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De Antiqua Tenebrae (The Ancient Darkness) RP One on one


Sep 18, 2011
[/size][/b]I am the creator of this dominion and I was betrayed by own people who turned to a Deity named Lucis Auctorem. Those who wished to follow her ways despised me and she tainted my Sanguis people with light. With their new found power and god the traitors abandoned my order and reclaimed themselves as Ventus. I have been sealed away by the plight of the Ventus people and from the heavens came their deity Lucis and though she tried to vanquish me my powers were too great for her. With her dying breathe she drowned my palace beneath the dirt and sealed my soul within these walls so that her people could live in peace or that is how the Ventus tell it. It has been two hundred long years since my demise but fate has granted me favor as my seal has been broken. The Sanguis will be pleased to see my return for they have been outcasted for too long and my demons have also awoke from their slumber. I have returned with a vengeance and the Ventus are going to regret their decision for trying to overthrow me. For I am the Dark Lord Belail and my ledgend will soon no longer be just another tale.

Information on the Sanguis people: The first Sanguis started out as just Belail's guardians each carrying there own traits and abilities. Then from there Belail created more of these breeds. Each different race of Sanguis formed their own tribes and villages that were overseen by each Guardian who also had a part to play in mantaining The dark lord's order except for one race and they were deemed the mutts of the Sanguis. These peasent Sanguis had no name for their race and were used by the higher races like the Anterlupe Sanguis,Telumus Sanguis as well as the rest for slavery or food to feed Belail's insatible appetite.
Information on Belail's demons:( They of course are loyal servants to Belail and very few of them escaped from the Deity's power. So many of them have been trapped down with Belail...and the few that remain live with the diverse Sanguis race or hid amoung the Ventus race trying to extract revenge. Their origins lie within the higher races of Sanguis who were given a seperate name for there spiecies.

The Sanguis's village ( Dark occult)

Information on the Ventus people:(They worship their Deity Lucis Auctorem even though she has passed away they believe her soul lives on through the varavi. These people were once Sanguis but after being taught white magic by the Deity Lucis she purified their souls and no longer did they call themselves Sanguis but Ventus meaning light dweller.
The Ventus people's city

Different Sanguis Ethnicity

Ethnicity: Avira
Guardian/tribe leader: Niveus and Keres
Tribe's Responsibility: Death
Description: One of the first tribes that Belail created started with two sister guardians who maintained the law of death. The first members of this tribe were able to shift in and out of their solid forms as they pleased so that child baring could be possible but the mother would have to remain in there bodies until the end of pregnancy. Avira children begin their lives in a living form but as they get older they loose the need for their bodies as they are a lot stronger in spirit form and they are the only people who can live in as ghosts without dissipating over time
Ethnicity: (Formerly)Vires-Demons/(Currently)Aduros
Guardian/tribe leader: Mephistopheles
Tribe's Responsibility: Power
Description: Powerful demon's Belail made specifically for the ability of magic, the Vires tribe were the keepers of Belail's sorcery long ago, but when Mephistopheles, Belail's trusted adviser and only true friend, betrayed him to help Lucis all that changed. This caused Belail to curse him and the entire tribe which in turn caused the tribe to hold a deep grudge against Belail for punishing them for something they didn't do. So they turned to another god a deity known as Uriel who, in a failed attempt to break the curse, gave them the same gift of light that his lost love, Lucis gave to the Ventus, turning them from Vires to Aduros.

Ethnicity: Aterlupe
Guardian/tribe leader: Jaeger
Tribe's Responsibility: Nature
Description: A lycan breed that remains in wolf form are the first sanguis race to carry the blood of a demon. They are considered one of the most loyal races to Belail and are easy to be put in their place if they get out of line. They have the ability to control the creatures of Alloces as well as anything else that pertains to their natural surroundings. They are great at tracking and can often be found teaming up with Telumus who are in need of assistance. Although loyal to Belail they revere The Lady of the Abyss as their matron of the moon and they consider themselves as her loyal servants.

Ethnicity: Telumus
Guardian/tribe leader: Kenaz
Tribe's Responsibility: Law keeper and of the hunt
Description: This race of sanguis is considered the upholders of Belail's order and their job was to instill fear in those who rebelled against the dark lord. If anyone was caught breaking the law then the Telmus were sent in as bounty hunters to kill and capture the souls of the accused. The Telmus also carry the blood of a demon and their thirst for murder makes them dangerous. They have the ability to preserve souls and often kill for just the thrill of collecting spirits which makes them disliked by the Avira.

Ethnicity: Tempus
Guardian/tribe leader: Gaap
Tribe's Responsibility: Time
Description: The Tempus tribe are keepers of the hours of the day. Their abilities are considered rare which include the ability to pause, move and rewind time but this ability is limited. Their village is hidden well and has been trapped in paused time ever since Belail was sealed away by Lucis. The only one who seemed to escape this fate was the Guardian but now that Belail is awaken so has the Tempus and their village.

Ethnicity: Cur Sanguis
Guardian/tribe leader: none
Tribe's Responsibility: To follow orders and submit to higher ranks.
Description: Veiwed as the mongrels of all Sanguis their kind is considered the low of the lowest rank of sanguis and are treated as slaves. Sanguis who mated outside their tribes were also seen as Cur. Ventus are also placed in this category but are considered an even lower rank then the sanguis. This race is often offered up to Belail as a sacrifice to appease him and if it isn't a higher rank that does it then it is usually the peasant race itself who would choose a victim that is either lazy or weak.

