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Learning from a master (Cheshire x Tema)

"Hold your tongue; While you are regent of this house, you hold no sway over any interactions between myself and Serefina. As you asked, I have not started her formal weapons training. But, as you well know there is much more to teach than just how to handle a sword. The wilds give serenity that a troubled mind can find no where else."

Vallios stood his ground against Beatrix, eyes burning with conviction. As for her attack on his heritage, that would be addressed next. It was time that Beatrix be put in her proper place for once. The overbearing woman had a terrible habit of thrusting her nose where it did not belong, and this time it would be forced into the dirt. Metaphorically speaking of course, but still; Beatrix had crossed a major line.

"You throw out my heritage as if it is filth that should be scrubbed away. And yet, Arzale chose me above all other males who belong to this house. Remember that when you speak to me Beatrix, that an authority higher than yours will ever be elected me to this position. Get out of my way, I have no business with you, nor any desire to spend any more of my valuable time in your presence."

His voice was surely loud enough for Serefina to hear despite her retreat, and all eyes were upon the bubbling conflict. Vallios loomed above Beatrix, staring down at her in a manner that would make even the sturdiest of hearts stop. Vallios had never particularly liked Beatrix, and right now that fact was plain as day.
"I can and will forbid this alliance if you continue to treat me this way. I am regent with the power to over ride the predecessors if I deem it ill advised for the well being of this house." She didn't like him, anymore than he liked her. How dare he try and run roughshod over her. She was the damned regent here. He was not in charge. She was. The tiny but rotund woman looked at him as if he was dirt beneath her toes.

And then he had to bring Arzale into it. The audacity. "Arzale was known for keeping company with common men. Men unfit to touch my niece." And of course, the entire courtyard was vividly paying attention to the arguement. One that could lead to even further weakening of the House's position in the city.

As for Serefina, she hadn't gotten far before she was met with resistance. That of the solid body of mass known as Stazi. The slim man had slipped into her path, and wrapped his arms around the distressed woman as soon as he heard the argument going on behind them and saw her distress.

"Come on, let's get some wine, and I'll rub your feet. The experience must have been horrible."
keeping his singular arm around her shoulders, he tightened his grip when she heard them further arguing and thought to go back to defend him.

"Leave him. He can defend himself against your aunt." And led her inside the house for a bit of quiet personal time.
"There is but one flaw in that theory; You are the aggressor here. You dishonor the memory of the dead by openly, and without cause discrediting their judgment. You are the one who should be shamed. I am guilty of no trespass, I have broken no laws and yet you wish me ousted, it is as if you actually want to weaken this house."

The words were ominous, it was obvious Vallios would not lay down and be berated. Slowly the guards began lining up behind Vallios, those who had trained with him, been trained by him, and fought beside him stepping forward to show their support. Three-fourths of the court guard stood dutifully behind Vallios, their pikes held level and pointed to the sky, the traditional salute and sign of loyalty. To the untrained eye this would look like the possibility of a sudden coup.

However, anybody who knew Vallios would realize that he was doing not but defending his own good name. When Beatrix stepped down he would allow the matter to end, but if she pressed the point he would continue to defy her and poke further holes in her unsupported claims. But, then Vallios' peripherals betrayed him and he looked, seeing a man place his arms around Serefina and lead her away. The hold was far too close for his liking, and Vallios felt jealous rage swell up in his heart. Vallios quickly committed everything about the man to memory.

And, of course he noticed how easily Serefina slipped into his hold. That, above all else was what burned the most. Vallios moved swiftly past Beatrix, heading out to the town. He was far too angry to address this now, the combination of Beatrix's harassment and this new development was enough to make Vallios liable to lose his temper in a lethal way.

And of course, he was heading for the nearest tavern...To drink until he had no other thoughts. Perhaps, get into a brawl or to. Nothing relieved tension like scrapping with a room full of complete strangers for no legitimate reason. Hopefully, after a good drink or a good fight Vallios would be able to approach the situation with a level head.
Vallios, deep down felt that Serefina was his, and his alone.

