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The Apprentice and the Merchant's Daughter (Kolath and Candira)

Aria turned to look at him as he explained all this to her, and she wondered if it was possible for her to help in some way. The odds were against her success, but if she could do something...she didn't like to see other people in pain. Not people like him anyway. She was beginning to see that he was far more than what he seemed--a complex individual. Not that she hadn't known other people like that. They, however, were mostly selfishly duplicitous. This man was selflessly so.

So she took a deep breath and took his hand in hers. She turned to look into the sunrise once more. "You know, if you ever really want to talk to someone...I can't promise I will understand, but I will listen. And I'll do my best to help you."
AS she took his hand there was no question in his mind that his heart had indeed warmed with that simplest of touches. He looked at her smiling slightly and reaching out to brush another stray hair from her face. “Thank you my lady, but I would never burden you with my troubles. I would never wish any to bear the burden I bear.” He sighed and turned to the sunrise, the light of it casting a shadow on the part of his scar that showed from under the mask highlighting it and making it stand out all the more. he didn’t notice lost so totally in thoughts that he was afraid to admit.
She gasped as she saw the scar in the sunlight, not having noticed it before. "What happened to you here?" she asked, leaning toward him her hand gently tracing what part of the scar she could see. It wasn't something that looked like it was quite finished healing and she frowned. It likely wouldn't heal fully until he took care of it. "That's a terrible scar..." she mumbled in thought, her eyes focused on it. "I know of a poultice that can help with the healing. It will take awhile to go into effect, but if you keep applying it, the scar will become less noticeable."
His thoughts were shattered by her hand brushing the outer edge of the scar. His hand shot up grabbing her wrist softly, but firmly. He slowly moved her hand down from his face turning to look at her. His eyes were filled with pain, anger, and so many other emotions it was hard to tell. “Don’t…I know you are just trying to help, but don’t try with that scar.” He let her hand go his face set in stone as he turned back to the sunrise. Deep in his heart he knew he had scared her and wanted to say something to smooth it over…but there was nothing to say. That scar held a deeper meaning for him and part of him wasn’t sure he even wanted it to finish healing.
She was a bit shocked at his reaction but she wasn't going to be terrified of him. He'd been gentle, albeit abrupt in his course of action. And she couldn't really blame him. "I..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." And he was back to being closed off as he let go of her hand. She let an uncomfortable moment of silence pass between them before she asked, "What happened to you? Why do you have that scar?" She kept her head down, not looking at him. It was unlikely he would answer her, but she felt that after his sensitivity she deserved to know. Especially since he knew about Flynn.
He sighed shaking his head and looking at the sunrise for a long moment. It almost seemed as though he was going to be rude and not answer her question, but the truth was he was reliving that moment before he spoke. Finally he started into the story not looking at her knowing he would break down into tears if he did. “It was last year, I and many others were caught out of the forest by a patrol of the king. There were ten of use, versus nearly fifty mounted men. There was no way that we could win, one of my men disguised himself as me, allowing me time to get away the only many that saw me escaping gave me this.” He motioned to his face meaning the scar. “I lost a good many friends that day, I’m sure you heard about it once when the king thought they really had killed the Black Fox? That was the time.” He finally turned to look at her, “I let the scar heal as it will to remind me of the men that died so that I could live.”
She frowned and took his hand into hers once more, holding it in both of her hands this time. "You're a good man. I don't know who you are under that mask, but I'm sure that you'll be looked upon kindly from the heavens." She gave him a sad, but reassuring smile and kissed one of his knuckles before letting him go. "I'm glad that you were able to escape. Look at all you've done. All you've been able to do with their help. You honor their memories with your achievements." She smiled and then looked out at the sunset. "I pray they have found peace."
He sighed softly as she turned so soft and kissed his hand. It was all he could do not to lean forward on her shoulder and start crying, there had been so much that had happened and it hurt having to hold it all in. He didn’t do that however, the sight of it would have disheartened everyone in the camp which was just starting to wake around them. He stood inclining his head slightly too her. “You are too kind to one that is little more than an outlaw to everyone that you know.” He looked once more at the horizon sighing, “We both have work that needs to be tended too, I hope to see you at the evening meal.” He turned and walked away before his mask cracked and he broke down from the grief and her kindness.
Aria was not entirely sure if what she'd said had bothered him or not, but as he bowed his head to her, she let go of his hand. It was clearly time for them to part ways, though it had been nice to talk to him this way. Smiling softly, she let his hand go and watched as he walked away from her. Such sadness there...she hoped that whatever memories she'd stirred up in him would settle quickly. Clearly there was much pain.

