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Trazz said:
prettylykSIN said:
      • He's seventeen years older than me. lol
        I didn't really like older guys until I met him.
        But yeah... my babeh~<3[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

      • He almost looks old enough to be my dad. >.>

      • Its the beard that makes him look older....
Fuzzy updated picture of the Darker....

Ummm taken with Phone, will get Camera pictures soon? XD


By the way, my hair is in a ponytail that was in the middle of the back of my head, my hair when not in a ponytail reaches my waist - nearly... like an inch to an inch and ahalf, maybe two inches at the most... away from it...
      • Thank you, Geno. ^ ^
        I love my eyes too.

        And omfg, I love his beard. @_@
        It tickles in certain places. > >;;

        And Darker... : o
        -jealous of your hair-
        You make me miss my long hair.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Thank ya Pretty! I worked very hard to grow it. It's taken me 9 years to get it this long! I'm so happy!

Can't wait for Try to get his hands on it... *giggles*



Two pics, I have three more to go... post them up slower, and eventually *chuckles*
It might just be the time; but I find it annoying to cock my head so far to see things straight up/down like.

Anyway you'd be willing to rotate them?
Lulz, yeah... I'm Try's gal... anyone really wants to get screwed up, they can try and take m e from him XD... But it wouldn't work very well.
I know you from local anime conventions. I reconize your face, you use to have pink hair? And yah have a sister that looks JUST like you.

=D dude! I'm a stalker!! SWEET! If I showed you a picture of me you'd totally reconize me...but I'm a ninja.
I'd appreciate if you told me, or showed me. XD I have paranoia problems already, if I believed I had a stalker... I'd probably freak out and steal Try's knife... XD and use it on my Stalker.
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