Did she not think of him at all? Was there no guilt in her heart at letting another man hold her knowing that every single day Vallios was preparing himself physically, and mentally to fight and die for her, and her alone? As Vallios made his way down the street the world was not but a haze of rage, those corded muscles of his tense with fury.
As Vallios stormed away, Beatrix found herself relieved. It was now abundantly clear that she was not in control. That was one thing that could not stand. Plans would have to be moved forward. But even in her fear was craft. She had watched where his eyes had gone, and what they'd seen. After all, she herself encourages Anastazi in his amorous pursuits.


"Stazi...I should go. Even if he can protect himself from her, we should show unity." She struggled within his grasp now that they were out off sight. She hadn't wanted to cause a scene and chance having his familiarity lost to her as well.

"What a change from yesterday. I thought you wanted nothing to do with him?
" His grip remained firm. More firm than she thought him capable of, to be honest. And she felt the smallest sliver of fear creep up. No, she was being silly and paranoid. There were not brigades and bandits around every corner. Especially not in her own home.

"He's just out of sorts. He has a lot of responsibility now that Father's dead."

Once they were out of sight of any servants, he pulled her into a corner, wrapping his arms around her and pressing her against the cold stone. She was so startled that at first she simply froze. What was it with people just kissing her because they felt like it?!?! She shoved and pushed, and found his body more firm in its resolution than she'd thought possible. She had always bested Stazi at fencing. Had he been letting her win all these years? The more she struggled, the more he tightened his grip, refusing to yield her lips.

Finally, the need for oxygen forced them to part. "God 'Fina. I was so scared when you weren't there until I realized you'd packed your own bags." He hugged her tightly and Serefina had no choice but to accept it. Why was her world spinning out of her control.

"Come. We'll do as you wish. We'll leave here and never come back. I have enough money to keep us both." That was it. The last straw. She shoved her full weight against him, pushing him against the opposite wall and ran for her room. Did he think that she would abandon her family, her House for him? He was her dearest friend but...

She made it to her room, but not quickly enough to stop him from opening the doors. Luckily for him, unless she called for them, most servants left her quarters alone, and they themselves were alone. "Serefina. Stop this ridiculousness." If she'd had a dagger or knife on her at that moment, she'd have run him through, but they were in the saddlebags upon Victory and as such, she had only her wits, and her apparently meager strength. Not even against Vallios had she felt so helpless. She'd trusted him.

"Stop this, Stazi. Just stop it. Please. Just stop this. I can't." There had been a time when she had wanted to be with him. But those times had changed.

"'Fina...I'm sorry. I let my worry get the best of me."

She was hesitant, but she let him come forward and wrap his arms around her. But they felt colder than ever before, and instead she wanted a pair of Alabaster arms holding her. "It's alright. But please, don't ever bring that up again. I will consort with Vallios. It is as both as my parents and as the Ruling Mother and Weapon Master decreed before their deaths."

"Shh..." He murmured, stilling her protests as he led her to quarters. "Have some wine, rest. Everything will get settled later. Relax." Offering her a goblet that was sitting beside her bed, she didn't even think about the oddity of having wine in her room without servants or how that Stazi knew it was here. She simply sipped. He was right. The entire thing was confusing. A bit of mulled wine and some sleep would be nice.

"Stazi...this wine tastes off..." her voice trailed off as she fell to the bed upon which they sat, the drugged wine taking it's toll quickly on her tired and emotionally drained body. Stazi himself couldn't resist a small chuckle. Yes, he worked for Serefina's good, but overall, it was his own that was primary. It was time that the House changed a few things. Quietly, he stripped Serefina's clothes off, taking the time to admire her body before placing it in a properly wanton position and stripped his own belongings off. He wanted to make sure she was awake for any true coupling, but if they were found in such a compromising position, it would dishonor the Weapon Master as well as free him from having to marry Serefina, since most would assume that she had left Vallios' bed for Stazi's, therefore leaving her open for himself. With Beatrix's blessing of course. With that happy thought, he settled in beside Serefina's slumbering body, letting his fingers trail over her lithe body, and let himself think of all the pleasures to be had.
A gasp escaped from a pair of small lips. One of the chamber-maids, Madeline, in a fit of absent mindedness had opened the door to Serefina's chambers without knocking, coming in to drop off some freshly laundered gowns. However, she dropped the laundry and pointed an accusatory finger at the spilled wine glass, and the man who was accosting Serefina. In a shrill tone she shrieked her convictions, the wail loud enough to stir the entire keep.


