Dagor Dagorath - Character Profiles

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Jul 15, 2010
Lost in my own mind
The Basics ~

Birth Location:

Appearance ~

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Basic Physical Description:
Visual Representation:

Background ~

Sexual Orientation:
The Basics ~

Name: Nairë Pronounced: /ˈnaj.rɛ/
Birthday/Age:400 years old (Appears to be late twenties)
Birth Location:Mirkwood
Race:Silvan Elf

Appearance ~

Hair Color:pale blonde
Eye Color:blue/grey
Weight:136 lbs
Basic Physical Description:Slender with wide hips, tall, very long and tidy blonde hair. Fair complexion, blue grey eyes ringed by thick lashes, full lips.
Other Features:A small scar on her left shoulder, made by a poisoned orc spear that was not treated fast enough.

Visual Representation: Naire

Background ~

Personality:Loyal, honest, kind, can be a little distant, abrupt, blunt, patient.
History:Naire grew up happily in the forests of Mirkwood with her family, her parents Mireth (Mother) and Arthon (Father), and her elder brother Beren. During an orc raid Naire was caught unaware and nearly speared, her brother pushed her out of the way and the spear merely grazed her shoulder, before burying itself in her brothers chest. The wound was too great and he died. It took her and her parents a very long time to grieve his loss, but eventually they accepted it and moved passed it. Wanting to get away from Mirkwood and the oppressive darkness that had taken hold, Naire left and set out for Rivendell, there she began to study healing becoming extremely proficient in it. And there she also met and fell in love with a Ranger as he passed through. Many years later they were betrothed before he met a brutal death at the hands of a band of orcs. When news reached Rivendell, Naire was distraught, and from then on she closed her heart to others and became distant, not wishing to form attachments and suffer the loss when tragedy struck.
Family: Mother Mireth is a healer. Father Arthon is a warrior. BrotherBeren was a warrior/scout that died during an orc raid in Mirkwood.
Sexual Orientation:Straight.


The Basics

Name: Altáriel daughter of Anárion
Nickname: none (though if someone wants to give her one I wont object haha)
Gender: Female
Birthday/Age: Born-FO 192 Age-20
Birth Location: Dol Amroth, Gondor
Race: She is of the race of Men
Class: Middle-class, Merchant's Daughter.

Appearance ~

Hair Color: chocolate brown
Eye Color: pale, bright blue
Weight: 125
Height: 5'3"
Other Features: She has a small scar on the end of her left eyebrow, caused by a fall while she was playing.
Visual Representation:



Reserved and shy (when first she meets a person)
Outgoing (once she gets to know people)

History: Altáriel grew up a happy child despite being without a mother. Her father, a wealthy merchant, made sure she never wanted for anything material. Despite his doting she grew up relatively unspoiled. She took more pleasure in nature and the company of friends then in possessions. Her father, scared to waste a moment with his daughter, after losing her mother, took her on his travels often. Though he would leave her behind should the journey prove too long and arduous for a child, or too dangerous. By the time she reached her sixteenth year she had seen the majority of Gondor, and even a bit of Rohan, once she was old enough to make longer journey's.
Family: Mother: Elenwe, Died during childbirth, Father: Anárion a wealthy merchant, Brother: Achasson, son of Anárion a Swan-Knight
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


The Basics ~

Name: Éohild
Nickname: None as of yet
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Birth Location: Edoras, Rohan
Race: Men
Class: Shield Maiden

Appearance ~

Hair Color: Pale Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Weight: 120
Height: 5’4”
Basic Physical Description: Shes short at 5’4” and slender, her pale blonde hair reaches mid back when she lets it down, though most of the time its braided and pinned to keep it out of her face when shes training or preparing to go into battle. A light scar mars the clear skin of her left cheek. And she has a large scar that runs from the outside of her elbow almost to the inside of her wrist on her left arm from a surprise attack in which she used her unarmored arm to block.
Visual Representation:

Background ~

Personality: She is a fierce fighter, and outspoken when she agrees or disagrees with something. She is dedicated, hard working, loyal to a fault. With a temper that can spark at the drop of a pin. While shes surrounded by men most of the time she sees them as comrades and friends, almost brothers, she gets very flustered when men try to flirt with her.

