Must Love Pets (Magno x Sketchyequine)

Jan 30, 2017
United States
Hands scrubbed and surgery gown in place, it was time to begin. Savanna pulled the nitrile gloves onto her dainty hands and she approached the operating table where the canine laid spread eagle with the surgery bib laying over the majority of his body with only the jewels exposed. Castration was a simple surgery, and it was also one of the most common surgeries any vet had to perform- Savanna was no exception to that rule. This guy, a 14 month old labrador mix, would be losing his balls today, but it would make him a much more suitable pet for a family with small children. Dr. Tucker was a huge advocate for castration for all family pets, and she always had been on account of the fact she was the one who had to push forward the syringe on dogs who were no longer wanted because they were too much for an inexperienced family to handle while being pumped full of hormones. Savanna teasingly even believed that some men needed to be castrated.

Upon completion of the surgery, Savanna stitched her patient up before leaving him to the care of the techs while he came back around to the world of the living. The lab would be drunk for a while, but then he would be more than ready to head home before the clinic closed for the evening. The little boy and his mother would undoubtedly be excited to see him again come that afternoon. Savanna disposed of her bloodied gown and gloves before heading back out into the lobby. She was dressed simply with er brown hair up in a bun as she wore a simple button up blouse and jeans underneath her white lab coat that read ‘tucker’ over the front pocket. Honestly, she looked just like just about everyone else in the clinic. Nothing to unique to see here.

The woman took a seat behind the reception desk at her computer and began updating the labs file as well as checking up on the rest of her appointments for the day. It appeared as though most of the rest of her afternoon was chalked up to walk in hours. A different vet at the clinic took on ‘walk-ins’ every afternoon from 1-5pm until they closed. This time was dedicated to either emergencies, unexpected issues, or people who had neglected to make an appointment before bringing fluffy in for a regular appointment. While walk-ins could be quite irritating, it was a necessary evil. Savanna sighed and disappeared for a moment to shove a bit of food into her mouth before returning to the main room in order to call the first walk-in into her clinic.

“I can help whomever is first on the walk-in waiting list.” She called out, standing around the side of the desk with a clipboard and pen in hand. The expression on her face was stoich, hardly alluding to any excitement, but she also did not look angry. Once someone stood she turned without even looking at the man or his pet enough to even know what species he carried. “Follow me.” She said before she began strutting down the hallway to exam room 5, identified by the photo of a large parrot on the door. “So, What brings you in today, sir? Have you completed your paperwork?” She asked, voice surprisingly chipper.
RE: Must Love Pets (Dead thread)

Gauss was a pretty old, grey, german shepherd. He had given Ben an excellent service for many years, taking care of the sheep and scaring away any predators or thieves who might have threatened the flock. He had been slightly off for the past month, Ben could tell something was wrong just by looking him in the eyes, but when he started barking out blood, it was time to see the vet. Ben was a reticent man when it came to medicine, especially animal medicine, but he had grown fond of Gauss and did not want him dying if it could be helped.

The old dog was not comfortable in the waiting room of that building. Gauss was used to running wild in the farm, not being tied up and waiting for a doctor to call them in. Besides, there were other animals there and Ben could see they were affraid of the big boss. So when the doctor appeared, asking for the next one on the waiting list, Ben did not even wait for permission and just dragged Gauss all the way into the room where the vet was waiting.

"Hey, sorry to step in so fast, I'm Ben, he's Gauss, he's not used to small buildings and stuff like this, so make it fast ok?" She had said something about paperwork but Ben was not going to do paperwork with Gauss around. "Yes, paperwork, yes, he ate it, sorry." Best excuse ever for not having done the paperwork, and the best part: it was true. "So he's been barking out blood, and he's old, I'm guessing he's gonna die soon, but we're here to see if he can get fixed." Gauss barked, as if to confirm that, and his tongue popped out stained in red.

Ben looked around the examination room. He still did not understand why vets would come over to check cows and sheep, but expected you to go to their buildings to get your dog checked, regardless of size and training. It made no sense to him, but the city in general made no sense to him. Everyone had been looking wierdly at him since he had arrived, and he had been returning that look of suspicion, as if they were all some kind of secret organisation planning on destroying his lifestyle. He eyed the vet in that way too, not fully trusting that a lady in a hospital-like building would be able to treat a country dog.
Savanna sighed when he told her he didn’t have the paperwork. She was outwardly annoyed, but she maintained her composure. He wasn’t the first nor would he be the last bozo to walk into her clinic thinking they were above protocol. At least he wasn’t already hounding her about free treatment on account of a long wait time. That was always her favorite complaint. If a pet wasn’t dying and the owner didn’t make an appointment they were just going to have to wait. This was no different than a human doctor’s office in that regard. Although human doctors got paid a hell of a lot better than Dr. Tucker did, and those bastards only ever had to work on one species- not to mention it was a species that could talk. Physicians had it easy.

“The paperwork makes my job easier Mr…?” She started, raising her brows as she attempted to gather a last name from the hick. “Not to mention I’ll need it for billing purposes. At the very least try to fax them to the office when you get home tonight. Reception will get you another copy on your way out today. Fair?” She instructed before looking down at the old German Shepherd with gentle eyes. His owner may already be somewhat of a thorn in Savanna’s side, but her job here was to help the innocent. She knelt down, making herself appear less threatening to the canine as she gave him a quick look over with bright eyes. He was definitely old and ailing, but perhaps with the proper treatment he could come back around. At least for a little while. “Did you eat the paperwork, buddy?” She asked with a soft, sweet voice that also teased the owner in its nature. “Maybe you feel crappy because that’s not the only thing you ate that you shouldn’t have.”

Almost on cue the old farm dog barked, splattering what was a clean blouse and lab coat with bright crimson blood. Savanna almost never got to go an entire day without getting at least one bodily fluid on her cloths. She let out a little sigh before reaching out to rub the dog between the ears for reassurance. He was obviously extremely nervous, and that made this examination risky if not damn near impossible. “That’s very interesting.” She whispered, mostly to herself as she stayed crouched on the tile floor. “How long has he been showing this symptom? Has he been bleeding the entire month since you noticed he was unwell?” She asked, standing up to speak as she got to work scrubbing Gauss’ blood off of her hands and wrists before slipping on a clean pair of examination gloves. “Internal bleeding is a serious symptom. We really recommend you get him in within a few days max of something like this starting. For… future reference.” She said as politely as possible.

“First, I’m going to take his vitals: heart rate, temperature, and the works. Then I would like to give Gauss some drugs to get him a little high and hopefully calm him down. Then I can do a thorough examination of his mouth. Otherwise I won’t be able to look well and I risk being bitten. Seeing as this obviously isn’t a chihuahua you must understand why I’d like to avoid that.” She said simply before looping her stethoscope over her narrow, feminine shoulders. “Deal?” She asked Ben with a sweet voice, but she was obviously a woman who took her job very seriously. She would do everything she could for Gauss, but treatment wasn’t free. If Ben wanted her to do her job he would need to be willing to pay the price. Based on what he wore and the faint smell of manure in the room, she figured that the man wasn’t too keen on spending his hard earned cash.
Ben was not liking at all the attitude of the vet. She was the typical city person: edgy, not flexible, interested in money and with a total lack of interest for other circumstances. Her attitude was very different with Gauss, but that could have probably been sarcastic or simply part of her job. Why were people like that? He loved how in the countryside everyone would greet you, ask you how you were doing, wish you a nice day and do you a favour if needed. He could not see how civilisation was an improvement if it meant losing that.

"O'Riley. Ben O'Riley, Ma'am," he replied. "I'll fill'em in on my way out, don't you worry about that, no need to fax." It would be slightly uncomfortable to have Gauss stay around in the waiting room while he filled in some papers, but he didn't have a fax machine so he would just have to do it that way. It was not his fault that the dog had eaten them, Gauss was used to seeing him carry food in his hand, not papers, so he had given them a bite and after seeing that they weren't meat, spat them out.

"He did not swallow the papers, just crunched'em up a bit and left them soggy," he tried to explain. "He's not human but he's not dumb. And I do feed him well. Good fresh meat, beans and other leftover stuff. Just not those crappy brown balls which look like goat shit." Ben had always fed his animals like he had seen his parents do it. Fruit peels were good for the chicken, although dogs would eat them now and again. Meat and fish was what they enjoyed the most, and sometimes just milk with some pieces of hard bread in it would do the job.