Ethnicity: Nex-Demon
Guardian/tribe leader:---
Tribe's Responsibility: ---
Description: The Nex are not sanguis at all and were Belail's first attempt in trying to bring back his Azel race but it came as a failure instead the Dark lord had created a new race of demon. Not catorgized as Sanguis the demon race could mate with any Sanguis without the half breeds being considered Cur. Although they were given their own territory they often lived inside the fortress. Not all of the Nex dwelled inside their master's home and the few who resided in their village escaped the two hundred year slumber. Their abilities range from anything from spell casting to shapeshifting.


Part of Belail's fortress

(Inside)Decrepet part of Belail's fortress

The hidden temple of Belail

part of the Sanguis's territory:

Forest near the ventus:

Forbidden Forest
The strange creatures of this realm:
Name: Dowi
Description: They are like deer of this planet and they eat vegetation and our only agressive if traped.

Description: Meat eaters...they eat anything that moves and are highly agressive. They are shot on site if they get to close to the Ventus civilization, it is said that Belail had many of them for pets and would use them to torture his foes.

Name: Edg'va
Description: They are like goats and are often caught and used as live stock. They can be calm but they butt if you frighten them. They also eat vegetation and are a low risk.

Name: Carpion
description: Another aggressive creature but avoids town's and is more territorial. Never make eye contact with this creature because it is considered a challenge. If you are ever confronted by it lower your head and back away slowly to prevent any attacks. Eats both meat and vegetation and has good striking rang with it's stinger like tail.

Name: Svine
Description: A wild creature that can be domesticated and ridden like a horse. It eats both meat and vegetation but mostly vegetation. Is aggressive by nature and has to be broke in so that it doesn't attack. Bonds to one owner only and no one else is able to ride it but it's master.

Name: Morti or Mortis for plural
Description: They are creatures born from Belail's dark magic but no one has seen them for over two hundred years. They were used as messengers and were ridden by demons and Sanguis. There name means death for if you stared into their eyes to long your body would shrivel to nothing.

Name: Varavi
Description: It is said that these creatures sprung life from the Deity's dead body and are watchful eyes over the Ventus people. These creatures are sacred to the ventus people and are treated with high respect.

Name: Carvoit
Description:An ox like creature it is a lot more durable beast and is swifter then a svine. Considered to be extinct species they, like the mortis haven't been seen since a little over a hundred years or more. Only a small handful of about a dozen still remain and they reside in the forbidden forest so it makes sense to as why they haven't been seen. An unperdictable beast they don't succumb to just anyone's orders and it was mostly demons and strong willed high rank sanguis that were able to ride these deadly beasts. They are not fond of the Ventus and have a taste for Varavi flesh so the Ventus would hunt them and that is why there is very few of them left.

Name: Pheo
Description: Created as gifts for the Sanguis people Belail formed a creature that was out of his normal crafting and letting the Sanguis have them as pets. These creatures like to burrow underground and are good at tracking. There small size made them easy to carry and although they have a soft appearence they can be violent if not properly trained.
Pheo pic

Charries name: Belail
Race: Azel god
Powers/abilities: Necromancy, Shapeshifting, astro traveling,Dark magic, Can control the elements of his realm, Controls the hours of the days as well as all the creatures he created except for the varavi, Has power over the realms weather. Is a master of manipulation and is good at tempting others into doing his bidding. Has the ability to resurrect himself.
Feral beast form:


Azel form:


Other: His history shrouded in shadows Belail is a cold hearted devil and has been around for ages. He despises any sort of Deity though he indulges in murdering then feasting on not only there blood and flesh but as well as their power and very soul. A lot more docile in his youthful years Belail was very lenient to the people he created but over time his temperament changed from devouring the Deities' he despised which made his rein over the realm a bit more difficult for his people. When a hundred or more Sanguis who called themselves Ventus rebelled against his order it only made him more spiteful and after being encased in a prison for two hundred years that hate of his only festered with time.

Username: CHM
Charrie name: Af
Race: Ventus??/Aterlupe
Powers/Abilities: Can emit a protective barrier around himself to prevent damage from melee attacks, is a excellent swordsman and assassin. As well as a few other unknown power

Crush/lover: Maeva
Other: The king of the Ventus Af is unaware of his origins of being an Aterlupe. His youth as a prince he enjoyed the life of being an assassin but when he became king he grew undertanding to his people he ruled over.

Charrie name:Kobal
Powers/Abilities:Is a good liar and can make anyone believe him, learns things quickly, not very strong
Pic: Kabol
Crush/Lover: none
Other: He pretends to be a Ventus and lives as a servant in the Ventus palace.

Charrie name:Moloch
Powers/Abilities: Can conjure demons and the dead to do his bidding
Pic: Moloch
Crush/Lover: none
Other: The leader of the dark occult Sanguis race

Charrie name:Oriax
Race: demon
Power/ability: can extinguish all light to leave his enemies left in the dark.
Pic: Oriax
Crush/lover: none
Other: He is Belail's most loyal servant and was trapped down in the castle with his master.

Charrie name: Bia
Race: Demon
Power/Ability: Can shoot poisonous barbs from her spine and necromancy
Other:she is a loyal servant to her master and she is a general of one of his many legions.

Charrie name: Abdiel
Race: Ventus
Power/Ability: Can sense danger, good at being stealthy, skillful with a dagger but has no real powers.

