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A magical experience (Zengor and Soulcandy)

Zurich Kanagoma

May 17, 2012
Professor Fleming sat behind his cherry wood desk one Sunday evening. The sun was setting, casting the office in an unnatural orange glow. A small fire flickered in the grate to his left, the tentacles of fire fighting to repeal the brisk fall air which had settled over the Hogwarts grounds and the village of Hogsmead. Before him was a letter he had received the previous day from the Head Mistress. Once more he read over the letter.

Dear Professor Fleming, one of the students by the name of Lottie has been caught skipping class. I light of this, I have decided to send her to you for private study starting tomorrow at eight o'clock sharp. Thank you for your patience. Head Mistress Tourdot

Eight o'clock. That was in five minutes. A sigh leaves the man as he reaches his right hand into the folds of his black satin cloak and pulls forth a. Fourteen inch mahogany wand. With a small flick of it towards the grate, the flames triple in size. Although only twenty-four, the cold made his right knee ache as it had since he broke his tibia during the War of Hogwarts. He leans back and props his legs upon the desk and watches a pixie in a small cage that set upon his desk as he waited for the student to come.
Lottie stood in front of her full length mirror making sure that she was presentable. Lottie had always been picky about her appearance, spending so much time in front of the mirror in the morning she had actually missed a class altogether. Know she was playing for it, in order to make use of her missed time they were making her do studies with the defense against the dark arts class teachers, Professor Fleming.

She looked everything over one last time, making sure her short red hair was in order. Her robes were smooth against her small frame. She quickly touched the freckles that were speckled across her cheeks, shoulders and back. She loathed them and had tried constantly to erase them by magical means but it was like she was cursed to wear them forever.

Finally she retrieved her school bag from her bed and headed down the stairs of the females dorms, through the Slytherin common room and out into the cellars. She rushed a little as she made her way to professor office, knowing she was likely already a few minutes late. When she arrived she took a moment to catch her breath before opening the door gently.

“Professor?” she inquired.
"Ah Lottie. Just in time." The man greeted the lithe woman warmly, his voice deep and smooth, as though he had recently drank a bottle of butter beer. His eyes seem to grow bluer and his hair a darker shade of black. Grooming wasn't something he needed to do as his hair seemed to dry in a perfect part and his facial hair grew only when he wished it to. Slowly he stood from his chair and walked around his desk, standing in front of it.

"So, they have sent you to me? I do not ever recalling seeing you." He knew she was new to him. One thing Fleming always remembered was the face of a beautiful woman. Nonetheless, he ran his tongue slowly across his pale lips, pulling out his wand and gave it a small twitch, drawing forth a desk that was clearly too small for her to sit in without her legs sprawled to the sides.

",Take a seat and lets began."
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