Then there was the clanging of metal boots on stone floor as any guard within earshot of Madeline's screeching came rushing to the source of the noise. Leading the charge was Galin, one of Vallios' few close friends within the castle. If Anastazi had any presence of mind he'd make a clever exit, lest he find himself waylayed by four of the most capable royal guardsman of the squad. It was astonishing the amount of haste a guard could move with when somebody mentioned that Serefina was in trouble. Galin was first through the threshold, the long spiked edge of his Halberd extended outwards, ready to strike.

Meanwhile, Vallios had veered from his path. Drinking was slowly losing it's appeal as he thought about how stupid it would be to allow himself to be intoxicated amongst the rabble and dogs of the streets. Now that he was to be Weapons Master, he was a very high profile man...One who surely held some form of price on his head. Not really up for worrying about an assassin's dagger, Vallios turned and headed back for House Ahn'kir. Rather than destroy himself with booze, he'd go to the training room and work his frustrations out.
There was one last thing that Anastazi had done while caressing her body. His own knife had sliced his hand and smeared the blood from it upon her thighs and pubis. This way, even if her memory was clouded, it would seem the deed was done to her. For Anastazi knew that she had not given herself to the barbarian. And yet, he knew the way of court gossips. They would either have her leaving the Weapon Master for his bed, or the tainted virgin.

Resting, and waiting for the draught to wear off, Stazi didn't at first realize that the doors had been left open. Carelessness on his part. But as the girl shrieked, he realized that guards would be coming. Guards that were loyal the postition of Weapon Master. That much he'd seen as they'd left before. Damned fool, he cursed himself, and leaving Serefina in her state of undress, he fled towards the a secret passage in that he'd found previously and had used to watch her sleep so many nights.

So by the time the guards did get there, they'd find the room empty, save the soiled Serefina, a slumber in her bed, and no sign of the Spymaster's presence or exit. The girl of course, had fled outside to find guards to hunt down the traitor.
"Oh...No." Galin muttered as he saw the evidence of what had transpired.

Quickly a nurse was called, and little Madeline returned to Serefina's side, tears welling in her eyes. She stepped over and retrieved a gown, slipping it over Serefina to preserve her dignity and privacy, the nurse waiting patiently for her to come to. Galin ordered three guards to stand watch. He had to find Vallios. Vallios needed to know, needed to be here. Swiftly he moved, sprinting away, hoping that Vallios was in a tavern nearby.

But, Galin did not need to run far. The two crossed as Vallios came up to the Ahn'kir gates, and Galin panted out a summary of what happened. When the words registered in Vallios' shocked mind his steps faltered. Then, he came to his senses and rushed to investigate, Galin barely able to keep on his heels. It took the men less than 3 minutes to get from the center of the Ahn'kir grounds, all the way up to Serefina's chambers. Vallios pushed past the gathered guards and moved to Serefina's side, reaching down to take her hand between his.

Guilt, guilt beyond anything Vallios had ever felt before welled up inside him. He pressed an apologetic kiss to her hand, eyes cast down to the floor in shame. He'd failed her! Anger had blinded him, and he'd abandoned his duty. The shame of it all...His own incompetence had caused this. It was so hard to believe; how could this have happened?

Galin watched wordlessly, only able to imagine the shame and guilt that was clearly devouring Vallios' soul. When Serefina came to she'd be assaulted by the clamor of people trying to get a description of her attacker, and she'd find Vallios kneeling by her side, eyes down cast in prayer.
It wasn't too long till they'd get a response. It was not meant to be a long sedative and Serefina had a natural tendency to process things through her system quickly. And so she awoke to a clamor that she didn't understand.

"What's going on? Why is everyone in my bedchamber?" She looked around her, not even thinking about her own state. "Weapon Master..." they were in front of people, and she had no idea what was going on, it was simply better to defer to him at this point. She had no idea what was going on. Her memory was foggy. The last thing she remembered was....the horse ride back to the House. Why was everyone making a fuss?
"Are you ok?" Vallios asked, his voice barely a whisper.