Other: He loves Amaya and grew up with her but has never shared his feelings with her.

Charrie name: Caflice but goes by Sarg
Race: Ventus
Power/Ability: Years of service to the king has made him an excellent swords man and has good instincts
pic: Caflice
Crush/lover: none his lover passed away
Other: He is the Sargent and body guard to Af and doesn't really trust Maeva

Charrie name: Navi
Race: Deity
Power/Ability: can talk to the animals understand what they are saying also has a keen sense of hearing/ has a healing ability but has never used it on people
pic: the girl on the rock

Crush/lover: Du'an
Other: Her step mother died when she was young and her step father was killed by a e' lic when she was nine, She lives alone on her step father's farm and she is 18yrs old but is very naive about the world. Navi has no idea that the parents she grew up with were never her real parents or that her name is not what her actual name. She has no idea who Belail nor Lucis is nor the fact of what has happened. She is playful and sometimes can act childish and the only ones that keep her company are the animals she takes care of.
Added creatures of this realm

Descrpition: Are also called tainted Varavi since they have a close appearance like them even though they existed way before the Varavi. Are very intelligent and are able to speak when given enough power to do so. They hunt in groups and attack and torture travelers and hunters as they go for the eyes leaving their pray blind...they also like to eat the very creatures that resemble them. They like dark places and live in the forbidden forest but will come out and hunt in the light if necessary.

Additional Characters

Username: CHM
Charrie name: Lilura
Race: Aduros
Powers/Abilities: White and dark magic,Healing,Oracle,spell binding and Necromancy

Crush/lover: none
Other: Although she looks ominous by appearance Lilura is very kind but has a stern heart. Head elder of her small tribe she is both Du'an and Nirvana great grandmother and Guardian of a secret relic that everyone thinks is myth as she has been guarding it her entire life protecting it from any Sanguis or demon that might rob it from her grasp. She is very wise in knowledge and her people look to her for help. She is blind because of a curse that was put on her by a demon when she was still in her mother's womb but it doesn't inhibit her in her ability to see how the world really is.

Username: CHM
Charrie name: Winlic
Race: Aduros
Powers/Abilities: She is practicing at he art of witchcraft but her skills are limited.

Crush/lover: Du'an
other: Best Friends with Nirvana since she was a child had always had a crush on Du'an but always finding herself being mean to him because she didn't want him to know.

Charrie Name:Niveus
Power/ability: Can travel out side her body in spirit form has the ability to steal the breath of others

Other: Is the guardian of the dead but hasn't been seen since Belail was sealed away she is also a counsel member of Belail's order. She still follows the order of the Dark lord and was the one of the few to return her Piece of Calx to Belail which got her tribe killed by the Ventus who weren't very pleased with her decision. Despite her loyalty to Belail she is very understanding and tried to help the dark lord see why they were rebelling although her plans failed since he refused to listen to her reason.

Charrie Name: Gaap (also known as Chamuel)
Race: Sanguis
Power/ability: Is the Guardian of time
other: Is a counsel member of Belail's order but is faith has faltered his master and getting back into Belail's graces won't be easy.

Charrie Name: Jaeger
Race: Outsider
Power/ability: Can produce rifts and is the Guardian of nature. Can mimic and take control over the creatures of Alloces also is able to absorb and cast natural spells like fire,lighting,wind, and other elements. He is a good tracker so eluding him is near impossible.

Other: Jaeger a high counsel leader for his tribe who still live and follow the old ways. Belail being one of their true master's they never strayed from him and have always kept their belief. The Aterlupe tribe live off on a island called Illumanai and are also called children of the Abyss for their worship of a missing Demon god, The Lady of the Abyss.

Charrie Name:Anxo
Race: Outsider/Deity
Other: He is one of the deities that battled against the Azels and was victorious in slaying the Azel king or better known as the father of Belail's vessel. He once confronted the dark lord and barely escaped with his life after Belail destroyed the realm that he and a few other Deities called home. After rebuilding his realm he has kept his distance from Belail but has kept a close eye on the realm of Alloces.
Username: Tala Lakota
Charrie name: Maeva (meaning "intoxicating")
Race: 1/2 Demon 1/2 Telumus
Powers/Abilities: Witchcraft/Dark Magics/Necromancy
(prefers to b in her animal/demon form, but is normally in her humanish form to keep the king believing she's not what she is)

(below pic: this but more feminine and sexy looking)

Azel form:

Other: Has long believed she's destined to rule and knows the only way she can is at Belail's side; she's been working for ages to break his seal in secret while also working for the king to learn his secrets; is very crafty and sly and can seduce just about anyone she wants to

Charrie name: Amaya
Race: Sanguis Cur/Ventus
Powers/Abilities: a great thief and tracker; can change her fur color at will

Crush/Lover: none
Other: is the product of her Sanguis father raping her Ventus mother. Her mother abandoned her at her birth and she was raised by bandits that found and adopted her; she has no allegiance to anyone other than herself and her small band of misfits
is normally a pretty happy person but is prone to fits of anger

Charrie name: Du'an
Race: Aduros
Powers/Abilities: can control even the most temperamental of animals

Crush/Lover: (won't let himself in a relationship unless the curse is ended)
Other: the last direct male descendant of the Aduros's guardian who stole the Calx from Belail and consequentially got himself and his entire race cursed, as his descendant Du'an feels more pain from the curse than anyone else and he can also feel Belail's pain as his own

