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Adria and Mark: Taken

"It isn't as though you or your friends gave me an option, did you?" she said then. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes and rubbed her face, "I'm sorry.. I know what you say you've done for me so far, and I really do appreciate it," she said then, using a softer tone and looking at him, "but to be honest? I just....," she shook her head then, "I don't know..." she finished with a shrug.
"I explained that to you, and they deviated from the plan. Evidently they thought that I'd not go through with it. Not propose the idea to you, that I'd back out because..." He fell silent and looked down and just shook his head. He soon looked back up, "I already apologized for it. But what is done is done. I can't change it now. All I can do is try to help you, and myself, as best as I can."
She raised her eyebrow again, sitting up in her seat some, "Apology, for whatever it may be worth, is accepted," she retorted, 'Oh boy, my temper is really going to get the best of me,' she thought to herself, but she refused to apologize to him again for whatever slipped out of her mouth. Instead, she just sat there, looking at him.
Mark sat for many moments, simply looking back. "What is it Adria?" he finally asked. I know you have something on your mind. You're never this quiet unless you're angry. Please, just let me have it if you must."
Adria simply sat back and shook her head. She knew she was being childish, but at least for the moment, she was refusing to speak to him. Sure she wanted to rail at him. Shout, scream. As far as she was concerned though, it'd just give him the satisfaction of getting anything out of her.
Mark was unsure what to say. He knew she'd talk - eventually. There was little use in trying to coax more from her now though. So Mark ate his meal and began to clear away the dishes.
She lost the rest of her appetite for the night. Though she grabbed her bottle of water and sipped from it. "I can't stand those that think they know everything that is going on in my family. What makes anyone think my parents actually care enough about me to pay a damned ransom?" she finally said, though her tone was more than a little vehement.
"You're right. I don't know everything. But I'm there at your house, a LOT and I see what goes on. Maybe I jumped to conclusions, maybe not. That hardly matters now. Now it is a matter of getting in touch with your parents. They are notoriously hard to contact. Even if we don't, I'll happily sail around the world with you."
Adria shook her head with a soft snort, then she stood and started walking off toward the door that they entered from. She planned on going back into her room, and hope that she'd be left alone by Mark and his cohorts, until they managed to contact her parents.
Mark cleaned up the dishes and watched her go and checked on her before heading to bed.

August 12th

Mark awoke the next morning, refreshed and worried over Adria. He truly hadn't wanted to cause her distress, and it pained him that he had. Still, he knew she'd come around. She had to, because the options presented by Hector and Ray were too much for Mark to think about. He decided to go to Adria's room and check on her.
Adria, however, was not in her room. She'd woken up and left her room before dawn, dressed in the same clothing as last night, but with a dark green sweatshirt. Currently, she was in a life boat at the side of the yacht. She'd been sitting there for a few minutes now, she knew it wasn't going to be quiet when she started lowering the smaller boat down onto the water. She took in a few deep breaths and wincing she started lowering the winch, shaking her head at the loud noise, and trying to be quick without dropping onto the water too quickly.
Mark saw she wasn't there, and frowned. He knew better than to shout for her though, as it would bring his compatriots running. He cursed silently and then moved away from the room... and that's when he heard it. The sounds of the winch lowering a lifeboat. "Fuck!" he exclaimed and headed that way at a run.

His anger grew as he went and he soon stood at the railing, Adria still within arm's reach. "Adria." he said, voice low and dangerous. "Stop." He'd give her a chance, one, to do as he said.
Adria looked up and shook her head, "Why should I?" she asked, again, she knew she was acting childish, and definitely reckless. At the moment though, she didn't care, again, she just wanted off this ship, out of the idiotic situation, and go home. So instead of doing as she was told, the idea was laughable in him thinking he can order her around, she continued to lower the life boat, slowly moving out of arm's reach of him, and she continued to look up at him, a defiant look in her amber eyes. Too bad, he had seemed a nice guy in the five years she'd known him, sexy too, even though she technically couldn't do anything about. After all, he was hired help, it would never have worked, and he proved that by going along with the plan of kidnapping her for ransom.
With a growl at the look you gave me, much less your words, I moved back to the winch and pressed the safety stop button, bringing it to a halt. I g back to the rail. "What are you going to do now?" I asked, almost afraid of the answer.
She gave him a humorless grin as she stood in the boat. She turned her back on him and looked down to the water. She was farther up than she would have liked, but she'd manage. With that in mind, she took her light pink sandals off, looked up at Mark one more time, then made a swan dive off the boat and into the water. Her joined hands sliced through the frigid water first, with the rest of her quickly following. She'd taken in a deep breath and held it just before she jumped in.

