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Looking for new partners

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Cathreen Dawinter

Oct 1, 2011
Due to life issues I really don’t want to get into I had to vanish for a little but I am back now and looking to write again. All my characters tend to be submissive. For the right male character I can play a dominant female. I usually like to play as my female demon since she is my oldest and most beloved character. However I can make new ones. I love alpha males in any form they take. The settings I like to play vary from modern to full fantasy to sci-fi. Below is a list of males I usually like to see my partner play in some form or fashion.

Barbarian (in the Conan fashion)
Archangel or angel (I love this idea)
King or Prince
Leader of a underground group
Superhero ( I love playing a super villain)
Hunter (love supernatural)

You pretty much get the idea. Alpha males are more then welcome. I know its not really looked well upon but below is a list of cannon males I would love to play a OC with. If by any chance someone likes I do have story ideas in mind.

Castiel (supernatural God I love his character….Guess I shouldn’t use god in that whole thing lol))
J’onn J’onzz
Auron (FF10)
Albert Wesker
Chris Redfeild
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