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Jan 28, 2010
The snow of winter had melted away, exposing all the beauty of spring! First the forsythia bloomed, marking another season of lush flowers! Many types of flowers grew on Furakawa Gakuen's lawn, as did tall trees and bushes did. The school was a large building, with many stories, any many areas for clubs! Such as a soccer field, baseball field, track field, tennis court, and swimming pool! Sure it was it a bit of an expensive high school, but it wasn't very prestigious.

Kasumi Yoshida transfered to Furakawa Gakuen, she was suppose to be in the second year, but when she came in for testing, she scored so high that she was admitted into the third year. This 16 year-old stood at the full height of five foot even. She had a charming heart-shaped face with a pair of large, ocean blue eyes, slim nose, high cheek bones, pale white skin with peach undertones, and a head of full golden blonde beach curls. Matching this was an up-beat and bubbly personality. Her first day also happened to be the day students volunteer to be the student rep. Not a single student had raised their hand, so Kasumi offered.

That was a mistake.

Every sick day, missed assignment, or skipped class, she was on that student. Not aggressively, no. In a much smarter way...

Kasumi waited around the corner that morning for one particular classmate. She was planning on approaching him about his lack of commitment of class; one problem at a time. Spotting him, she gave a huge smile! Waving him down, "Minamiyori-san! Wait up!!" She began to jog towards him, her D-cup breasts bouncing lightly. One more thing, she was a total babe. In her high school uniform of blazer, blouse and pleated skirt, and out in her every days cloths.
RE: お元気ですか?[ Kidd x Izzy ]

Stir crazy wasn't even the word for it. Sure he could busy himself with inside sports, but in the end, they just didn't offer the same....thrill, the same adrenaline rush that sports outside could give him. Of course with the winter months behind them, and the spring in full bloom outside. His attention for schoolwork and class participation, which had been hanging by a thread to begin with, snapped entirely.

Akihiko Minamiyori was a virile 17 year old, standing a solid six foot even, black hair in a faddish haircut, shorn almost to the skin up to the temples, whereas he let the top grow out to about four inches before styling it up and forward. But in all actuality for the most part, he just rolled out of bed and that was the hairstyle for the day. He had a nice broad shouldered frame, that tapered to a narrow waist and apparently according to some of his teammates, caught the eye of many a young lady. Of course though he had sports on his mind day in and day out, well not just sports, but anything involving competition seemed to be his bread and butter. The last thing he wanted to focus on was the mewlings of the club presidents about participation, and fundraisers, study groups and the like.

So he tried especially hard to avoid Yoshida-san, alas that proved to be a futile effort as he rounded the corner and almost ran smack into the one he was trying to avoid. His own school uniform in a slight disarray, shirt untucked in the front, and tie askew.

"Good morning, Yoshida-san." Muttered greeting as he attempted to walk around her.
RE: お元気ですか?[ Kidd x Izzy ]

"Good morning to you too!" She chimed in cheerfully. Boy, was she rather chipper in the morning! Kasumi simply side stepped, blocking off his path. She held her hands behind her self, pushing her bust out just slightly. Blinking softly, she looked up to him with her own equally blue eyes. "Minamiyori-san," She began, fanning her long eye lashes, "Could I walk with you to home room?" She gave him a rather charming smile. None of her previous victims had said that she was so... nice.. When she came to investigate why they were lacking. Kasumi took a step to the side, looking to him with admiration. Perhaps she was a fan of his sport skills? Like so many other girls?

Kasumi looked down the hall to their classroom. Sure it was a short distance, but still, an attempt was an attempt! And she'd give it her all. Holding that sweet smile, she began to walk with him down the hall. As they moved, she brought up some small chat, "I saw your game yesterday, you played really well, Minamiyori-san!" She looked back up to him, "How many athletics clubs have you joined this year?"
RE: お元気ですか?[ Kidd x Izzy ]

Gah the chipper-ness! So cloyingly sweet, that it could almost rot your teeth. Of course he just soldiered through, the only upside was the way she seemed to unconciously put herself on display, with her little back arch, he could see her bust straining just slightly against her uniform shirt.

"I suppose that would be alright." Of course he would start walking without even waiting to see if she was keeping up. Though the questions she chattered away seemed to answer that question for him. Running through the list in his head just to make sure he didn't forget any.

"Baseball, Akido, and Swimming. So far, we'll just have to see how much free time I have to determine if I can take on more." A glance in her direction giving her a nod of respect. "Thank you, Yoshida-san." Though by that time they had reached their classroom door. He'd give her a nod, before cutting through the class on the way to his own desk. Bypassing the small pockets of chatter between the different social bubbles. Nods and waves towards some of his teammates but little else, as he found his desk and sat down.
RE: お元気ですか?[ Kidd x Izzy ]

Oh, he thought he would be rid of her so easily. That was a silly thing to thing! Kasumi greeted everyone as she usually did, why, with being so chipper in the morning, how couldn't she? She had memorized all of their names, and gave every student a full-hearted smile! She laughed with them, slowly making her way over to Akihiko. Setting books down on the desk in front of him, she took a seat. BACKWARDS! Her elbow rested on the wooden desk, leveling her face with his as she held it in her hand.
"Neeey, Minamiyori-san, how come you don't join soccer again? I watched some of your games, you're actually really good!" She smiled once more. She was such a high spirited girl... Maybe that was the reason she could achieve the grades that she did and have enough time to be such a social butterfly? Holding onto her seat, she leaned back in a playful manner, "I like watching soccer! I think its a really interesting sport! My favourite team in the Manchester football team in England! Do you have a favourite sport, Minamiyori-san?"

Bloody hell! Was she his personal fan club now? Kasumi leaned forward, proping herself on his desk again. Her breasts resting just on the top of the chair. Some swore that the buttons would pop off if she breathed in to much! That's why she was always talking.
RE: お元気ですか?[ Kidd x Izzy ]

Oh the respite was sweet, however brief it may have been. The cessation of her constant barrage of talking. The sheer volume, he wondered if she listened to herself, or just tuned in and out just to make sure she wasn't spouting gibberish. Attention shifted from the front of the class room to where the Instructor would soon begin, to the girl straddling her seat in reverse. Hand rising up to rub at his temple as if to massage away a headache. "I've seen the practices, the soccer team will do just fine without my involvement. It is the baseball team that needs all the help it can get. Would you rather have one failing team and one winning team? Or two winning teams?"

Of course he knew most students didn't really see it that way, they just thought that there had been a falling out between the current soccer Captain and Akihiko. Some rumors said it concerned a girl. Some rumors said it was a rivalry between the two. The rumors spun on and on and since he did nothing or said nothing to discount them they spiraled out of control into the even more absurd. With people saying Akihiko was actually paid not to play soccer so others would have a chance to showcase their skill.

"I do not have a favorite sport, I like them all equally." He knew he was making a mistake in doing so, but he decided to ask her a question in turn. "How about you Yoshida-san, aren't you too busy with your current roster of clubs you attend to worry about how the athletics clubs fair? How many are you apart of now?" The straining of her blouse wasn't lost on him, and he took moments to cast glances in that direction, masked of course by fiddling with the papers on his desk, or adjusting this or that. Despite the mile-a-minute mouth she had on her, he had to agree what others had said. She was damn attractive.
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