History: Éohild grew up in Edoras, the fifth child of King Éomund and Queen Léofwyn. Life as a princess was ill suited to her, the politics of it, and the restrictions were hard to bear. Though it was clear being the youngest had its advantages, her parents doted on her.

Her and her sister were both trained as Shieldmaidens, though it was clear from the get go that Éohild was made for it. She excelled quickly and thrived. Being the youngest daughter, and being so far down the line of succession, she was permitted to join the ranks of the realms soldiers, though the privilege was hard won, after weeks of arguing her case to her parents. A condition was made that she be under her brother Éoblod’s command, currently he serves as the second Marshal of the Riddermark, and that should he deem the situation to dire she was to stand down. She earned the grudging respect of the men she fought with, men who thought a woman’s place was better served with her family.

Family: Father : Éomund (named for his great grandfather a few generations behind)Mother: Léofwyn Brothers: Elfwine (after his grandfather), Éoblod, Éoheort. Sister: Holdwyn.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Name: Aldwyn
Nickname: Randir
Gender: Male
Age: 65
Birth Location: Fornost, Arnor
Race: Dúnedain
Class: Ranger

Appearance ~

Hair Color: Dirty Blond
Eye Color: Amber
Basic Physical Description:
Visual Representation: { Aldwyn }

Background ~

Personality: Reserved and courteous with outsiders, with friends he is rowdy, passionate, and a little crude.

History: As a boy Aldwyn grew up on tales of his fathers adventures and his grandfathers adventures: Fighting all manners of monsters and evil men standing as a bulwark against darkness as best as they could and though he lived in the rebuilt city of Fornost he felt much more at home in the wilds, where as a child he could have all sorts of adventures of his own. It took many years of begging before his father trained him in the ways of the Northern Ranger, and by the time he was 8 he was training neigh every day with the same fervor as a child at play.

upon reaching the age of 18 Aldwyn went to find his own adventure, traveling up and down the continent as a wanderer, going from the northern Frodowastes to southern Harondor. He acrewed some wealth from various bounties he more or less fell into but the lifestyle of a bounty hunter certainly didn't suit him. he went on like this for many years his skills with the spear, bow, and sword growing with each confrontation with dens of evil -and dens of wild animals- that he encountered along his travels. even with all these trials he never really felt that he had done anything that he could really brag to his children about, to put his adventures alongside that of his father and grandfather. for the last few years he has returned to the North and acted as something of a peacekeeper in some of the more lawless parts of arnor... still dreaming of that one great adventure...

Family: The First born of Bergil - a ranger of the north. and Aarya- a healer living in hermitage. he has 3 sisters who are all still living in the city of Fornost.
Sexual Orientation: Straight

The Basics ~

Name: Thorburn Farman
Nickname: Thor
Gender: male
Age: 20
Birth Location: Dale
Race: human

Appearance ~

Hair Color: Dirty Blond
Eye Color:blue
Weight:180 (without armor)
Height: 5'10
Basic Physical Description:WIP
Visual Representation: { Thorburn}

Background ~

Personality: WIP
History: Farman doesn't remember much from before he was made sir Dormund's squire, at the age of 6 only bits and pieces of a road and a town just as destroyed as his memory. it was a rough childhood, sir Dormund was a... rough man, many years of war against Rhun had hardened him, and anything resembling child care was far from his mind. But during that upbringing Farman was made strong, given an endurance for pain beyond what many men could handle, through hard work he mastered the dwarven blade and dalish bow. For many years all he knew was training until the glorious day he was made a knight of dale. it wasnt long after that shining moment that Sir Gilraen passed away in his bed. and on the anniversary of his death the following year, the sun went out.
Family: Sir Dormund (deceased)
Sexual Orientation: Straight
The Basics ~
Name: Gilraen Bereniel
Nickname: Raen (pronounced "Rain")
Gender: Female
Age: 28, born on 6th of Nárië, during the 184th year of the Fourth Age.
Birth Location: Ithilien, Gondor
Race: Human
Class: Hunter/Weapon: { x bow x }, { x sword x }, { x dagger x }

