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You are my angel (Candira and mental_madness)

feeling happy and content where he was, he could feel her body's warmth, leaning over a little his head was getting a little close to her chest and breasts, along with this, he had the same reflex any other 18 year old would have to a beautiful, busty woman. Waking up suddenly he found himself almost staring directly down into her blouse, from the looks of things, she was bigger then she looked, it looked as if she was wearing a white bra "is that a small mole?" he thought noticing a very small brown dot on her left breast, finally gaining his senses he jumped back suddenly looking worried.

"God..sorry..Ariel...I don't know what came over me..." he was worried he'd done something wrong and he'd get in make matters worse, it lookd as if her nipples were poking through her top "I hope to god its just the room temperature" he thought worrying he'd upset her
((Gotta be careful about the descriptions, dear. It's a little like controlling me, but I'll work with it, cuz sometimes it's hard to get used to.))

She had no moles, but there was a freckle there on her breast. She chuckled as he woke up, disoriented and apologetic. It was sweet and she put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him. "It's okay, I promise. It's not like you were groping me or anything like that. I told you you could take a nap, didn't I? So no hard feelings, kay?" She smiled and kissed his cheek before pulling away. "There now. Are you feeling better? You seemed a little down earlier."
(again, sorry, wasn't sure how to do this, can we chat via mail about how to get round it?)

"Yeah...." he could barely think right now, half from being sleepy and the other half from beind hard and he was sure she could feel it "dont look at her chest...don't look at her.." he thought to himself. Sitting back down, he hoped Ariel wouldn't notice, however, now he was awake, it was nice having a nap with her...maybe if he asked her out they could do it again sometime...yeah...have a nap with Ariel and hold her in his arms...that'd be nice
She smiled, though he seemed a bit dazed. His thoughts kept going back to her, which was good. But she also have to find away to associate those feelings with other things. Things that he was good at. Hopefully, he would have more self esteem after this. For now, however, she would have to deal with the fact that he was hot for her without embarrassing him. "Hmm, so I think maybe homework would be a good idea for a bit. Thanks so much for letting me stay with you."
"yeah..your right.." he said quietly thanking god for this momment to get things back on track, getting his work out of his backpack, he set it down on his lap resting on a folder and began to go through it, despite working, he was still thinking about Ariel.
Her coppery hair brushed against his shoulder a bit as she did her homework with him, reading their English assignment for entertainment and in case he needed her help with it. She leaned against him just a little, letting him stay against her as they worked. Awhile later, they were finished with their work and it was back to making small talk.
"so..." Sam said Awkwardly, it was obvious what he was thinking about, he was clearly anxious and feeling guilty still about earlier, it was nice to be next to her and she had a perfect pair of breasts...but he still felt bad about getting such a close glympse of them.

getting axious he thought back to the glympse and then the dream he had of breastfeeding from her, oddly this soothed and relaxed him slightly, but he knew she'd never let hm do that, Ariel was a woman of intellagence, class and dignity, she seemed to be the sort of woman who sought a man of similar qualities like her self, some one who was mature and loyal....sort of like him...but more confident.
She turned and saw him looking a little distressed as he looked at her. Was that guilt? "Is everything okay? You look like something's bothering you...if this is about earlier, it's really okay. You didn't mean to do anything, right? So don't worry. I promise I still like you."

