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Fx Any Alien (Xenomorph) plot idea!


Sep 27, 2018

So I had this plot idea that I'm now rather craving, and I hope you're willing to indulge me a bit! I'm open to playing through this plot in threads or PMs (Threads are my preference, but willing to do PMs too).
So, onto the plot!

Weyland-Yutani have managed to successfully capture several live Xenomorph samples and have been performing experiments on them aboard a small space station in orbit of a remote colony. As always however something goes wrong, the Xenomorphs escaping their containment and beginning to over run the station. The emergency protocol kicks in and the station is knocked out of orbit, crashing onto the planet below, however some of the Xenomorph specimens have survived. Due to the experiments that were carried out on them however the Xenomorphs found themselves unable to create a new Queen from amongst themselves, nor are they able to create any eggs. However they also find themselves with a new ability, the ability to sense that one of the female humans in the nearby colony has DNA which is compatible for their needs.

In the dead of night the Xenomorphs infiltrate the colony and abduct the human female, bringing her back to the small nest they have built. There the Xenomorphs follow a new instinct, a very human and very male instinct, and mate with her. This results in the female becoming very rapidly impregnated, and within hours her womb contains a fully developed Xenomorph egg, which despite the size she is able to lay with little trouble. Within this egg however is something rather different, not a Face Hugger, but a Pussy Hugger, this creature attaching itself to the lower half of a female and impregnating them with a Xenomorph embryo which the female then gives birth to in a rather more natural fashion, allowing the same host to be bred multiple times.
As the originally abducted human female is mated with and bred for eggs more and more she begins to absorb some of their DNA, taking on some Xenomorph traits, resulting in abilities to crawl along walls and ceilings, increased strength/agility/senses and physical transformations that leave her a form of Human/Xenomorph hybrid looking something like one of these,
Not only that, but she begins to be able to understand and communicate with the other Xenomorphs, talking with them, accepting her role as their new queen, and deciding to further expand her hive across the galaxy.

So I'd be looking to play the originally abducted female human in this, with you playing as the Xenomorphs and us sharing the remaining human characters

If you think you might be interested in this plot then be sure to hit me up!
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