Appearance ~
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Violet-blue
Weight: 135 lbs
Height: 5'3"
Basic Physical Description: She stands at 5'3", 135 lbs, with shoulder-length dark brown brown hair, blue-violet eyes, and her measurements are 36D-31-34.
Scars: Down her right arm from being thrown through a glass window after losing a bar fight, a bite scar on her torso from her first time hunting a bear with her father at the tender age of eleven - boy it really ragdolled her there for a bit!, and a few on her face and left arm from being thrown through the aforementioned window. She has a few small ones from childhood escapades as well, and enjoys telling the stories behind them.
Visual Representation: { x }

Background ~
Personality: A bit abrupt, low patience level, rough exterior with a good heart, and enjoys being outdoors. She is a little distrustful of people at first, no matter their race, but will warm up to them after bonding with them for a bit - her favorite way is over a good drink, but she also enjoys games.
History: Born to a hunter father and a seamstress mother, Raen had a fairly normal upbringing. From a young age, she showed that she had a knack for the bow, and despite her mother's protests, she often joined her father when he would go on his hunts. He died when she was fifteen, leaving behind his bow and heritage of loving the outdoors - both of which Raen picked up on immediately. She took up being the primary breadwinner in the family, hunting for food and for hides. Her outfit was made primarily by her mother, and remains, alongside her father's bow, her most treasured possession.
Family: Beren "Bear" Longsight (Father, former Ranger of Ithilien), Morwen (Mother, seamstress), no siblings. Both parents dead due to natural causes/illness - Father died when she was fifteen, and Mother died last year. Gilraen doesn't like to talk about it.
Sexual Orientation: Straight

The Basics ~
Name: Elerondiel Miriel Peredhel ("Half-elven")
Gender: Female
Age: 210, born on the 12th of Narvinyë, during the 2nd year of the Fourth Age
Birth Location: Gondor, grew up partly there and some in Rivendell.
Race: Half-elf
Class: Scholar(?)/Weapon: { x bow x}, { x sword x }

Appearance ~
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Light grey
Weight: 150
Height: 6'2"
Basic Physical Description: Tall, with brown hair and grey eyes. Has a few scars that aren't visible, from childhood mishaps.
Visual Representation: { x }

Background ~
Personality: Soft-spoken, courteous, kind, bookworm, and loves animals.
History: She was born to an Elven father and Human mother in the 2nd year of the Fourth Age. During her mother's lifetime, they lived in a home in Minas Tirith, as her mother had contracted an illness during her pregnancy that prevented her from travelling. After her mother passed away when Elerondiel was only fourteen, Elrohir decided to leave Minas Tirith behind, and return to his brother in Rivendell, bringing the young half-elf and all of her worldly possessions with them. Rivendell had become quiet in the years since Elrond's departure, and often it was a quiet place, with few visitors in the days she spent there. She grew up trained in the arts of the bow, though knowledge was more what she desired, and she plundered whatever knowledge her forefathers had left in Rivendell to her heart's content. Her only friends were her father, her uncle Elladan, her great-grandfather Celeborn, and the few Elves who came to Rivendell to live. Despite being related to Arwen, the only time she ever saw the queen was during her funeral during the 121st year of the Fourth Age.

