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Family Values (AllThingsCuddly and GoldenGateSon)

Aug 22, 2016
It had been a tough few weeks. She and David had been together since before her modeling career. He had seen her beauty even before the agent that 'discovered' her at the age of fifteen. By the time she was nineteen not only were she and David engaged, she had appeared on the cover of Playboy magazine. It was shortly after that when David asked her to stop modeling. When a stalker followed her home one day and had to be fended off by David she finally gave up her modeling career. They were married soon after and only a month after their wedding she got pregnant.

That was sixteen years ago. She still had her stunning good looks and by looking at her you couldn't tell that she had a child. Her stomach was still smooth and unmarked by stretch marks. Her black hair was a radiant as ever and her C-cup breasts were still firm and perky. After her daughter was born she had worked with a physical trainer to get back in shape. Then when her daughter was old enough to be enrolled in school she started modeling again. It wasn't until she appeared on the cover of Maxim a year ago that David finally had enough and decided to leave her. No matter how many times she told him that she had never cheated on him, he wouldn't believe her.

For now she and her daughter were staying with family while she got back on her feet. Luckily her twin sister had been very accommodating. She had a four-bedroom home and it was just her and her teenage son about her own daughter's age. Both she and her daughter were given their own rooms. She couldn't help feel like her nephew was constantly checking her out though. But then, he was a teenage boy and he had a supermodel living in his home.

Her bedroom had a private bathroom but she never tended to lock the door, a bad habit most likely from living with her husband and daughter for so long. Annalise Starre was just slipping out of her bra and panties and into the shower when she heard a noise at her door. Grabbing the towel from the shelf she wrapped it around herself and stepped out into the hall to find her nephew standing there. He jumped when he realized he'd been caught but it was obvious what he had been doing. She set her hands on her hips. "My, my, what have we here: a peeping tom?"
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