Charrie name: Uriel
Race: deity
Powers/Abilities: divine magic, alchemy, can cause "natural" deasters and control elements

Crush/Lover: Lucis Auctorem
Other: Was in love with Lucis before she died and begged her not to fight him, even though at the time he knew his words would carry no sway, it was one of the reasons he'd loved her, for her strength and bravery. He barely survived her loss and still mourns her dearly. He used to be one of the happiest people ever but now rarely even smiles

Charrie name: Night
Race: 1/2 Ventus 1/2 Demon
Powers/Abilities: very sneaky, can control shadows, and is very good at the Sanguis spells

Crush/Lover: (too young now, but possibly Candle in the future)
Other: 10 yrs old; was born pure Ventus and when his parents died him and his sister were left out on the street, Amaya found them and took them into her group of miscreants; he was captured by one of the mortis when Belail was awakened and Amaya followed him; Amaya did what she could to save him, but she messed up and Belail turned the boy to a half demon

Charrie name: Moon
Race: Ventus
Powers/Abilities: can control light

Crush/Lover: (too young)
Other: 5 yrs old; doesn't remember her parents at all as they died soon after her birth, can't sleep without her brother nearby and since he was taken by the mortis she feels very lost and scared without him.

Charrie name: Ina
Race: Cur Sanguis (1/2 Aterlupe 1/2 Avira)
Powers/Abilities: Can control dreams; isn't very good at the black magic of the Sanguis

Crush/Lover: ???Af???
Other: has never truly felt like one of the Sanguis and always reviled their practices, only ever taking part in them to keep suspicious eyes off her

Charrie name: Nirvana
Race: Aduros
Powers/Abilities: Divine Magic

Crush/Lover: ??
Other: Du'an's older sister; practically raised him since his mother died at birth so they're very close as she does her best to alleviate as much of his pain as she can

Charrie name: Kenaz
Race: Telumus
Powers/Abilities: as is his tribe's specialty he uses a crossbow with 2 different kinds of bolts; regular ones that the only thing special about them is they're enchanted to go ten times further than should be possible; and magic ones that he creates himself with a certain spell, these bolts give him the power to control the soul of whoever he hits; perfect aim built of centuries of practice waiting for Belail to return

Crush/Lover: none
Other: Bounty Hunter for Belail; Guardian of the Hunt

Kabol knocked on Maeva's bed chamber door in the early morning, "Maeva...are you awake? I have more books that I found on Belail if you want them and Af is waiting for you in the dinning hall....would you let me in my lady? He whispered softly so that no one would hear him except her. He stood anxiously at the door with the books leaning against the wall. "I hope no one comes down the hall....oooo please be awake!" He mumbled to himself while he waited for his master.

Af sat at the end of the dinning table as he waited for his breakfast to be served. He was hoping to see Maeva join him. He had a busy schedule ahead of him as it was the two hundred year anniversary of their freedom from Belail and a festival would be thrown on this day. "Have you see Maeva she knows that today is very important?" He asked his servant but the servant only shook his head no and said, "I have not my lord but I think Kabol went to go wake her." Af then smiled at the information he was given and knew she would be down shortly.

Belail's eyes opened from his long captive slumber and could see a dim light shine through a crack in his prison but knew that it would take more then just a little crack before he could truly be free. His body still immobilized he was unable to break free on his own and all he could do was peer through to the other side and hope for his freedom. He let out a roar in frustration but his in cased castle held his cries within the walls.

Moloch woke from his dreams and began to dress and he wasn't looking forward to his day. He knew that the Ventus would be celebrating and it made him irate. He then left his home and began his day to go hunting for a meal.
Maeva had been awake for hours as usual, she didn't sleep much lately, was too excited about up coming events. She looked up when she heard Kabol's voice and smirked, her ever faithful servant. She waved her hand at the door and it opened for him. She pushed herself away from her desk where she'd been studying and taking notes; she generally did this every morning before everyone else woke but she'd lost track of time this morning, she was getting close. She walked across the room, still wearing her night gown which barely covered anything and smirked at her servant, "Kabol, thank you, come in quickly." She waited for him to come in her room then shut the door behind him with another wave of her hand. "It seems I've lost track of time," she gestured for him to set the books on her desk and continued with a frown, "I'm almost there, ugh, I wish I didn't have to entertain that oaf of a king. It's taking so much of my time." She slipped out of her night gown without waiting for him to leave and pulled a dark purple gown out and donned it. It wasn't quite as showy as her usual outfits, but then she was in a hurry and it was only breakfast, she could change before the festivities.
She had already figured out a few smaller spells, well smaller for her, they would've killed a novice, and had used them to weaken the seal. She knew this wasn't enough but she also knew she was getting close. Her head shot up as she heard a roar within her head and she shuddered with excitement, she was so close, but she knew she wouldn't be able to do it alone she needed the help of the other Sanguis and that fact displeased her, she generally liked to work alone, but wouldn't let that keep her from her ultimate goal.​
Kabol wasn't surprised to see her up as he picked up the heavy books and walked into her room."Oh good...I thought for sure someone was going to catch me with these outlawed books!" He gave out a sigh as the door made a breeze on his back while it closed. He then used his dark magic to place the books up on the desk since his short stature made it difficult to reach high places."I know it is a waste of time to deal with that fool but it was the only place to learn the whereabouts of our dark lord and to think they celebrate this terrible holiday on the demise of Belail. He paused a moment as his eyes widen when she stripped in front of him and he shook his head out of the trance."Have you found the location of Belail's castle yet?" He asked as he started to walk out of the room. "I will wait for you outside your room." He then waited for her to finish dressing as he listened to her through Maeva's door.