The nurse reached over and retrieved the goblet of wine, taking a sniff. She grimaced and then set it aside, her finely tuned nose able to pick out the sedative immediately. Mullweed, designed to muddle the memory and tranquilize the body. Perhaps it was better that her assailant had chosen to use the stuff, at least she wouldn't be able to fully remember her innocence being stolen. The Nurse retrieved a cold damp towel and pushed it onto Serefina's forehead, gently dabbing.

"Don't move, milady. You're going to be alright..."

Vallios looked up at Serefina, those topaz orbs full of sadness. He reached up and stroked her cheek gently, trying to find his voice. A mixture of sorrow and self loathing had struck him silent, he found it impossible to mold his thoughts into a coherent sentence. After a moment he finally regained his powers of speech. The words were heartfelt, guilt visible in every bit of Vallios' face.

"I should never have left your side...I'm so sorry."
She struggled against the nurse's ministrations. "Please, just go away, nurse. I'm fine." Her head was a bit foggy. It didn't help that Vallios was here apologizing for something and she didn't even understand why. Finally the woman left, leaving her in the room with the Weapon Master.

"You've done nothing to apologize for. I don't..." but it was then that she glanced down and saw her lap, the blood seeping through her nightgown that the chambermaid had put over her. Her mind went to the completely wrong direction before it corrected itself. No, they would not have left Vallios in here if he'd been the culprit. No matter their loyalty to him, their highest loyalty was to the Ruling Mother. To her.

"I think I need to be alone...."
"I will remain and guard her. The rest of you, back to your duties..." Vallios whispered.

Vallios, understanding that Serefina would probably find herself skittish and definitely not wanting to be touched, released her hand. Instead, he settled beside her bed as the guards filed out. After a moment Vallios spoke, his voice was low and sullen...But filled with concerns. His questions, and tone would be gentle. The guilt compelled Vallios to investigate, so that he could better protect her.

"Who was that man I saw you with while Beatrix was accosting me? Answer at your own pace."

No accusations, no jealousy, just genuine concern and confusion. So many possibilities swam through Vallios' head, that mysterious man marked as incredibly suspicious. It was the first time he'd seen that man, and Serefina had seemed so trusting of him! That'd put that...That enigma in the perfect place to do this. But no, in matters like this Vallios could not afford to lose his head. Serefina seemed to be taking this quite well, though she could simply be in complete shock. And so, he'd need to remain calm.
"Beatrix was accosting you?" Serefina sighed. "I'll have a word with her. Even though we're not..." a glance then down at her thighs. And might as well never be now. "If you wish to remain as Weapon Master, I will acknowledge you still even though you do not have to consort with me." She was soiled, tainted by the touch of an unknown assailant. How could this happen in her own house? She drew her knees up to her chest, and hugged her arms around them. She felt unsafe in her own House?

She was trying to be strong. To be reasonable and logical, when all she felt like doing was crying.
It was amazing how tragedy changed things. Vallios moved up onto the bed and pulled her against his chest, bringing her close. Serefina seemed to think, as most women in her place did after something of this horrible nature happened, that she would be cast aside. But this sin was not hers, and Vallios would not blame her for it. He pressed a soothing kiss to her cheek, shaking his head at her words.

"I would not abandon you for something you did not participate in. This was not your choice; you have not broken your unspoken promise to me."

While, deep down it did hurt Vallios' pride to know that he truly wouldn't be her first, he still saw himself as going to be her first 'willing' coupling, and that was what mattered. As Vallios held her he felt his very soul burn, thinking back to Ivarra. He'd been close enough to save Ivarra this fate; yet he'd failed to spare the woman he was sworn to protect. A low sigh, and another quiet apology. The burden Vallios felt over this, it was as if he himself had committed the vile act.

"I am the one who failed. If I'd kept my head and just allowed Beatrix to berate me as I passed this never would have happened. I'm...I'm so sorry."
Serefina didn't know what to say, but she quietly accepted the comfort of his embrace, finding it truly comforting. But as he apologized about Beatrix, she couldn't but help a chuckle. "If you'd managed to keep your head with her about, I'd apply you for sainthood." But she wrapped her arms around him where she could and let herself weep. Over and over again, things just kept being taken from her without her say so.