Currently, she is travelling Middle Earth, collecting more knowledge.
Family: Father: Elrohir
Mother: Alassë
Uncle: Elladan
Siblings: A twin sister, named Melethiel, died at birth.
Sexual Orientation: She isn't interested in the opposite sex at this point in the venture. If that changes, I'll update this, haha.
The Basics ~

Name: Elvëon (Quenyan for Starlike One)/ Elchon (Sindarin for the same)
Nickname: The Wayfarer.
Gender: Male.
Age: 8,487 years of the Sun.
Birth Location: Tirion upon Túna
Race: Noldor/High Elf
Class: Warrior

Appearance ~

Hair Color: Jet black.
Eye Color: Indigo.
Weight: 246lbs.
Height: 6’4”
Basic Physical Description: Tall and tight of limb, with broad shoulders, a strong chest, a narrow abdomen, strong legs, and long black hair wound into a ponytail down his back. Ivory complexion, with keen indigo eyes, and a vertically scar running down his cheek behind his left eye.
Visual Representation: N/A

Background ~

Personality: Stern and austere, he is quick to anger and impatience, though he is capable of pity and generosity to those deserving of it.
History: Elvëon was born in the Years of the Trees in the far West. Much of this time is forgotten to him, being lost in his youth of countless millennia ago. As recounted elsewhere, Elvëon was present during the upheavals when Morgoth stole the SIlmarils and killed the Two Trees, though he did not follow Feanor or the others into exile, remaining loyal to the Valar and remaining in the West. Through long years, he was given over to the passion of star-gazing, observing over countless centuries the passages of the stars and trying to gleam the understanding of their nature. When the exiles were defeated in Beleriand by Morgoth in the First Age, he went with the Host of the West and for the first time, set foot on Middle-Earth as a combatant in the War of Wrath against the Enemy. He fought in many battles and garnered not a few wounds and injuries.

During the Second and Third Ages, he remained at peace in the continent of Aman in the west, recovering from the wounds and trauma he endured during the 80 year conflict that saw Beleriand sunk and destroyed in the exchange of Power between Morgoth and the Valar. For this 6500 year period, he did very little in regards to the events of Middle-Earth, being at peace.

Now, with the Dagor Dagorath coming to fruition, Elvëon has been selected by the Valar has an emissary to go to Middle-Earth with a dual purpose, the first being the recovery of the pieces of the Sun, which Melkor destroyed upon his return, while rallying the races of Middle-Earth to once again unite in their defiance of the Darkness. He is currently newly arrived at the Grey Havens in Lindon, where he has not set foot in nearly seven millennia.
Family: Anarórno (father, noldor), Élquassië (mother, noldor), Elenaner (brother, noldor).
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, and like most elves is celibate until they meet their fated companion.
Name: Moira Brandybuck
Nickname: Brandy
Gender: Female
Birth Location: The Shire
Race: Halfling
Class: Thief

Appearance ~

Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Green
Weight: 75 lbs.
Height: 3'10"
Basic Physical Description: Tall for Hobbit, especially a female, slender and athletic. Perhaps some small residual of her ancestor imbibing Ent-draught so many generations ago.
Visual Representation: ;)

Background ~

Personality: Easy going as most of her kindred, however is sometimes prone to rash outbursts and a bit of pride in her famous fore bearer.
History: It has been so long that many in the Shire believe the story of the Ring as merely legend. Moira has stubbornly insisted it was true and wants to prove her worth in that vein.
Family: Lobelia Bolger (Mother) and Lotho Brandybuck (Father)
Sexual Orientation: Assumes she is straight but has much to learn.
The basics

Name: Yazumen
Nickname: none
Gender: male
Age: 32
Birth location: Harad
Race: human
class: assassin


Hair color: black hair
Eye color: brown eyes
Weight: 210
Height: 6”2

Basic physical description: tall and slightly muscular despite how skinny he may look he is no weakling when it comes to carrying anything that seems a bit heavier than himself, he can manage and take care of himself pretty well wherever he must go
Visual representation: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/duP6BXgWIkg/hqdefault.jpg
weapons: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d4/c5/70/d4c5707380ae38429862aa6b41112038--curved-swords-hobbit-art.jpg


Personality: quiet and calm mostly to himself, cautious when meeting other people so it’s hard to trust others easily at first unless they prove otherwise, much rather solve problems by talking and coming into agreement then with swords but is not afraid to engage in any physical fights. To friends he is dependable, resourceful, and major help in coordinating strategies.

