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RP Partner: The Good, The bad and the Ugly.

Dr. Nibbles

Oct 20, 2011
Your Pants
I'm sure we've all had our fair share of good RP's and Im definitely sure we've all had bad ones, but what about ones that are so bad you barely get started and you're waiting for it to end?

Any suggestions on how to turn down a partner or possibly salvage it?
Either post so much your partner has to make somewhat decent replies just to address all that you mentioned or apologize and back away from the RP. No point in playing if you're not having fun.
Be straightforward. You don't have to tell someone they straight up suck but be honest about what the problem is and firm if you really do not want to continue. You're doing absolutely NO ONE any favors by continuing to keep up a facade of enjoyment. If you're willing to compromise and find a different plot, then so be it, but don't let them talk you into doing a new project if you'd rather just not role-play with them anymore. Talk openly. If you can't have that, then you shouldn't be partners.
Rudolph Quin said:
Be straightforward. You don't have to tell someone they straight up suck but be honest about what the problem is and firm if you really do not want to continue. You're doing absolutely NO ONE any favors by continuing to keep up a facade of enjoyment. If you're willing to compromise and find a different plot, then so be it, but don't let them talk you into doing a new project if you'd rather just not role-play with them anymore. Talk openly. If you can't have that, then you shouldn't be partners.

I second this notion if there is a problem with the plot that is making you not enjoy a story. Sadly, if your problem lies in other areas, such as how well your partner can type proper English, then there might be nothing that you can do about that. Noone here is perfect and, even with spell check, errors still manage to get by us all. There is a signification difference, however, between the occasional misspelled word or run on sentence and being put into a position where trying to read your partner's work is like trying to decipher ancient hieroglyphics.

In these instances, it is best to just be straight with your partner and tell them that their posts are hard to read, tell them what the issues are, and give them a chance to improve. If, after a couple more posts, you still cannot enjoy the RP because you still cannot read it very well then it might be time to refer back to Rudolph's advice and just be straightforward, telling them that you are not interested in continuing.
PredatoryFantasia said:
I second this notion if there is a problem with the plot that is making you not enjoy a story. Sadly, if your problem lies in other areas, such as how well your partner can type proper English, then there might be nothing that you can do about that. Noone here is perfect and, even with spell check, errors still manage to get by us all. There is a signification difference, however, between the occasional misspelled word or run on sentence and being put into a position where trying to read your partner's work is like trying to decipher ancient hieroglyphics.

In these instances, it is best to just be straight with your partner and tell them that their posts are hard to read, tell them what the issues are, and give them a chance to improve. If, after a couple more posts, you still cannot enjoy the RP because you still cannot read it very well then it might be time to refer back to Rudolph's advice and just be straightforward, telling them that you are not interested in continuing.

This is actually a very valid answer to the exact situation I'm dealing with. The only difference is, its not english skills alone, but creative writing skills. All their replies are short and lack serious motivation and effort. It as if they just want me to talk dirty to them without any work on their behalf. If you want to cyber with someone then thats by no means wrong just don't disguise your lack of care for writing and story to talk dirty with another real person. I feel its deceptive and innconsiderate.

I hope I'm making some sense here and not just rambling, as I tend to do that when I'm really fired up about a subject, but aren't we all in a way. Regardless thank you all for your answers. It helps a lot and I'm just really hoping not to hurt this poor person's feelings, but if butts will be hurt regardless I guess there's nothing I could have done anyway, I suppose.
I have yet to find a good solution to dealing with a partner who just lacks creativity. Aside from just cutting the RP off, that is. If anyone has any suggestions on that subject, I would be interested in hearing them. I am not having the problem at the moment, but it is one that tends to rear its head more often than I would like.
Well, it's a problem for sure but not your problem when that happens. You can't give someone an imagination and if you have to hold their hand or tell them what to write through the entire thing then why aren't you writing it by yourself? That's my thought process and it was mostly what I was referring to in my statements; when the chemistry is not there is my number one reason for saying no. I don't care about bad grammar and spelling if you're a promethean and clever fucker. :D

I guess if I were a teacher and my purpose here was to teach people how to role-play, I'd feel more responsible. But I'm here to enjoy myself through this hobby. I'm not going to break my back making sure this person who doesn't know what they're doing figures it out with my help. Which is why it is important to at least tell people why the role-play stopped before you leave them. If you just cut them off and ignore them, then they'll never know what turned you off and can't fix it. I at least give them that courtesy because although I would never want someone to stay in a role-play with me, even when they're not having fun "just to make me happy/so my feelings weren't hurt"(because that kinda shit builds resentment), I would want to know if it was something I did to make someone disappear. I may not want to role-play with them because they have the imagination of a thumbtack, but they're still a people. Eventually, with enough input from sources, they will pinpoint the problem and make work to fix it... or they won't and wander through the internets blaming everyone else for their problems..
I like you, Rudolph Quin. You are a rare and elusive type here on the internet - the kind of man that speaks with wisdom and etiquette. Also, you are clearly a fan of Psych and Psych is fucking awesome.
Thanks. I've been role-playing for a while and have come upon many different situations that have pushed the limits of my naturally non-confrontational and empathetic heart. And I've come upon situations where I, myself, just wasn't what someone was looking for in a partner and had them wait forever to tell me, struggling with the dilemma, when it would have been less a waste of everyone's time if we just agreed to be honest. I did not like the small humiliation of "having my feelings spared" as if I were a gentle soul who's biggest attachment in life was the role-play. Did I love the story and was I sorry to see it end? Yeah but I got over it and found better stories with other people. It's a lot like taking off a bandaid, I've found. The anticipation is exaggerated compared to the tiny shock as your knuckle hair is yanked for a couple seconds. Then it's gone. Once you tell them, it's the relief of not having to deal with that wound anymore and oftentimes, people can be really cool about it. It's only the people who are dependent on it that will try to convince you to continue to do something you don't enjoy just to make them happy... and you kinda want to get as far from those people as possible anyways.

And yeah! Psyche is win!
Sometimes it's best to just state simply that things aren't working. Before that, it really helps to identify exactly what is bothering you. If it's a bad setting or you don't like their character (or yours), just state as much and offer something else. I think a lot of people would rather start something new at that point.
If it's like what I think I'm reading for you, where you simply don't like how they type/respond/whatever, then it's a good time to just come clean and cut ties. That or seek other options if you're looking for any other options that you think you could salvage out of them.
Again you guys, stellar advice. I think I'll PM them tonight and confront them. I can't say I feel great shitting in this lad's Cheerios but I don't feel like Adolf Hitler either. Now it just falls upon seeing how THEY react. Hopefully its easy but thats never a guarantee.

Rudolph your advice is very wise, you should have an advice column or a radio talk show. And I second the notion of Psych = Win.
Dr. Nibbles said:
Rudolph your advice is very wise, you should have an advice column or a radio talk show. And I second the notion of Psych = Win.

Thank you but if I ever did have a column or radio show, it'd be called "Right 30% of the Time!" because I believe in truth in advertising. XP
QuietSeductress said:
Wow, this thread turned from how to let your RP partner know they suck to let's all praise Rudolph Quin! That's awesome!

Haha well I believe in giving due credit where credit is due. I also am a kiss ass. lol
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