One of the pages peeked his head in. The only reason he was allowed passage was because it was a letter with a certain seal that was deemed to always take precedence to Serefina. "Milady, Sir Anastazi Di Mourney has requested your presence at the House Council Meeting. He's waiting downstairs to escort you. I wasn't sure what to tell him." After all, the House as a whole were very protective of their Lady. And that lady was not Beatrix.
"The house council can wait. Anything being discussed can be relayed, and any action that needs voting upon can be postponed a few hours." Vallios spat.

Vallios put his arms in a tighter embrace around Serefina, feeling quite over-protective of her. Now, Vallios would be ensuring that he was her personal body guard at all times, until he could properly divert a portion of the royal guard to escort her, and guard the door to her chamber at night. Rearranging the guard was a difficult task, as there were many shifts that needed to be coordinated to ensure proper coverage. He looked at the page, and then cleared his throat deciding to issue an order of his own.

"Find Sir Galin and notify him that he will be taking over the training classes temporarily, as I have security matters to deal with. The lady and I will be down shortly to attend the council meeting. Ensure there is a seat for me."

Now, there was more than a debt of honor to repay. Vallios moved closer to Serefina, making sure she was as comfortable as she could be. The hold was chaste but loving, Vallios doing his best to both be there as a physical comfort, but also respect any boundary issues she may find herself having. But, Vallios found himself intrigued that the page had saw fit to announce one man separate from the council.

"Who is that Anastazi fellow, and why is he more important than any other part of the council?"
"Yes, Sir!" the boy yelped, and quickly ran off to do his job. He didn't want to be anywhere near the Weapon Master after the uproar today. Already tales were spreading of how quickly Vallios had come to their lady's aid.

Serefina had barely glanced up during all of this. "Anastazi? He's my closest friend. He and I grew up together, and he's now..." there really wasn't any use keeping secrets from Vallios. After all, he'd know eventually. "...he's my Spymaster. But he's also in charge of bringing anything to my attention in the Council Meetings that he doesn't think Beatrix can handle. He despises her almost as much as you do." Those words got a chuckle from her. Everything felt so surreal.

"If he's calling for me, it's most likely important. I should go."
"I'm following." Vallios said, his tone one of absolute finality. It was obvious that, at least for awhile he would be at her side as if he was glued to her.

And those clawed fists were on. Vallios stayed close by, those topaz eyes roving over all their surroundings. The Weapons Masters' back was up, and it was amazing how intimidating he could look when he stood at his full height. Those exotic, bladed knuckles made him look all the more fierce, like a walking beast. Even the most seasoned of guards took a step back, unwilling to be too close, or look even the slightest bit suspicious. It was well known that those katars were Vallios' personal weapons, and that he was at his most deadly with those weapons.

Now, it was probably odd having Vallios so close inside the keep. If Serefina wanted to calm Vallios, she'd have to work at it. In Vallios' mind the world was in code red status, and everybody was a threat. It'd take a lot of proof before Vallios let his guard lapse again, he couldn't imagine what he'd do with himself if anything else happened.

And, Anastazi may be in for something of a shock as well if he'd never gotten a good glimpse at Vallios before. Before Master Arzale's death Vallios' existence was spread between the training room and his own chambers almost exclusively, like some kind of strange beast that Arzale kept out of the public eye. The reality was that Vallios kept himself out of the public eye, Arzale attempted to lure Vallios out to meet the important people of House Ahn'kir, but had quickly learned that such endeavors were fruitless. If Vallios could be coaxed away from the training room, it was either for bed or down to a bar. That was really about it.
"Alright." She didn't really see what the point was. What more could be done to her? She slowly pulled herself away and went about dressing in one of her finest gowns, pulling the corseting tight. Something to keep on her no matter what. With her mind on her own things, she paid no mind to Vallios' manner or how the others treated him.

"Serefina!" A smiling voice called out at the entered one of the greeting rooms. "Are you...whoa..." He looked at Vallios. "Now that is a man. Are you sure you won't take back that statement about him being dashing, dominant and charming?" There was not even a moment of hesitation as he played the fop to perfection. Everyone 'knew' that Anastazi was interested in men, and they simply ignored it for the sake of their lady. It was the final reason why he'd also been allowed leave to be with Serefina unattended.