History: growing up in his homeland had taught him many things. Peace and war, life and death the natural and true facts that everyone in the world would experience by fate. His father being the only teacher who taught him these harsh realities as well as experiencing it first hand with his teachers death at the hands of the territorial war which had plagued the clans in the region for seemingly endless centuries. Now he leaves his home as a means to escape the fighting and find his true purpose in life, fight for something more and worthy of sacrificing his life to.

Family: yuusra (mother) hashrim (father)

Sexual orientation: straight
The Basics ~

Name: Thromi son of Flomli.
Nickname: Shortbeard.
Gender: Male.
Age: 31.
Birth Location: The Blue Mountains.
Race: Dwarf, of Durin’s Folk.
Class: Warrior/Craftsman/Smith.

Appearance ~

Hair Color: Brown.
Eye Color: Green.
Weight: 178lbs.
Height: 4’8”.
Basic Physical Description: A robust dwarf, of average height for his race, he is both strong of limb and chest, having worked a forge or anvil most of his life. He has long brown hair, intricately braided (to fit snugly under a helm) and hard green eyes. His beard, contrary to belief, is quite short for a dwarf, kept near to a stubble and thus earned him the nickname “Shortbeard” especially given that Durin’s Folk are regarded as “Longbeards”.
Visual Representation: Wears a tunic and trousers tucked into high boots beneath his long coat of dwarven forged chainmail, along with a surcoat atop of it, with a cloak, helmet, vambraces, and two short axes at his belt. He also carries a small hammer for crafting, along with other tinkering tools and so forth.

Background ~

Personality: Loves to drink and laugh, can be very stubborn but also enduring and hardy in regards to physical toil. Is undyingly loyal to those who earned his respect and admiration. Can hold grudges for a long time too if angered.

History: A young dwarf born in the prosperity of the Fourth Age, he has lived a life mostly of peace and labour. Like most dwarves, he took up the trade of mining and crafting when he was first capable of wielding a pickaxe or hammer. He lived much of his life in the Blue Mountains, where on the eastern slopes facing towards Eriador, the dwarves still had mines and halls. As he grew in age, Thromi began to travel much more often, first in the company of other traveling dwarves and then by himself, wishing to explore the vast world that was still relatively new and unknown to him. He is quite envious of his forebearers and fathers, having done what they did in the deeds of the War of the Ring and hopes one day to find his own adventure and share in the feats of valour passed down through the ages. However, until the return of Melkor, he’s been caught deeply in his family’s trade of dealing with the dwarves of the reclaimed kingdom of Khazad-Dum, to which he is often used as a message bearer between the two.

Family: Fromli (father), Nuki (mother), Floli (older brother), Fumi (older brother), Rami (older brother), Druki (younger brother).

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
Name: Lôminzil
Nickname: Night Flower
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Birth Location: Umbar
Race: Human (Black Númenórean)
Class: Witch /Enchantress

Appearance ~

Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Weight: 140 lbs
Height: 5' 8"
Basic Physical Description: Tall and athletic but with soft curves and skin to match the starlit night.
Visual Representation: :dodgy:

Background ~

Personality: Volatile, obsessive, and entitled. She can be manipulative, seductive, and calculating in furthering her destiny as she has been raised to believe it.
History: Bred and raised to fulfill a dark prophecy. Her life has been extremely sheltered and focused upon her perceived destiny as a conduit for Malkor's return. She has limited experience with the world beyond Umbar.
Family: An ancient strand of (not quite) pure Númenórean blood.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
The Basics ~

Name: Durwood Edricsson
Nickname: None yet.
Gender: Male.
Age: 22.
Birth Location: Eryn Lasgalen, Near the Ford of Carrock.
Race: Men, Northman of the Beornings/Woodsman tribes.
Class: Warrior

Appearance ~

Hair Color: Brown.
Eye Color: Blue.
Weight: 200 lbs.
Height: 6’3”.
Basic Physical Description: A tall, lanky and bearded Man, Durwood is muscled and farm strong from his time spent protecting Beorning and Woodsman villages from Orc raids and laboring in the fields as a youth. He has been trying to grow a beard, but much to his annoyance it is not quite as thick and full as he desires. His long hair hangs free and loose typically, but he ties it into a knot for battle.


