Dont Bite the Wolf (Dead thread)

Jan 30, 2017
United States
Morgana Crane was a very wealthy woman. The woman stood in a full on grey suit as she looked out the window of her top floor office out over the city of Denver, Colorado. It was the perfect setting for a wolf. She had all the business she could possibly ask for right outside her door, but she could escape to the forest when the full moons hit. In the shelter of the mountains, she was able to protect the innocent inhabitants of the metropolitan Denver area from the rabid animal she became- that was of the utmost importance. Contrary to popular legend, Morgana and her pack represented a population of individuals who tried their damndest to protect mankind.

It was easy to say that the wolves were vicious and deserved to perish for the safety of man, but they were the only thing standing between men and vampires. A human man was no match for a vampire for the monster’s strength was able to overcome ten men. In addition, men these days didn’t believe in the mythical beings that walked the streets alongside them. With each decade of Morgana’s life she watched as less and less people believed in her. Now, at the ripe age of 213 years, she was merely a shadow. She protected the lives of the innocent, but they never even knew to thank her. Instead an ordinary man either despised her for her wealth or lusted after her body. There was just something about men and professional looking ladies.

The sun shone brightly into Morgana’s amber-colored eyes. Her dark brown hair was twisted into a neat bun atop her head. She looked like the picture of success with a nice body and an expensive suit standing in an office that cost more money than most people’s houses. She was the ceo of a company specializing in gadget production. They made everything from smart phones to watches and their clientele existed in a handful of countries. It was a successful business based on the fact that technology was exploding in this modern world. She had hopped on this train long ago, and it had made her a very wealthy woman. However, this business was no Morgana’s old source of income. In the evening hours she traded in suits and heels for something much more discreet and lethal.

She was a woman for hire. Being the eldest of the wolves in the greater rocky mountain area, she had more experience taking out the arch enemy than anyone else in her pack. Even when she was hardly any stronger than a human man, she had always been able to take them down. All it took was a bullet coated in her own saliva or blessed with holy water, and they would be severely weakened. In their incapacitated state, Morgana was able to drive a stake through their hearts or relieve them of their heads: the only two sure fire ways to kill a vampire. And, up until now, she had always been able to dodge those silver bullets the bloodsuckers seemed to always be equipped with. However, not every wolf was so lucky. There were years when she lost more wolves than they were able to take out vampires. It seemed as if they were getting stronger and more tolerant towards things such as sunlight. The bastards were evolving, and the thought made Morgana bite down on her lip so hard it drew blood.

Just the night prior she had lost her newest recruit. He had gone after one she had specifically told him not to and the foolish act got the 16 year old kid killed. The worst part of it was that wolves were not edible to the vampires, so their bodies went wasted- not even providing the blood meal that the murderers were out looking for. That meant tat after killing a wolf, the bastards would go and kill a human still in order to obtain that blood meal. Two lives would be lost in one night instead of just one, and that was enough to infuriate the woman. As a result of her fury, Morgana was putting the man who had killed her recruit at the top of her list. He was some sort of legend in the vampire kingdom, known for being very good at he did, and it would give Morgana great pleasure to take him down, even if there was no money in it.

The woman took a seat at her desk, sun shining on her tanned complexion as she got to work signing off on new plans that her company had presented to her. Her mind was elsewhere, but a signature was simple enough to manage even if she wasnt reading what it was that she was signing. She needed to make a plan, and that was far more important than archetypes. Luckily for Morgana, the full moon was only a few days away meaning that she was at almost her peak obtainable strength without sprouting a tail. Her physical strength now almost matched that of a female vampire, although the males would still be able to overpower her. Seeing as her target was indeed male, it meant that she would need to use her wit more than her physical ability.

She stayed in that frame of mind until 5 o’clock hit and she was able to get out of the office. The woman made her way home quite quickly in her mercedes, weaving in and out of traffic like a crazy woman.
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