She looked up, startled. That had always been the other reason that she hadn't agreed to marry him. She thought he'd simply be using her for a cover and she wanted a real marriage. And yet here he was, showing actual interest in a male that Serefina herself thought was prime. She fell back into their old banter perfectly. It was easier this way. That way Stazi didn't have to know either. "Yes, and you can't have him. He's mine...." She grinned.
One blink, then two blinks of semi-confusion...And then Vallios found himself putting his left katar back on his belt, and curling an arm around Serefina's waist, pulling her close. Anastazi was spymaster for a reason apparently, though Vallios found it hard to dismiss his initial suspicions about the man. This was certainly the same male that he'd seen escorting Serefina away. He'd have to...Interrogate him later. For now, Vallios would keep a watchful eye on Anastazi, looking for any tells that gave away him as anything but helpful. Though, he did remember Serefina's previous words about them being close friends. Gah! This entire damned mess was so blasted tangled that Vallios couldn't tell you which way was up and which way was down.

Of course, Vallios' back was up to any male who was addressed as anything more than a castle grunt, and that arm curling around Serefina's waist was definitely quite possessive. Vallios' eyes narrowed the slightest bit at Anastazi as he silently made his claim known, before he allowed Serefina's own calm disposition to lull him into a temporary state of dormancy. However, Vallios still kept his right wrist firm within the fastenings of that katar.

As Anastazi's actual words processed through Vallios' mind he shot Serefina a sideways glance, cocking an eyebrow. Then, he smirked at her response. Serefina herself did a fine job of stroking Vallios' ego, he didn't mind if she reciprocated her claim over him verbally. In fact, it was nice to know that she was willing to firmly acknowledge their connection.
One thing Anastazi knew well, it was just how thick to lay it on. So he just gave Vallios a wink and went to Serefina's side, taking her free hand in his. "Well, because it's you, 'Fina darling, I'll let you have him." And with that very familiar nickname given, he leaned over, giving Serefina a kiss on the cheek.

"Take care of her big guy, we wouldn't want anything to happen to her, now would we?" He looked at Vallios, completely unafraid. There was knowledge in his eyes. He let Vallios see it. He knew what had happened, but he could play nice as well. After all, it was his job to know EVERYTHING that went on. Again, just the right hint of suspicion would actually work to clear his name if Vallios did suspect anything.

"Did you rest well? I am sorry to wake you up but she's got them all astir again and they're at each other's throats. I really do need your help with this one." He was back to paying his sole bit of attention to Serefina.

"I'm fine, Stazi." Another nickname popping its head into the conversation. These two were very familiar with each other. "Besides, I think it's time Beatrix realized who will be in charge." She then glanced up at Vallios. "Will you verify my ability to serve as Ruling Mother if it comes to it or do I need to prove it first?" Whatever was in the works, if she was asking for his compliance, it was big.
"You keep to your shadows, secrets and sulking, Spymaster, I'll worry about my consort's safety." Vallios growled.

A low blow, at Vallios' wounded pride and sense of guilt. Vallios' left arm curled defensively around Serefina, pulling her closer. A gentle squeeze to her side, another silent apology. When Serefina asked her question regarding her ability to rule, Vallios looked down at Serefina. The prerequisites of her position was something Vallios felt he had no right to judge, save her skill with the blade. So, when he spoke his answer was modest.

"My only concern in that matter is ensuring that you are as deadly with a blade as you are with that sharp tongue of yours. I'm sure you can handle a couple of fattened old merchant princes quite easily. As for your aunt, she'll fall off that cloud she's on in due time." Vallios couldn't help but keep his lips from curling into a small smirk as he spoke.

As for knowing everything, did the Spymaster know just how deep-seated his condemnations for anybody who dared assault a woman's purity was? Did he know that he'd been exiled from his people for slaying a man who'd attempted to rape somebody close to him? The reality was that Anastazi was a dead man walking if anybody ever confirmed him as Serefina's attacker. If Vallios ever found out, he would hunt Anastazi down like a blood hound and bring him swiftly, and publicly to justice.
She looked between the two of them as Vallios spoke to Anastazi. "Vallios, please. Don't be so rude, he is my closest friend. I want you to at least be nice if not friendly." She really wasn't up for playing peacekeeper between the two of them. This growing headache was beginning to actually hurt. The two had never met, why did Vallios not like him. Most people did.

