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Anyone up for this plot?

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Feb 17, 2012
Ontario, canada
Her whole life she'd been in danger and silently protected. Her life threatened every day beyond her knowing. But something always blocked the danger. Someone always saved her. And she knew nothing of it at all. All she had was a memory that meant very little. A ratty old teddy bear that she was oddly attached to and a name she had always known, always uttered in her sleep. But she knew not who it belonged to. Oh, and Amnesia. She had that too. She woke one day in a hospital bed, at the age of 7. She had only one memory left, everything else a blank. And that memory held no picture, only a voice. The voice of a man telling her it was okay now. That she was where she belonged. No matter how much therapy they gave her, no matter how hard they tried, she remembered nothing else. But when she was found on the street, the day before she woke, unconscious and half dead, she clutched a teddy in her hand. And as the medics lifted her cold body she uttered the name Jeremy. No one ever came to claim her, no one knew who she was. And they had come to believe that they never truly would understand her. But even though they would miss her, the doctors and nurses who had raised her in that hospital, they had to let her go. She was 18 now, an adult. And she had a long path to go down if she wanted to know who she was. She had been named several times over by the staff of the hospital. But the only name that had stuck was Molly.

The point of this story is that molly is s human. But was not raised by them. Until seven, she was under the care of werewolves. Her fathers name was Gage though she was not actually related to him. Only raised by him. His voice is the one she remembered. She was found, lost in the forest, at one year old. And the middle aged werewolf who had no children of his own fell in love with the infant. And a young werewolf boy had grown attached to her as well. His name was Jeremy. The cause for her amnesia was the pack being attacked by hunters. That night Jeremy gave her the teddy bear and told her he would always protect her. Whe nshe was 7, he was 12. But he was wounded shortly after that and she was taken by the hunters. And after one knows. But Her father..her Jeremy...they still live. All she has to do is find them. But without remembering them, that will prove hard. Or not.
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