Moloch felt that something had changed but wasn't sure as he reached for his bow and headed deep into the dark woods below the mountains. He called for several members of his clan as descended down the mountain to join in the hunt.
Maeva smirked a bit as he paused, knowing he was looking at her body, it didn't bother her she generally showed as much of it off as she could get away with without be considered a street whore. She laced up her corset herself as she replied loud enough for her voice to travel through the door, but not so loud as for it to go down the hall, "I know, it's almost a sacrilege, and to think I have to pretend to celebrate it today," she shook her head, knowing it would almost be torture on her, but she would get through it with a smile and continue to pry her way into the King's trust. She sighed at his question, "No I have not, but I believe I am close. He's practically drooling to tell me what ever will get me to him I just don't want to be hasty and ruin years of hard work." She finished with the dress and walked out the door with a last glance at her desk, she'd rather be there. She closed the door and locked it, just in case someone decided to snoop, she didn't want anyone to see the books. She sighed, "Let's go then," and started down the hall with swift, long strides.​
Kabol then began to lead her down the hall to the dinning hall as he quietly continued his conversation. "I found those books locked in a secret chamber....I chewed my way through to the other side....maybe they have a book on his location." He then grew quiet as servants and guards passed them and he knew it was no longer safe to speak about Belail. Then another servant called out to Maeva, "Good day my lady....the king has been looking for you and Happy Libertas day...long live our Deity's peace!" she then continued with her choirs. Kabol rolled his eyes as he heard that and he finally made it to the dinning hall doors. "Here you are my you want me to come in with you or do you want me to do more sneaking?" He asked in a whisper as he slowly opened the door.