But something he said made her wonder. Why was she being so kind to him? Really, she ought to still be mad at him for kidnapping her and using her against her will. She ought to be furious that he had done the same to the innocent noble women who'd come out with her and would likely never be willing to do so again after this traumatizing experience. Sighing, she stood up and straightened herself out a bit.

It was because he needed her. The people here needed her more than those at home. These people were dying...She was of more use here. And he had shown her that and taken her to them. Perhaps that was what she had been wanting all along. She found that it was impossible to stay angry with him, which also annoyed her. But she was here, and she needed to set an example. Instill some strength into the women with her. And so she would.

There was much to do. And first thing, she had to go and wake the others and then find someone who could tell her what plants grew in the area. Or have someone come with her so she could find her way back.
The Fox had already seen to the needs that she had expressed to him. When she and the other woman would show up at the infirmary there were two women waiting for her, one elderly and the other quiet young. the younger came forward leaving the elder seated on a chair to one side. "Ma'am?" She gave a slightly hesitant curtsey. "The Fox said that you were interested in finding the patches of medicinal plants that grow nearby my lady? my grandmother was a local healer before we were forced to run from our homes. She and I can help you with that if you prefer." The girl was clearly feeling rather ashamed of her appearance, as she was gently tangling a lock of hair in her fingers.

Off across the camp the fox was working hard with several other people to repair a roof that had been damaged in the recent storm. The infirmary was in the center of the camp slightly raised higher than the other landings so that nearly the entire camp was visible from that landing. The Fox was clearly able to be seen from any of the windows of the infirmary. Unlike so many nobles and upper ranked merchants that populated the court, the Fox didn't lead by giving orders, he was in the thick of the work up on the roof strapping down the new thatch bales to seal the roof. He stood out even in the crowd of people his dark clothes on a hot day would stand out anywhere, as long as he wasn't trying to hide.

Hours would pass the morning quickly moving on into the afternoon. The roof had been finished and everyone that had been working on it was taking a few minutes to rest before moving on to their next task that needed done. All that is except the Fox, he was already back in his room finishing off the ransom letters that he needed to send off. He knew all the crests of the nobles so it was easy to identify the girls and soon was finishing off the last letter to Aria's father.

Suddenly there was a whistle arcing through the camp before a thud sounded on his door post. Already moving he was out the door and pulling the arrow from the wall noting the blue shaft and knew in a moment that there was no danger of attack. The warning system consisted of look outs posted around the camp all armed with long bows and several colored arrows. All the arrows made the same whistling sound when they flew letting the camp know that something was coming. it was then the Fox's jump to interpret the color of the arrow and inform those that needed to what was happening. Already his leaders and the few of the core group that knew the secret of the Fox were coming to him.
He held up the blue arrow and pointed toward the north where the arrow had come from. "Refugees, from the north. Crinth standard security checks on all the unwounded, Elena blankets and water for all if they can be spared, Jonathan see to a place for them to stay for a time till we can assign them all a place to live, and May stop by the infirmary and tell them to expect wounded, and make sure the noble women are there, Aria and her girls can be of great help right now assuming they have strong enough stomachs." All this leaders nodded knowing their jobs even if he didn't assign them one, all but two of them headed off. The two that remained were the remaining members of the core group, they and the Fox disappeared into the thick trees bows in hand circling around to the refugees to watch and listen till they were sure of something. The camp would be so busy that the absence would hardly be missed.
Aria smiled at the two women who came to her. "Of course. Any help you can offer is appreciated." She went with them and her noblewomen, taught them the herbs in the area and what they did. When she was satisfied that each woman was well-versed, they collected herbs with a small group of guards. They came back with enough for the stock room for quite some time. Aria and the older woman worked together to teach how to make poultices and various teas and concoctions that would treat the people already in the infirmary.