He was surprised to see how easy it was for the lady to get close to Gauss without him running away or even growling at her. She clearly was good at dealing with animals. At her question, he shrugged. "I noticed this 'bout a week ago. But it could've been more. You know, if I didn't have to come all the way over from my farm to get him checked, I'd have come sooner."

She started saying a lot of words which he didn't fully understand, but he didn't like the idea of getting his dog drugged. "He's not gonna bite you! But yeah, go ahead and give him the drugs if you need to. Just find out what's wrong with him. I believe the insurance covers that." He always made sure to buy insurance for dogs, and checked that basic diagnosis was covered. His older brother had once had a huge legal problem because a dog of his had bitten a kid and transmitted some kind of disease, so Ben made sure to keep his animals checked, vaccinated and healthy.

He was now slightly annoyed. It disgusted him that the vet was waiting to hear from him how he was going to pay before even starting to work. It just looked like she did not really care about the animals themselves. Besides, she was treating him as if he were some kind of inferior being, dumb as a kid but not even pity-inspiring. He was also sure that her attitude would have been different had he been dressed in a suit.
“I’m sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. O’Riley. Unfortunately this clinic just doesn’t have the resources to go on farm calls. However, I’m sure you could find someone who could. I must say though most clinics can provide better care to small animals in house than they could provide on wheels. A lot of this equipment just doesn’t come in a portable size.” She informed im with a little shrug. “Plus, most people will spend more on the treatment of a household pet than on a sheep in the flock. So we stay here where there are more people with pets and we use our fancy equipment. I’m sorry you’re so against what I’m doing here.” She spoke before opening up a sterile syringe. Savanna felt very similar about Ben’s attitude as he felt about hers. He was already getting under his skin about the way it was such an inconvenience for him to be a little flexible. What a country jackass. It almost made her rethink er plans for that night which were to go out drinking at a little country bar outside of town. Were they all like him?

Contrary to what Ben probably believed, Savanna had experience with livestock as well as small companion animals. The problem laid in that she had never worked with the owners of such animals: They were just shipped to the university for care and the students would help. Savanna used to be one of those students. However, she had made her career in the companion species. They were less risky as a general rule and way more fun to pet.

Savanna filled the syringe with a clear medicine before kneeling down next to the shepherd once more. She lifted the skin on the back of is wither after giving him a pat and injected the serum underneath the skin before rubbing the area to better distribute the medicine. Within a few minutes Gauss laid down looking Groggy. It was only then that Savanna stooped down and picked the dog up in her strong arms and lifted him onto the examination table where she laid him on his side and he laid their tiredly. He was too tired to care, but the truth was that he was in good hands. Savanna was one of the best young vets in the area and she took her job very seriously. Without speaking to Ben, she began her examination of the dog’s mouth. She pulled his long, floppy tongue aside and peered inside his bloodied mouth.

After a few minutes she let go of the dog’s mouth and let out a sigh before looking up at Ben. “Well… it certainly doesn’t look good, Mr. O’Riley. Gauss has several bleeding masses that are likely attacking his jaw as well. This time of tumor is usually a form of malignant cancer to the oral tissues that will eventually cause so many bone problems in his skull that he’ll face a world of urt. Based on how bad it is, I don’t think we can reverse it. However, treatments could make him more comfortable through his last days. The choice is yours, but I’d like to put him on a cocktail of pain meds and switch his diet to all soft foods. If we x-ray him we may be able to decide on some teeth to pull that are painful to him.”
The doctor became slightly more polite, so Ben tried to keep away his passive-agressive side. Politeness was important, he would not let the city take away his manners and open heart, so he listened to her ramble about why she had to work in a clinic, and replied as honestly as possible. "I understand, I mean, the world's just not what it used to, the country's dying and the city's growing, farming is a tough job which hardly pays off, and people go to the city looking for better lives," he sighed. "I'm not against what you do, it's just frustrating to feel like the world moves on and leaves you behind." He didn't want to get all poetic, so he just kept quiet while she sedated Gauss.

After a while, though, he didn't feel comfortable, seeing his dog go down like a zombie. "You see, ma'am, another reason why you probably don't get many like me is because in the country, most people would just shoot off the dog. He's old, he's done his job, why bother. I don't think it should be like that. This guy's given his best for me every day, and I can only do the same for him. I owe him a lot."

Ben could remember how Gauss had saved his father's life, when the old man had cut his leg with a scythe, up in a field well away from the house, which could only be harvested by hand because the tractor was too big. The dog had smelled the blood, called him and walked him over to his agonizing father. The ambulance came and put blood back into his body and in a couple of days he was well again. That was just one of the many stories he could remember, it had been such a long time with that dog... His father had died the previous year, but him and Gauss had always been very close. Taking care of him was more than just taking care of a work tool.

When the vet started speaking about what she'd found, Ben could only listen with respect. And when she finished talking, he froze for a couple of seconds. It appeared to be something irreversible and bad. His eyes filled with tears at the thought of all the pain Gauss must have been withstanding, without any huge complaints. He quickly wiped his face with the back of his hand, angry at the fact that his emotions had come out so quickly, and took a deep breath before replying.

"So... how long has he got?" He didn't really want to hear the answer. "How much would the painkillers cost? I can feed him whatever you say is best." That was the least he could do. The other option of extracting some teeth sounded pretty rough. Ben remembered his father saying he would not have surgery to remove a kidney when they had told him the cancer was all over him. It could have extended his life by a few months, but his father had decided to die with his whole body intact. Knowing how close the two were, Ben decided to give Gauss the same treatment he had hiven his father, although there was no way of asking the dog. "I don't think we can do the teeth extracting part. He wouldn't like waking up and finding half of his fangs gone. The painkillers are strong enough to soothe the ache of having all his teetch?" He asked, trying to gather all the information necessary, in order to make the best possible decission.
Savanna chewed the inside of her cheek as he asked her the million dollar question. How long? It was one of the hardest questions any veterinarian had to answer in his or her career. Not only because the answer always hurt the owners, but also because it was nearly impossible to know for sure. Some pets died far sooner than estimated. Others made some kind of miraculous recovery. It was just so hard to say. “Weeks, I’d say. Maybe a few months. I doubt he’ll still be around for the new year although it’s possible. If I were you, Mr. O’Riley, I’d let him retire. Let him be a lazy old guy his last few days and feed him his favorite foods. Maybe work a new pup alongside him so he can show them the ropes of whatever work dogs do on your farm. If you’re interested… my father breeds rough collies and has pups for sale. He could get you a really nice herding dog. Or if you’re more into guard type breeds, one of the vet techs here is looking to rehome a rottie.” She sighed.

“Unfortunately our furry friends aren’t immortal, and it’s our job to be there when it’s their time to go. If you’re not interested in surgery to slow down the progression of his cancer I would recommend you consider euthanasia when the time is right. He still seems happy enough now, but sooner or later he’s not going to be able to eat at all and chances are this malignant tumor will spread to his brain and start causing symptoms like seizures, behavior changes, or even blindness. When that happens, you may want to bring him back to have the procedure done.” She let her gloved, petite hand trail over the dog’s body as he lay tiredly on the examination table before gathering up a bit of gauze and cleaning out the shepherd's mouth of as much blood as she could.

“For a euthanasia, if you call in advance, I’d even be willing to drive out to your place and put him down there. Then he won’t be so stressed as he goes. He’ll be much more comfortable until his heart stops.” She looked up at Ben sympathetically before pulling off her gloves and tossing them in the trash. “We’re done for today. You can leave him here while you go fill out the paperwork, then he should be with it enough for you to walk im out to your car. He also won’t mind waiting so much with as high as he is, Mr. O’Riley.” She wiped her hands on her white lab coat and nodded a bit. “I’m finished here. If you have any questions or want to schedule a euthanasia you’ll just have to call the clinic and ask for me, Dr. Tucker. Have a good night, sir.” She nodded before ducking out of the room and letting out an exhale. That man had been exhausting with his sour attitude, but there was no doubt that she still hated having to give him that kind of news. Most farmers in the area wouldn’t care as much as he did about some farm dog. He was one of the few.