Af looked over at the opening door as he waited to see who was entering the room and called out, "Maeva is that you?" He grew silent as he waited for her response. He was growing fond of her and he was clueless to what her true purpose was. His attention was turned to the servants as the food began to be served.
Maeva had to keep herself from lashing out at the servant, she'd been suppressing her half demon, violent self for years and it only seemed to get harder to hold back, she hoped she wouldn't have to much longer. She plastered a cheerful smile on her face and nodded to the servant, "Happy Libertas Day to you as well, and thank you." The smile and happy tone were replaced by a growl and frown as she left earshot, "I need to kill something," She muttered under her breath. She took a deep breath as he opened the door, getting ready for the trials ahead and responded just as quietly, "Continue sneaking, see if you can find out the whereabouts of the castle and report to me if you did." Then she raised her voice just loud enough for others to hear and gave it a happy tone, which annoyed even herself, "Thank you Kabol, that'll be all. You may leave now." She stepped through the door and gave Af a winning smile, "It is my lord." She walked over to him and curtseyed to him then sat beside him, mental swearing to kill him and eat his flesh. "Happy Libertas day, Your Highness."
Kabol had to keep himself from laughing as he listened to her fake response and he mumbled to her. "Enjoy your nice day of hell...your gonna have a blast, that is what I translated it into!" He then nodded in agreement to continue nibbing about. "I will look until my bones turn to ash you have my word! He then scurried off down the hall and into a hole in the wall in search of information.
Af smiled at her presence as she neared him, "Good morning are a little late this morning but just in time to be served. Happy Libertas day to you as well and may Lucis Auctorem be with you! Please have a seat." He then summoned a servant to pull a chair out for her so that she could be seated. "Today is going to be very busy with all the events that are happening but we must be careful for the Sanguis will try to ruin our holiday and with that warning out of the way would you like to accompany to festival?" He was quiet for a moment as he took a drink from his goblet, "You look very beautiful as always and I am very lucky to be dinning with such a flower." He tried to charm her as he was intoxicated by her looks.
Kabol made his way through the walls as he scurried over and under support beams that held the castle up. He would only stop and eavesdrop for a bit on the unsuspecting Ventus hoping to get any useful information before scampering to the next rat hole. He snaked his way deeper into the castle until he reached the forgotten locked chamber. He began to dig amongst the ancient books for hints on the whereabouts of their dark lord's castle but every book he skimmed gave no clue to it's location.He thought it was odd that none of these dark magic books hadn't been burned and noticed that they had piles of dust on them. "Maybe the Ventus didn't know about this place when they built their castle over this..." He stopped looking through the books and began to wonder around the room looking for clues but his search seemed in vain and he gave up as he plopped on the floor against the wall near a book shelf. He muttered in irritation as he knew that Maeva would be disappointed in him and as he sat there he suddenly felt a cool breeze come from behind the heavy shelf. He then pressed his nose between the wall and the piece of furniture and felt the breeze again. Kabol got to his feet as he tried jerking and pulling on the book shelf but it proved pointless since he was to small to move such a large object. He then tried using his using his dark magic to maneuver it away from the wall but it seemed to repeal his melee magic. "I need to get Maeva down here but how the passage way to this place is sealed up and the only way she is getting in is if she turns into a rat like me....there is something behind that book shelf....I just know it." He then picked up a spell book that he had skimmed through earlier about transformations and began to slowly drag it back to the surface.
Maeva nodded a thanks to the servant as she sat down, wanting badly to hiss at them and watch them scurry in fright. She barely kept herself from laughing at his warning and smiled as she replied, "Of course I will join you, who else would I go with?" She giggled and pretend to be charmed by his words, even though inside she was writhing with anger. She took a bite of her food hoping that Kabol would having more protective time than she was. "So my king, what's on the agenda for today?"
Af was pleased to hear that she would love to join him and he smiled at her before taking another bite of his food. He then swallowed what he had in his mouth before responding to her, "Well today is a day of fun but we do have to participate in some of the events....first we gather at the temple of Lucis Auctorem and join in communion in the remembrance of her and there I will give a short speech before we start the celebration. Afterwards we will be in the parade seated in a carriage pulled by the Svine which will lead us down to central Square where there will be games and entertainment..." He continued to go on in more detail in between each bit of food as he neared the end of his explaination, "....and there will be a theatrical reenactment of the battle between our beloved Deity and that vile beast Belail....then at the hour of 7 tonight we will all return to our homes and mourn the loss of our Deity and remember her sacrifice she made for our freedom." He was quiet for a moment as he thought about the demise of Lucis but quickly snapped out of it as he finished his meal. He sat back in his chair as he looked at Maeva while he waited for her to finish, "I hope my explanation didn't bore you....but we must hurry we have less then two hours to get ready." He said as he looked at the old grandfather clock in the dinning hall.
Kabol left the forbidden book in his rat hole and out of site from prying eyes as he wondered back down the hall towards Maeva last known location. He had a sensation that he was on to something but he was going to need her help to do it. His eyes suddenly widen with terror as he seen one of the maids jiggling Maeva's door as she tried to get in. "I don't ever understand why she locks this am I supposed to clean her room if she keeps locking it!" The maid complained as she threw her hands in the air before stating, "I suppose I will go get the spare key." She then started to walk off. Kabol knew immediately that he had to get Maeva and he spoke in her thoughts, "Uhhh....My lady....I know you don't like me in your head....but there is a maid trying to get in your room to clean it! She just went to get a spare key to open your door." He was almost in a state of panic as he tried to squeeze under her bedroom door as he devised a plan to keep the maid out.
Maeva ate silently as she listened to the King's explanation, looking at him with an interested expression, an expression that was almost as hard to hold as the happy one. You'll be mourning more than that before the day's out. She wanted to have the seal broken today, as she thought it would be highly ironic, and the sooner the better anyway. She smiled at him, "Not at all, My Lord. The whole thing sounds fascinating." She finished her own meal as well as Kabol entered her thoughts and sent back with a growl, I will be there momentarily. She stood up, "Well then, I guess we best be getting ready." She curtseyed again then turned to leave.
Af nodded at her as he rose from his seat and said, "Indeed I will be waiting down in the foyer and we will be leaving at nine sharp." He smiled and walked towards the door to leave as a servant opened it for the both of them. His loyal council members followed him down the hall and began to explain political business with him as he began to disappear in the distance. Kabol finally popped himself to the other side of the door as he heard her response, "Alright...I'll try and keep her out!" He wanted to tell her what he found but was to worried about getting caught. He began to look around for something to place in the key hole so that the maid couldn't turn the lock. He then noticed one of Maeva's hair pins and he scurried up the leg of her vanity as he heard the maid returning down the hall."Oh...crap...Maeva please hurry!" He then snatched the pin up into his mouth and lept to the stone floor as his little feet pattered near the door. He could now hear the maid at the door and he jumped on the handle and swiftly jammed it in the key hole. Kabol had just did it just in time as she placed the key in to only find that it wouldn't turn, "You have got to be kidding must be jammed." She said as she pushed on the door. Kabol droped to the floor in exhaustion as he laid on his back with his limbs sprawled out and let out a sigh. He knew it was just enough time to stall the maid so that Maeva could make it to her room.
"I will be there, My Lord," Maeva said with a smile and a nod. She sighed as soon as the door closed behind her and the smile was replaced with a scowl as she hurried down the hall. She rounded the corner leading to her room as the maid said something about it being jammed and she smirked, knowing that would be Kabol's doing. She stalked up behind the maid, crossed her arms, cleared her throat loudly. A scowl on her face.
The maid looked up from what she was doing and over at Maeva as she heard her clear her throat, "Oh....hello my lady...this isn't what it looks like...I was trying to clean your room but the door seems jammed....I don't think you will be able to get in....but if you manage to could you leave the door unlocked so that I may clean it." She said as she slowly backed away from the door and started to walk down the hall. Kabol heard the maid talking to Maeva and he stood up on his hind legs and lept back on to the door handle before pulling the hair pin out from the key hole. The maids voice became distant and whispered out, "Is it just you now Maeva...." He paused a moment and waited for her response before saying more, "I found something in that sealed up is not a book but I think it is a secret passage bad news is it has some kind of spell on it and it repels my magic although I am sure you are able to open it." He grew silent as he watched the handle turn.
Maeva looked at the maid, "I keep it locked for a reason, maybe you should've thought about that. I don't want you snoo--" she held her tongue, realizing if she wasn't careful she'd give way to rumors she wasn't who she said she was, so she plastered another smile on her face and said, "I locked it and cast a small spell on the door because I have a surprise for the king today and I know how gossipy you maids can get and I didn't want any chance of a word getting back to him." It wasn't much of a lie at all, in fact the only non-truth was the spell. She waved her hand to dismiss the maid and waited her to leave before unlocking the door and stepping in, with a scowl. She looked down at Kabol and said, "I suppose I could find a spell to make myself smaller. How long do you think it will take? I will need at least thirty minutes to get myself ready for the stupid celebration and the king is wanting me to meet him at nine."
Kabol looked up at Maeva and responded,"Not sure how long it might looked like a long passage way or as much as I could see...maybe we should go do it on the hour of mourning that way no one will go looking for you." He paused a moment then remembered the spell book on transformation. "I found a book for shape shifting but I have to go fetch it! I will return." He then squeezed himself back under the door and ran back to the rat hole where he had left the spell book and slowly dragged it back to the room,"Uh could you open the door?" He asked while he held the large book in his arms trying to keep his balance." Suddenly the castle and the ground shook violently and it caused Kabol to loose his footing and the heavy book landed on top of him as he screamed,"Get it off...Get it off!" and the only thing that was visible on him was his tiny feet. The earth quake was Belail's failed attempt to escape as he let out another irritated roar.
Maeva shook her head, "No, I would like to do this today if possible, I want him to rise on the anniversary of his sealing and turn this day of joy into one of horror for these stupid people." She waved a dismissal to him and started to get her things ready for the celebration while she waited so she would have more time. She looked up as she heard his voice again and started to wave at the door when the castle shook and she fell to the bed. She closed her eyes and tried to reach out to the demon mentally, but Kabol's screams distracted her. She waved at the door and then pointed a finger at the book and it floated off of him and to her desk. Then she closed her eyes in concentration once more. She'd been able to feel him since she'd started to chisel away at his seal and she hoped she could sooth him. She reached out to him with her mind, Patience my true king, patience please. I will get to you; I will release you soon.
Kabol stood up immediately in relief when the heavy book was lifted from his body, "That was horrifying I thought I was going to be crushed...oh thank you, thank you my master!" He then grew quiet as he seen she was concentrating and whispered, "Sorry...what was that all about?" But their solitude was interrupted by a guard knocking on the door, "My lady are you alright in there? The king is going to make an announcement in a moment that the festivities will be postponed for another two hours...the earth quake really destroyed a lot." The guard was then silent as he waited for Maeva's response.
Belail's ears perked and his pupils dilated as he heard Maeva's voice, it was like she was in the same room with him. It had been so long since he had heard another's voice but his disposition hadn't changed and he snapped back with a hateful tone, "I have been waiting for two hundred patience grow thin!" His dark powers emanated through out her body as he spoke to her but faded quickly as he grew silent once more.
Maeva was about to respond to him but her concentration was broken when the guard knocked and his power left her, leaving her feeling almost weak. She cursed quietly then assumed a frightened tone, "Ooh, yes, we're fine, thank you for checking on me." She changed her tone to one of disappointment and said, "That's too bad, and on such a day as this even. Oh well, nature doesn't care for our events. Thank you for letting me know." She then grinned as she knew that would give her plenty of time, she waited for the footsteps of the guard leaving and looked at Kabol and said, "He's awakening and he's strong. He will surely help us from the inside." She shuddered with excitement, "He's so powerful, and after all this time." She could hardly wait to see him in all his perfect glory. She got to her feet and hurried across the room to her desk and flipped the book Kabol had brought in open looking for the quickest spell she could find.