The careful slip of the tongue was in place. And she did like Sam. She liked him very much. His talents, his kindness, his intellect, but that would have to be discovered again so that he could see it. Hopefully he would take the lifeline she'd thrown him.
With a sigh he looked down and said "I like you too..." the bulge in his pants was sign enough he liked her "i just dont know what im supposed to do" he said being honest, he'd never had much experience with girls, seeing as how most of them just bullied or used him for their own amusement.
"Do? What do you mean? You don't have to do anything if you don't want to," she said with a chuckle. But she was blushing softly from the comment he'd made about liking her. "But I suppose if you really like me, you could ask me out."
If Sam was drinking he would have choked, Ask Ariel out? he couldn't do that?...could he? she could date any one she wanted...why would she date him? "but...but...but" he said unable to understand why she'd even like him in the first place "but i've never even kissed a girl before.." he said in astonishment.
Ariel chuckled at his response and nudge his shoulder. "Well this would be an opportunity for you to start...unless you'd rather not go out with me. I can understand that. I mean, you just met me, and I might not be your type."
This only confused Sam even more, he just didn't know what to do or say, he'd love to kiss her, hell he'd like to do so much more then kiss her, he just didn't know what how to go about it or even what to say, im a momment of pure confusion, he kissed her on the cheek and just sat there waiting for the universe to resolve the issue.
She chuckled and took the kiss gratefully, smiling at him. "I didn't mean literally, but hey. I'll take it," the angel teased. "I like you, Sam. I hope you like me too." She smiled and looked into his eyes. "I hope you don't take this poorly...but, would you like to go out with me some time?"
His brain couldn't handle it, synapses were firingr randomly "yea..." he said answering both questions at once, He liked her in more ways then one, he just couldn't figure it out...why was she being so nice to him? Sitting back into the sofa in pure shock, he just didn't get this at all, it made no sense.

Sam's face had a fixed expression that comprised of staring into space, shock, confusion, anxiety and a bit of fear.
She laughed and waved her hand in front of his eyes. "Are you okay? Jeez, you'd think I'd hit you or something." She shook her head, those pretty coppery locks flowing as she did so. "You could smile, you know."
This was just too much for him, he didn't know what to think, his mind was a mess, nothing made sense to him anymore, was he going mad? or was reality just going to melt or dissolve and a horrible hellish wasteland of confusion just reappear, he just didnt know what to do, he held Ariel's hand hoping's she'd understand that he'd need guidance in this whole thing, it was just too complicated for him to udnerstand.
"Why do you look so surprised?" she asked leaning toward him. "Is this the first time a girl has asked you out?" She tilted her head and looked up into his eyes. "Because the notion that it's always on the boy's head to ask is just silly. Or is it something else? It's okay, you can tell me."
with a complete systems failure, he was on his own, he could't form straight words, he couldn't think straight he was on the verge of a melt down so he did the only thing he could think of, worriedly, he leaned in and kissed her lips, just the once, he didn't know what else to do short of having a panic attack.

He hoped he hadn't offended her or anything because this was just too much for him to handle right now.
His action surprised her, but she let it happen, accepting it with a small blush. She smiled at him as his thoughts spiraled out of control. Perhaps she'd moved too fast. The poor guy couldn't even speak. She reached a hand up and cupped his cheek, sending calming, soothing waves through him as she leaned up and kissed him one more time, letting the soothing effect try to work out the anxiety he felt.

When she pulled away, she smiled. "It's only fair I get my own shot in too." She smiled and playfully messed up his hair. "Ummm, which way is the bathroom?" she asked, hoping that giving him a little bit of time to himself so he could be calm would be a good idea.
"its upstairs...f..fir..first door on the right" he said, he liked kissing girls, in fact he liked it so much, he wanted to do it again...would Ariel be ok to kiss again? he did feel better now..and his mind was clearer, he just wasn't used to girls being this nice to him.

Waiting a while, he heared Ariel come back down the stairs, why did she like him? it wouldn't be his confidence or his charm, he didn't have any, it wouldn't be his looks, he wasn't that good looking, what could it be?
"Thanks," she said, getting up from the couch and smoothing out her skirt before she went up the steps. She took her time in the bathroom, fixing her hair and straightening up her clothes. When she was done, she came back down and smiled at him as he sat there, seemingly lost in thought.

"Feeling better now?" she asked, taking a seat next to him.
"yeah.." he said, seeing her again, she was still beautiful, his mind created a beautiful movie scene from a black and white movie, where he and Ariel kissed romantically, holding each other and really taking the time to enjoy the kiss and each others company, the idea made him relax and chill a bit.

"I wish I could do that" he thought to himself
"Good. I was afraid I broke you or something," she teased. Catching a glimpse of his rather romantic daydream, she wondered if perhaps she'd gone too far too soon. There was little she could do about it now, however. Rather than stick with one word answers, which was getting her nowhere fast, she decided to ask, "Where would you like to go on a date? I'm still pretty new, so I don't know many places around here. You could show me around some time if you wanted..."
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