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Erotic Low Fantasy Setting (PatricioINTP and Cherubian)

Verialyn stayed a bit behind Larnc, at least as stealthy as him despite the unwieldy cloak she was wearing, and she had to shake her head as she got the whole picture of the current mess. She had no idea what brought a Kentite patrol almost all the way into Dys, but with that cannon of theirs they had managed to seal the way back to the Bosach dug tunnel before the thing blew up in their face. So for all she knew they were on their own. Maybe some other Bosach had been on the outside and not hit by cannon fire, but there was no way to know for sure.

When Larnc briefly looked into her direction she made a gesture suggesting to retreat further back. Like him she had little inclination for a fight, but her motivations were different. She had no doubts she could take those five, and it probably would be even easier if she first flashed them her tits, easy to do with her current attire, but contrary to the Bosach she had no quarrel with the humans and no desire for any bloodshed.

So they better get a little away before one of the Kentites by accident discovers them and limits their options before they have a chance to think about how to proceed and weigh carefully what to do next. For emphasis she started to slowly sneak back a few steps.
Larnc remembered there was 14 at the camp. What he did not know was who was injured or killed. Seeing Verialyn step back was a disappointment. He doubted all will be incapacitated and, even though a few should be left behind, a Borsach does not back away from a fight unless its stupid to continue. It torn him a bit knowing she was capable yet not getting ready. Perhaps because they were human like her.

Five, which include his one superior, came down to confront the cannoneers. They were still a good distance away and the leader, seeing the equal number (and observing there was casualties) sighed a breath of relief. Putting away his telescope, he said, “Even fight. Forget about that cannon for now. They should be here within minutes. Damn, how close are we to Dys anyway?”

“Just defeat these few and head back home, right sir?”

He hummed a yes, seeming too tired to say anything more. They pulled out their swords in preparation for the five. The officer quickly telling who takes on what, making it one-on-one. Larnc as quietly as possible pulls out his weapon, aiming to strike just seconds before the other Borsach close in, aiming for the one closest to him. He already guessed Verialyn will not participate. A quick death will mean 4 vs. their 6. Not bad.

The horse with the cart, noticing what is about to happen, started moving away.
Verialyn cursed inwardly. This whole battle building up was just so utterly pointless, and she had fought long enough as a mercenary to grow an aversion against unnecessary killing. Whoever won would have gained a few corpses and nothing else, as the Kentites clearly had no intention to stay. The best solution would be for them to leave without any bloodshed, but both sides were unable to see this.

As it was, though, she had only two options. Either she would stay in hiding and watch, or... Moving past Larnc she whispered what she hoped meant "Hold it" in Bosach to him. A few more meters forward, and she got up, now clearly visible as she approached the Kentites. Her cloak was wrapped tightly enough around her not to reveal what was underneath, or rather what was NOT underneath, and she finally greeted them, coming to the point immediately.

"A good day to you, gentlemen, and may I suggest you change your plan and start to return home immediately?"
“WHAT?!”, the man closest to her yelled in a sudden jump. Instead of a planned, organized, one party against another attack, there is now two parties undertaking a quick pause. A quick glance at the Borsach shows they have stopped. They were still a fair distance away, and if they had bows the fight could have already started. Larnc’s superior, just close enough to recognize Verialyn, growled and wondered where Larnc was. Seeing their planned conflict postponed, he told his men to spread out and circle them. A small gang of human soldiers perhaps blocked the rest of their group, 61 in total of their origional 75, was on the other side and to refuse revenge will be dishonorable for the rest.

Meanwhile the leader of the Kentites verbally went after her. “I don’t know who you are or where you came from! We were tracking these Borsach for days, not knowing they will go this far up the mountain. We found them, we proved the cannon was useless, and yes, we are planning to head back. But we can’t exactly move very far with a them so close and a cart full of...

“They are spreading out!”

The Kent officer cussed, the . Meanwhile during this short conversation, Larnc wondered what Verialyn was saying and doing. His primary concern was getting a smack down from his superior, but she was proving to be a useful distraction. Seeing his Borsach spreading out, and the humans looking the other way, he kept down and tried to sneak around to the back side of the cart. Multiple ideas was going around in his head. From using it to break out the mountain collapse, keeping it for their own use (though doing so will be dangerous), or just going ahead and destroying it. Not sure how to do the last bit without a spark... and great risk to himself. Removing the horse or breaking the wheel will be enough for now, he thinks.
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