Amaya woke up and slipped out of the bed silently. She looked at the unconscious form of the canine-like Ventus she'd seduced last night and smirked, he'd been such an easy target. She pulled her clothes back on and then started to sift through his belongings, snatching anything of value. She'd only gotten a few things with the floor shook beneath her and she'd've fallen if she hadn't been on four paws. She curse as her victim moaned and started to stir and she dashed out of his room, ignoring a confused, "Wait!" behind her. She ran out his back door, changing the calico colors of her fur to her natural, light grey with dark grey strips and vanished into the streets.

Du'an woke as the earth shook beneath him and he sat up and looked around. Just an earthquake, the worst wasn't happening, or was it. He growled then noticed his Svine was panicking. He pushed himself to his feet and went to comfort the creature, letting his mind slip into the animal's and it instantly calmed and stopped stomping around. Du'an looked toward the nearby village and sighed, he didn't really like being around that many people, but he was determined to keep the demon sealed, and if it got loose, to do what he could to seal it back.
The guard walked away as he was pleased with the information that was given to him and began to make his way back to his post. Kabol could see the excitement on her face and it to made him anxious, "You felt his essence surge through you....that must have felt that why the ground quaked beneath our feet?" His heart paced as he was glad to hear that there would be plenty of time to show here what he discovered. "As soon as you get as small as me...I will gladly show you!" he said with impatience in his voice as he scurried up the side of the desk. He sat on the edge of the flat surface and began to rub his hands over his head and face grooming himself while she read.

Moloch and his people stopped in their tracks as they felt the earth quake beneath their feet. He knew that it had some kind of purpose but he just couldn't put his finger on it. He then continued his hunt and shot a Varavi in the head and left it for dead. He and his people despised the creatures and would kill them just because the Ventus loved them so dearly. He then finally pointed out something worth eating and his men arched their bows. Shooting a strange indigenous creature with sleek skin donning a ridged cowl over its head called a Dowl in the neck. They had went farther then usual and were now in forbidden territory that was considered Ventus territory. Moloch could see Du'an in the distance as they approached their kill and without even cooking it the Sanguis began tearing the dowl apart then feasting on the raw flesh. Moloch aimed his bow at Du'an as he thought that his body would make a better sacarfice to Belail and he pulled the string back on his bow and prepared to shoot.
"It was more intoxicating than sex," Maeva replied, which for her was saying something since she loved a good screw-session, but could rarely find a partner good enough for her. "Yes, he's becoming impatient, understandably. We must get to him." She found what she wanted and then memorized the instructions. She stepped away from the desk and closed her eyes, chanting and holding her arms out. The incantation took a few minutes and then she started to shrink, her wings melted into her back and she grew fur. She transformed into a cat, only slightly larger than Kabol and then she looked at him with a devious smile. "Take me to this passage Kabol, and we see where it leads."