The rest of Savanna’s shift went over without a hitch. A few stitches, vaccines, and reassurances of owners that there was nothing wrong with their pets and she locked the front door and hung her lab coat up on the hook. It was 7pm and she had somewhere to be very soon. She went home, hopped in the shower, painted on a little bit of makeup, then pulled on daisy dukes, tennis shoes, and a simple white tank top before heading out to meet up with some of her friends. Tonight the trio of ladies were hitting up a new place outside of town. Laura, one of her good friends, stated that she ‘just couldn’t handle the douchebags in the city anymore’ and wanted to try and find some fresh, country meat. Savanna couldn’t say that she blamed her…. Neither one had had any luck at all with men in the city. Maybe they would have better luck with the exotic species found outside the city limits: cowboys.

Savanna and the girls carpooled and parked Savanna’s SUV in the dirt parking lot before crawling out. The music could be heard from outside, and the parking lot was full of muddied up trucks. “Yes! Girls, I am so riding on a country cock tonight. Just wait until I get a few beers into me!” Laura shouted excitedly causing Savanna to let out a small chuckle. She wasn’t on a mission for cock, exactly, but it would be nice to maybe get a phone number or something. However, the first priority was getting drunk and letting loose.

Within a few hours, Savanna had done just that. She sat at the bar with a jack and coke in hand and watched as man after man tried to impress the lady population by riding the mechanical bull. Most of them were entirely too drunk to stay on more than just a few seconds. LAura and their other friend Kelsay were long gone by now, leaving Savanna alone at the bar with her drink. She hummed quietly along to the song that she knew surprisingly well from her youth and played with the tiny straw between her plush lips. At this rate she would be heading home alone without even talking to anyone before it happened. What. A. Bust.
"Thank you for your help, Dr Tucker." was all Ben managed to say after her final comments. He could not think yet about getting a new dog, he still had another three over at the farm, and they would be enough to keep the sheep safe. Rotties didn't always work with a herd and collies were just too small. But he'd find something. He guessed it was just his time. Gauss had been his father's dog, and once the owner was gone, he had just done his duties until he was no longer able. He left the sleepy dog in the room and filled in the papers, it really wasnt' that much of a deal. Euthanasia made him feel uneasy, but if the pain was large, it was probably the best. At least he would let a professional do it, he could not bring himself to the job.

He went back into the room, collected Gauss, and carried him out in his arms, for the dog was still too sleepy to walk. It was getting late, and he still had to buy the painkillers, together with some useful stuff which he could only get in the city, and then head back home. It took him much longer than expected, because he did not know where to find the stores and people were just not concise in their explinations. They kept telling him to use the bloody gps or phone, but he only had an old brick-like phone with no internet access. Finally, when he had all that he required, he headed home. However, it was much later than he had expected, so he would probably have to make a stop somewhere to let Gauss sleep, and go back the next day.

Outside of the city he found some cheap motel where he rented a room. It looked more like a place to stay after a night of partying rather than a calm place in which to rest, and they didn't allow pets. So Gauss had to stay in the truck, sleeping in the driver's seat, one of his favourite spots. Hopefully there wouldn't be animal leftovers the next day when he had to drive. There was a lot of music coming from a bar opposite to the motel, and the sound was quite welcoming. No techno crap, just country, enjoyable music, like what they would get back at home when there was some party going on. He normally wouldn't have gone there, but he was in need of a drink to forget the terrible day he had just gone through.

He sat at a table, his hat covering most of his face, and ordered a double scotch. Most of the people there weren't even from the country, just sad city people looking for some kind of alternative entertainment, trying to fool each other into thinking that they were not who they actually were. Half of the cowboys there didn't even know what a real cow looked like. Ben could just tell. But then again, there was no way for the girls to know. And honestly, they probably didn't even care, as long as they had a good time. He almost laughed at some of their pathetic attempts to ride the mechanical bull. He was not going anywhere near that shit, fake like most of the stuff in that bar. He was a good rider himself, with real bulls. If you knew animals, you could predict their movements and hold on to them for as long as you wanted. Of course, a mechanical thing was different. It was just wrong.

Slowly, the bar began to lose it's crowd, as people headed over to the motel or other places to do what they had come to do. Ben was on his third drink and even though he was not drunk yet, it was making him tired and tipsy, but at least he could now sleep easily. He was about to leave when he spotted a familiar face, over a drink and sitting on her own. It was the vet, although she did look much hotter than with her white coat on. A lot of questions popped into his mind. He had seen her come in with some friends, but he had not recognised her at first. It didn't look like she was having the best of nights, and out of pure instinct, he decided to talk to her.

"Dr Tucker? Can I get you a drink?" He asked, as he moved over to where she was sitting, carrying his almost empty glass with him. For a moment the though of having mistaken her for someone else crossed his mind, but if that was the case, it was too late. He was just was too surprised to see her out there, on her own. After having met her at work, Ben didn't expect at all to find her at that kind of bar, so far away from the centre. "I'm just surprised to see you here."
Her eyes widened when she heard the familiar voice and she quickly set down her drink. “Oh god…” She muttered, flushing a bright red. When Savanna was drunk she was much more reactive to people who caught her off guard. At work, she was a wall. She did her best to be neutral and untouchable, but here… being touchable was kind of the goal. She ran her fingers through her hair, smelling like perfume now rather than blood and urine. “Good evening, Mr.O’Riley.” She finally muttered, bringing herself to look up at him and tossing her dark tendrils over her shoulder. It was… strange finding him here. Savanna ran into her customers from time to time on the town but most of them only recognized her but couldn’t put their finger on where from.

“Uh. Yeah. A drink would be nice.” She finally stated, looking down at her almost finished drink.. She was drunk as it was, so she knew she probably should aim for something a little less strong. “Just a beer would be great. Thank you.” She finally said, allowing her eyes to wander over the man in front of her. He looked a lot calmer now than he had in her clinic earlier that day. He also looked less pissed off, that was also a bit of a perk. He had acted like he hated her over half of her appointment with him, and the second half he just seemed neutral. He hardly seemed nice enough towards here to approach her at the bar, let alone offer to buy her a drink. What kind of twisted fate was this.

“I’m not at work anymore, Mr. O’Riley. You can call me Savanna. There’s no need for bringing my degree and student debt into this.” She said a bit teasingly as she brought her drink to her lips once more and took a long swig until the dark colored liquid had completely disappeared. She then set it back down and slid it across the counter so that the bartender could get ahold of it with the least amount of possible effort. She then tapped her fingertips on the wood surface of the bar quietly. Her fingernails were clipped short and chewed as short as possible without bleeding. Long nails weren’t exactly a luxury that veterinarians were able to have. They weren’t any more practical in her line of work than they would have been in his.

“So… is your farm near by? Do you come to this bar often? This is my first time here, and I’m quickly discovering that its less than ideal for me. My friends… however… seem to be enjoying it.” She muttered, motioning over Ben’s shoulder to where Laura, a bombshell blonde, had her skirt hiked up almost to her panties and a man’s tongue down her throat. The guy wore a cowboy hat, but everything about the stranger seemed entirely too clean to actually have anything to do with farms or livestock. Even to a ‘city girl’ like Savanna that was obvious. “At this rate I’ll be sobering up in the back seat of my car then calling them an uber in the morning.” She let out a little laugh. “I never have any luck in these kinds of places. And I know that its not because of the smell this time. I showered after work!”
Ben ordered two beers, as he was also starting to think that another strong drink may have not been a good idea. He smiled when he got her real name. That was a nice start, because talking to Dr Tucker again was not something he was really looking forward to. At least they could establish a difference between work and leisure life. Her attitude, in fact, was on a whole new level of proximity. Maybe it was the lack of stress, or the alcohol, or just the fact that she was not in a position of authority right now, but she did seem more approachable and Ben was happy for that.

"Finally I get your name! Please call me just Ben, I'm not important and I'm not even thirty" he said. He was 28, but he did look slightly older, as a large exposure to the sun and wind had roughened his face. Perhaps the beard also added age to his appearence. Judging from her comment on student debt and her soft features, she was probably even younger.

"I've got my farm about 50 miles from here, so I wouldn't say it's nearby," he answered, internally thanking her for having brought up any conversation topic. "I just had to run some errands, and I may have struggled to orient myself around the city, it was already very late, so I had to pick a motel to spend the night, and it happened to be the one opposite this bar. So it's also my first time here." He shrugged. The place was not somewhere he would regularly go. Music was decent, but the people around there, in general, were not to his liking. "I'm just not a pickup bar kind of person. Having fun with someone and then forgetting about them... It doesn't work like that in a village."

