beside her. He swallowed hard and looked over at her, waiting for her to orgasm. He loved to watch a woman orgasm.


Ophelia leaned her head on his shoulder, woozy from the wine. Her legs locked around his waist, and her moans could be heard throughout the large room. "Oh, oh... Oh, Your Highness," she gasped, feeling herself start to tingle and burn between her legs in a way that only occurred when she dared to touch herself before bed time. It had her making noises that sounded foreign to her own ears.

Bringing her head up, Ophelia looked him in the eyes and licked her wine-stained lips. She wanted to kiss him, but feared to do so with out his permission. It was just that his kiss from earlier left her feeling like she was on cloud nine, his lips capturing her's in the most delicious way... Instead, she reached back and slid the plates off the table, letting them clatter to the floor before she leaned back and laid her upper body down on the table top, presenting herself to him.
Phedre shuddered as she played with herself, gasping as she felt cum splatter across her, eyes widening as she came at the knowledge of that he had come, shivering quietly as she moaned coming as she collapsed back onto the bed, her body flushed and beautiful as she slumped back onto the pillows, panting for breath. Whimpering quietly in contentment as she relaxed, shivering as she turned her head to look at him."oh...that was nice..."She shivered flushing at her words smiling hesitantly at him as she looked at him through half closed eyes.


"Valerian."He growled pressing a kiss to her shoulder, nuzzling her slightly, wincing slightly at the title. As much as he enjoyed being the emperor, it seemed slightly....weird to be called it in bed, unless he was playing a dominance game. and while he was dominating her, it was definately not the game he was playing at the moment. Looking down at her as he laid back on the table he smirked, leaning down to kiss her hard,devouring, before pulling away starting to kiss down her body as he thrust in and out of her roughly, shudreing after a few moments, coming as he looked dwon at his prize, his mistress.
Alec nodded, panting with pleasure before he reached over and lightly smacked her thigh. "Draw my bath," he murmured, coming down from the high of his powerful orgasm. "You will bathe me and yourself... But first, get the bottle of wine from the kitchen table." He leaned back against the bed, waiting for her to stand and do what was asked over her. His cock started to slowly deflate and lay across his thigh. It was clear that he was growing drowsy from the alcohol and sex.


Ophelia looked up at him, her eyes showing curiosity through her slightly drunken state. "Valerian," she whispered, and it rolled over her tongue beautifully. When he leaned down to kiss her, taking her harder and harder, she groaned into his mouth and arched her back into his body. She came within seconds, her thighs locking around his waist and her nails raking across his back once again. The pleasure was so intense, she swore she blacked out for a few moments... Her body trembled with the amazing orgasm he gave her, and the blood that tainted her inner thighs was easily forgot during her haze of alcohol and lust.

When she felt his seed splash along her insides, Ophelia let out a gasp. It was an odd sensation... She had not been expecting it, for she was still unaware of his intentions of getting her pregnant. However, she was too out of it to care at the moment. She simply laid across the table, panting in pleasure.

"That was... amazing, my lord," she whispered, looking up at him through her bright green eyes. One thing that Ophelia had going for her, was that she looked nothing like his wife and would not remind him over her. Where Astrid had brown hair, ivory skin, and very dark eyes, Ophelia had black hair, tan skin, and sea green eyes. Astrid's features were sharper, and her figure was tall and thin. Ophelia had soft facial features, and was shorter and curvier than the Queen...
Phedre yelped a little as he smacked her, whining quietly as she sat up slowly."Yes my lord."She muttered watching him for a moment before walking across the way. Looking around for a moment before running her fingers through her hair, straightening the soft strands as she walked to the kitchen naked, before returning. Sitting on the edge of the bed she poured some wine into the glass before holding it out towards him."Drink while I prepare a bath."She muttered setting the bottle aside as she headed to the bathroom to prepare.


Valerian shuddered a little as she said his name, smiling slightly before looking down at her as she came, wincing slightly as her body tightened painfully around him. Swallowing hard as he watched her he smiled slightly as he pulled out of her, moving to sit back down in his chair with the careless grace of a man used to being in charge.

"So it was."Valerian said smiling absently at the woman, his features growing dark as he watched the woman. Like her, he knew just how she looked, and it was nothing like his wife. But the moment made him brood. Standing abruptly he called for a servant, leaning down to kiss her forehead absently."Sleep well. I will see you in the morning."He said before leaving the room, "And see that she gets cleaned up."He said as he past the servant on her way in, heading for the bathroom to clean up. AFter awhile in the bathtub and scrubbing his skin to make sure he was well clean he walked to his wife's rooms, pausing outside the door before stepping in, but staying in the shadows by the door.

"Astrid?"He muttered wondring if he was hoping she was awake, or if he was to late and she was already asleep.
Alec nodded and took the glass of wine, sipping on it as he waited. After a few moments, he managed to stand up and slump toward the bathroom. He sniffed the scented oils, pleased with his bath, and slid in. He leaned back against the wall of the large tub and closed his eyes, his wine glass resting in his right hand. "Come," he said, "Get in and clean us both." He spread his legs to allow her to sit on the other end of the tub, opening his eyes. "Hang up your uniform over there." He nodded to the shelving that lined the back wall.


Ophelia felt a little hurt that he was not going to stay with her... It made her feel used.

Frowning, she nodded and watched him leave before submitting to the two female servants. They ushered her to the wash room to clean her up before putting her to bed and going to work on the mess they made at the dining table. As they worked, Ophelia crawled into a ball in the middle of the huge bed and managed to get to sleep after a few hours of being in shock. All of this... It was still a bit much to process, especially since she had just arrived this morning.


Astrid turned over in her bed and looked toward the shadowed figure in the corner of the room. She let out a sigh and sat up on her elbow. "What can I do for you, my lord," she said, her voice sounding tired and hurt. She still loved him, but their relationship was strained, and it hurt that he was choosing a woman he barely knew over a her - a woman he had been married to for eleven years.

"I will be leaving at dawn, Valerian," she said, "And I thought you had said your goodbyes to me."
Phedre smiled slightly as she hung up the uniform before walking to the edge of the tub, testing the water for a moment before climbing into thetub with him, gathering her dark hair in her hands and pining it up to keep it from getting wet."Hm, I thought I already did that.Come I mean."She uttered with a small teasing smile as she slipped into the tub to sit, sitting easily between his legs, shifting as she picked up a wash cloth and staring to wash him gently off.


'I thought I did to."Valerian muttered studying his wife, his shoulders tense and drawn up, as if bracing for a blow. Only Astrid knew Valerian had been as abused as much as he abused others, his father's violence living on in him even after the man died. "May I pass the night here?It seems I am not quite ready to say goodbye yet."he muttered stepping to the edge of the bed, reaching out and absently touching a curl of her hair. He knew, he was aware that he'd treated ophelia badly by just leaving her there with the servants, but he couldnt help the feeling that had driven him to this room. Hopefully, soon, with his wife away from him he could focus solely on the woman he'd claimed as his mistress, and on ruling his kingdom.
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