Visual Representation: Durwood wears a Warg hide overcoat draped over a sturdy, thick, and brown leather surcoat that reaches below his knees. A coarse linen shirt under the surcoat is visible on his arms, which have various mismatched bits of metal armor, including vambraces on his forearms and a pauldron on his sword arm. He has a round, wooden shield with a central iron boss, carried on his back. His typical weapon is a one handed, light battle axe, although he also has a one-handed sword. He can use a bow and arrow, as all woodsman are trained, but carries only a small one for hunting and is a middling shot. He wears a necklace of Warg and Bear teeth around his neck.

Background ~

Personality: Outgoing and enthusiastic, Durwood exudes a youthful energy and optimism, but also displays a large amount of naiveté. Growing up in a rural and remote region, he is embarrassingly ignorant about the broader world except for what he has heard from minstrels' tales, songs, and traveler stories. Durwood tends to be trusting, loyal, and guileless, finding it impossible to hide if he doesn't like someone. Generally well tempered, the grim side of his Beorning blood comes out in battle or the rare times he loses his temper when he can become dark and vengeful. He shares the Beornings' typical dislike of Dwarves, and their obsession with metals. An excellent cook, Durwood can make the Boernings' renown honey-cakes and has a passion for spices, with the only restriction being he does not eat venison.

History: Durwood was born in the Fourth Age in the land that was given to the Beornings and the Woodsman in central Eryn Lasgalen by Thranduil and Celeborn. The youngest of three surviving children, his mother was a Beorning by blood and his father a Woodsman. He grew up in a rural village stuck between the Anduin River and the edge of the great forest, two days ride from the Carrock. His youth was spent toiling in his family farm and, as he grew older and showed skill and bravery with weapons, he later joined the patrols that protected the villages. They lived under the constant threat of Orc or Warg attack, and Durwood proved himself courageous, strong and capable as a warrior. He lacked the Beorning gift of skin changing, but has a limited and unreliable skill in finding his spirit animal, a deer, while asleep. Always eager for adventure, Durwood romanticized the tales he heard as a child of great wars, elves, dragons, and warriors defeating evil. With limited experience meeting outsiders, Durwood wants to see the world, especially Elves. The shattering of the sun and moon caused him to set off on to find his own adventure, confident that he could be a hero that could help defeat this new evil, whatever it might be!

Family: Edric (father), Aestille (mother), Egwald (older brother), Aellithe (older sister)

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
The Basics ~

Name: Achasson, son of Anárion.
Nickname: N/A.
Gender: Male.
Age: 27.
Birth Location: Dol Amroth, Gondor.
Race: Southern Dunedain/Men.
Class: Swan-Knight.

Appearance ~

Hair Color: Black.
Eye Color: Light blue.
Weight: 213lbs.
Height: 5’9”.
Basic Physical Description: A tall man, with a strong build from hauling sixty pounds of armour all day, with many wounds and scars across his body from battle.
Visual Representation:

Background ~

Personality: Reserved, though can be quite friendly when known. A tad bit too optimistic, has faith in everyone until is proven wrong, though even then he can be quite forgiving. Is protective of his family and people.

History: Achasson comes from a well-off and happy family, the eldest child and never lacking for anything in life. He studied much in the libraries of Dol Amroth, often staying so late he either had to be kicked out by the librarians or dragged out by his father. He had little regard for his father’s profession as a merchant, desiring more the lofty dreams of adventure he learned in his books and at a young age, went off to join the army of Gondor, though in his early years this consisted of nothing more than policing the border and peace-keeping missions aboard in the new territories conquered under King Elessar. He has not seen his family in nearly nine years.

Family: Anárion (father), Elenwe (mother), Altariel (younger sister).

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
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