If he went to his local bar and tried to hook up with someone, everyone would know within 24 hours. Some people would judge him, others would just expect him to get married or at least go out for a couple of months, and others would just try to find the interest behind him or the girl trying to hook up with each other. There would be talks behind his back of the sort of 'They're just getting together for the money' and so on. He was used to that sort of environment, so it didn't bother him, but a sudden change like the bar in which he was sitting made him feel out of his habitat.

"Well, I guess everything depends on what you consider to be lucky. Maybe you were lucky that you didn't end up like your friends. That guy's above forty and so drunk I bet he can't even get hard tonight," he joked, pointing at the man who was screwing Savanna's friend. "Yeah, you definitely don't smell like my dog, thank God" he laughed. Her comment about having showered this time had been wierd but at the same time, genuine. And he appreciated people being open and honest. He had taken a shower in the motel but it was quite likely that his hat and clothes still carried some sort of slight animal smell to them. It was his life, he was used to it, and if someone complained, well, they could fuck off. Perhaps that was why he was still single.

He was not the kind of person to hit on a random girl at a bar, but Savanna was really hot, they were both slightly drunk, she was not completely random and they were both alone at a bar. Perhaps it wasn't such a bad idea. If it didn't work, he could just forget about her, and if it did, well, he didn't see any bad side to that either.

He took a sip of his beer and leaned on the bar, coming slightly closer to her as he rested his head on the back of his hand. "Just wondering, is there some kind of ethical code for vets not being able to date their patients?" He was aware of the fact that doctors and some other professionals were not legally authorised to do such things, but then again, her patients were animals and it would have just been wierd for her to go out with the animals she treated. "I meant the owners of your patients, of course... I wouldn't want to put you in a difficult position by buying you a drink." He was even considering the option of offering her his room to crash in, at least it would be more comfortable than the back seat of her car. "Although I guess it's already too late to ask," he laughed, taking the beer to his lips.

"By the way, you look gorgeous." He looked calm and serious, because he wanted her to know he was being honest, and not just telling her to make her feel better. "So if you don't get lucky it's just 'cause these idiots know that you're not as drunk as your friends and they don't stand a chance with you." Now he was clearly hitting on her, but he was still being honest. Her friends were not bad, but he would have clearly placed her at the top in terms of looks. He knew he wasn't bad looking himself, but under normal circumstances, in another bar, with other people around, with less alcohol in their systems... he would have probably not even tried. The risk of being turned down was something too big to face, especially if there were other people in the bar to judge you and laugh at you afterwards.
Things were different in the city. If you drove to a few blocks away to a bar and got laid, the odds were good that you wouldn’t see that person again. Savanna, while not as adventurous as her friends, had done that a few times herself. Savanna was usually the one who snuck out of the guy’s house by daybreak to head to work without leaving her number. Most of them were an alright lay, but they were no one she had any interest in seeing again unless circumstances were similar: a drunk night and a fuck there after. Savanna wasn’t quite like a lot of those small town girls. She wasn’t afraid of what people would say about her if she got laid. Most people wouldn’t care either way, but if they did that was their problem, not Savannas.

In all honesty, if she was interested in having ssex with someone she would probably express it. However, she wasn’t the type to get very hot and heavy in a bar. She had a reputation for her business to withhold. The last thing she needed was for a hundred strangers to see her panties like they were seeing Laura’s in that moment. Seeing her panties was a privilege only offered to some in a private place. Perhaps it was a privilege she would offer to Ben seeing as he was the only guy who had approached her tonight, but she hardly thought her stuck up customer from earlier in the day would be interested in her in such a non platonic way. But… maybe she was wrong.

“50 miles doesn’t seem too bad, but it’s better safe than sorry and just stay the night near town. Especially now that you’ve been drinking. Those back roads are dark this time of night. But lord knows you can see the stars as clear as day.” She smiled, reminiscing. Savanna had dated a guy once who was far from country, but he used to like driving his chevrolet out where there weren’t any street lights or people to catch them, and they would make love in the cab under the blanket of stars. It was probably the most romantic thing anyone had ever done or her. “It definitely works like that in the city.” She let out a little snort, taking a swig of the beer. “Neither one of my friends will know the names of those guys by morning, Mr. O’Riley. I’d bet money on that.” She laughed.

Savanna rolled her eyes playfully at his comment about smelling like his dog. “It’s not your dog I’m worried about. It’s the puppy that peed on me afterwards that would raise questions if anyone got within a few feet of me.” She took another swig of beer, raising a brow as he discreetly moved in closer. She was very good at reading behavior: after all, people weren’t so different from animals. She knew that he was talking about himself the moment the words slipped out of his mouth. “There’s nothing against me dating my customer’s, Mr. O’Riley. Except for the fact no one ever wants to date the girl who deals with nasty stuff all day for a living and it makes her laugh in the break room.” She shrugged a bit, her eyes glancing him over. How serious was he about this flirting thing? Was he aware of just what he might be getting himself into? After all, he had seemingly hated her earlier that day.

“Thank you.” She blushed a bit, glancing down. She wasn’t even as exposed as any of the women here, yet he had approached her so specifically. “You’re not so bad yourself, hotshot.” She offered him a wink. “And you’re right. I’m not that drunk, so I’m going to remeber everything you’re saying next time you stumble into my clinic without your paperwork.” She teased him before taking yet another drink. “So speak wisely.” She smirked. Savanna wasn’t bad looking, but she hardly believed she was out of league for any of these guys. Ben, however, was the only one who had drawn her attention thus far. If he played his cards right maybe they would both be getting lucky that night.
50 miles was not that much, but his truck was so old id struggled to go faster than 40mph. That, together with the fact that the frontlights were kind of broken (they flickered and were too unreliable) had made it impossible for him to consider returning to his farm, especially as the road was in a pretty bad condition. "I just couldn't make it back home, and I guessed I could do with a night of drinking and forgetting. It hasn't been my best day," he said. She should know why, as it had been her giving him the bad news. "And please stop calling me Mr O'Riley. I hate it. Sounds like my father or something."

"I would miss the stars so much if I lived in a city," he sighed. He knew the sky pretty well, as many nights in summer he had to sleep out with the herd, up in the mountains in the middle of nowhere. "They remind me of my father." He said no more. Bringing his father and the stars was not an easy topic and alcohol made him more emotional. Now he would always remember his father when he went out on his own, and Ben wanted to believe that he was somewhere up there. He took another gulp of beer and forced his mindset back into the situation at the bar and the hot girl in front of him.

"Oh God," was his reaction when she explained how a puppy had urinated all over her. "I know how that feels. You know, maybe we have the same problem, I'm dealing all day with the nasty stuff too. There's a point at which you either laugh it off, or you hate it." He had pretty disgusting day to day experiences. From impregnating sheep to helping out in births, to cleaning shit all day. Farmer meant getting dirty and everybody knew that. "Actually, I think the fact that you're willing to get dirty is kind of sexy. Clean, posh, city ladies who can't bear having some mud on their boots are just too artificial," he stated, trying to make that some kind of compliment. He could tell that she was slightly into him, at least at the start of their conversation she had been playing with her hair and most of the time she was looking at him, but Ben also knew he was really bad at flirting, at least city style.

The word hotshot brought a half smile to his face. No one ever called him that. "Hotshot, I like that! Much better than Mr O'Riley," he laughed. Then she referred again to the damn paperwork. "Why would anything I say now be relevant to your paperwork?" He asked, slightly puzzled by her comment. "Next time, though, it might be you stumbling into my farm." The fact was she had offered to go there and deliver euthanasia to Gauss when the time was right, and Ben did plan on paying for that service.