She wasn't sure how long she was under, but she did eventually resurface, at which point she gasped in another breath and started doing the breast stroke in her attempt to swim away from the yacht.
"Adria!" he shouted. "What are you doing?" but he knew what she was doing and still couldn't help the curse that escaped him as she disappeared into the water. "What the fuck?!"

He stripped off his pants and shoes and was soon in just his boxers and diving over the rail. His powerful legs kicked mightily and he soon caught her, catching her about her middle. "What are you thinking?" he practically shouted, and started trying to swim back to the boat.
She struggled against him, sputtering water as some almost started going into her lungs. She gripped his arm that was around her middle and clawed at him with one hand, while trying to get away from him, "I'm thinking of getting away from you and the situation you put me in, you idiot!" she shouted out at him between gasps and struggles.
"Calm down! You'll drown us both!" Mark cried. "We're miles at sea! You'll never make it love. I can't lose you like that." His grip only tightened even as she clawed him.
As soon as he mentioned 'drown' she stopped. Instead of struggling against him, she started swimming with him, as best she could with his arm around her waist, back toward the yacht. She caught what he said, but didn't think now was the time to bring it up. Nor did she really wish to acknowledge what he said, though she did think it sweet.. in a weird sort of way considering their situation. After a couple of minutes they were back at the ship.
She felt more than a little numb. Particularly her hands and feet from being in the water. Still, at least she was clothed, unlike Mark who had stripped to his boxers before jumping in after her. She grabbed hold of ladder and pulled herself up, climbing it until she got to the top and sat up on the deck of the yacht.
Mark ascended the ladder after her, looking up and watching her ass just a foot or so in front of him. His head broke over the deck and he saw her there, sitting. Hoisting himself over he grabbed her elbow and pulled her up, none too gently. "Idiot. You could have gotten us both killed. Now we're freezing. Come on, we have to get you out of those clothes and dried off."

Mark pulled her along behind him and soon they were at her room. He led her to the bathroom and started the shower. The water heated quickly and Mark shoved her into the shower after he made sure it wasn't too hot. "You get warmed up." he said, having seen how she was shivering. He waited a moment and then stripped off his shorts, shivering a bit as well. "I'm gonna come in and get warm too." he called, as he prepared to get in the shower as well.
She ended up glaring at him, though she kept silent when he pulled her up from where she was sitting, and had no choice, for the moment, but to follow him. They were soon back in her room where she took her soaking sweatshirt off, leaving her in her jeans, tee shirt, panties and bra, all soaking as well. Then he shoved her in the shower, while still clothed. She practically growled at that and started taking her clothing off, her head turning to look over her shoulder when she heard him, "No you're not! Bad enough I'm here against my will, you're not about to see me naked as well," she tossed at him. Holding her soaked tee shirt up against her torso, bra, panties and jeans still on, she forgoes the warm water and stepped out of the shower, covering her eyes with one hand, "Go on in.. I'll find a different way, thank you very much!"
"Oh no." Mark said, grabbing her and pulling her back into the shower, which was rather large and could hold up to five. "You think I'm letting you out of my sight again? With that stunt you pulled? No fucking way."

He pulled her back in and stripped her clothes from her. He did not try to grope or fondle or caress. He was all business. "You have to get out of those soaked clothes, get warm, and then get dry, you hear me?" His hands did move over her then, rubbing feeling back into her limbs, even as he neglected himself to make sure her safety was first.
She attempted to struggle against him as he pulled her back into the shower, but stopped when her left foot slipped on the slippery floor and she also attempted to push his hands away as he stripped her of her clothing, "Mark, what in the hell do you think you're doing," she retorted more than a little angrily. Though, on some subconscious level, she didn't put up a bigger fight, because she was getting a bit of a thrill from his hands on her. Especially when he started rubbing her arms, though she held herself rigid and wrapping her arms over her nude breasts she moved forward to get to the opposite side of the fall of water, "How about you just take care of yourself and let me worry about me," she suggested, her tone still irritable.
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