She worked hard all day to get everything in place. Every woman knew what to do. She took note of those with more delicate senses and set them to the tasks of washing bandages and making more poultices so that they were ready. Working like this, it was impossible to stop and think about the mysterious leader of this group, nor the freshly renewed memory of her dear friend, Flynn.

Rarely pausing, except to eat a small meal with her patients, Aria worked like so until news came to her that there would soon be new victims. The beautiful noble pinned up her hair in a way that would be functional, though she was still every bit as lovely as she was with her hair down. Without hesitation she asked for a simpler dress, or an apron with pockets. Both were granted to her. In a few quick moments she changed into it and filled the pockets with all the tools she'd need to treat the incoming wounded. She helped the other nobles prepare as well.

Only the women who were stout of heart stayed behind with her for this assignment, the rest were other denizens of the fortress who'd received training as well. It was a hive of activity, and it was all she could do to keep everyone on task and organized.

Finally, the time came to put it all together and she stood, waiting for the incoming men and women in her white linen dress, the skirts gathered to the appropriate length so she would not trip. As soon as the wounded were admitted, she was guiding them in, assisting in diagnosis as best she could and helping with preliminary treatments. When everyone was squared away, she helped her own new patients and got to work dressing wounds and stopping the bleeding for a number of wounds.
The camp worked hard getting people settled and tending the wounded. The Fox stayed to the shadows for nearly an hour watching along with the other two members of the core group. The king had learned a long time ago that the Fox's group took in all those that needed help and this wouldn't be the first time that he might have sent someone into their group to try and find the Fox or give the place where their camp was.

This time there were none and so the Fox left his vigil and headed to the infirmary to help as he could. There was nearly a hundred refugees and dozens of them were wounded in one way or another many having been beaten or tortured in the most cruel ways. He came in and over to where it seemed the most help was needed, and just as he thought Aria was already standing there trying to help as well.

He reached around her pressing on the bandage that she was trying to tie and hold at the same time yet wasn't being able too. His arms were around her holding the bandage on tight not even noticing how close he was to her as he whispered almost right into her ear, "I got it, get it tied to stop the bleeding."
She gasped and jumped a bit as she felt him move around her, turning to see his masked face. A little sigh of relief escaped her as she nodded and returned to the task at hand. Aria quickly and efficiently tied the bandage. She made sure it was secure and just as tight as it could be without causing the patient pain. When she was finished, she was very aware of how close her new helper was. It was both comforting and unnerving. It was nice to feel someone so close to her, and troublesome because she had no idea what to do now. Her mind blanked for a long moment and then she blinked and shook her head. "Excuse me," she said, smiling softly. She managed to finish tending to the patient, leaving him be when she was finished. She turned back to the Fox and smiled. "Thank you."

Before she could get too comfortable, however, she was being called off to help tend to someone else. She looked back over her shoulder at him as she was led to the person in question, wondering when he'd arrived to help. But her attention was stolen by the person who was in desperate need of care. It was a woman who'd been beaten and ravaged.

Gently as she could she calmed the woman who was crying and curled up into a ball. Aria gently cleaned her wounds and checked them for infection before patching her up with the help of another woman. She spoke soothing words and gave the woman her attention. Never patronizing, always supportive, she took care to make sure the woman was cared for before she asked one of the ladies to take her away and help to bathe the woman and give her new clothes. She would need more rest than anything, and someone to sit with her.