"And that's my concern, Vallios, about the confirmation. You have to confirm my ability with weapon or I can not take my place. If need be we will do it now. If what Anastazi told me yesterday is correct, we could have the beginnings of a civil war on our hands. We knew this was coming, which is why I took the risk in practicing yesterday even knowing you might be there. So we need to stop at the training room, and I will do as I must." Which meant he had to give his all against a women he believed had been raped that morning. Lovely things the fates bring.

Anastazi watched with amusement and also concern. There was actual affection for Serefina and so he was concerned with what the rumors going about were saying and how Vallios would react to it all.
"My father once told me that true prowess can never be confirmed in a practice arena. The inner beast is a fickle one, and will only truly show it's face when cornered. I have faith that your own fire will compensate for whatever training has been lost due to matters of time. It is not as if this is any normal coronation."

Because the truth was, Vallios had given her no formal training. Years, it usually took years for the Weapons Master and Ruling Mother to truly become functional in combat. Serefina would have to learn to compliment Vallios in every way if they were ever in battle together; they just didn't have that kind of time. Vallios then reached down and lifted Serefina's chin so she could look straight into her eyes.

"And, I would rather throw myself unclothed and alone against the spears of an entire army than allow you to be harmed..."

'Again', that was the word he could not bring himself to say. The Affirmation was a rite reserved only for the Weapons Master. Vallios could not bring himself to prove that Serefina was not yet his equal on the battlefield, or even truly close; Especially not after what had happened. And so he'd have to trust in her conviction and his own skill to keep them alive. Even a false confirmation would stabilize house Ahn'kir's standing.

Surely Anastazi was observant enough to see that Vallios' words were an oath. Those fierce topaz eyes became consumed by a fire that was almost hellish when the idea of Serefina being harmed crossed through his head. Arzale's words echoed through Vallios' head and he found his resolve set in iron. If they wanted to push the confirmation, Vallios would go along with it.
"Oh this is going to be a day of firsts..." Serefina turned and looked at Stazi questioningly. "The fearsome Vallios bowed before the smile of a girl." The smirk on his face was evident and teasing. "And Beatrix taken off her high horse."

"Only if she forces me to it. 'Stazi. Only if she forces it." But she kept her arm intertwined with Vallios. He was stability at the moment. She was grateful she didn't have to fight him right now. She wasn't sure she could summon the mental reserves to do so. "Onward men, to the House council." And she took comfort in both of the men surrounding her.


As they reached the Council House, it was obvious that things were in an uproar. People were yelling loud enough to be heard in the streets, and secretary were running all over, trying to communicate with each other.

"You go first, 'Stazi. Announce us, then the Weapon Master will enter, then myself." It would leave her back undefended, but she wanted to make a show of power, and let's be honest. That was what Vallios was. Anastazi nodded, then headed into the conference room, calling out the announcment of

"Weapon Master Vallios of House Ahn'kir and Ruling Daughter Serefina." For at the moment, that was her position. She was not the Mother, but things were in place for her to be.
Vallios stepped into the conference house, right hand still covered by that sinister looking katar. Even as he entered he had his senses peeled, if Serefina was endangered he would react with the utmost of haste. Vallios made sure to stand tall, and look both his most regal and intimidating. Most houses had generals, or some other form of military leader...But the Weapons Master of house Ahn'kir had always been one of the most feared, and respected armsmen of the land. And so it was only natural that the entire conference fell silent as they observed the new Weapons Master, many eyes darting to the markings over his right eye. One of the gathered historians recognized the mark immediately, knowing that it marked some sin of unforgivable brutality.

"The new Weapons Master is of northern blood?! But relations with the Tribes have been impossible for centuries! Surely this is an omen of some sort."

All Vallios could do was smirk as he felt the yet again pride in the effect of his heritage. Now that the knowledge of Ahn'kir's Weapons Master was confirmed as fact, he knew that many of the amateur assassins would find themselves terrified to even think about taking up such a dangerous job. Most would of course expect a speech, but that was not Vallios' place. Serefina was the voice of House Ahn'kir, he the fist.
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