"Well, you know, it's getting late. If you wanna get lucky before there's only helpless dudes drunk to the bone in here, you might actually want to try that mechanic bull. It will get you everyone's attention," he said, as a girl just fell off, completecly exhausted, and a guy helped her up and took her to a quiet corner. It was terrible at imitating bull riding, but it definitely served the purpose of allowing people to have fun, and find an excuse to get together. He actually wanted to see her try that and lose all residue of her stubborn, bossy vet attitude. It would probably be fun to watch. "I'll lend you my hat for that purpose, if you're willing to try," he smiled, trying his best to encourage her and feeling some guilt for taking advantage of her state to make her do something like that. But the laughs would be worth it.
Savanna cocked her eyebrow. Sexy? She hasn’t exactly expected that one. Ben already had a weird way of getting up under her skin. The whole thing was strange. While Savanna was indeed a hopeless romantic like most women, she usually wasn’t impressed by the men she met so easily. “You think I’m sexy then?” She smirked. “I’ll remember that, hotshot.” She gave him a wink as she made eye contact with the slightly older man. “And I do miss the stars.” She admitted with a little shrug. It was true. She loved the country in theory at least, but she had no experience actually being out in the country other than dealing with a few large animals in vet school.

“I hold a lot of grudges over that paperwork, Ben. You can’t believe how many idiots stumble into my clinic.” She gave him a wink before chugging the rest of her beer and standing up. He had challenged her to ride the bull, and she was going to do just that. She plucked the hat off of his head, leaning in close enough that he could smell her perfume as she did. Savanna wanted Ben to know exactly how unlike dog pee she smelled. “Fine. I’ll ride the bull, but truth is the only attention I want right now is yours, hotshot.” She smirked. “And if I stay on I think that it’s only fair you give me a kiss. It doesn’t have to be anything steamy if you don’t want it to be, but you can’t get drunk at a bar full of city girls and not kiss one of them. Your neighbors won’t even know anything about what happens here.” She reminded him, raising an eyebrow tauntingly before she departed.

His hat was a bit too big for her and it smelled of dirt, sweat, and manure, but for some reason that didn’t even seen to phase the woman. She left him sitting at the bar as she headed to wait in line for the bull as some guy with a big, fake buckles was thrown off. Then it was her turn. Savanna whispered to the Dj at her hip, requesting a song for her ride then she looked to Ben one last time before stepping into the padded square around the black, plastic mechanical bull covered in a pelt that had obviously seen some wear and tear. She then turned, biting her lip as she locked eyes with Ben and hiking up the white tank top and tying it up such that her abdomen between the waistline of her shorts and where she had tied the shirt so it just covered her bra with a bit of clearance. She was toned an incredibly feminine with light tanned skin only blemished with with butterfly tattoo over her left hip. Then she crawled on the bull, still staring the man down. Was she crazy for doing this?

The song she had picked started playing as the bull started to move, and she broke her eye contact with Ben so that she could hold onto the leather strap with one hand. The animal replica began to move much quicker when the chorus hit and Savanna threw up her hand and let out a sweet “Yeehaw!” She smirked to herself. Her muscular thighs and abs were apparent as she put her strength towards staying on the contraption. Even drunk she was surprisingly strong and limber: all thanks to her daily trips to the gym and lifting big ass dogs from table to table all day. Savanna in this state was a sight to be seen. She rode as though she’d been riding these things in bars her entire life even though this was her first go.

When the cycle was over the bull came to a stop and Savanna hopped off of it without an issue, landing easily on her feet and walking away like it was nothing at all. However, just as Ben had suspected, that ride got her the attention she had been lacking the rest of the evening. A man, likely in his 40’s approached Savanna and instantly pulled her into him, taking the drunk woman off guard. Her eyes widened a bit as he slipped one hand into the back pocket of her jeans and slurred to her. “That was pretty impressive, little lady. I’d like to see you try it again in my hotel room. What’cha say?” The booze on his breath made Savanna turn away just to be rid of the smell and she wrinkled her nose in disgust. “No thanks.” She stated clearly before trying to slip away, but he gave her ass a firm squeeze and kept her close.Fuck. This is why I don’t go to bars.
Ben shrugged to her question of whether he thought she was sexy. He did smile when she finally called him Ben, and started to feel a tension grow at the top of his stomach when she continued to flirt with him. That was escalating pretty fast and would probably lead to more than just flirting. She dared herself to staying on the bull, saying that he would have to kiss her if she did. At no point did Ben officially agree, but his smile was probably enough.

"I'd love to see you try," he chuckled, expecting her to fall down within the minute. Was she telling the DJ to make it easy for her? Would she actually go that low for a kiss? He was probably going to make a move on her, even if she did fall off. A small amount of sweat began to accumulate in Ben's brow as he exchanged looks with Savanna and she tied her shirt. She was in amazing shape. Perhaps she would even be able to hold onto the bull.

A staring contest seemed to rise between them. Their eyes were locked and Ben was not backing off. Animals respected a consistent stare and so did people, it was a battle which he would never lose. Besides, it was a way of building tension and, slowly but consistently, he was more convinced that he wanted to kiss that girl as soon as the ride finished. As the machine started rocking back and forth, Savanna had to break eye contact with him, but the tension was still there. Her legs held tight onto the machine, and her body was able to withstand the sudden changes of velocity. Ben wanted to see her fall off and have a laugh, but something deeper inside wanted her to stay on and give him an excuse to kiss her.

And she succeeded. Ben smiled at her and walked over to the machine, ready to give her her price. However, it was true that she had the attention of the whole bar and a middle aged man was now advancing towards her, clearly drunk and with a lustful intention in his eyes. Ben hurried to Savanna's position but by the time he got there, the man was already harassing her and grabbing her ass.

"You filthy piece of shit, better leave my girl alone," was what Ben said as he came up behind the man, pulled his arm away from Savanna and shoved it upwards behind his back, twisting it into a position where he could, potentially, pop the arm out. Ben was not too muscular, but significantly strong, and nowhere near as drunk as the other man. He could clearly win in a fight, but he was not going to start it. When he made sure that Savanna was away from his grasp, he pushed the guy onto the floor and turned his back on him. It would take him a while to even get up, given his state.

"Are you OK?" He asked Savanna. The truth was he didn't even know why he had called her 'his girl'. It had been instinctive, but at the moment it had felt like it. "We should probably get out of here," he murmured, as he put an arm around her, trying to protect her with his body language from any other creepy dudes in that bar. He tried to be as calm as possible, as he could see in her eyes the same look an animal would show during a thunderstorm. "I'm sorry that guy had to ruin the night for you. You were actually amazing on that bull." Ben actually felt terrible for her, and was willing to stay with Savanna as long as necessary for her to recover from the shock. He didn't think it was the correct time to ask her for his hat and he let her keep it for a while, but he would not let the night end without having it back.
My girl. The title hovered in the veterinarian’s mind and she found herself caught off guard by it. Ben had, quite obviously, staked some sort of claim over the woman that night in that bacr and it made tingles trail along Savanna spine and butterflies to flutter around in her stomach as she thought of the meaning of it. At least drunk Ben had some sort of interest in her. Even if the feeling didn’t last it was still flattering that it ever even existed. After all, a few hours ago Savanna had been just been the bitchy vet who had told Ben that his dog was dying. Now what was she? His. Girl. It was so crazy, in fact, that it almost made Savanna forget what was happening until the quick movement of the guy being guided down onto the floor caught her eye. All she could do was stare at Ben as he started to reapproach.

“Uh… yeah. Im okay. It’s not the first time I’ve been groped in abar. Probably not the last either.” She stated, still dumbfounded about what the rancher had just done for her. Was he always that aggressive and protective. The warmth of his hand on her waist as he escorted her out made a small smile toy at the corners of her lips, and she followed. Once outside, she grabbed Ben’s hand and lead him around the side of the building were a light shone and the smokers usually hung out to grab a cig. Luckily, it was vacant now. Letting out a deep breath and pulling away from Ben’s grasp so that she could instead stand in front of him and keep him from wandering too far away, Savanna gently pressed a hand in his chest until he leaned against the metal siding of the bar. She had to take the reins now before this cowboy just rode away.

“Thank you.” She stated, just staring up at him from under the brim of his smelly hat. She then took ahold of the hat from he top and placed it back onto the man’s head where it belongs before tapping the brim. “You should have this back. It looks better on you anyway.” She smiled. It was true. In what she had seen of ben he truly wouldn’t be complete without that dingy hat. She then leaned in without any hesitation and pressed her lips into his as her hand remained stagnant on his chest. Savanna was careful not to be too overbearing in fear that Ben might spook easily just like his dog. The last thing she needed was for him to throw her on the ground the way he had thrown down that creep. She as she kissed him she was soft and gentle. She would remain that way unless he indicated that he wanted anything different.
Ben was angry at the fact that guys were just assuming that they had the right to touch girls at bars without their permission. It was just wrong and completely ruined the night for many girls who were just out to have fun. "It shouldn't be like that," was all he replied, after a grunt of annoyance, to Savanna's comment on the fact that there would be more.