After the experience and after having helped as much as she had, Aria felt drained and in need of some rest. If only it was a small break. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and stepped forth to help another. She would help until she could no longer stand unless she was taken away.
The Fox let her escape from the circle of his arms after they had finished with that patient. Though there was a part of him that wanted to keep her there, he pushed that thought down. He turned to work and help other of the people working with the wounded, giving her some space after he had just came so close to her.

They worked hard with different patients both doing their best to help as many as they could. After a couple of hours he came over to her just as she was finishing with another of the wounded. He placed his hands on her shoulders and gently turned her around to face him. "Aria you need to rest, you have been at this for hours and haven't stopped or eaten since they showed up." He smiled slightly before turning and slipping an arm around her waist gently but forcefully leading her out of the house of healing.

Without even thinking he took her to his rooms that weren't that far away and there was a comfortable place to have her sit down. After he had her seated on the large padded sofa he went and got some water and a rag before coming back over to her sitting across from her and holding his hands out for hers.
Aria was just about to start on another patient when The Fox swooped in and saved her from exhaustion. She watched him and let him guide her away from the healing house. Now that she wasn't constantly worrying about others, she realized just how tired she really was. Aria walked with him to his quarters.

The redhead sat down on the sofa and watched him as he got some water and a rag. Confused, she gave him her hand since he seemed to want it so much. "Thank you...I would have stayed until I was useless."
He took her offered hand and with the rag started to gently wash the blood from her hand smiling and nodding. "I know, I could tell you were one of those that forgets about yourself in the moment someone else needs help." He rung the rag out and sighed as he realize that part of the blood from the rag was coming from his own hands as well. "After being in that house so long you start to not notice the blood anymore." It was more a statement then a question even though his silence after seemed to be waiting for a response as he continued to clean both their hands.
She blinked and looked down at her hands, finding that they were, in fact, covered in blood. She looked up at him, confused and sad and relieved all at once. Still, Aria knew he was trying to help her and nodded, giving him her other hand as she held his for a moment. "Thank you. I can tell you're the same way with everyone here...You're very kind." She smiled softly and let him keep going, not wanting to rob him of the task that may have been keeping him focused.

"I never imagined my skills would ever actually be used...I tried my best to learn in case of an emergency...but it seems like it's not enough." She looked up at him, her eyes finding his through his mask. "Even though it doesn't seem like I'm doing very much to ease their pain, I wanted to thank you for bringing me here and opening my eyes...though next time the horrifying feeling of being kidnapped and carried away with a sack on my head could be taken out of the plan," she joked.

"I know it seems silly of me to ask, and I understand if you don't want to answer...but what's your name? Or what should I call you?"
He smiled his eyes staying with hers as she joked about not needing to be kidnapped again. He laughed and nodded, "I promise no more sacks or carrying without your express permission." He sighed as he thought over what she said in the short moment before she continued. There was so much truth in what she said about not expecting to ever use the skills she had learned and he sighed shaking his head for a moment before he heard the rest of what she said.

