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Home is where the Black is (Anansi and Sorrow.)

"Well the thing is that one cannot simply say anything and get out of this. You think you can take me, I know I can take you." He said curtly. "Poisons don't work, tranqs would take too long, by the time you stuck me with one and it took effect I'd have smashed some part of your body into oblivion." He said slowly as he finally stood and walked towards the man.
"I do not plan to use any of those crude methods. There are other ways." he replied calmly, that pebble-toned voice holding no inflection at all. He kept still as Xeno approached hands behind his back, watching the young man with the same air of a waiting beast.
"Yes I guess so." He said with a sigh before he shook his head. "It doesn't really matter anyway, you're waiting for a mistake, a flaw, something to take advantage of." He said as he placed his hands in his pockets and looked to the man while cocking his head to one side. "Even if I gave you one you'd still lose."
"No, not at all. I am simply, waiting as all men do, for an opportunity. You are too wary to make an error, I have of course intruded on your home ground. I am a patient man, if I do not capture you now, there will be another time, when you are not so guarded." he replied with a shrug. The man was as arrogant and cool as Xeno, and it seemed that for the moment both were at logger-heads.
"Mmm you won't get your opportunity from that far away." He said as he sighed and closed his eyes shaking his head opening them suddenly he threw out a hand and a wave rippled outwards across the small space, it had enough force to dent the walls slightly outward as it moved towards his opponent.
The man kept still, a strange bemused expression passing over his face "You really though that the Alliance would not be prepared for such a thing?" he asked idly, hand reaching into an invisible pocket of his uniform. A slim wand appeared in his palm and he pressed a flat button, a pulse that could not be seen filling the air. It bounded out to Xeno and once it crossed him the young man would feel disoriented and be unable to concentrate, or send off psychic attacks. With his speed, he would have time to move without the wave affecting him fully. The Operative stood still, waiting, arms behind his back.
"Yeah...I figured as much." He said as he gripped the ground and sighed before he shook his head. "It sucks." He said as he fell back and sighed shaking his head. "Aww man...your ships sealed chance of me slipping in and flying off in it or anything is there?" He said slowly as he lay there his fingers gripping a handhold to begin standing. "Wow..I'll give you that, you did in fact come prepared.."
"If you had figured it, you would not have attempted an attack. Ah, but a cornered mongrel will raise its hackles." he mused. The man stepped forward smoothly, the way he walked was eerily similar to Xeno's. "No, there is not." he stated calmly, "As there is little chance that you will recover in time to fend me off. Your own pride locked you away from your ally, who could have helped you. How unfortunate." he added, sliding a hand into his pristine uniform, withdrawing a small, handheld gun.
"Nah its not quite the thing that made it that way. I mean I can hold my breath way longer than she can, that and I've been trained for this sort of thing" He said as he leaned back and grasped the handhold and calmly smashed a button that broke the air seal the lock rapidly depressurising. He had made sure to lay in this position and to grasp something as he watched the vacuum rip objects out of the room and into space.
The man listened to him speak and was about to respond when Xeno smashed the button. He merely smiled, and inclined his head, as if giving acknowledgment to a job well done. He was blasted back into the cold of space, touching his neck oddly while doing so. Once in the cold of space his body moved in a series of tumbling arcs, his ship had drifted away slightly, but only by a few metres. The door of his ship slid open and he slipped in, the door shutting soon after.
Pulling himself upward into the ship he smirked and shifted as he shrugged. His blast hadn't been towards the man, that was his distraction, however the sad fact was that he had in fact punched a small hole in the man's ship. A hole that would only pull air out faster with the man's decision to pursue. Tapping a com on the wall he said. "Now you can go to full burn." Curtly as he walked upwards along the hallway.
The ship seemed to idle for now, the man was either unconscious, dead, or repairing his ship. It seemed that for now, he wouldn't be pursuing them. "What in the hells did ye do?!" Hawk ranted back, already going back to full burn, she had been unable to get to the bay, or even see what had occurred and was raging at the fear and lack of knowledge she had.
"Risked getting sucked into the deep of space for a few minutes of fun." He said casually as he plopped down into a chair and leaned back before looking to her with a laugh. "What were you up to?" He asked slowly before he sighed and crossed his hands behind his head. "Today was well planned."
Hawk stared at him incredulously, before turning back to her task of flying. "Well ye got rid av him at least. I was up here, fretting and discarding half a dozen plans te save ye're ass. Av course ye didnae need it." she mused, subdued now.
"Save me from what?" He asked teasingly as he shifted and shook his head slowly side to side before he sighed and laughed. "Him? I could have killed him easily but meh, not in the mood." He simply put it before he slipped down into his chair.
"Space Monkeys." the woman deadpanned. Hawk gave a small shrug "Let's hope that he doesnae come back then. Learned his lesson and all." she added mildly.
"Nah unless he's dead he'll come back..but in time I'll have a shiny new ship." He said calmly before he leaned back and licked his lips slowly.
"I'll just hook it up in place of the shuttle we lost due to someone shooting off into space before I could steal it back just because she thought I was going to die." He said slowly before looking over to her. "I won't name names.."
"You wheeled me away from a gorgeous nurse just because I was bleeding to death." He said slowly to her while narrowing his eyes. "I'm was pretty tired of being entertained by mrs thumb and her four daughters you know."
"Keywords: Bleeding to death, I had te do something." she replied and gave a small grin "What ye didnt like being praised over and having the woman try and pawn ye off on her daughters?" she asked wickedly.
"Says the woman who goes shopping for batteries when she thinks I'm not paying attention. One of us needs to find a lover..and by one of us I mean me because its pretty clear it won't be you." He said slowly as he sighed.
She stared at him "That's what ye think they're for?" she asked, snorting "Men." she added and shrugged "Ye're opinion's duly noted." she added dryly, rolling her eyes.
"If you say so." He said as he shrugged before he stood and stretched before he unbuckled his pants and began to head towards his quarters for a nap.
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