He was still thinking about this when the girl grabbed his hand, with a smile which clearly showed that she was over the situation, and led him towards a lonely area. The first instinct was to be aware of possible thiefs or drug dealers or just scare city night people. Ben was not used to going out and every precaution was justified. However, when she stopped and stared at his eyes, he knew what was coming. He let her place a hand on his chest and push him back, while he took the chance to admire how pretty she was. For a country guy, that was a high score.

He placed his hat back on his head, not saying a word as she returned it. He did not flinch as she kissed him, letting their lips touch gently at first. He wanted more. Ben put a hand behind Savanna's neck and pressed her head slightly tighter against his, bringing up the intensity of the kiss. He did not separate, instead, he completely embraced her and only after a while did he bring his head apart, to speak. "I guess you earned that at the bull." He didn't wait for a reply, he turned around and pushed her instead against the metal bar. He gave her another kiss, this time using his tongue too. "This one was just 'cause I can."

He began to feel the heat in his neck as he became aroused by her smell and her kisses. Ben was not used to that kind of encounters and for him it was somewhat special to kiss a vet whom he hardly knew. But at that moment he could only think about how pretty she was, and how much he wanted to go all the way with her. "So do you wanna come over to my room?" He asked, straight and to the point. "I mean, you're not gonna spend the night in your car, right?" She had said that that was her plan, but it would be stupid of her to refuse a bed, unless she really disliked him, which, from her attitude, was clearly not the case.
The way Ben drew her in closer to the kiss sent a bolt of electricity through the young woman’s spine that originated from his hand on the back of her neck. More than as reward for her bull riding this kiss was a thank you to been for making her night better and protecting her from that gross looking man. It also could have been partially chalked up to the fact that he had called her ‘his girl’ and there was something about the statement that made Savanna want to be exactly that. At least for the night. She just smiled up at him as he talked, hanging onto his every word, but she didn’t have a chance to respond before he switched placed with her and pressed her back into the wall where he had been. She let out a soft squeak of surprise when he kissed her again, but soon she was leaning into it with her greedy mouth asking for more until their tongues danced in an action of passion.

She gasped for air when he pulled back, and she found herself flushed from the excitement. Then he asked her to come with him back to the hotel, and she bit down had on her lower lip and glanced away. She knew she shouldn’t fuck a customer, but she desperately wanted to accept his offer. “You want to have sex with me in a sleazy hotel, Ben?” She asked with a little chuckle. “If it’s a choice between that and sleeping in my car I promise you I’ll choose taking off your pants each and every time, hot shot.” She smirked as she leaned back and just looked at him for a moment. “I just hope I won’t disappoint you in bed as much as I disappointed you in my clinic today.”

Savanna reached her hands towards them until they came in contact with his abdomen. From there, she pressed them into his flesh and explored all that he might have to offer her under that shirt. It was safe to say that Dr. Tucker was not left unimpressed. She liked what she could see, feel, and taste, so it was time for hr to take the bait. She would get into bed with him now, and she wouldn’t even hesitate. He had won her over. She trailed her hands over him for awhile, the excitement building within her before she leaned in to steal a quick kiss.

“Lets go.” She whispered to him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressing into him with her entire body before whispering. “But youre going to have to carry me there so I can focus on kissing your neck.” She smirked before jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist and holding herself up until he could get his hands under her to support her weight. Her breasts and pelvis pressed into him longingly a sher lips connected with his neck and she started to kiss it over and over in a dozen places before settling on one and fofusing her energy there with nibbles and suckles. He would surely have a hickey in the morning.
Savanna's kiss was exciting, not only because of the passion which she was putting into it, but because of who she was. Ben had never been with a stranger, at least not with someone she had just met that day. And the feeling of going into the unkown, combined with the sense of being doing something perhaps inmoral, was exciting and stirred him inside completely.

"I never said I wanted to have sex, but if that's what you're looking for, we'll see what we can do," Ben shrugged and smiled, with a little chuckle. Of course he wanted sex, but he was just happy that she was that much into him, and he enjoyed teasing and taking advantage of that fact. "I don't think you'll disappoint me. Actually, you didn't disappoint me in your office, I was just probably not in the mood for being kind. Sorry," he said. And he meant it. He placed one last soft kiss on her lips, this one was just kind and caring, trying to show that he was not the grumpy man she had met in her clinic. At least not that night.

He let her explore beneath his shirt, relaxing as her veterinary hands went over his skin. It was a feeling that only doctors gave, as her expert touch completely disarmed his self defense. There's no way you're going to pull a doctor off you. He let her climb onto him, holding her legs so she could comfortably sit on his arms and nibble on his neck. At first the tingle was bearable, but later it just was too strong to ignore. Was she trying to give him a hickey? That would be hard to explain the next day.

"That's enough neck for the moment," he said. "You're so good at it I can't focus on walking." He chuckled again, somewhat nervously. Everything was exciting and new, and Ben was not used to dealing with those situations. The only way of walking he found was to grab Savanna's body, push it over his shoulder, and carry her like he carried lambs. She wasn't that heavy, and he found the position much more comfortable With her head hanging over his sholder onto his back, she probably didn't feel the same way, but it was the only way of getting to the hotel.

He carried her all the way to his room, not even stopping to give her a rest. When he closed the door behind him, he was careful not to hit her head against the wall. He walked over to the bed and dropped her on the matress, finding the situation quite funny. He was breathing heavily and his shoulder ached after the exercise, so he dropped his body beside hers and lay on the bed. "I'm just happy," he said. "And a bit drunk," he admitted, but that wasn't important. The important thing was the vet on his bed.
Savanna could sense his nervousness and it made her laugh a bit, but she eased up on his neck leaning back just enough to see the bruise forming that she had gifted him with. More than anything its purpose was to remind him of the girl he’d won over the next day. She had gone from annoyed by him, to disliking him, to feeling sorry for him, to wanting him all within one day. It was impressive, really, how everything went down. She nuzzled her nose into the hollow beneath his ear affectionately, figuring he would carry her to his room just like this. Unfortunately, however, she was dead wrong.

“Hey!” She yelped a bit, worried he was about to drop her, but instead he flung her over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes, making her chuckle once she realized what he was doing. “Was this just an excuse to get eye level with my ass?” She teased him, reaching one hand down to give his own derriere a squeeze through the denim that concealed it. He didn’t respond and instead hoofed it to his hotel room with her in tow, the point of his shoulder digging into her abdomen with the natural bounce of his walk. It was uncomfortable to say the least, but at least it meant he was serious about her staying the night with him.She appreciated his care with her head as he closed the door, but he still caught her off guard when he tossed her onto the bed. She let out a squeak of surprise then looked up at him with a crooked smile until he laid down beside her.

“I’m glad you’re happy, Ben.” She coed before sitting up beside him and looking down on him as he caught his breath. “But I think you’re more than happy and drunk.” She chuckled a bit, reaching out to run her fingertips along his well defined jaw. “I also think you’re nervous.” She pointed out before moving closer until she eventually climbed atop the man, straddling his pelvis as he let her haunches est against his upper thighs and groin. She pushed her hands under his shit again, trailing them along his ab as she looked down on him from her new perch. He looked so handsome tonight, but she had to admit that it might just be due to the drunk glasses she was wearing. She would have to see if she was still attracted to him in the morning when she slipped back out of his bed.

“Let me guess… small town boy who doesn’t have sex unless theres love. Otherwise the entire town will shame you for it. Does that sound about right?” She whispered, her hands moving downward until they found the buckle of his belt, then they gradually began working to unfasten it and let it hang loosely around his narrow hips as she trailed her hands upward once more and hiking his shirt up so that she could see his stomach rather than just feel it. “You’ve never had sex with a stranger because it’s not worth the consequences.” She guessed, looking up o his face with a cocked eyebrow so that he could either confirm or deny her observations as she touched him. Savanna wasn’t nervous. She had had plenty of one night stands and, out of them all, Ben was probably the safest one. He was sweet and genuinely protective. She had no doubts that he wouldn’t turn any of this against her.