He stopped leaning back for a moment and sighed, "Aria please don't take this the wrong way but I only have one name." he looked back into her eyes his own slightly cold as he distanced himself a little as he spoke. "I am the Black Fox, no other name exists till the end of this war that will not end. After that…who I am probably won't matter all that will matter is that the name remains."
Aria managed to make him laugh and smile, and she was glad he took her little jokes in stride. She watched him sigh, and at the end of it all, she'd managed to ruin whatever happiness she'd brought to him. It always ended that way between them. She could make him smile, a glimmer of happiness to him, but it would always end in tears. She felt incredibly guilty, and rejected at the same time.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I understand." She smiled, his hands still in the bowl with hers. "Do you have a towel for my hands?" she asked, trying to change the subject. Maybe one of these days it would be easier. Maybe some day she wouldn't be such a disappointment. She would be better. She masked it all rather well, but if he were to really look at her, stare into her eyes or watch her, he would see that she was out of sorts and had no idea what to do.
He was beyond a keen observer and furrowed his brow when he saw the distress on her face at his answer. He reached for the towel that he had brought over taking her hands softly in his. "I hope I haven't offended you my lady. If I had my choice you would know who I was behind this mask, but I am just one of many that have been behind it. All of us took on the name the Black Fox, because the Black Fox isn't a person it’s an idea…I hope you can understand that." He took a towel and brushed it over her hands drying both hers and his at the same time as he looked into her eyes his hands gently holding hers even after he had finished drying.
Aria looked into his eyes as he dried her hands and told her what was on his mind--apologized in a sense, for his anonymity. "I understand. I just...I don't understand what you want from me here," she said, letting him hold her hands. "It seems like every time I try to be friendly I end up hurting you. Or upsetting you. I just...I don't know what to do or say." She frowned and let her gaze drop to her hands in his. They were clean now. He was finished drying them, but he still held them.
His eyes followed hers and realized that he was still holding her hands. He released them and sighed leaning back as he looked back up into her eyes. "I suppose that it does look that way." He sighed shaking his head before standing and walking over to a window. "I brought you and the others here for one main reason," he looked back at her, "you care." He turned leaning back against the window sill, "you at least want to truly help people, but as a member of the court you don't see the true state of things in the kingdom. I wanted to show you that, so that you could help me."
The noblewoman thought about what he said and decided that he was being honest...but it still seemed as though he wanted something more from her. But at the same time, he didn't want her to give it to him. "I know why you brought me here," she said quietly, watching him as he sighed and seemed frustrated. "What I want to know is what you want from me now that I'm here. I'm helping, and I'll continue to do so...but it seems as though you want something more...and I don't know what it is."

She frowned in thought and then shook her head. "In any event, I want to thank you. You have opened my eyes to some of the things I can help with. And you helped me to not over-extend myself." She smiled and took his hand again, squeezing it in friendship. "You're a good man, Fox. And I hope I get to meet the person beneath the mask someday."

She grinned and then let go of his hand starting to stand, and then sitting back down. "Apparently, I need more rest than I thought," she said with an embarrassed laugh. "Can I stay here a while longer?"
He took her hand squeezing it softly as she offered it to him thanking her wordlessly for what she was being willing to do. He so wanted her to know just who it was behind the mask, wanting to be with her again missing her terribly. That was the other reason he had chosen her, she was a missing piece to his soul and he didn't know if he could continue without her. He cleared his throat pushing back the tears that threatened to overwhelm him in that moment before smiling and nodding. "Of course you can stay, you can even use my bed if you need to lay down it is a lot more comfortable then the couch." He didn't think how it sounded a man offering to let a lady use his bed never even crossing his mind what she might think of it.
Aria smiled at him in thanks and saw for a very brief moment that something had gotten to him. But it was quickly brushed away. He didn't seem to dislike her, though something about him made her feel like she'd upset him again somehow. She felt sleepy now that she wasn't on her feet. And the invitation for her to use his bed was a Godsend...if not for the fact that he was inviting her to stay there. She stopped to think about it for a moment, fighting off the blush that she felt creeping up onto her face.

He was the kind of man that was honorable, no matter how lonely he may be. He'd never been inappropriate with her....well, the campfire situation, but she had the feeling that it was because he hadn't realized how dedicated she was to her people. He'd wanted to spite her then. But he hadn't allowed any of the other women to be touched....And he'd even kept himself in check when she'd gathered up her skirts so that her legs were showing off on the trek in.

She was sure he'd catch the implications of his invitation sooner or later, but right now she was tired and he was being kind. There was no need to throw that back in his face with "manners." So the lovely redhead smiled and nodded. "I would like that if you could help me," She said with a laugh. "I'm not sure I would be able to make it back to the dorm." Maybe she'd over done it a bit.
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