Du'an looked up at the sound of a dowi’s dying scream and winced. As one who could feel what the animals did he hated when they died in pain. He'd expected to just see a predator there but when he spotted some Sanguis his eyes grew wide, they were forbidden to come here, they must be planning something if they traveled into the Ventus forests. Then he saw one looking at him and drawing a bow and he ducked and rolled behind a tree, hoping he was fast enough to dodge the arrow, not thinking that if the Sanguis had fired and missed it would probably strike his svine which he'd been standing by.

Amaya slipped through the streets of people who were cleaning up what they could after the quake. She spotted a small abandoned building and gasped, half the roof had collapsed in. She picked up her pace and glanced around to make sure no one was watching before she slipped into a hole in the side. She could hear crying and coughing but the dust was too thick to see thorough so she followed the sounds till she found a small fox child, holding a younger fox girl in his arms. He looked up at her with worried eyes, "Most everyone got out, but their are a few under the rubble." She nodded and ran to the collapsed ceiling, this wasn't going to be easy. She started moving head sized rock and tossing them to the side, she could hear sobs all around her and sounds of others doing the same as she somewhere nearby.
Kabol was surprised to hear her say that she enjoyed it better then sex, "That good uh?" He said as he gave off a little laugh. He watched her step away from the desk as she began to chant then looked down at her when she formed into a cat."You are a quick learner...that spell would have taken someone else a bit longer." He smiled as he climbed down form the high surface then landing to the floor."Indeed this way master!" He then used his powers to open the door and then closed it and locked it behind him and Maeva. He continued down the hall and made his way into his rat hole and he weaved over and under the support beams like he had done earlier and then occasionally looking back to see if she was still behind him, "This way!" He said as he turned a corner and he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy about Maeva being in the shape of a cat and following him. It made him feel like she could pounce at any moment and eat him. The thought of her slurping his tail up like a noddle as he slid down her throut was unnerving. He shuddered at the thought as he made his way deeper in to the ground until they came upon a small opening in the wall that lead to the sealed off chamber. Everything was the same way as he had left it earlier and he used a melee fire spell to light the room."It is over her my lady...I tried moving it but I didn't have any has some kind of spell on it!" He said as he moved closer to the book shelf with his finger pointing the way.
Moloch watched as he seen Du'an move out of site but shot his bow any way barely missing his svine. The arrow laced in dark power slid almost through the tree that Du'an was behind and the tip of it was barely sticking out of the other side and facing him."Dam it I missed him!" he grumbled to himself but didn't chase him instead he sat his bow down and feasted on the dowl's flesh. He needed the strength as they were going to be heading towards the city of the Ventus. After getting his fill he then began to make his way towards Du'an's camp hoping that his scarfice hadn't left just yet.

The Ventus then took notice to what was going on and they dropped everything else they were doing to help those who were trapped in the building. One of the villagers notice Amaya and asked her, "Are you there any more that are trapped?" He then could feel the building shift and that it wouldn't be standing much longer. "We need to get as many as possible out of her...I don't think this building is going to last!" He coughed as dust filled his lungs while he spoke.
Maeva followed quickly after Kabol. She smirked as she saw him shudder, she couldn't scare the servants around here or she'd blow her cover, so it was nice to have at least one scared of her. She slipped easily into the hole after him and stalked over to shelf, listening to him silently. She smacked him out of the way with a paw and propped both front feet on the shelf. She closed her eyes and felt for the spell holding the shelf, then searched her memory for a counter spell. Finding one that should work she started to mutter the words of the ancient language only spoken my witches and magic users.

Du'an fell over backwards when the tip of the arrow protruded out of the tree nearly poking his eye out. He swore and scrambled to his feet. He poked his head around the corner to see Moloch no longer concentrating on him and hurried to gather his stuff. He debated with himself whether or not or stay and try to find a place to hid from the Sanguis and listen in on their plans or ride faster to Ventus and warn someone, but the Sanguis already knew he was there and as the sounds of the voracious eatting slowed he knew they'd be on him in seconds so he vaulted onto His svine, making sure there were no other arrows sticking in the creature, then rode as fast as he could towards the Ventus city, glancing often over his shoulder.

Amaya shook her head, not looking at the villager as she replied, "I just got here, but one of the kids said there were still some trapped." She coughed, her eyes were watering from the dust and she could barely see or breath, but she didn't even slow down in her search. She noticed a little bit away a small hole in the debris and she leapt up and scrambled over it in a light graceful way that only a feline could and slipped into the hole, knowing it could fall and crush her at any second. She found a couple children and she lifted them up and out of the hole to waiting hands and then went back in when one of them said there were others. She hesitated only a second as she could hear creaking, and then she dove into the rubble, throwing it away from her and knowing every rock she moved made the structure weaker.
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