“Listen.” She began, her hands halting over each of his hips: half on flesh and half on denim. “No one is going to know about this except you and I, so you should be safe from he scrutiny when you get back home to your town. No one you know or have ever met before is anywhere near here except for me, and I assure you I’m not only capable of keeping a secret, but I also won’t chase you down afterwards. There’s no strings attached here, Ben, and there won’t be unless we both decide to attach them later on.” She offered him a soft smile before leaning down to press her lips to his softly: more of a reassurance than anything else. She then just looked down at him with gentle eyes. “You just have to tell me what you want.”
Hell, yeah, he was nervous. His heart was beating much faster than usual and not only from the effort of carrying her to his room. He placed his hands under his head as he looked upwards at Savanna, who had decided to climb onto him. That move in itself was pretty arousing, and feeling her presence on top of him began to make him hard. His jeans would conceal most of that, but she was still likely to notice. "More than nervous I'd say I'm turned on," he replied, with a smile and a soft blush.

He didn't nod or shake his head at her analysis. She was mainly right, at least in the conceptual parts. He'd been going out with a couple of girls in his late teenage years and he probably didn't love them when they had sex, but that was part of the learning process. After becoming a man, her description of his life was pretty on point. "I guess I'm easy to read, or you're damn good at this." She finished unfastening his shirt and somehow now she could see his bear skin, together with her knowledge of his person, made him feel slightly unprotected. But it was still turning him on even more.

He followed her kiss of reassurance by sitting up and returning it. "I don't wanna think about tomorrow," was all he said after she tried to make him more comfortable with the idea of having a one night stand. "What I do want," he began speaking, as he held Savanna's back with one arm, allowing her to rest on it so he could look her in the eyes, "is to see you naked, like you see me." And he meant both physically and emotionally. He began pulling off her white shirt, exposing her bra. "I guess you're a city girl, probably had all kinds of fun with all kinds of people," he unfastened her fake belt and pulled it off with two quick tugs. "It's been a couple of good years for you, nice career, successful, young and pretty, but you're starting to feel like ordinary guys are only useful for a good fuck, maybe two. And there's an emptiness inside that you can't fill." Maybe he was going too far? "So you're searching for something different." He didn't know if he could be that which she was searching for. At that point, he didn't even care.

He had to use both hands and took some time to unfasten her bra, but once it was undone, he pulled it off her shoulders while gently running his hands over them. "But I don't give a damn what you're really looking for, 'cause you're hot and I'm turned on and the only thing I want is for both of us to have fun. And we can't really do that with these on". He pulled her close to him, so that hare bare breasts were squashed against his chest, and lifted her with little effort, pulling her shorts off, although her panties stayed on. He threw them on the floor and then leaned back on the bed, pulling Savanna down with him and whispering into her ear. "You can do whatever you want, but I love it when girls use their mouth. If you're good, I can return the favour." He let his hands slide off her back, finally, caressing her ass and then her thighs.
"It's my job to read cues and figure things out." She responded simply to his comment about 'being damn good' at this. It was rue. She was good at reading animals, but she was almost just as good at reading men. Perhaps it was her experience with them in setting similar to the one she was in now. She had no expectations that Ben would be interested in her past one night, but she was going to enjoy this night for all that it was worth.

Savanna leaned into his kisses trustingly as he wrapped an arm round her. She could indeed feel him starting to get firmer in his jeans, so she began to intentionally 'accidentally' brush her pelvis against his growing erection. Things were all going as planned until her started to analyze her and things were shockingly accurate. She broke the kiss and just stared at him a moment with a furrowed brow as he continued to speak. Never in her life had she been so easy fro someone to read, and she didn't like the way the roles had been reversed on her. It made her feel naked even as he was still working on taking her clothes off. She was only able o release a breath of release when he simplified things. I don't give a damn what you're really looking for. A simple night stand was more in her comfort zone.

With her breasts against him and her body naked save for he simple thing she had been wearing under her shorts, she kissed his neck while he whispered to her of his desires and she gave a simple nod. "I'm certainly not above having your cock in my mouth, Ben. Especially after how polite you've been tonight." She whispered back before moving around his head to roughly seize his lips in an act of passionate kisses. With his verbal permission to do anything she wanted she began to grind her hips into him, massaging her own sex with his bulge to coax the wetness out of her. She let out a stifled groan against his lips as her tongue busied itself with wrestling his and one hand reached up to turn off he lamp that illuminated the room around them.

Her hands both then traveled down to his jeans as she continued to kiss him, eventually unfastening his jeans and reaching inside to feel his hardened weaponry through the fabric of his underwear. He was of ample size, she could already tell, and he would make for a satisfying partner for here so long as he knew what he was doing. She would happily grant him the oral he had so calmly requested. ad he ever been inside a veterinarian's mouth before? She broke the kiss and climbed off of him just long enough to rid him of his jeans and boxers in one fell swoop while her other hand reached up to relieve him of his hat and place it on the night stand beside him. Now he was completely naked.

"I'm going to guess its been awhile since you were last with a woman, so I'll take it easy on you." She teased and she crawled down between his thighs with her breath already lapping at his erection. "But not too easy." She cooed before wrapping her fingers around the base and guiding him to her mouth where she quickly wrapped her lips around the bulbous head and let her tongue glide across the tip. She taunted him a few moments with those tantalizing licks before she began to bob her head on him with ease: his cock slipping past her lips and mouth and slowly being allowed to explore her throat in even strokes as she sucked him. Her hand wrapped around his length just below her lips and stroked along any part of him that did not occupy her oral cavity as she moved her head.

Before long she let out a moan of approval as she kept blowing him. Her fee hand rubbed gently along his thigh as her eyes fluttered open and she looked at him with her watery eyes. Even in the darkness of the room she could see him and she drank in all of his features as she sucked on his manhood. She could honestly say she had never before laid with anyone quite like Ben.
Savanna kept rocking her hips against his shaft and Ben could not help getting harder every time. Her soft, teasing voice gave him goosebumps and made his hearbeat speed up in anticipation to what was about to happen. His tongue was now so used to hers that kissing seemed the natural state, only separating to catch his breath back and go at it again. He couldn't remember the last time he had given in to a girl with so much passion and lust. And it felt good.

He was relieved to have both his jeans and underwear taken off, as the tightness around his cock was beginning to become uncomfortable, and although he already missed Savanna's lips on his mouth, he was beginning to focus on her grip. Her thin fingers were grasping the base as he reached his maximum hardness, and he was definitely not used to women's hands there. "It depends on what you consider a while, but... yeah. I don't do this often." There had been a time where, in summer, he would go to village parties and get drunk and try out some mischief with girls, but in general he didn't have sex unless he was dating someone. And the last time had been almost a year ago. He had almost forgotten how much he missed it.

A soft gasp of surprise escaped his lips as he felt the wetness of her mouth on his cock. That was definitely something he had not experienced in a long time, and it felt better than what he remembered. "Ohhh you're good," he commented, looking down and meeting her eyes in the dark, while her mouth carried on working on him. She probably had a decent amount of experience because all of the girls that had given him a blowjob before had been slightly boring at it. "That feels great," he commented, as he placed a hand on the back of her head, softly pushing it so that she would go deeper, but careful not to make her uncomfortable. He was not going to cum with the pace at which she was going, but he didn't want her to go faster. "Where did you learn to do this so well?" He gasped for air, as the pleasure made it difficult to concentrate on breathing. "Vet school? God I've been missing on a lot..."

After what felt like a lifetime of pleasure and happiness, Ben decided it was unfair to have Savanna suck on him for so long. She probably also wanted her desires satisfied, so without talking he pulled her away by her hair gently so that she would stop, and looked at her face with a smile. "You totally earned a reward," he teased, pulling her up and laying her looking upwards. He pulled off her painties, which stuck slightly to her wetness. At least she was in the mood, so his confidence boosted. He grabbed her hips and placed her in a comfortable position for him to put his head between her thighs. He had performed oral before, and in general girls had enjoyed it, but he had not been with someone with as much experience as Savanna, so she would be the hardest one to please so far.

He began slowly caressing the surface of her pussy with his tongue, breathing on her. He used his hands to keep her hips in place at first, but as the intensity of his licking increased, he moved them downwards to open her lips slightly. He gave most of his attention to her clit, feeling the warm bump with the tip of his tongue. Ben kept glancing at Savanna, to see what effect of his moves had on her. He could taste and feel her wetness, but he wanted to give her pleasure. He wanted her to enjoy it and to enjoy that night, and he didn't know why that desire was so strong, but he didn't give it much thought.
Savanna backed off without hesitation when he guided her away by her hair and she looked up at him as she took deep breaths. She could breathe well enough while she was giving head, but it was certainly easier to breath without a swollen cock between her lips. She was a willing partner in that she moved exactly how she was directed without any argument or hesitation. Ben had proven that he could be trusted when he had pulled that drunkard off of 'his girl' so Savanna had no intention of denying him now. Especially considering that he was offering to give her a special treat now.

Yes. Savanna had been with a considerable amount more men than Ben had been with women. However, most of them had not been as willing as Ben was to eat pussy. In fact, most of her session usually included Savanna giving a blow job then being fucked immediately afterwards. The fact that Ben was so willing to give her what she wanted earned him major brownie points in her book. It might even mean she'd be willing to sleep with him again if the opportunity arose, but she shook off the idea with the assumption that Ben probably didn't come to her neck of the woods all too often.

She let out a shaky breath when she felt his tongue begin to work and she laid her head back to enjoy the sensation. "Mmmm." She groaned quietly, one hand soon reaching down such that her long, slender fingers could run though his surprisingly soft head of hair. Her back arched as his intensity increased and instead of lightly touching his hair she soon found herself tugging on it and her whimpers of pleasure increased in frequency. She definitely wouldn't break his streak of satisfied partners. "I didn't figure you to be the type with such a nimble tongue, Ben..." She whispered to him and she shut her eyes tightly and arched her back even higher. A moan, louder that it's predecessors, echoes through her gullet and into the room. HE was about to make her cum.
Before he had the chance she pushed him away with a firm hand on the top of his head and she pressed her thighs together once more to cut off his access as she guided him back up to her level. With her thumb, she wiped the remnants of her essence off of his lips before she kissed him slow and soft. Her tongue twined with his and she let out a little groan that echoed through his mouth before she broke the kiss and wrapped her legs around his hips.

"Let me guess..." She said, letting out a little chuckle as she gazed up at her partner. "You didn't think you'd be getting laid tonight and don't have a condom." She said, cocking one eyebrow questioningly as one hand pushed downward along his abdomen gently until she found his erection. She stroked him with her palm, pressing his cock up against his own stomach as she gazed up at him with her head on the pillow and her hair strewn out all around her. "I never let a guy fuck me for the first time without a rubber, Ben." She cooed, leaning up to kiss at his neck and shoulders gently while she continued to pleasure im with her expert hand.

There was a part of her that enjoyed the fact that he would now think she was turning him down after all the work they had both already put in. She wanted to put him through the ringer a bit: probably because she liked the guy more than she ever really liked her hookups. He was sweet, genuine, and from what she could see up until this point he would be a very nice lay. She suckled lightly on the darkened patch of skin where she had already given him a hickey, and she broke away just to look up at him with a coy smile, knowing e must be quite nervous by now.

"Luckily for you, I'm going to make an exception, hotshot." She smirked, tightening her legs around him and pulling his pelvis closer to her own. She removed her hand from his cock and instead held his shoulder in her grip, waiting for him to make his move.
Ben frowned, slightly disappointed, when Savanna closed her legs to her own pleasure. He was being turned on by how much she was enjoying his oral skill, and he guessed she was just playing for the long term that night. He should probably take that as a compliment. "My tongue's not my only quality," he commented, trying to study her reaction to the proposal of taking it one step further.

They kissed as Savanna embraced him with her whole body, her warmth making him sweat as well as the situation. His dick was hard and he could feel the softness of her abdomen against it. Her hand and her voice made him even harder, but Ben gulped when she mentioned the lack of condom. Shit. "Well, to be honest, I was actually planning to sleep with Gauss tonight. They didn't let him in."

Ben shrugged when she said she would not let a guy fuck her without protection. That was understandable, he would not force her into anything she didn't want. But if she was going to cut him off, she could at least have let him finish her with his tongue. Her kisses, though, were making his erection almost unbearable. He wanted to get off, even if it wasn't inside her. "We don't need to..." She cut him halfway through the phrase, saying she would make an exception.

"Well, it's hard to say no to that." He lowered a hand to his cock and pushed the tip into the mouth of her wet pussy. For a second he froze and looked seriously at her. "I'm trusting I won't get AIDS from a doctor, and hopefully I won't get a call from you in nine months telling me I have a kid." He laughed off the concern and honestly trusted her just because she was a doctor, she had to know what she was doing. Slowly but steadily he pushed into her vagina, which was not only wet but surprisingly tight. He sighed with pleasure just by her ear. "Thank you for the exception, doctor, you won't regret it."

Once he was sure most of his cock was in, he pushed her on her back, holding her down with one hand placed between her breasts, and lifted one of her legs and placed it on his shoulder, holding her ankle with his other hand. He began pushing slowly, looking at her face for any signs of discomfort, and progressively increased the pace. It had been some time since his last fuck, and his pelvis muscles were not in their prime, but he did get a decent rhythm going. He had enough experience to know that speed was not the key. He tried rotating his hips in the movement, to make sure to brush against all areas of her vagina, trying to find her g-spot by judging from her reaction what gave her the most pleasure. He wanted to fuck and he wanted to cum but he wanted her to enjoy the process as well. If he cared about her pleasure and she cared about his, they would both enjoy more than if they approached it selfishly.

That was his mentality not only during sex, and that was why Ben was not comfortable in the city, because caring about others only resulted in others taking advantage of him. He was surprised to be thinking about something like that in that precise moment, so he turned his attention back to Savanna. "Girl, you can't imagine how I've missed this. Thank GOD they didn't let the dog in here. You're way better," he joked, while he rammed into her pussy, beginning to lose control of his movements and increasing in speed, following his desire to cum.
She let out a small sigh of relief when she felt him press the smooth head of his cock against her entryway. “I promise you won’t get any infections, darling.” She whispered before kissing at his shoulder. “As far as pregnancy… nothing is 100%, but I am an avid birth control user. We should be okay.” She reassured him as she ran a hand downward along his lean, muscular back. Her lips lingered, never straying far from his skin as she prepared herself for what was to come. She had never slept with a country boy like Ben before, but she already liked him a hell of a lot more than many of her other one night stands. He was giving and considerate. Her pelvic floor flexed in reaction when he pushed himself into her and a light groan left her lips in response to his words. “Of course not, Ben.”

She smiled when he took the reins then, pushing her into her back and hoisting her leg over his shoulder to give him an easy access point. The new angle allowed him to more easily sink deeper into her depths, forcing Savanna to bit down on her lower lip. “Fuck…” She whispered when he started to thrust. There was no discomfort, only pleasure as their bodies molded together. Ben seemed to be almost the perfect size for her pussy to take. She let out a low groan as he massaged upward into her g spot, and she reached out gently with one hand to hold his hip and keep him thrusting right into her most sensitive inner nerve endings, her nails lightly scratching him as his pace intensified even further.

Savanna looked up at the man, her mouth half open in an expression of pleasure as he fucked her just right. It was obvious to her that his focus was just as much on her pleasure as his own, and it made her all the more attracted to him. Savanna was definitely a city girl, but she could get used to this kind of a royal treatment. If it weren’t for the fact that the next time she saw Ben she would probably be putting his dog down, she’d probably attempt to sleep with him again then. She was very much enjoying this encounter, even as she continued to sober up as the beers wore off. “I’m glad I can take your mind off of your dog for awhile…” She let out a small laugh of amusement even as she kept bouncing on his pelvis.

Her orgasm was nearing after what seemed like an eternity of sex with the cowboy between her thighs. Her body tended and her back arched, but she held on just a little longer. She wanted Ben to be able to finish too. As the wet sounds of their furious intercourse filled her ears she looked up at him with longing eyes to see if she could gauge anything based on his expression. Was he close too? She wondered, panting from the effort to keep up with his stamina. He was doing very well for a man who claimed not to do this often.

“I’m going to cum for you, Ben.” She whispered, squeezing his erection tightly. “I want you to cum for me too.”
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